/* eslint new-cap: 0 */ 'use strict'; const imapFormalSyntax = require('./imap-formal-syntax'); class TokenParser { constructor(parent, startPos, str, options) { this.str = (str || '').toString(); this.options = options || {}; this.parent = parent; this.tree = this.currentNode = this.createNode(); this.pos = startPos || 0; this.currentNode.type = 'TREE'; this.state = 'NORMAL'; this.processString(); } getAttributes() { let attributes = [], branch = attributes; let walk = function(node) { let curBranch = branch; let elm; let partial; if (!node.closed && node.type === 'SEQUENCE' && node.value === '*') { node.closed = true; node.type = 'ATOM'; } // If the node was never closed, throw it if (!node.closed) { throw new Error('Unexpected end of input at position ' + (this.pos + this.str.length - 1)); } let type = (node.type || '').toString().toUpperCase(); switch (type) { case 'LITERAL': case 'STRING': case 'SEQUENCE': elm = { type: node.type.toUpperCase(), value: node.value }; branch.push(elm); break; case 'ATOM': if (node.value.toUpperCase() === 'NIL') { branch.push(null); break; } elm = { type: node.type.toUpperCase(), value: node.value }; branch.push(elm); break; case 'SECTION': branch = branch[branch.length - 1].section = []; break; case 'LIST': elm = []; branch.push(elm); branch = elm; break; case 'PARTIAL': partial = node.value.split('.').map(Number); branch[branch.length - 1].partial = partial; break; } node.childNodes.forEach(childNode => walk(childNode)); branch = curBranch; }.bind(this); walk(this.tree); return attributes; } createNode(parentNode, startPos) { let node = { childNodes: [], type: false, value: '', closed: true }; if (parentNode) { node.parentNode = parentNode; } if (typeof startPos === 'number') { node.startPos = startPos; } if (parentNode) { parentNode.childNodes.push(node); } return node; } processString() { let chr, i, len, checkSP = function() { // jump to the next non whitespace pos while (this.str.charAt(i + 1) === ' ') { i++; } }.bind(this); for (i = 0, len = this.str.length; i < len; i++) { chr = this.str.charAt(i); switch (this.state) { case 'NORMAL': switch (chr) { // DQUOTE starts a new string case '"': this.currentNode = this.createNode(this.currentNode, this.pos + i); this.currentNode.type = 'string'; this.state = 'STRING'; this.currentNode.closed = false; break; // ( starts a new list case '(': this.currentNode = this.createNode(this.currentNode, this.pos + i); this.currentNode.type = 'LIST'; this.currentNode.closed = false; break; // ) closes a list case ')': if (this.currentNode.type !== 'LIST') { throw new Error('Unexpected list terminator ) at position ' + (this.pos + i)); } this.currentNode.closed = true; this.currentNode.endPos = this.pos + i; this.currentNode = this.currentNode.parentNode; checkSP(); break; // ] closes section group case ']': if (this.currentNode.type !== 'SECTION') { throw new Error('Unexpected section terminator ] at position ' + (this.pos + i)); } this.currentNode.closed = true; this.currentNode.endPos = this.pos + i; this.currentNode = this.currentNode.parentNode; checkSP(); break; // < starts a new partial case '<': if (this.str.charAt(i - 1) !== ']') { this.currentNode = this.createNode(this.currentNode, this.pos + i); this.currentNode.type = 'ATOM'; this.currentNode.value = chr; this.state = 'ATOM'; } else { this.currentNode = this.createNode(this.currentNode, this.pos + i); this.currentNode.type = 'PARTIAL'; this.state = 'PARTIAL'; this.currentNode.closed = false; } break; // { starts a new literal case '{': this.currentNode = this.createNode(this.currentNode, this.pos + i); this.currentNode.type = 'LITERAL'; this.state = 'LITERAL'; this.currentNode.closed = false; break; // ( starts a new sequence case '*': this.currentNode = this.createNode(this.currentNode, this.pos + i); this.currentNode.type = 'SEQUENCE'; this.currentNode.value = chr; this.currentNode.closed = false; this.state = 'SEQUENCE'; break; // normally a space should never occur case ' ': // just ignore break; // [ starts section case '[': // If it