'use strict'; const GridFSBucket = require('mongodb').GridFSBucket; const libbase64 = require('libbase64'); const errors = require('../errors'); // Set to false to disable base64 decoding feature const FEATURE_DECODE_ATTACHMENTS = true; class GridstoreStorage { constructor(options) { this.bucketName = (options.options && options.options.bucket) || 'attachments'; this.decodeBase64 = (options.options && options.options.decodeBase64) || false; this.gridfs = options.gridfs; this.gridstore = new GridFSBucket(this.gridfs, { bucketName: this.bucketName }); } get(attachmentId, callback) { this.gridfs.collection(this.bucketName + '.files').findOne({ _id: attachmentId }, (err, attachmentData) => { if (err) { return callback(err); } if (!attachmentData) { return callback(new Error('This attachment does not exist')); } return callback(null, { contentType: attachmentData.contentType, transferEncoding: attachmentData.metadata.transferEncoding, length: attachmentData.length, count: attachmentData.metadata.c, hash: attachmentData._id, metadata: attachmentData.metadata }); }); } create(attachment, hash, callback) { hash = Buffer.from(hash, 'hex'); let returned = false; let id = hash; let metadata = { m: attachment.magic, c: 1, transferEncoding: attachment.transferEncoding }; if (isNaN(metadata.m) || typeof metadata.m !== 'number') { errors.notify(new Error('Invalid magic "' + metadata.m + '" for ' + id)); } Object.keys(attachment.metadata || {}).forEach(key => { if (!(key in attachment.metadata)) { metadata[key] = attachment.metadata[key]; } }); if (FEATURE_DECODE_ATTACHMENTS && attachment.transferEncoding === 'base64' && this.decodeBase64) { let lineLen = 0; let expectBr = false; //find out the length of first line for (let i = 0, len = Math.min(1000, attachment.body.length); i < len; i++) { let chr = attachment.body[i]; if (expectBr && chr === 0x0a) { // found line ending break; } else if (expectBr) { // unexpected char, do not process lineLen = 0; break; } else if ( (chr >= 0x30 /*0*/ && chr <= 0x39) /*9*/ || (chr >= 0x41 /* A */ && chr <= 0x5a) /*Z*/ || (chr >= 0x61 /* a */ && chr <= 0x7a) /*z*/ || chr === 0x2b /*+*/ || chr === 0x2f /*/*/ || chr === 0x3d /*=*/ ) { lineLen++; } else if (chr === 0x0d) { expectBr = true; } else { // unexpected char, do not process lineLen = 0; break; } } if (lineLen && lineLen <= 998) { if (attachment.body.length === lineLen && lineLen < 76) { lineLen = 76; } // check if expected line count matches with attachment line count let expectedLineCount = Math.ceil(attachment.body.length / (lineLen + 2)); // allow 1 line shift if (attachment.lineCount >= expectedLineCount - 1 && attachment.lineCount <= expectedLineCount + 1) { metadata.decoded = true; metadata.lineLen = lineLen; } } } let tryCount = 0; let tryStore = () => { this.gridfs.collection(this.bucketName + '.files').findOneAndUpdate({ _id: hash }, { $inc: { 'metadata.c': 1, 'metadata.m': attachment.magic } }, { returnOriginal: false }, (err, result) => { if (err) { return callback(err); } if (result && result.value) { // already exists return callback(null, result.value._id); } // try to insert it let store = this.gridstore.openUploadStreamWithId(id, null, { contentType: attachment.contentType, metadata }); store.once('error', err => { if (returned) { return; } if (err.code === 11000) { // most probably a race condition, try again if (tryCount++ < 5) { if (/attachments\.chunks /.test(err.message)) { // partial chunks for a probably deleted message detected, try to clean up return setTimeout(() => this.cleanupGarbage(id, tryStore), 100 + 200 * Math.random()); } return setTimeout(tryStore, 10); } } returned = true; callback(err); }); store.once('finish', () => { if (returned) { return; } returned = true; return callback(null, id); }); if (!metadata.decoded) { store.end(attachment.body); } else { let decoder = new libbase64.Decoder(); decoder.pipe(store); decoder.once('error', err => { // pass error forward store.emit('error', err); }); decoder.end(attachment.body); } }); }; tryStore(); } createReadStream(id, attachmentData) { let stream = this.gridstore.openDownloadStream(id); if (attachmentData.metadata.decoded) { let encoder = new libbase64.Encoder({ lineLength: attachmentData.metadata.lineLen }); stream.once('error', err => { // pass error forward encoder.emit('error', err); }); stream.pipe(encoder); return encoder; } return stream; } delete(id, magic, callback) { if (isNaN(magic) || typeof magic !== 'number') { errors.notify(new Error('Invalid magic "' + magic + '" for ' + id)); } this.gridfs.collection(this.bucketName + '.files').findOneAndUpdate({ _id: id }, { $inc: { 'metadata.c': -1, 'metadata.m': -magic } }, { returnOriginal: false }, (err, result) => { if (err) { return callback(err); } if (!result || !result.value) { return callback(null, false); } /* // disabled as it is preferred that attachments are not deleted immediately but // after a while by a cleanup process. This gives the opportunity to reuse the // attachment if (result.value.metadata.c === 0 && result.value.metadata.m === 0) { return this.gridstore.delete(id, err => { if (err) { return callback(err); } callback(null, 1); }); } */ return callback(null, true); }); } update(ids, count, magic, callback) { if (isNaN(magic) || typeof magic !== 'number') { errors.notify(new Error('Invalid magic "' + magic + '" for ' + ids)); } // update attachments this.gridfs.collection(this.bucketName + '.files').updateMany( { _id: Array.isArray(ids) ? { $in: ids } : ids }, { $inc: { 'metadata.c': count, 'metadata.m': magic } }, { multi: true, w: 1 }, callback ); } deleteOrphaned(callback) { // NB! scattered query let cursor = this.gridfs.collection(this.bucketName + '.files').find({ 'metadata.c': 0, 'metadata.m': 0 }); let deleted = 0; let processNext = () => { cursor.next((err, attachment) => { if (err) { return callback(err); } if (!attachment) { return cursor.close(() => { // delete all attachments that do not have any active links to message objects callback(null, deleted); }); } if (!attachment || (attachment.metadata && attachment.metadata.c)) { // skip return processNext(); } // delete file entry first this.gridfs.collection(this.bucketName + '.files').deleteOne({ _id: attachment._id, // make sure that we do not delete a message that is already re-used 'metadata.c': 0, 'metadata.m': 0 }, err => { if (err) { return processNext(); } // delete data chunks this.gridfs.collection(this.bucketName + '.chunks').deleteMany({ files_id: attachment._id }, err => { if (err) { // ignore as we don't really care if we have orphans or not } deleted++; processNext(); }); }); }); }; processNext(); } cleanupGarbage(id, next) { this.gridfs.collection(this.bucketName + '.files').findOne({ _id: id }, (err, file) => { if (err) { return next(err); } if (file) { // attachment entry exists, do nothing return next(null, false); } // orphaned attachment, delete data chunks this.gridfs.collection(this.bucketName + '.chunks').deleteMany({ files_id: id }, (err, info) => { if (err) { return next(err); } next(null, info.deletedCount); }); }); } } module.exports = GridstoreStorage;