'use strict'; const crypto = require('crypto'); const EventEmitter = require('events'); const base32 = require('base32.js'); const packageData = require('../../package.json'); const DataStream = require('nodemailer/lib/smtp-connection/data-stream'); const SOCKET_TIMEOUT = 60 * 1000; class POP3Connection extends EventEmitter { constructor(server, socket, options) { super(); options = options || {}; this.ignore = options.ignore; this._server = server; this._socket = socket; this._closed = false; this._closing = false; this.secured = !!this._server.options.secure; this._upgrading = false; // Store remote address for later usage this.remoteAddress = options.remoteAddress || this._socket.remoteAddress; this._id = options.id || base32.encode(crypto.randomBytes(10)).toLowerCase(); this.processing = false; this.queue = []; this._remainder = ''; this.logger = {}; ['info', 'debug', 'error'].forEach(level => { this.logger[level] = (...args) => { if (!this.ignore) { this._server.logger[level](...args); } }; }); } init() { this._setListeners(); this._resetSession(); this.logger.info( { tnx: 'connection', cid: this._id, host: this.remoteAddress }, 'Connection from %s', this.remoteAddress ); this.send( '+OK ' + ((this._server.options.id && this._server.options.id.name) || packageData.name) + ' ready for requests from ' + this.remoteAddress + ' ' + this._id ); } write(payload) { if (!this._socket || !this._socket.writable) { return; } this._socket.write(payload); } send(payload) { if (!this._socket || !this._socket.writable) { return; } if (Array.isArray(payload)) { payload = payload.join('\r\n') + '\r\n.'; } this.logger.debug( { tnx: 'send', cid: this._id, host: this.remoteAddress }, 'S:', (payload.length < 128 ? payload : payload.substr(0, 128) + '... +' + (payload.length - 128) + ' B').replace(/\r?\n/g, '\\n') ); this.write(payload + '\r\n'); } _setListeners() { this._socket.on('close', () => this._onClose()); this._socket.on('error', err => this._onError(err)); this._socket.setTimeout(this._server.options.socketTimeout || SOCKET_TIMEOUT, () => this._onTimeout()); this._socket.on('readable', () => { if (this.processing) { return; } this.processing = true; this.read(); }); } /** * Fired when the socket is closed * @event */ _onClose(/* hadError */) { if (this._closed) { return; } this.queue = []; this.processing = false; this._remainder = ''; this._closed = true; this._closing = false; this.logger.info( { tnx: 'close', cid: this._id, host: this.remoteAddress, user: this.session.user && this.session.user.username }, 'Connection closed to %s', this.remoteAddress ); this.emit('close'); } /** * Fired when an error occurs with the socket * * @event * @param {Error} err Error object */ _onError(err) { if (['ECONNRESET', 'EPIPE', 'ETIMEDOUT', 'EHOSTUNREACH'].includes(err.code)) { this.close(); // mark connection as 'closing' return; } this.logger.error( { err, tnx: 'error', user: this.session.user && this.session.user.username }, '%s', err.message ); this.emit('error', err); } /** * Fired when socket timeouts. Closes connection * * @event */ _onTimeout() { this.send('-ERR Disconnected for inactivity'); this.close(); } _resetSession() { this.session = { id: this._id, state: 'AUTHORIZATION', remoteAddress: this.remoteAddress }; } close() { if (!this._socket.destroyed && this._socket.writable) { this._socket.end(); } this._closing = true; } read() { let chunk; let data = this._remainder; while ((chunk = this._socket.read()) !== null) { data += chunk.toString('binary'); if (data.indexOf('\n') >= 0) { let lines = data.split(/\r?\n/).map(line => Buffer.from(line, 'binary').toString()); this._remainder = lines.pop(); if (lines.length) { if (this.queue.length) { this.queue = this.queue.concat(lines); } else { this.queue = lines; } } return this.processQueue(); } } this.processing = false; } processQueue() { if (!this.queue.length) { this.read(); // see if there's anything left to read return; } let line = this.queue.shift().trim(); if (typeof this._nextHandler === 'function') { let handler = this._nextHandler; this._nextHandler = null; this.logger.debug( { tnx: 'receive', cid: this._id, user: this.session.user && this.session.user.username }, 'C: <%s bytes of continue data>', Buffer.byteLength(line) ); return handler(line, err => { if (err) { this.logger.info( { err, tnx: '+', cid: this._id, host: this.remoteAddress }, 'Error processing continue data. %s', err.message ); this.send('-ERR ' + err.message); this.close(); } else { this.processQueue(); } }); } let parts = line.split(' '); let command = parts.shift().toUpperCase(); let args = parts.join(' '); let logLine = (line || '').toString(); if (/^(PASS|AUTH PLAIN)\s+[^\s]+/i.test(line)) { logLine = logLine.replace(/[^\s]+$/, '*hidden*'); } this.logger.debug( { tnx: 'receive', cid: this._id, user: this.session.user && this.session.user.username }, 'C:', logLine ); if (typeof this['command_' + command] === 'function') { this['command_' + command](args, err => { if (err) { this.logger.info( { err, tnx: 'command', command, cid: this._id, host: this.remoteAddress }, 'Error running %s. %s', command, err.message ); this.send('-ERR ' + err.message); this.close(); } else { this.processQueue(); } }); } else { this.send('-ERR bad command'); this.close(); } } // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2449#section-5 command_CAPA(args, next) { let version = (this._server.options.id && this._server.options.id.version) || packageData.version; let extensions = [ 'TOP', 'UIDL', (this.secured || this._server.options.ignoreSTARTTLS) && !this.session.user ? 'USER' : false, 'RESP-CODES', // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5034#section-6 (this.secured || this._server.options.ignoreSTARTTLS) && !this.session.user ? 'SASL PLAIN' : false, // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2449#section-6.6 'PIPELINING', !this.secured && !this._server.options.disableSTARTTLS ? 'STLS' : false, this._server.options.disableVersionString ? false : 'IMPLEMENTATION WildDuck-v' + version ].filter(row => row); this.send(['+OK Capability list follows'].concat(extensions)); next(); } command_USER(args, next) { if (this.session.state !== 'AUTHORIZATION') { this.send('-ERR Command not accepted'); return next(); } if (!this.secured && !this._server.options.ignoreSTARTTLS) { this.send('-ERR Command is not valid in this state'); return next(); } if (!args) { this.send('-ERR USER who?'); return next(); } this.session.user = args; this.send('+OK send PASS'); return next(); } command_PASS(args, next) { if (this.session.state !== 'AUTHORIZATION') { this.send('-ERR Command not accepted'); return next(); } if (!this.session.user || !args) { return next(new Error('malformed command')); } let username = this.session.user; let password = args; this.session.user = false; this._server.onAuth( { method: 'USER', username, password }, this.session, (err, response) => { if (err) { this.logger.info( { err, tnx: 'autherror', cid: this._id, method: 'USER', user: username }, 'Authentication error for %s using %s. %s', username, 'USER', err.message ); if (err.response === 'NO') { this.send('-ERR [AUTH] ' + err.message); return next(); } return next(err); } if (!response || !response.user) { this.logger.info( { tnx: 'authfail', cid: this._id, method: 'USER', user: username }, 'Authentication failed for %s using %s', username, 'USER' ); this.send('-ERR [AUTH] ' + ((response && response.message) || 'Username and password not accepted')); return next(); } this.logger.info( { tnx: 'auth', cid: this._id, method: 'USER', user: username }, '%s authenticated using %s', username, 'USER' ); this.session.user = response.user; this.openMailbox(err => { if (err) { return next(err); } next(); }); } ); } command_AUTH(args, next) { if (this.session.state !== 'AUTHORIZATION') { this.send('-ERR Command not accepted'); return next(); } if (!this.secured && !this._server.options.ignoreSTARTTLS) { this.send('-ERR Command is not valid in this state'); return next(); } if (!args) { this.send(['+OK', 'PLAIN']); return next(); } let params = args.split(/\s+/); let mechanism = params.shift().toUpperCase(); if (mechanism !== 'PLAIN') { this.send('-ERR unsupported SASL mechanism'); return next(); } if (!params.length) { this.send('+'); this._nextHandler = (args, next) => this.authPlain(args, next); return next(); } let plain = params.shift(); if (params.length) { this.send('-ERR malformed command'); return next(); } this.authPlain(plain, next); } // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1939#page-9 command_NOOP(args, next) { if (this.session.state !== 'TRANSACTION') { this.send('-ERR Command not accepted'); } else { this.send('+OK'); } return next(); } // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1939#section-6 command_QUIT() { let finish = () => { this.session = false; this.send('+OK Bye'); this.close(); }; if (this.session.state !== 'TRANSACTION') { return finish(); } this.session.state = 'UPDATE'; let deleted = this.session.listing.messages.filter(message => message.popped); let seen = this.session.listing.messages.filter(message => message.seen && message.fetched && !message.popped); if (!deleted.length && !seen.length) { return finish(); } this._server.onUpdate( { deleted, seen }, this.session, finish ); } // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1939#page-6 command_STAT(args, next) { if (this.session.state !