/* eslint new-cap: 0 */ 'use strict'; const imapFormalSyntax = require('./imap-formal-syntax'); const streams = require('stream'); const PassThrough = streams.PassThrough; const LengthLimiter = require('../length-limiter'); /** * Compiles an input object into a streamed IMAP response */ module.exports = function(response, isLogging) { let output = new PassThrough(); let resp = (response.tag || '') + (response.command ? ' ' + response.command : ''); let lr = resp; // this value is going to store last known `resp` state for later usage let val, lastType; let waiting = false; let queue = []; let ended = false; let emit = function(stream, expectedLength, startFrom, maxLength) { expectedLength = expectedLength || 0; startFrom = startFrom || 0; maxLength = maxLength || 0; if (resp.length) { queue.push(Buffer.from(resp, 'binary')); lr = resp; resp = ''; } if (stream) { queue.push({ type: 'stream', stream, expectedLength, startFrom, maxLength }); } if (waiting) { return; } if (!queue.length) { if (ended) { output.end(); } return; } let value = queue.shift(); if (value.type === 'stream') { if (!value.expectedLength) { return emit(); } if (value.stream && value.stream.errored) { let err = value.stream.errored; value.stream.errored = false; return output.emit('error', err); } waiting = true; let expectedLength = value.maxLength ? Math.min(value.expectedLength, value.startFrom + value.maxLength) : value.expectedLength; let startFrom = value.startFrom; let limiter = new LengthLimiter(expectedLength, ' ', startFrom); value.stream.pipe(limiter).pipe(output, { end: false }); // pass errors to output value.stream.once('error', err => { output.emit('error', err); }); limiter.once('end', () => { waiting = false; return emit(); }); } else if (Buffer.isBuffer(value)) { output.write(value); return emit(); } else { if (typeof value === 'number') { value = value.toString(); } else if (typeof value !== 'string') { value = (value || '').toString(); } output.write(Buffer.from(value, 'binary')); return emit(); } }; let walk = function(node, callback) { if (lastType === 'LITERAL' || (['(', '<', '['].indexOf((resp || lr).substr(-1)) < 0 && (resp || lr).length)) { resp += ' '; } if (node && node.buffer && !Buffer.isBuffer(node)) { // mongodb binary node = node.buffer; } if (Array.isArray(node)) { lastType = 'LIST'; resp += '('; let pos = 0; let next = () => { if (pos >= node.length) { resp += ')'; return setImmediate(callback); } walk(node[pos++], next); }; return setImmediate(next); } if (!node && typeof node !== 'string' && typeof node !== 'number') { resp += 'NIL'; return setImmediate(callback); } if (typeof node === 'string' || Buffer.isBuffer(node)) { if (isLogging && node.length > 20) { resp += '"(* ' + node.length + 'B string *)"'; } else { resp += JSON.stringify(node.toString('binary')); } return setImmediate(callback); } if (typeof node === 'number') { resp += Math.round(node) || 0; // Only integers allowed return setImmediate(callback); } lastType = node.type; if (isLogging && node.sensitive) { resp += '"(* value hidden *)"'; return setImmediate(callback); } switch (node.type.toUpperCase()) { case 'LITERAL': { let nval = node.value; if (typeof nval === 'number') { nval = nval.toString(); } let len; if (nval && typeof nval.pipe === 'function') { len = node.expectedLength || 0; if (node.startFrom) { len -= node.startFrom; } if (node.maxLength) { len = Math.min(len, node.maxLength); } } else { len = (nval || '').toString().length; } if (isLogging) { resp += '"(* ' + len + 'B literal *)"'; } else { resp += '{' + len + '}\r\n'; emit(); if (nval && typeof nval.pipe === 'function') { //value is a stream object emit(nval, node.expectedLength, node.startFrom, node.maxLength); } else { resp = (nval || '').toString('binary'); } } break; } case 'STRING': if (isLogging && node.value.length > 20) { resp += '"(* ' + node.value.length + 'B string *)"'; } else { resp += JSON.stringify((node.value || '').toString('binary')); } break; case 'TEXT': case 'SEQUENCE': resp += (node.value || '').toString('binary'); break; case 'NUMBER': resp += node.value || 0; break; case 'ATOM': case 'SECTION': { val = (node.value || '').toString('binary'); if (imapFormalSyntax.verify(val.charAt(0) === '\\' ? val.substr(1) : val, imapFormalSyntax['ATOM-CHAR']()) >= 0) { val = JSON.stringify(val); } resp += val; let finalize = () => { if (node.partial) { resp += '<' + node.partial.join('.') + '>'; } setImmediate(callback); }; if (node.section) { resp += '['; let pos = 0; let next = () => { if (pos >= node.section.length) { resp += ']'; return setImmediate(finalize); } walk(node.section[pos++], next); }; return setImmediate(next); } return finalize(); } } setImmediate(callback); }; let finalize = () => { ended = true; emit(); }; let pos = 0; let attribs = [].concat(response.attributes || []); let next = () => { if (pos >= attribs.length) { return setImmediate(finalize); } walk(attribs[pos++], next); }; setImmediate(next); return output; }; // expose for testing module.exports.LengthLimiter = LengthLimiter;