'use strict'; // openssl s_client -starttls imap -crlf -connect localhost:1143 const tls = require('tls'); const tlsOptions = require('../tls-options'); const SOCKET_TIMEOUT = 30 * 60 * 1000; module.exports = { handler(command, callback) { if (this.secure) { return callback(null, { response: 'NO', message: 'Connection is already secured' }); } setImmediate(upgrade.bind(null, this)); callback(null, { response: 'OK' }); } }; /** * Upgrades current socket to use TLS * @param {Object} connection IMAPConnection instance */ function upgrade(connection) { connection._socket.unpipe(connection._parser); connection.writeStream.unpipe(connection._socket); connection._upgrading = true; let secureContext = tls.createSecureContext(tlsOptions(connection._server.options)); let socketOptions = { isServer: true, secureContext }; // Apply additional socket options if these are set in the server options ['requestCert', 'rejectUnauthorized', 'session'].forEach(key => { if (key in connection._server.options) { socketOptions[key] = connection._server.options[key]; } }); // remove all listeners from the original socket besides the error handler connection._socket.removeAllListeners(); connection._socket.on('error', connection._onError.bind(connection)); // upgrade connection let secureSocket = new tls.TLSSocket(connection._socket, socketOptions); secureSocket.on('close', connection._onClose.bind(connection)); secureSocket.on('error', connection._onError.bind(connection)); secureSocket.on('clientError', connection._onError.bind(connection)); secureSocket.setTimeout(connection._server.options.socketTimeout || SOCKET_TIMEOUT, connection._onTimeout.bind(connection)); secureSocket.on('secure', () => { connection.secure = true; connection._socket = secureSocket; connection._upgrading = false; connection._server.logger.info( { tnx: 'starttls', cid: connection.id }, '[%s] Connection upgraded to TLS', connection.id ); connection._socket.pipe(connection._parser); connection.writeStream.pipe(connection._socket); }); }