'use strict'; let imapHandler = require('../handler/imap-handler'); let imapTools = require('../imap-tools'); // tag SELECT "mailbox" // tag EXAMINE "mailbox" module.exports = { state: ['Authenticated', 'Selected'], schema: [{ name: 'mailbox', type: 'string' }, { name: 'extensions', type: 'array', optional: true }], handler(command, callback) { let mailbox = imapTools.normalizeMailbox(command.attributes[0] && command.attributes[0].value || '', !this.acceptUTF8Enabled); let extensions = []. concat(command.attributes[1] || []). map(attr => (attr && attr.value || '').toString().toUpperCase()); // Is CONDSTORE found from the optional arguments list? if (extensions.indexOf('CONDSTORE') >= 0) { this.condstoreEnabled = true; } if (typeof this._server.onOpen !== 'function') { return callback(null, { response: 'NO', message: command.command + ' not implemented' }); } if (!mailbox) { // nothing to check for if mailbox is not defined return callback(null, { response: 'NO', code: 'NONEXISTENT' }); } this._server.onOpen(mailbox, this.session, (err, folder) => { if (err) { this.session.selected = this.selected = false; this.state = 'Authenticated'; return callback(err); } if (!folder || typeof folder === 'string') { this.session.selected = this.selected = false; this.state = 'Authenticated'; return callback(null, { response: 'NO', code: typeof folder === 'string' ? folder : 'NONEXISTENT' }); } // Set current state as selected this.session.selected = this.selected = { modifyIndex: folder.modifyIndex, uidList: folder.uidList, notifications: [], condstoreEnabled: this.condstoreEnabled, readOnly: (command.command || '').toString().toUpperCase() === 'EXAMINE' ? true : false, mailbox }; this.state = 'Selected'; // * FLAGS (\Answered \Flagged \Draft \Deleted \Seen) this.send(imapHandler.compiler({ tag: '*', command: 'FLAGS', attributes: [ [{ type: 'atom', value: '\\Answered' }, { type: 'atom', value: '\\Flagged' }, { type: 'atom', value: '\\Draft' }, { type: 'atom', value: '\\Deleted' }, { type: 'atom', value: '\\Seen' }] ] })); // * OK [PERMANENTFLAGS (\Answered \Flagged \Draft \Deleted \Seen \*)] Flags permitted this.send(imapHandler.compiler({ tag: '*', command: 'OK', attributes: [{ type: 'section', section: [ // unrelated comment to enforce eslint-happy indentation { type: 'atom', value: 'PERMANENTFLAGS' }, [{ type: 'atom', value: '\\Answered' }, { type: 'atom', value: '\\Flagged' }, { type: 'atom', value: '\\Draft' }, { type: 'atom', value: '\\Deleted' }, { type: 'atom', value: '\\Seen' }, { type: 'text', value: '\\*' }] ] }, { type: 'text', value: 'Flags permitted' }] })); // * OK [UIDVALIDITY 123] UIDs valid this.send(imapHandler.compiler({ tag: '*', command: 'OK', attributes: [{ type: 'section', section: [{ type: 'atom', value: 'UIDVALIDITY' }, { type: 'atom', value: String(Number(folder.uidValidity) || 1) }] }, { type: 'text', value: 'UIDs valid' }] })); // * 0 EXISTS this.send('* ' + folder.uidList.length + ' EXISTS'); // * 0 RECENT this.send('* 0 RECENT'); // * OK [HIGHESTMODSEQ 123] if ('modifyIndex' in folder && Number(folder.modifyIndex)) { this.send(imapHandler.compiler({ tag: '*', command: 'OK', attributes: [{ type: 'section', section: [{ type: 'atom', value: 'HIGHESTMODSEQ' }, { type: 'atom', value: String(Number(folder.modifyIndex) || 0) }] }, { type: 'text', value: 'Highest' }] })); } // * OK [UIDNEXT 1] Predicted next UID this.send(imapHandler.compiler({ tag: '*', command: 'OK', attributes: [{ type: 'section', section: [{ type: 'atom', value: 'UIDNEXT' }, { type: 'atom', value: String(Number(folder.uidNext) || 1) }] }, { type: 'text', value: 'Predicted next UID' }] })); // start listening for EXPUNGE, EXISTS and FETCH FLAGS notifications this.updateNotificationListener(() => { callback(null, { response: 'OK', code: this.selected.readOnly ? 'READ-ONLY' : 'READ-WRITE', message: command.command + ' completed' + (this.selected.condstoreEnabled ? ', CONDSTORE is now enabled' : '') }); }); }); } };