'use strict'; const imapTools = require('../imap-tools'); const imapHandler = require('../handler/imap-handler'); // tag STATUS "mailbox" (UNSEEN UIDNEXT) module.exports = { state: ['Authenticated', 'Selected'], schema: [ { name: 'path', type: 'string' }, { name: 'query', type: 'array' } ], handler(command, callback) { let path = Buffer.from((command.attributes[0] && command.attributes[0].value) || '', 'binary').toString(); let query = command.attributes[1] && command.attributes[1]; let statusElements = ['MESSAGES', 'RECENT', 'UIDNEXT', 'UIDVALIDITY', 'UNSEEN', 'HIGHESTMODSEQ']; let statusItem; let statusQuery = []; // Check if STATUS method is set if (typeof this._server.onStatus !== 'function') { return callback(null, { response: 'NO', message: 'STATUS not implemented' }); } if (!path) { // nothing to check for if mailbox is not defined return callback(null, { response: 'NO', code: 'CANNOT', message: 'No folder name given' }); } if (!Array.isArray(query)) { return callback(null, { response: 'BAD', message: 'Invalid arguments for STATUS' }); } // check if status elements are listed if (!query.length) { return callback(null, { response: 'BAD', message: 'Empty status list' }); } // check if only known status items are used for (let i = 0, len = query.length; i < len; i++) { statusItem = ((query[i] && query[i].value) || '').toString().toUpperCase(); if (statusElements.indexOf(statusItem) < 0) { return callback(null, { response: 'BAD', message: 'Invalid status items' }); } if (statusQuery.indexOf(statusItem) < 0) { statusQuery.push(statusItem); } } path = imapTools.normalizeMailbox(path, !this.acceptUTF8Enabled); // mark CONDSTORE as enabled if (statusQuery.indexOf('HIGHESTMODSEQ') >= 0 && !this.condstoreEnabled) { this.condstoreEnabled = true; if (this.selected) { this.selected.condstoreEnabled = true; } } this._server.onStatus(path, this.session, (err, data) => { let response; let values = { RECENT: 0 }; if (err) { return callback(err); } if (typeof data === 'string') { return callback(null, { response: 'NO', code: data.toUpperCase() }); } if (data) { response = { tag: '*', command: 'STATUS', attributes: [ command.attributes[0], // reuse the mailbox declaration from client command [] ] }; Object.keys(data).forEach(key => { values[key.toUpperCase()] = (data[key] || '').toString(); }); statusQuery.forEach(key => { response.attributes[1].push({ type: 'atom', value: key.toUpperCase() }); response.attributes[1].push({ type: 'atom', value: (values[key] || '0').toString() }); }); this.send(imapHandler.compiler(response)); } callback(null, { response: 'OK' }); }); } };