# Default messages Add here messages that should be inserted to new users INBOX. Messages are formatted according to [Nodemailer message structure](https://nodemailer.com/message/) and sorted by filename. Only files with .json extension are used. All string values can take the following template tags (case sensitive): - **[USERNAME]** will be replaced by the username of the user - **[DOMAIN]** will be replaced by the service domain - **[EMAIL]** will be replaced by the email address of the user - **[NAME]** will be replaced by the registered name of the user - **[FNAME]** will be replaced by the first part of the registered name of the user You can also specify some extra options with the mail data object - **flag** is a boolean. If true, then the message is flagged - **seen** is a boolean. If true, then the message is marked as seen - **mailbox** is a string with one of the following values (case insensitive): - **'INBOX'** (the default) to store the message to INBOX - **'Sent'** to store the message to the Sent Mail folder - **'Trash'** to store the message to the Trash folder - **'Junk'** to store the message to the Spam folder - **'Drafts'** to store the message to the Drafts folder - **'Archive'** to store the message to the Archive folder