is the *first* element after response command, then process as a response argument list if (['OK', 'NO', 'BAD', 'BYE', 'PREAUTH'].indexOf(this.parent.command.toUpperCase()) >= 0 && this.currentNode === this.tree) { this.currentNode.endPos = this.pos + i; this.currentNode = this.createNode(this.currentNode, this.pos + i); this.currentNode.type = 'ATOM'; this.currentNode = this.createNode(this.currentNode, this.pos + i); this.currentNode.type = 'SECTION'; this.currentNode.closed = false; this.state = 'NORMAL'; // RFC2221 defines a response code REFERRAL whose payload is an // RFC2192/RFC5092 imapurl that we will try to parse as an ATOM but // fail quite badly at parsing. Since the imapurl is such a unique // (and crazy) term, we just specialize that case here. if (this.str.substr(i + 1, 9).toUpperCase() === 'REFERRAL ') { // create the REFERRAL atom this.currentNode = this.createNode(this.currentNode, this.pos + i + 1); this.currentNode.type = 'ATOM'; this.currentNode.endPos = this.pos + i + 8; this.currentNode.value = 'REFERRAL'; this.currentNode = this.currentNode.parentNode; // eat all the way through the ] to be the IMAPURL token. this.currentNode = this.createNode(this.currentNode, this.pos + i + 10); // just call this an ATOM, even though IMAPURL might be more correct this.currentNode.type = 'ATOM'; // jump i to the ']' i = this.str.indexOf(']', i + 10); this.currentNode.endPos = this.pos + i - 1; this.currentNode.value = this.str.substring(this.currentNode.startPos - this.pos, this.currentNode.endPos - this.pos + 1); this.currentNode = this.currentNode.parentNode; // close out the SECTION this.currentNode.closed = true; this.currentNode = this.currentNode.parentNode; checkSP(); } break; } /* falls through */ default: // Any ATOM supported char starts a new Atom sequence, otherwise throw an error // Allow \ as the first char for atom to support system flags // Allow % to support LIST '' % if (imapFormalSyntax['ATOM-CHAR']().indexOf(chr) < 0 && chr !== '\\' && chr !== '%') { throw new Error('Unexpected char at position ' + (this.pos + i)); } this.currentNode = this.createNode(this.currentNode, this.pos + i); this.currentNode.type = 'ATOM'; this.currentNode.value = chr; this.state = 'ATOM'; break; } break; case 'ATOM': // space finishes an atom if (chr === ' ') { this.currentNode.endPos = this.pos + i - 1; this.currentNode = this.currentNode.parentNode; this.state = 'NORMAL'; break; } // if ( this.currentNode.parentNode && ((chr === ')' && this.currentNode.parentNode.type === 'LIST') || (chr === ']' && this.currentNode.parentNode.type === 'SECTION')) ) { this.currentNode.endPos = this.pos + i - 1; this.currentNode = this.currentNode.parentNode; this.currentNode.closed = true; this.currentNode.endPos = this.pos + i; this.currentNode = this.currentNode.parentNode; this.state = 'NORMAL'; checkSP(); break; } if ((chr === ',' || chr === ':') && this.currentNode.value.match(/^\d+$/)) { this.currentNode.type = 'SEQUENCE'; this.currentNode.closed = true; this.state = 'SEQUENCE'; } // [ starts a section group for this element if (chr === '[') { // allowed only for selected elements if (['BODY', 'BODY.PEEK'].indexOf(this.currentNode.value.toUpperCase()) < 0) { throw new Error('Unexpected section start char [ at position ' + this.pos); } this.currentNode.endPos = this.pos + i; this.currentNode = this.createNode(this.currentNode.parentNode, this.pos + i); this.currentNode.type = 'SECTION'; this.currentNode.closed = false; this.state = 'NORMAL'; break; } if (chr === '<') { throw new Error('Unexpected start of partial at position ' + this.pos); } // if the char is not ATOM compatible, throw. Allow \* as an exception if (imapFormalSyntax['ATOM-CHAR']().indexOf(chr) < 0 && chr !== ']' && !