'use strict'; let IMAPStream = require('./imap-stream').IMAPStream; let IMAPCommand = require('./imap-command').IMAPCommand; let IMAPComposer = require('./imap-composer').IMAPComposer; let imapTools = require('./imap-tools'); let search = require('./search'); let dns = require('dns'); let crypto = require('crypto'); let os = require('os'); let EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter; let packageInfo = require('../../package'); const SOCKET_TIMEOUT = 30 * 60 * 1000; /** * Creates a handler for new socket * * @constructor * @param {Object} server Server instance * @param {Object} socket Socket instance */ class IMAPConnection extends EventEmitter { constructor(server, socket) { super(); // Random session ID, used for logging this.id = crypto.randomBytes(9).toString('base64'); this._server = server; this._socket = socket; this.writeStream = new IMAPComposer({ connection: this }); this.writeStream.pipe(this._socket); this.writeStream.on('error', this._onError.bind(this)); // session data (envelope, user etc.) this.session = false; // If true then the connection is currently being upgraded to TLS this._upgrading = false; // Parser instance for the incoming stream this._parser = new IMAPStream(); // Set handler for incoming commands this._parser.oncommand = this._onCommand.bind(this); // Manage multi part command this._currentCommand = false; // If set, then data payload is not executed as a command but as an argument for this function this._nextHandler = false; // If true, then the connection is using TLS this.secure = !!this._server.options.secure; // Store remote address for later usage this.remoteAddress = this._socket.remoteAddress; // Server hostname for the greegins this.name = this._server.options.name || os.hostname(); this.state = 'Not Authenticated'; this._listenerData = false; // selected mailbox metadata this.selected = false; // ignore timeouts if true this.idling = false; // indicates if CONDSTORE is enabled for the session this.condstoreEnabled = false; // Resolved hostname for remote IP address this.clientHostname = false; // increment connection count this._closing = false; this._closed = false; } /** * Initiates the connection. Checks connection limits and reverse resolves client hostname. The client * is not allowed to send anything before init has finished otherwise 'You talk too soon' error is returned */ init() { // Setup event handlers for the socket this._setListeners(); // Resolve hostname for the remote IP // we do not care for errors as we consider the ip as unresolved in this case, no big deal dns.reverse(this.remoteAddress, (err, hostnames) => { // eslint-disable-line handle-callback-err if (this._closing || this._closed) { return; } this.clientHostname = hostnames && hostnames.shift() || '[' + this.remoteAddress + ']'; this._startSession(); this._server.logger.info('[%s] Connection from %s', this.id, this.clientHostname); this.send('* OK ' + (this._server.options.id && this._server.options.id.name || packageInfo.name) + ' ready'); }); } /** * Send data to socket * * @param {Number} code Response code * @param {String|Array} data If data is Array, send a multi-line response */ send(payload, callback) { if (this._socket && this._socket.writable) { this._socket.write(payload + '\r\n', 'utf-8', callback); this._server.logger.debug('[%s] S:', this.id, payload); } } /** * Close socket */ close() { if (!this._socket.destroyed && this._socket.writable) { this._socket.end(); } this._server.connections.delete(this); this._closing = true; } // PRIVATE METHODS /** * Setup socket event handlers */ _setListeners() { this._socket.on('close', this._onClose.bind(this)); this._socket.on('end', this._onEnd.bind(this)); this._socket.on('error', this._onError.bind(this)); this._socket.setTimeout(this._server.options.socketTimeout || SOCKET_TIMEOUT, this._onTimeout.bind(this)); this._socket.pipe(this._parser); } /** * Fired when the socket is closed * @event */ _onEnd() { this._server.logger.info('[%s] Connection END', this.id); if (!this._closed) { this._onClose(); } } /** * Fired when the socket is closed * @event */ _onClose( /* hadError */ ) { if (this._closed) { return; } this._parser = false; this.state = 'Closed'; if (this._dataStream) { this._dataStream.unpipe(); this._dataStream = null; } if (this._listenerData) { this._listenerData.clear(); } this._server.connections.delete(this); if (this._closed) { return; } this._closed = true; this._closing = false; this._server.logger.info('[%s] Connection closed to %s', this.id, this.clientHostname); } /** * Fired when an error occurs with the socket * * @event * @param {Error} err Error object */ _onError(err) { if (err.code === 'ECONNRESET' || err.code === 'EPIPE') { this.close(); // mark connection