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'use strict';
const Joi = require('joi');
const MongoPaging = require('mongo-cursor-pagination');
const ObjectID = require('mongodb').ObjectID;
const tools = require('../tools');
const roles = require('../roles');
const { nextPageCursorSchema, previousPageCursorSchema, pageNrSchema, sessSchema, sessIPSchema } = require('../schemas');
module.exports = (db, server) => {
* @api {get} /users List registered Webhooks
* @apiName GetWebhooks
* @apiGroup Webhooks
* @apiHeader {String} X-Access-Token Optional access token if authentication is enabled
* @apiHeaderExample {json} Header-Example:
* {
* "X-Access-Token": "59fc66a03e54454869460e45"
* }
* @apiParam {String} type Prefix or exact match. Prefix match must end with `".*"`, eg `"channel.*"`. Use `"*"` for all types
* @apiParam {String} [user] User ID
* @apiParam {Number} [limit=20] How many records to return
* @apiParam {Number} [page=1] Current page number. Informational only, page numbers start from 1
* @apiParam {Number} [next] Cursor value for next page, retrieved from <code>nextCursor</code> response value
* @apiParam {Number} [previous] Cursor value for previous page, retrieved from <code>previousCursor</code> response value
* @apiSuccess {Boolean} success Indicates successful response
* @apiSuccess {Number} total How many results were found
* @apiSuccess {Number} page Current page number. Derived from <code>page</code> query argument
* @apiSuccess {String} previousCursor Either a cursor string or false if there are not any previous results
* @apiSuccess {String} nextCursor Either a cursor string or false if there are not any next results
* @apiSuccess {Object[]} results Webhook listing
* @apiSuccess {String} results.id Webhooks unique ID (24 byte hex)
* @apiSuccess {String[]} results.type An array of event types this webhook matches
* @apiSuccess {String} results.user User ID or null
* @apiSuccess {String} results.url Webhook URL
* @apiError error Description of the error
* @apiExample {curl} Example usage:
* curl -i http://localhost:8080/webhooks
* @apiSuccessExample {json} Success-Response:
* HTTP/1.1 200 OK
* {
* "success": true,
* "total": 1,
* "page": 1,
* "previousCursor": false,
* "nextCursor": false,
* "results": [
* {
* "id": "59cb948ad80a820b68f05230",
* "type": ["dkim.updated", "user.*"],
* "user": null,
* "url": "https://98f7ab80593b966da1fc1cf58ff79046.m.pipedream.net"
* }
* ]
* }
* @apiErrorExample {json} Error-Response:
* HTTP/1.1 200 OK
* {
* "error": "Database error"
* }
{ name: 'webhooks', path: '/webhooks' },
tools.asyncifyJson(async (req, res, next) => {
const schema = Joi.object().keys({
type: Joi.string().empty('').lowercase().max(128),
user: Joi.string().hex().lowercase().length(24),
limit: Joi.number().default(20).min(1).max(250),
next: nextPageCursorSchema,
previous: previousPageCursorSchema,
page: pageNrSchema,
sess: sessSchema,
ip: sessIPSchema
const result = schema.validate(req.params, {
abortEarly: false,
convert: true,
allowUnknown: true
if (result.error) {
error: result.error.message,
code: 'InputValidationError',
details: tools.validationErrors(result)
return next();
let permission;
let ownOnly = false;
permission = roles.can(req.role).readAny('webhooks');
if (!permission.granted && req.user && ObjectID.isValid(req.user)) {
permission = roles.can(req.role).readOwn('webhooks');
if (permission.granted) {
ownOnly = true;
// permissions check
let query = {};
if (result.value.type) {
query.type = result.value.type;
let user = result.value.user ? new ObjectID(result.value.user) : null;
if (ownOnly) {
user = new ObjectID(req.user);
if (user) {
query.user = user;
let limit = result.value.limit;
let page = result.value.page;
let pageNext = result.value.next;
let pagePrevious = result.value.previous;
let total = await db.users.collection('webhooks').countDocuments(query);
let opts = {
fields: {
// FIXME: hack to keep _id in response
_id: true,
// FIXME: MongoPaging inserts fields value as second argument to col.find()
projection: {
_id: true,
type: true,
user: true,
url: true
// _id gets removed in response if not explicitly set in paginatedField
paginatedField: '_id',
sortAscending: true
if (pageNext) {
opts.next = pageNext;
} else if ((!page || page > 1) && pagePrevious) {
opts.previous = pagePrevious;
let listing;
try {
listing = await MongoPaging.find(db.users.collection('webhooks'), opts);
} catch (err) {
error: 'MongoDB Error: ' + err.message,
code: 'InternalDatabaseError'
return next();
if (!listing.hasPrevious) {
page = 1;
let response = {
success: true,
type: result.value.type,
previousCursor: listing.hasPrevious ? listing.previous : false,
nextCursor: listing.hasNext ? listing.next : false,
results: (listing.results || []).map(webhookData => {
let values = {
id: webhookData._id.toString(),
type: webhookData.type,