(chr === '*' && this.currentNode.value === '\\')) { throw new Error('Unexpected char at position ' + (this.pos + i)); } else if (this.currentNode.value === '\\*') { throw new Error('Unexpected char at position ' + (this.pos + i)); } this.currentNode.value += chr; break; case 'STRING': // DQUOTE ends the string sequence if (chr === '"') { this.currentNode.endPos = this.pos + i; this.currentNode.closed = true; this.currentNode = this.currentNode.parentNode; this.state = 'NORMAL'; checkSP(); break; } // \ Escapes the following char if (chr === '\\') { i++; if (i >= len) { throw new Error('Unexpected end of input at position ' + (this.pos + i)); } chr = this.str.charAt(i); } /* // skip this check, otherwise the parser might explode on binary input if (imapFormalSyntax['TEXT-CHAR']().indexOf(chr) < 0) { throw new Error('Unexpected char at position ' + (this.pos + i)); } */ this.currentNode.value += chr; break; case 'PARTIAL': if (chr === '>') { if (this.currentNode.value.substr(-1) === '.') { throw new Error('Unexpected end of partial at position ' + this.pos); } this.currentNode.endPos = this.pos + i; this.currentNode.closed = true; this.currentNode = this.currentNode.parentNode; this.state = 'NORMAL'; checkSP(); break; } if (chr === '.' && (!this.currentNode.value.length || this.currentNode.value.match(/\./))) { throw new Error('Unexpected partial separator . at position ' + this.pos); } if (imapFormalSyntax.DIGIT().indexOf(chr) < 0 && chr !== '.') { throw new Error('Unexpected char at position ' + (this.pos + i)); } if (this.currentNode.value.match(/^0$|\.0$/) && chr !== '.') { throw new Error('Invalid partial at position ' + (this.pos + i)); } this.currentNode.value += chr; break; case 'LITERAL': if (this.currentNode.started) { //if(imapFormalSyntax['CHAR8']().indexOf(chr) < 0){ if (chr === '\u0000') { throw new Error('Unexpected \\x00 at position ' + (this.pos + i)); } this.currentNode.chBuffer[this.currentNode.chPos++] = chr.charCodeAt(0); if (this.currentNode.chPos >= this.currentNode.literalLength) { this.currentNode.endPos = this.pos + i; this.currentNode.closed = true; this.currentNode.value = this.currentNode.chBuffer.toString('binary'); this.currentNode.chBuffer = Buffer.alloc(0); this.currentNode = this.currentNode.parentNode; this.state = 'NORMAL'; checkSP(); } break; } if (chr === '+' && this.options.literalPlus) { this.currentNode.literalPlus = true; break; } if (chr === '}') { if (!('literalLength' in this.currentNode)) { throw new Error('Unexpected literal prefix end char } at position ' + (this.pos + i)); } if (this.str.charAt(i + 1) === '\n') { i++; } else if (this.str.charAt(i + 1) === '\r' && this.str.charAt(i + 2) === '\n') { i += 2; } else { throw new Error('Unexpected char at position ' + (this.pos + i)); } this.currentNode.literalLength = Number(this.currentNode.literalLength); this.currentNode.started = true; if (!this.currentNode.literalLength) { // special case where literal content length is 0 // close the node right away, do not wait for additional input this.currentNode.endPos = this.pos + i; this.currentNode.closed = true; this.currentNode = this.currentNode.parentNode; this.state = 'NORMAL'; checkSP(); } else { // Allocate expected size buffer. Max size check is already performed // Maybe should use allocUnsafe instead? this.currentNode.chBuffer = Buffer.alloc(this.currentNode.literalLength); this.currentNode.chPos = 0; } break; } if (imapFormalSyntax.DIGIT().indexOf(chr) < 0) { throw new Error('Unexpected char at position ' + (this.pos + i)); } if (this.currentNode.literalLength === '0') { throw new Error('Invalid literal at position ' + (this.pos + i)); } this.currentNode.literalLength = (this.currentNode.literalLength || '') + chr; break; case 'SEQUENCE': // space finishes the sequence set if (chr === ' ') { if (!this.currentNode.value.substr(-1).match(/\d/) && this.currentNode.value.substr(-1) !== '*') { throw new Error('Unexpected whitespace at position ' + (this.pos + i)); } if (this.currentNode.value !== '*' && this.currentNode.value.substr(-1) === '*' && this.currentNode.value.substr(-2, 1) !