== 'TRANSACTION') { this.send('-ERR Command not accepted'); } else { this.send('+OK ' + this.session.listing.count + ' ' + this.session.listing.size); } return next(); } // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1939#page-6 command_LIST(args, next) { if (this.session.state !== 'TRANSACTION') { this.send('-ERR Command not accepted'); return next(); } let index = false; if (args) { index = Number(args); } if (args && (isNaN(index) || index <= 0)) { return next(new Error('malformed command')); } if (args && index > this.session.listing.messages.length) { this.send('-ERR no such message, only ' + this.session.listing.messages.length + ' messages in maildrop'); return next(); } if (index) { this.send('+OK ' + index + ' ' + this.session.listing.messages[index - 1].size); } else { this.send( ['+OK ' + this.session.listing.count + ' ' + this.session.listing.size].concat( this.session.listing.messages.filter(message => !message.popped).map((message, i) => i + 1 + ' ' + message.size) ) ); } return next(); } // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1939#page-12 command_UIDL(args, next) { if (this.session.state !== 'TRANSACTION') { this.send('-ERR Command not accepted'); return next(); } let index = false; if (args) { index = Number(args); } if (args && (isNaN(index) || index <= 0)) { return next(new Error('malformed command')); } if (args && index > this.session.listing.messages.length) { this.send('-ERR no such message, only ' + this.session.listing.messages.length + ' messages in maildrop'); return next(); } if (index) { this.send('+OK ' + index + ' ' + this.session.listing.messages[index - 1].id); } else { this.send(['+OK'].concat(this.session.listing.messages.filter(message => !message.popped).map((message, i) => i + 1 + ' ' + message.id))); } return next(); } // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1939#page-8 command_DELE(args, next) { if (this.session.state !== 'TRANSACTION') { this.send('-ERR Command not accepted'); return next(); } let index = false; if (args) { index = Number(args); } if (!args || isNaN(index) || index <= 0) { return next(new Error('malformed command')); } if (args && index > this.session.listing.messages.length) { this.send('-ERR no such message, only ' + this.session.listing.messages.length + ' messages in maildrop'); return next(); } let message = this.session.listing.messages[index - 1]; if (message.popped) { this.send('-ERR message ' + index + ' already deleted'); return next(); } message.popped = true; this.session.listing.count--; this.session.listing.size -= message.size; this.send('+OK message ' + index + ' deleted'); return next(); } // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1939#page-9 command_RSET(args, next) { if (this.session.state !== 'TRANSACTION') { this.send('-ERR Command not accepted'); return next(); } let count = 0; let size = 0; this.session.listing.messages.forEach(message => { if (message.popped) { message.popped = false; count++; size += message.size; } }); this.session.listing.count += count; this.session.listing.size += size; this.send( '+OK maildrop has ' + this.session.listing.count + ' message' + (this.session.listing.count !== 1 ? 's' : '') + ' (' + this.session.listing.size + ' octets)' ); return next(); } // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1939#page-8 command_RETR(args, next) { if (this.session.state !== 'TRANSACTION') { this.send('-ERR Command not accepted'); return next(); } let index = false; if (args) { index = Number(args); } if (!args || isNaN(index) || index <= 0) { return next(new Error('malformed command')); } if (args && index > this.session.listing.messages.length) { this.send('-ERR no such message, only ' + this.session.listing.messages.length + ' messages in maildrop'); return next(); } let message = this.session.listing.messages[index - 1]; if (message.popped) { this.send('-ERR message ' + index + ' already deleted'); return next(); } this._server.onFetchMessage(message, this.session, (err, stream) => { if (err) { return next(err); } if (!stream) { return next(new Error('Can not find message')); } stream.once('error', err => next(err)); stream.once('end', () => { // this.send('.'); // final dot is sent by DataStream message.fetched = true; return next(); }); this.send('+OK ' + message.size + ' octets'); stream.pipe(new DataStream()).pipe(this._socket, { end: false }); }); } // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1939#page-11 command_TOP(args, next) { if (this.session.state !