as 'closing' return; } this._server.logger.error('[%s] %s', this.id, err.message); this.emit('error', err); } /** * Fired when socket timeouts. Closes connection * * @event */ _onTimeout() { this._server.logger.info('[%s] Connection TIMEOUT', this.id); if (this.idling) { return; // ignore timeouts when IDLEing } this.send('* BYE Idle timeout, closing connection'); this.close(); } /** * Checks if a selected command is available and ivokes it * * @param {Buffer} command Single line of data from the client * @param {Function} callback Callback to run once the command is processed */ _onCommand(command, callback) { let currentCommand = this._currentCommand; callback = callback || (() => false); if (this._upgrading) { // ignore any commands before TLS upgrade is finished return callback(); } if (!currentCommand) { this._currentCommand = currentCommand = new IMAPCommand(this); } if (!command.final) { currentCommand.append(command, callback); } else { this._currentCommand = false; currentCommand.end(command, callback); } } /** * Sets up a new session */ _startSession() { this.session = { id: this.id, selected: this.selected, remoteAddress: this.remoteAddress, clientHostname: this.clientHostname, writeStream: this.writeStream, socket: this._socket, formatResponse: this.formatResponse.bind(this), getQueryResponse: imapTools.getQueryResponse, matchSearchQuery: search.matchSearchQuery }; } /** * Sets up notification listener from upstream * * @param {Function} done Called once listeners are updated */ updateNotificationListener(done) { if (this._listenerData) { if (!this.selected || this._listenerData.mailbox !== this.selected.mailbox) { // registered against some mailbox, unregister from it this._listenerData.clear(); } else if (this._listenerData.mailbox === this.selected.mailbox) { // already registered return done(); } } if (!this.selected) { this._listenerData = false; return done(); } let cleared = false; let listenerData = this._listenerData = { mailbox: this.selected.mailbox, lock: false, clear: () => { this._server.notifier.removeListener(this.session, listenerData.mailbox, listenerData.callback); if (listenerData === this._listenerData) { this._listenerData = false; } listenerData = false; cleared = true; }, callback: message => { if (message) { if (this.selected && message.action === 'DELETE' && message.mailbox === this.selected.mailbox) { this.send('* BYE Selected mailbox was deleted, have to disconnect'); this.close(); return; } } if (listenerData.lock) { // race condition, do not allow fetching data before previous fetch is finished return; } if (cleared) { // some kind of a race condition, just ignore return; } // if not selected anymore, remove itself if (this.state !== 'Selected' || !this.selected) { listenerData.clear(); return; } listenerData.lock = true; this._server.notifier.getUpdates(this.session, this._listenerData.mailbox, this.selected.modifyIndex, (err, updates) => { if (cleared) { // client probably switched mailboxes while processing, just ignore all results return; } listenerData.lock = false; if (err) { this._server.logger.info('[%s] Notification Error: %s', this.id, err.message); return; } // if not selected anymore, remove itself if (this.state !== 'Selected' || !this.selected) { listenerData.clear(); return; } if (!updates || !updates.length) { return; } // store new incremental modify index if (updates[updates.length - 1].modseq > this.selected.modifyIndex) { this.selected.modifyIndex = updates[updates.length - 1].modseq; } // append received notifications to the list this.selected.notifications = this.selected.notifications.concat(updates); if (this.idling) { // when idling emit notifications immediatelly this.emitNotifications(); } }); } }; this._server.notifier.addListener(this.session, this._listenerData.mailbox, this._listenerData.callback); return done(); } // send notifications to client emitNotifications() { if (this.state !== 'Selected' || !this.selected || !this.selected.notifications.length) { return; } let changed = false; let existsResponse; // show notifications this._server.logger.info('[%s] Pending notifications: %s', this.id, this.selected.notifications.length); // find UIDs that are both added and removed let added = new Set(); // added UIDs let removed = new Set(); // removed UIDs let skip = new Set(); // UIDs that are removed before ever seen for (let i = 0, len = this.selected.notifications.length; i < len; i++) { let update = this.selected.notifications[i]; if (update.command === 'EXISTS') { added.add(update.uid); } else if (update.command === 'EXPUNGE') { removed.add(update.uid); } } removed.forEach(uid => { if (added.has(uid)) { skip.add(uid); } }); // filter multiple FETCH calls, only keep latest, otherwise might mess up MODSEQ responses let fetches = new Set(); for (let i = this.selected.notifications.