'use strict'; const ObjectID = require('mongodb').ObjectID; const ImapNotifier = require('./imap-notifier'); const { publish, MAILBOX_CREATED, MAILBOX_RENAMED, MAILBOX_DELETED } = require('./events'); class MailboxHandler { constructor(options) { this.database = options.database; this.users = options.users || options.database; this.redis = options.redis; this.loggelf = options.loggelf || (() => false); this.notifier = options.notifier || new ImapNotifier({ database: options.database, redis: this.redis, pushOnly: true }); } create(user, path, opts, callback) { this.database.collection('mailboxes').findOne( { user, path }, (err, mailboxData) => { if (err) { return callback(err); } if (mailboxData) { return callback(null, 'ALREADYEXISTS'); } this.users.collection('users').findOne( { _id: user }, { projection: { retention: true } }, (err, userData) => { if (err) { return callback(err); } if (!userData) { return callback(new Error('User not found')); } mailboxData = { _id: new ObjectID(), user, path, uidValidity: Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000), uidNext: 1, modifyIndex: 0, subscribed: true, flags: [], retention: userData.retention }; Object.keys(opts || {}).forEach(key => { if (!['_id', 'user', 'path'].includes(key)) { mailboxData[key] = opts[key]; } }); this.database.collection('mailboxes').insertOne(mailboxData, { writeConcern: 'majority' }, (err, r) => { if (err) { if (err.code === 11000) { return callback(null, 'ALREADYEXISTS'); } return callback(err); } publish(this.redis, { ev: MAILBOX_CREATED, user, mailbox: r.insertedId, path: mailboxData.path }).catch(() => false); return this.notifier.addEntries( mailboxData, { command: 'CREATE', mailbox: r.insertedId, path }, () => { this.notifier.fire(user); return callback(null, true, mailboxData._id); } ); }); } ); } ); } rename(user, mailbox, newname, opts, callback) { this.database.collection('mailboxes').findOne( { _id: mailbox, user }, (err, mailboxData) => { if (err) { return callback(err); } if (!mailboxData) { return callback(null, 'NONEXISTENT'); } if (mailboxData.path === 'INBOX' || mailboxData.hidden) { return callback(null, 'CANNOT'); } this.database.collection('mailboxes').findOne( { user: mailboxData.user, path: newname }, (err, existing) => { if (err) { return callback(err); } if (existing) { return callback(null, 'ALREADYEXISTS'); } let $set = { path: newname }; Object.keys(opts || {}).forEach(key => { if (!['_id', 'user', 'path'].includes(key)) { $set[key] = opts[key]; } }); this.database.collection('mailboxes').findOneAndUpdate( { _id: mailbox }, { $set }, {}, (err, item) => { if (err) { return callback(err); } if (!item || !item.value) { // was not able to acquire a lock return callback(null, 'NONEXISTENT'); } publish(this.redis, { ev: MAILBOX_RENAMED, user, mailbox, previous: mailboxData.path, current: newname }).catch(() => false); this.notifier.addEntries( mailboxData, { command: 'RENAME', path: newname }, () => { this.notifier.fire(mailboxData.user); return callback(null, true, mailbox); } ); } ); } ); } ); } /** * Deletes a mailbox. Does not immediatelly release quota as the messages get deleted after a while */ del(user, mailbox, callback) { this.database.collection('mailboxes').findOne( { _id: mailbox, user }, (err, mailboxData) => { if (err) { return callback(err); } if (!mailboxData) { return callback(null, 'NONEXISTENT'); } if (mailboxData.specialUse || mailboxData.path === 'INBOX' || mailboxData.hidden) { return callback(null, 'CANNOT'); } this.database.collection('mailboxes').deleteOne( { _id: mailbox }, { writeConcern: 'majority' }, (err, r) => { if (err) { return callback(err); } if (r.deletedCount) { publish(this.redis, { ev: MAILBOX_DELETED, user, mailbox, path: mailboxData.path }).catch(() => false); } let deleteFilters = async () => { try { let filters = await this.database .collection('filters') .find({ user, 'action.mailbox': mailbox }) .toArray(); if (!filters) { return; } for (let filterData of filters) { // delete one by one for logging try { let r = await this.database.collection('filters').deleteOne({ _id: filterData._id }); if (r && r.deletedCount) { await publish(this.redis, { ev: `filter.deleted`, user, filter: filterData._id }); } } catch (err) { this.loggelf({ user, mailbox, action: 'delete_filter', filter: filterData._id, error: err.message }); } } } catch (err) { this.loggelf({ user, mailbox, action: 'delete_filter', error: err.message }); } }; deleteFilters() .then(() => { // send information about deleted mailbox straight to connected clients this.notifier.fire(mailboxData.user, { command: 'DROP', mailbox }); this.notifier.addEntries( mailboxData, { command: 'DELETE', mailbox }, () => { this.database.collection('messages').updateMany( { mailbox }, { $set: { exp: true, // make sure the messages are in top of the expire queue rdate: Date.now() - 24 * 3600 * 1000 } }, { multi: true, writeConcern: 1 }, err => { if (err) { return callback(err); } let done = () => { this.notifier.fire(mailboxData.user); callback(null, true, mailbox); }; return done(); } ); } ); }) .catch(() => false /* should not happen */); } ); } ); } update(user, mailbox, updates, callback) { if (!updates) { return callback(null, false); } this.database.collection('mailboxes').findOne( { _id: mailbox }, (err, mailboxData) => { if (err) { return callback(err); } if (!mailboxData) { return callback(null, 'NONEXISTENT'); } if (updates.path && updates.path !== mailboxData.path) { return this.rename(user, mailbox, updates.path, updates, callback); } let $set = {}; let hasChanges = false; Object.keys(updates || {}).forEach(key => { if (!['_id', 'user', 'path'].includes(key)) { $set[key] = updates[key]; hasChanges = true; } }); if (!hasChanges) { return callback(null, true); } this.database.collection('mailboxes').findOneAndUpdate( { _id: mailbox }, { $set }, {}, (err, item) => { if (err) { return callback(err); } if (!item || !item.value) { return callback(null, 'NONEXISTENT'); } return callback(null, true); } ); } ); } } module.exports = MailboxHandler;