'use strict'; const log = require('npmlog'); const consts = require('./consts'); const crypto = require('crypto'); class TaskHandler { constructor(options) { options = options || {}; this.database = options.database; this.keepAliveTimers = new WeakMap(); } async add(type, data, options) { options = options || {}; let now = new Date(); let notBefore = false; if (typeof options.wait === 'object') { notBefore = options.wait; } else if (typeof options.wait === 'number' && options.wait > 0) { notBefore = new Date(Date.now() + options.wait); } let insRes = await this.database.collection('tasks').insertOne({ task: type, locked: notBefore ? true : false, lockedUntil: notBefore || now, created: now, status: notBefore ? 'delayed' : 'waiting', data }); if (!insRes || !insRes.insertedId) { throw new Error('Failed to create task'); } log.verbose('Tasks', 'Created task id=%s', insRes.insertedId); return insRes.insertedId; } async ensure(type, matchQuery, data, options) { options = options || {}; let now = new Date(); let notBefore = false; if (typeof options.wait === 'object') { notBefore = options.wait; } else if (typeof options.wait === 'number' && options.wait > 0) { notBefore = new Date(Date.now() + options.wait); } let query = { task: type }; Object.keys(matchQuery).forEach(key => { query[`data.${key}`] = matchQuery[key]; }); let r = await this.database.collection('tasks').findOneAndUpdate( query, { $setOnInsert: { task: type, locked: notBefore ? true : false, lockedUntil: notBefore || now, created: now, status: notBefore ? 'delayed' : 'waiting', data }, $set: { updated: new Date() } }, { upsert: true, returnDocument: 'after' } ); if (!r || !r.value) { throw new Error('Failed to create task'); } let existing = false; if (r && r.lastErrorObject && r.lastErrorObject.upserted) { log.verbose('Tasks', 'Created task id=%s', r.value._id); } else { existing = true; log.verbose('Tasks', 'Updated task id=%s', r.value._id); } return { existing, task: r.value._id }; } keepAlive(task) { if (this.keepAliveTimers.has(task.lock)) { clearTimeout(this.keepAliveTimers.get(task.lock)); this.keepAliveTimers.delete(task.lock); } let keepAliveTimer = setTimeout(() => { this.extend(task) .then(() => { // set new timer try { if (this.keepAliveTimers.has(task.lock)) { this.keepAlive(task); } } catch (err) { log.error('Tasks', 'Failed processing %s [%s]. error=%s', task._id, task.lock.toString('hex'), err.message); } }) .catch(err => { log.error('Tasks', 'Failed to extend %s [%s]. error=%s', task._id, task.lock.toString('hex'), err.message); if (this.keepAliveTimers.has(task.lock)) { clearTimeout(this.keepAliveTimers.get(task.lock)); this.keepAliveTimers.delete(task.lock); } }); }, consts.TASK_UPDATE_INTERVAL); keepAliveTimer.unref(); this.keepAliveTimers.set(task.lock, keepAliveTimer); } async getNext() { let r; let lockId = crypto.randomBytes(12); r = await this.database.collection('tasks').findOneAndUpdate( { locked: false }, { $set: { locked: lockId, lockedUntil: new Date(Date.now() + consts.TASK_LOCK_INTERVAL), status: 'active', runStart: new Date() }, $inc: { runCount: 1 } }, { returnDocument: 'after' } ); if (!r || !r.value) { return { data: null, task: null }; } let task = { type: r.value.task, _id: r.value._id, lock: lockId }; // setup keep-alive timer this.keepAlive(task); log.verbose('Tasks', 'Found task for processing id=%s', r.value._id); return { // old tasks do not have a 'data' block data: 'data' in r.value ? r.value.data : r.value, task }; } async release(task, completed) { if (this.keepAliveTimers.has(task.lock)) { clearTimeout(this.keepAliveTimers.get(task.lock)); this.keepAliveTimers.delete(task.lock); } if (completed) { try { let r = await this.database.collection('tasks').deleteOne({ _id: task._id, locked: task.lock }); if (r && r.deletedCount) { log.info('Tasks', 'Released task id=%s lock=%s', task._id, task.lock.toString('hex')); } else { log.error('Tasks', 'Failed to release task id=%s lock=%s', task._id, task.lock.toString('hex')); } } catch (err) { log.error('Tasks', 'Failed to release task id=%s lock=%s error=%s', task._id, task.lock.toString('hex'), err.message); } } else { try { let r = await this.database.collection('tasks').updateOne( { _id: task._id, locked: task.lock }, { $set: { locked: false, status: 'waiting' } } ); if (r && r.modifiedCount) { log.info('Tasks', 'Requeued task id=%s lock=%s', task._id, task.lock.toString('hex')); } else { log.error('Tasks', 'Failed to requeue task id=%s lock=%s', task._id, task.lock.toString('hex')); } } catch (err) { log.error('Tasks', 'Failed to requeue task id=%s lock=%s error=%s', task._id, task.lock.toString('hex'), err.message); } } } async extend(task) { let r = await this.database.collection('tasks').updateOne( { _id: task._id, locked: task.lock }, { $set: { lockedUntil: new Date(Date.now() + consts.TASK_LOCK_INTERVAL), status: 'processing', extendTime: new Date() }, $inc: { extendCount: 1 } } ); if (!r || !r.modifiedCount) { throw new Error('Failed to extend task id=%s lock=%s error=No match found', task._id, task.lock.toString('hex')); } log.verbose('Tasks', 'Extended task id=%s lock=%s', task._id, task.lock.toString('hex')); return true; } async releasePending() { let r; try { r = await this.database.collection('tasks').updateMany( { locked: { $ne: false }, lockedUntil: { $lt: new Date() } }, { $set: { locked: false, status: 'waiting' } } ); if (r.modifiedCount) { log.info('Tasks', 'Released %s pending tasks', r.modifiedCount); } } catch (err) { log.error('Tasks', 'Failed releasing expired tasks. error=%s', err.message); } } } module.exports = TaskHandler;