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { let update = this.selected.notifications[i]; if (update.command === 'FETCH') { // skip multiple flag updates and updates for removed or newly added messages if (fetches.has(update.uid) || added.has(update.uid) || removed.has(update.uid)) { this.selected.notifications.splice(i, 1); } else { fetches.add(update.uid); } } } for (let i = 0, len = this.selected.notifications.length; i < len; i++) { let update = this.selected.notifications[i]; // skip unnecessary entries that are already removed if (skip.has(update.uid)) { continue; } if (update.modseq > this.selected.modifyIndex) { this.selected.modifyIndex = update.modseq; } this._server.logger.info('[%s] Processing notification: %s', this.id, JSON.stringify(update)); if (update.ignore === this.id) { continue; // skip this } this._server.logger.info('[%s] UIDS: %s', this.id, JSON.stringify(this.selected.uidList)); switch (update.command) { case 'EXISTS': // Generate the response but do not send it yet (EXIST response generation is needed to modify the UID list) // This way we can accumulate consecutive EXISTS responses into single one as // only the last one actually matters to the client existsResponse = this.formatResponse('EXISTS', update.uid); changed = false; break; case 'EXPUNGE': { let seq = (this.selected.uidList || []).indexOf(update.uid); this._server.logger.info('[%s] EXPUNGE %s', this.id, seq); if (seq >= 0) { let output = this.formatResponse('EXPUNGE', update.uid); this.writeStream.write(output); changed = true; // if no more EXISTS after this, then generate an additional EXISTS } break; } case 'FETCH': this.writeStream.write(this.formatResponse('FETCH', update.uid, { flags: update.flags, modseq: this.selected.condstoreEnabled && update.modseq || false })); break; } } if (existsResponse) { // send cached EXISTS response this.writeStream.write(existsResponse); existsResponse = false; } if (changed) { this.writeStream.write({ tag: '*', command: String(this.selected.uidList.length), attributes: [{ type: 'atom', value: 'EXISTS' }] }); } // clear queue this.selected.notifications = []; if (typeof this._server.onNotifications === 'function') { setImmediate(this._server.onNotifications.bind(this._server, this.selected.mailbox, this.selected.modifyIndex, this.session)); } } formatResponse(command, uid, data) { command = command.toUpperCase(); let seq; if (command === 'EXISTS') { this.selected.uidList.push(uid); seq = this.selected.uidList.length; } else { seq = (this.selected.uidList || []).indexOf(uid); if (seq < 0) { return false; } seq++; } if (command === 'EXPUNGE') { this.selected.uidList.splice(seq - 1, 1); } let response = { tag: '*', command: String(seq), attributes: [{ type: 'atom', value: command }] }; if (data) { response.attributes.push([]); if ('query' in data) { // Response for FETCH command data.query.forEach((item, i) => { response.attributes[1].push(item.original); if (['flags', 'modseq'].indexOf(item.item) >= 0) { response.attributes[1]. push([].concat(data.values[i] || []).map(value => ({ type: 'ATOM', value: (value || value === 0 ? value : '').toString() }))); } else if (Object.prototype.toString.call(data.values[i]) === '[object Date]') { response.attributes[1].push({ type: 'ATOM', value: imapTools.formatInternalDate(data.values[i]) }); } else if (Array.isArray(data.values[i])) { response.attributes[1].push(data.values[i]); } else if (item.isLiteral) { if (data.values[i] && data.values[i].type === 'stream') { response.attributes[1].push({ type: 'LITERAL', value: data.values[i].value, expectedLength: data.values[i].expectedLength, startFrom: data.values[i].startFrom, maxLength: data.values[i].maxLength }); } else { response.attributes[1].push({ type: 'LITERAL', value: data.values[i] }); } } else if (data.values[i] === '') { response.attributes[1].push(data.values[i]); } else { response.attributes[1].push({ type: 'ATOM', value: (data.values[i]).toString() }); } }); } else { // Notification response Object.keys(data).forEach(key => { let value = data[key]; key = key.toUpperCase(); if (!value) { return; } switch (key) { case 'FLAGS': value = [].concat(value || []).map(flag => (flag && flag.value ? flag : { type: 'ATOM', value: flag })); break; case 'UID': value = value && value.value ? value : { type: 'ATOM', value: (value || '0').toString() }; break; case 'MODSEQ': value = [].concat(value && value.value ? value : { type: 'ATOM', value: (value || '0').toString() }); break; } response.attributes[1].push({ type: 'ATOM', value: key }); response.attributes[1].push(value); }); } } return response; } } // Expose to the world module.exports.IMAPConnection = IMAPConnection;