'use strict'; const imapTools = require('../imap-tools'); const imapHandler = require('../handler/imap-handler'); /* handles both FETCH and UID FETCH a1 FETCH 1:* (FLAGS BODY BODY.PEEK[HEADER.FIELDS (SUBJECT DATE FROM)] BODY.PEEK[]<0.28> BODY.PEEK[]<0> BODY[HEADER] BODY[1.2]) a1 FETCH 1 (BODY.PEEK[HEADER] BODY.PEEK[TEXT]) a1 FETCH 1 (INTERNALDATE UID RFC822.SIZE FLAGS BODY.PEEK[HEADER.FIELDS (date subject from content-type to cc bcc message-id in-reply-to references)]) */ module.exports = { state: 'Selected', disableNotifications: true, schema: [ { name: 'range', type: 'sequence' }, { name: 'data', type: 'mixed' }, { name: 'extensions', type: 'array', optional: true } ], handler(command, callback) { // Check if FETCH method is set if (typeof this._server.onFetch !== 'function') { return callback(null, { response: 'NO', message: command.command + ' not implemented' }); } let isUid = (command.command || '').toString().toUpperCase() === 'UID FETCH' ? true : false; let range = (command.attributes[0] && command.attributes[0].value) || ''; if (!imapTools.validateSequnce(range)) { return callback(new Error('Invalid sequence set for ' + command.command)); } let messages = imapTools.getMessageRange(this.selected.uidList, range, isUid); let flagsExist = false; let uidExist = false; let modseqExist = false; let markAsSeen = false; let metadataOnly = true; let changedSince = 0; let query = []; let params = [].concat(command.attributes[1] || []); let extensions = [].concat(command.attributes[2] || []).map(val => val && val.value); if (extensions.length) { if (extensions.length !== 2 || (extensions[0] || '').toString().toUpperCase() !== 'CHANGEDSINCE' || isNaN(extensions[1])) { return callback(new Error('Invalid modifier for ' + command.command)); } changedSince = Number(extensions[1]); if (changedSince && !this.selected.condstoreEnabled) { this.condstoreEnabled = this.selected.condstoreEnabled = true; } } let macros = new Map( // Map iterator is a list of tuples [ // ALL ['ALL', ['FLAGS', 'INTERNALDATE', 'RFC822.SIZE', 'ENVELOPE']], // FAST ['FAST', ['FLAGS', 'INTERNALDATE', 'RFC822.SIZE']], // FULL ['FULL', ['FLAGS', 'INTERNALDATE', 'RFC822.SIZE', 'ENVELOPE', 'BODY']] ] ); let i, len, param, section; // normalize query // replace macro with actual items if (command.attributes[1].type === 'ATOM' && macros.has(command.attributes[1].value.toUpperCase())) { params = macros.get(command.attributes[1].value.toUpperCase()); } // checks conditions – does the messages need to be marked as seen, is the full body needed etc. for ((i = 0), (len = params.length); i < len; i++) { param = params[i]; if (!param || (typeof param !== 'string' && param.type !== 'ATOM')) { return callback(new Error('Invalid message data item name for ' + command.command)); } if (typeof param === 'string') { param = params[i] = { type: 'ATOM', value: param }; } if (param.value.toUpperCase() === 'FLAGS') { flagsExist = true; } if (param.value.toUpperCase() === 'UID') { uidExist = true; } if (param.value.toUpperCase() === 'MODSEQ') { modseqExist = true; } if (!this.selected.readOnly) { if (param.value.toUpperCase() === 'BODY' && param.section) { // BODY[...] markAsSeen = true; } else if (param.value.toUpperCase() === 'RFC822') { // RFC822 markAsSeen = true; } } if (param.value.toUpperCase() === 'BODY.PEEK' && param.section) { param.value = 'BODY'; } if (['BODY', 'RFC822', 'RFC822.SIZE', 'RFC822.HEADER', 'RFC822.TEXT', 'BODYSTRUCTURE'].indexOf(param.value.toUpperCase()) >= 0) { metadataOnly = false; } } // Adds FLAGS to the response if needed. If the query touches BODY[] then this message // must be marked as \Seen. To inform the client about flags