'use strict'; const EJSON = require('mongodb-extended-json'); const Joi = require('joi'); const customJoi = Joi.extend(joi => ({ base: joi.string(), name: 'string', language: { base64url: 'needs to be a base64 URL', ejson: 'needs to be an extended JSON object' }, pre(value, state, options) { if (options.convert && this._flags.round) { return Math.round(value); // Change the value } return value; // Keep the value as it was }, rules: [ { name: 'mongoCursor', validate(params, value, state, options) { if (/[^a-zA-Z0-9\-_]/.test(value)) { return this.createError('string.base64url', { v: value }, state, options); } try { EJSON.parse(value); } catch (E) { return this.createError('string.ejson', { v: value }, state, options); } return value; // Everything is OK } } ] })); module.exports = customJoi;