== ':') { throw new Error('Unexpected whitespace at position ' + (this.pos + i)); } this.currentNode.closed = true; this.currentNode.endPos = this.pos + i - 1; this.currentNode = this.currentNode.parentNode; this.state = 'NORMAL'; break; } else if (this.currentNode.parentNode && chr === ']' && this.currentNode.parentNode.type === 'SECTION') { this.currentNode.endPos = this.pos + i - 1; this.currentNode = this.currentNode.parentNode; this.currentNode.closed = true; this.currentNode.endPos = this.pos + i; this.currentNode = this.currentNode.parentNode; this.state = 'NORMAL'; checkSP(); break; } if (chr === ':') { if (!this.currentNode.value.substr(-1).match(/\d/) && this.currentNode.value.substr(-1) !== '*') { throw new Error('Unexpected range separator : at position ' + (this.pos + i)); } } else if (chr === '*') { if ([',', ':'].indexOf(this.currentNode.value.substr(-1)) < 0) { throw new Error('Unexpected range wildcard at position ' + (this.pos + i)); } } else if (chr === ',') { if (!this.currentNode.value.substr(-1).match(/\d/) && this.currentNode.value.substr(-1) !== '*') { throw new Error('Unexpected sequence separator , at position ' + (this.pos + i)); } if (this.currentNode.value.substr(-1) === '*' && this.currentNode.value.substr(-2, 1) !== ':') { throw new Error('Unexpected sequence separator , at position ' + (this.pos + i)); } } else if (!chr.match(/\d/)) { throw new Error('Unexpected char at position ' + (this.pos + i)); } if (chr.match(/\d/) && this.currentNode.value.substr(-1) === '*') { throw new Error('Unexpected number at position ' + (this.pos + i)); } this.currentNode.value += chr; break; } } } } class ParserInstance { constructor(input, options) { this.input = (input || '').toString(); this.options = options || {}; this.remainder = this.input; this.pos = 0; } getTag() { if (!this.tag) { this.tag = this.getElement(imapFormalSyntax.tag() + '*+', true); } return this.tag; } getCommand() { let responseCode; if (!this.command) { this.command = this.getElement(imapFormalSyntax.command()); } switch ((this.command || '').toString().toUpperCase()) { case 'OK': case 'NO': case 'BAD': case 'PREAUTH': case 'BYE': responseCode = this.remainder.match(/^ \[(?:[^\]]*\])+/); if (responseCode) { this.humanReadable = this.remainder.substr(responseCode[0].length).trim(); this.remainder = responseCode[0]; } else { this.humanReadable = this.remainder.trim(); this.remainder = ''; } break; } return this.command; } getElement(syntax) { let match, element, errPos; if (this.remainder.match(/^\s/)) { throw new Error('Unexpected whitespace at position ' + this.pos); } if ((match = this.remainder.match(/^[^\s]+(?=\s|$)/))) { element = match[0]; if ((errPos = imapFormalSyntax.verify(element, syntax)) >= 0) { throw new Error('Unexpected char at position ' + (this.pos + errPos)); } } else { throw new Error('Unexpected end of input at position ' + this.pos); } this.pos += match[0].length; this.remainder = this.remainder.substr(match[0].length); return element; } getSpace() { if (!this.remainder.length) { throw new Error('Unexpected end of input at position ' + this.pos); } if (imapFormalSyntax.verify(this.remainder.charAt(0), imapFormalSyntax.SP()) >= 0) { throw new Error('Unexpected char at position ' + this.pos); } this.pos++; this.remainder = this.remainder.substr(1); } getAttributes() { if (!this.remainder.length) { throw new Error('Unexpected end of input at position ' + this.pos); } if (this.remainder.match(/^\s/)) { throw new Error('Unexpected whitespace at position ' + this.pos); } return new TokenParser(this, this.pos, this.remainder, this.options).getAttributes(); } } module.exports = function(command, options) { let parser, response = {}; options = options || {}; parser = new ParserInstance(command, options); response.tag = parser.getTag(); parser.getSpace(); response.command = parser.getCommand(); if (['UID', 'AUTHENTICATE'].indexOf((response.command || '').toUpperCase()) >= 0) { parser.getSpace(); response.command += ' ' + parser.getElement(imapFormalSyntax.command()); } if (parser.remainder.trim().length) { parser.getSpace(); response.attributes = parser.getAttributes(); } if (parser.humanReadable) { response.attributes = (response.attributes || []).concat({ type: 'TEXT', value: parser.humanReadable }); } return response; };