change, include the updated // flags in the response if (markAsSeen && !flagsExist) { params.push({ type: 'ATOM', value: 'FLAGS' }); } // ensure UID is listed if the command is UID FETCH if (isUid && !uidExist) { params.push({ type: 'ATOM', value: 'UID' }); } // ensure MODSEQ is listed if the command uses CHANGEDSINCE modifier if (changedSince && !modseqExist) { params.push({ type: 'ATOM', value: 'MODSEQ' }); } // returns header field name from a IMAP command object let getFieldName = field => (field.value || '').toString().toLowerCase(); // compose query object from parsed IMAP command for ((i = 0), (len = params.length); i < len; i++) { param = params[i]; let item = { query: imapHandler.compiler({ attributes: param }), item: (param.value || '').toString().toLowerCase(), original: param }; if (param.section) { if (!param.section.length) { item.path = ''; item.type = 'content'; } else { // we are expecting stuff like 'TEXT' or '1.2.3.TEXT' or '1.2.3' // the numeric part ('1.2.3') is the path to the MIME node // and 'TEXT' or '' is the queried item (empty means entire content) section = (param.section[0].value || '').toString().toLowerCase(); item.path = section.match(/^(\d+\.)*(\d+$)?/); if (item.path && item.path[0].length) { item.path = item.path[0].replace(/\.$/, ''); item.type = section.substr(item.path.length + 1) || 'content'; } else { item.path = isNaN(section) ? '' : section; item.type = section; } /* item.type = (param.section[0].value || '').toString().toLowerCase(); */ if (/^HEADER.FIELDS(\.NOT)?$/i.test(item.type) && Array.isArray(param.section[1])) { item.headers = param.section[1].map(getFieldName); } } // return this element as literal value item.isLiteral = true; } if (['RFC822', 'RFC822.HEADER', 'RFC822.TEXT'].indexOf(param.value.toUpperCase()) >= 0) { item.isLiteral = true; } if (param.partial) { item.partial = { startFrom: Number(param.partial[0]) || 0, maxLength: Number(param.partial[1]) || 0 }; } if (!imapTools.fetchSchema.hasOwnProperty(item.item) || !checkSchema(imapTools.fetchSchema[item.item], item)) { return callback(null, { response: 'BAD', message: 'Invalid message data item ' + item.query + ' for ' + command.command }); } query.push(item); } this._server.logger.debug( { tnx: 'fetch', cid: this.id }, '[%s] FETCH: %s', this.id, JSON.stringify({ metadataOnly: !!metadataOnly, markAsSeen: !!markAsSeen, messages: messages.length, query, changedSince, isUid }) ); this._server.onFetch( this.selected.mailbox, { metadataOnly: !!metadataOnly, markAsSeen: !!markAsSeen, messages, query, changedSince, isUid }, this.session, (err, success) => { if (err) { return callback(err); } callback(null, { response: success === true ? 'OK' : 'NO', code: typeof success === 'string' ? success.toUpperCase() : false }); } ); } }; function checkSchema(schema, item) { let i, len; if (Array.isArray(schema)) { for ((i = 0), (len = schema.length); i < len; i++) { if (checkSchema(schema[i], item)) { return true; } } return false; } if (schema === true) { if (item.hasOwnProperty('type') || item.partial) { return false; } return true; } if (typeof schema === 'object' && schema) { // check.type switch (Object.prototype.toString.call(schema.type)) { case '[object RegExp]': if (!schema.type.test(item.type)) { return false; } break; case '[object String]': if (schema.type !== item.type) { return false; } break; case '[object Boolean]': if (item.hasOwnProperty('type') || item.partial || schema.type !== true) { return false; } break; default: return false; } // check if headers must be present if (schema.headers && schema.headers.test(item.type) && !Array.isArray(item.headers)) { return false; } return true; } return false; }