user: webhookData.user ? webhookData.user.toString() : null,
url: webhookData.url
return permission.filter(values);
return next();
* @api {post} /webhooks Create new Webhook
* @apiName PostWebhook
* @apiGroup Webhooks
* @apiDescription Create new webhook
* @apiHeader {String} X-Access-Token Optional access token if authentication is enabled
* @apiHeaderExample {json} Header-Example:
* {
* "X-Access-Token": "59fc66a03e54454869460e45"
* }
* @apiParam {String[]} type An array of event types to match. For prefix match use `".*"` at the end (eg. `"user.*"`) or `"*"` for all types
* @apiParam {String} [user] User ID to match (only makes sense for user specific resources)
* @apiParam {String} url URL to POST data to
* @apiSuccess {Boolean} success Indicates successful response
* @apiSuccess {String} id ID of the Address
* @apiError error Description of the error
* @apiExample {curl} Example usage:
* curl -i -XPOST http://localhost:8080/webhooks \
* -H 'Content-type: application/json' \
* -d '{
* "type": ["dkim.created", "user.*"],
* "url": "https://98f7ab80593b966da1fc1cf58ff79046.m.pipedream.net"
* }'
* @apiSuccessExample {json} Success-Response:
* HTTP/1.1 200 OK
* {
* "success": true,
* "id": "59ef21aef255ed1d9d790e81"
* }
* @apiErrorExample {json} Error-Response:
* HTTP/1.1 200 OK
* {
* "error": "Database connection failed"
* }
tools.asyncifyJson(async (req, res, next) => {
const schema = Joi.object().keys({
type: Joi.array().items(Joi.string().trim().max(128).lowercase()).required(),
user: Joi.string().hex().lowercase().length(24),
url: Joi.string()
.uri({ scheme: [/smtps?/, /https?/], allowRelative: false, relativeOnly: false })
sess: sessSchema,
ip: sessIPSchema
const result = schema.validate(req.params, {
abortEarly: false,
convert: true
if (result.error) {
error: result.error.message,
code: 'InputValidationError',
details: tools.validationErrors(result)
return next();
// permissions check
let permission;
if (req.user && req.user === result.value.user) {
permission = roles.can(req.role).createOwn('webhooks');
} else {
permission = roles.can(req.role).createAny('webhooks');
result.value = permission.filter(result.value);
let type = result.value.type;
let user = result.value.user ? new ObjectID(result.value.user) : null;
let url = result.value.url;
let userData;
if (user) {
try {
userData = await db.users.collection('users').findOne(
_id: user
projection: {
address: true
} catch (err) {
error: 'MongoDB Error: ' + err.message,
code: 'InternalDatabaseError'
return next();
if (!userData) {
error: 'This user does not exist',
code: 'UserNotFound'
return next();
let webhookData = {
created: new Date()
let r;
// insert alias address to email address registry
try {
r = await db.users.collection('webhooks').insertOne(webhookData);
} catch (err) {
error: 'MongoDB Error: ' + err.message,
code: 'InternalDatabaseError'
return next();
let insertId = r.insertedId;
success: !!insertId,
id: insertId
return next();
* @api {delete} /webhooks/:webhook Delete a webhook
* @apiName DeleteWebhook
* @apiGroup Webhooks
* @apiHeader {String} X-Access-Token Optional access token if authentication is enabled
* @apiHeaderExample {json} Header-Example:
* {
* "X-Access-Token": "59fc66a03e54454869460e45"
* }
* @apiParam {String} webhook ID of the Webhook
* @apiSuccess {Boolean} success Indicates successful response
* @apiError error Description of the error
* @apiExample {curl} Example usage:
* curl -i -XDELETE http://localhost:8080/webhooks/59ef21aef255ed1d9d790e81
* @apiSuccessExample {json} Success-Response:
* HTTP/1.1 200 OK
* {
* "success": true
* }
* @apiErrorExample {json} Error-Response:
* HTTP/1.1 200 OK
* {
* "error": "This webhook does not exist"
* }
tools.asyncifyJson(async (req, res, next) => {
const schema = Joi.object().keys({
webhook: Joi.string().hex().lowercase().length(24).required(),
sess: sessSchema,
ip: sessIPSchema
const result = schema.validate(req.params, {
abortEarly: false,
convert: true
if (result.error) {
error: result.error.message,
code: 'InputValidationError',
details: tools.validationErrors(result)
return next();
let webhook = new ObjectID(result.value.webhook);
let webhookData;
try {
webhookData = await db.users.collection('webhooks').findOne({
_id: webhook
} catch (err) {
error: 'MongoDB Error: ' + err.message,
code: 'InternalDatabaseError'
return next();
// permissions check
if (req.user && webhookData && webhookData.user && req.user === webhookData.user.toString()) {
} else {
if (!webhookData) {
error: 'Invalid or unknown webhook identifier',
code: 'WebhookNotFound'
return next();
// delete address from email address registry
let r;
try {
r = await db.users.collection('webhooks').deleteOne({
_id: webhook
} catch (err) {
error: 'MongoDB Error: ' + err.message,
code: 'InternalDatabaseError'
return next();
success: !!r.deletedCount
return next();