'use strict'; const crypto = require('crypto'); const assert = require('assert'); function parseEncryptedData(encryptedData, defaultCipher) { encryptedData = (encryptedData || '').toString(); if (!encryptedData) { return false; } if (encryptedData.charAt(0) !== '$') { // cleartext return { format: 'cleartext', data: encryptedData }; } if (encryptedData.lastIndexOf('$') === 0) { // legacy return { format: 'legacy', cipher: defaultCipher || 'aes192', data: Buffer.from(encryptedData.substr(1), 'hex') }; } let [, format, cipher, authTag, iv, salt, encryptedText] = encryptedData.split('$'); if (!format || !cipher || !authTag || !iv || !encryptedText) { return false; } authTag = Buffer.from(authTag, 'hex'); iv = Buffer.from(iv, 'hex'); salt = Buffer.from(salt, 'hex'); encryptedText = Buffer.from(encryptedText, 'hex'); return { format, cipher, authTag, iv, salt, data: encryptedText }; } function getKeyFromPassword(password, salt, keyLen) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { crypto.scrypt(password, salt, keyLen, (err, result) => { if (err) { return reject(err); } if (!result) { return reject(new Error('Failed to hash key')); } return resolve(result); }); }); } async function decrypt(encryptedData, secret, defaultCipher) { const decryptData = parseEncryptedData(encryptedData, defaultCipher); if (!decryptData) { return encryptedData; } switch (decryptData.format) { case 'cleartext': return encryptedData; case 'legacy': try { let decipher = crypto.createDecipher(decryptData.cipher, secret); return Buffer.concat([decipher.update(decryptData.data), decipher.final()]).toString('utf-8'); } catch (E) { let err = new Error('Failed to decrypt data. ' + E.message); err.responseCode = 500; err.code = 'InternalConfigError'; throw err; } case 'wd01': try { assert.strictEqual(decryptData.authTag.length, 16, 'Invalid auth tag length'); assert.strictEqual(decryptData.iv.length, 12, 'Invalid iv length'); assert.strictEqual(decryptData.salt.length, 16, 'Invalid salt length'); // convert password to 32B key const key = await getKeyFromPassword(secret, decryptData.salt, 32); const decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv(decryptData.cipher, key, decryptData.iv, { authTagLength: decryptData.authTag.length }); decipher.setAuthTag(decryptData.authTag); return Buffer.concat([decipher.update(decryptData.data), decipher.final()]).toString('utf-8'); } catch (E) { let err = new Error('Failed to decrypt data. ' + E.message); err.responseCode = 500; err.code = 'InternalConfigError'; throw err; } default: { let err = new Error('Unknown encryption format: ' + decryptData.format); err.responseCode = 500; err.code = 'InternalConfigError'; throw err; } } } async function encrypt(cleartext, secret) { if (!secret) { return cleartext; } const iv = crypto.randomBytes(12); const salt = crypto.randomBytes(16); const key = await getKeyFromPassword(secret, salt, 32); const format = 'wd01'; const algo = 'aes-256-gcm'; const cipher = crypto.createCipheriv(algo, key, iv, { authTagLength: 16 }); const encryptedText = Buffer.concat([cipher.update(cleartext), cipher.final()]); const authTag = cipher.getAuthTag(); return ['', format, algo].concat([authTag, iv, salt, encryptedText].map(buf => buf.toString('hex'))).join('$'); } module.exports = { encrypt, decrypt };