#! /bin/bash # These are all the common global variables and global functions. AUT_HOSTNAME=`hostname` export AUT_SAFETY=true export AUT_HOME="${HOME}" # maybe a more robust way? # COLOR VARIABLES export RED='\033[0;31m' export GREEN='\033[0;32m' export ORANGE='\033[0;33m' export YELLOW='\033[1;33m' export BLUE='\033[0;34m' export NC='\033[0m' # No Color # GLOBAL FUNCTIONS fun_get_password(){ # If we are not root, we should aquire the sudo password if [ `whoami` == 'root' ] then PASSWORD='' else echo -n "GIMME your password! ($OURNAME):" read -s PASSWORD echo -e "\n" fi } export -f fun_get_password fun_check_password_boolean(){ # Check if the $PASSWORD is good or not # TODO: if hostname can not be resolved (/etc/hosts misses # then sudo outputs 'cannot resolve hostname', so this check # "obviously" fails. sudo -k #disable sudo timeout #prime it echo $PASSWORD | sudo -S echo hello &> /dev/null local RESULT=$(echo $PASSWORD | sudo -S sudo -n echo hello 2>&1) if [ "$RESULT" == "hello" ]; then echo 'Correct password.' return 0 else echo 'Wrong password.' return 1 fi } export -f fun_check_password_boolean fun_check_password(){ if ! fun_check_password_boolean; then echo -e "${RED}ERROR:${NC} Wrong password, we should quit now." exit 1 fi } export -f fun_check_password fun_get_user_variables_no_default(){ # get REMOTE_SERVER_EMAIL, if not supplied, quit. No default. local VARIABLES=("${!1}") local TMP_DEFAULT local TMP_USER local TMP_READ echo "Automatic timeout is 120 sec" for i in ${VARIABLES[@]}; do TMP_DEFAULT=DEFAULT_$i echo -n "GIMMME the $i (username, eg: ${!TMP_DEFAULT}), no default value:" read -t 120 TMP_READ echo "" declare -g USER_$i=$TMP_READ TMP_USER=USER_$i if [ "${!TMP_USER}" == "" ]; then echo -n "${TMP_USER} can not be empty. Please give it again:" read -t 130 TMP_READ declare -g USER_$i=$TMP_READ TMP_USER=USER_$i if [ "${!TMP_USER}" == "" ]; then echo "Second try failed. Quitting..." exit 1 fi fi done } export -f fun_get_user_variables_no_default fun_get_user_variables_password(){ # get REMOTE_SERVER_PASSWORD, no default, suppress echoing back local VARIABLES=("${!1}") local TMP_DEFAULT local TMP_USER local TMP_READ echo "Automatic timeout is 120 sec" for i in ${VARIABLES[@]}; do TMP_DEFAULT=DEFAULT_$i echo -n "GIMMME the $i (password, eg: ${!TMP_DEFAULT}), no default value:" read -t 120 -s TMP_READ echo "" declare -g USER_$i=$TMP_READ TMP_USER=USER_$i if [ "${!TMP_USER}" == "" ]; then echo -n "${TMP_USER} can not be empty. Please give it again:" read -t 130 -s TMP_READ declare -g USER_$i=$TMP_READ TMP_USER=USER_$i if [ "${!TMP_USER}" == "" ]; then echo "Second try failed. Quitting..." exit 1 fi fi done } export -f fun_get_user_variables_password fun_get_user_variables(){ # get USER_HOST_PORT, if not supplied, autofill with DEFAULT_HOST_PORT, etc local VARIABLES=("${!1}") local TMP_DEFAULT local TMP_USER local TMP_READ echo "Automatic timeout is 30 sec" for i in ${VARIABLES[@]}; do TMP_DEFAULT=DEFAULT_$i echo -n "GIMMME the $i (default: ${!TMP_DEFAULT}):" read -t 30 TMP_READ echo "" declare -g USER_$i=$TMP_READ TMP_USER=USER_$i if [ "${!TMP_USER}" == "" ]; then declare -g USER_$i=${!TMP_DEFAULT} fi done } export -f fun_get_user_variables fun_prepare_run_command(){ # prepare the runcommand variable. # Must be called before fun_echo_command and fun_run_command TEMPLATE=$(cat < "/var/opt/$1.git/hooks/update" chmod +x "/var/opt/$1.git/hooks/update" } export -f hook_script function hook_script_bower { echo "#!/bin/bash git --git-dir=/var/opt/$1.git --work-tree=\"/opt/$1\" checkout "\$3" -f cd \"/opt/$1\" rm -rf package-lock.json npm install --progress=false npm run bowerdeps sudo $SYSTEMCTL_PATH restart $1 || echo \"Failed restarting service\"" > "/var/opt/$1.git/hooks/update" chmod +x "/var/opt/$1.git/hooks/update" } export -f hook_script_bower