== 'TRANSACTION') { this.send('-ERR Command not accepted'); return next(); } let parts = args.split(' '); let index = Number(parts[0]); let lines = Number(parts[1]); if (!args || parts.length !== 2 || isNaN(index) || index <= 0 || isNaN(lines) || lines < 0) { return next(new Error('malformed command')); } if (args && index > this.session.listing.messages.length) { this.send('-ERR no such message, only ' + this.session.listing.messages.length + ' messages in maildrop'); return next(); } let message = this.session.listing.messages[index - 1]; if (message.popped) { this.send('-ERR message ' + index + ' already deleted'); return next(); } this._server.onFetchMessage(message, this.session, (err, stream) => { if (err) { return next(err); } if (!stream) { return next(new Error('Can not find message')); } let data = ''; let headers = false; let finished = false; let linesSent = 0; stream.on('readable', () => { let chunk; while ((chunk = stream.read()) !== null) { if (!finished) { data += chunk.toString('binary'); if (!headers) { let match; if ((match = data.match(/\r?\n\r?\n/))) { headers = data.substr(0, match.index + match[0].length); if (data.length > headers.length) { data = data.substr(headers.length); } else { data = ''; } this.write(Buffer.from(headers.replace(/^\./gm, '..'), 'binary')); } } if (headers) { if (linesSent >= lines) { finished = true; if (typeof stream.abort === 'function') { stream.abort(); } continue; } let match; while (!finished && (match = data.match(/\r?\n/))) { let line = data.substr(0, match.index + match[0].length); linesSent++; if (data.length > line.length) { data = data.substr(line.length); } else { data = ''; } this.write(Buffer.from(line.replace(/^\./gm, '..'), 'binary')); if (linesSent >= lines) { finished = true; if (typeof stream.abort === 'function') { stream.abort(); } } } } } } }); stream.once('error', err => next(err)); stream.once('end', () => { this.send('.'); return next(); }); this.send('+OK message follows'); }); } command_STLS(args, next) { if (this.secured) { this.send('-ERR Command not permitted when TLS active'); return next(); } this.send('+OK Begin TLS negotiation'); this.upgrade(err => { if (err) { return this._onError(err); } this._setListeners(); return next(); }); } authPlain(plain, next) { if (!/^[a-zA-Z0-9+/]+=+?$/.test(plain)) { this.send('-ERR malformed command'); return next(); } let credentials = Buffer.from(plain, 'base64') .toString() .split('\x00'); if (credentials.length !== 3) { this.send('-ERR malformed command'); return next(); } let username = credentials[1] || credentials[0] || ''; let password = credentials[2] || ''; this._server.onAuth( { method: 'PLAIN', username, password }, this.session, (err, response) => { if (err) { this.logger.info( { err, tnx: 'autherror', cid: this._id, method: 'PLAIN', user: username }, 'Authentication error for %s using %s. %s', username, 'PLAIN', err.message ); if (err.response === 'NO') { this.send('-ERR [AUTH] ' + err.message); return next(); } return next(err); } if (!response.user) { this.logger.info( { tnx: 'authfail', cid: this._id, method: 'PLAIN', user: username }, 'Authentication failed for %s using %s', username, 'PLAIN' ); this.send('-ERR [AUTH] ' + (response.message || 'Username and password not accepted')); return next(); } this.logger.info( { tnx: 'auth', cid: this._id, method: 'PLAIN', user: username }, '%s authenticated using %s', username, 'PLAIN' ); this.session.user = response.user; this.openMailbox(err => { if (err) { return next(err); } next(); }); } ); } openMailbox(next) { this._server.onListMessages(this.session, (err, listing) => { if (err) { this.logger.info( { err, tnx: 'listerr', cid: this._id, user: this.session.user && this.session.user.username }, 'Failed listing messages for %s. %s', this.session.user.username, err.message ); return next(err); } this.session.listing = listing; this.session.state = 'TRANSACTION'; this.send('+OK maildrop has ' + listing.count + ' message' + (listing.count !== 1 ? 's' : '') + ' (' + listing.size + ' octets)'); return next(); }); } upgrade(callback) { this._socket.removeAllListeners(); this._upgrading = true; this._server._upgrade(this._socket, (err, socket) => { this._upgrading = false; if (err) { return callback(err); } this.secured = true; this._socket = socket; let cipher = socket.getCipher(); this._server.logger.info( { tnx: 'starttls', cid: this.id, user: this.session && this.session.user && this.session.user.username, cipher: cipher && cipher.name }, '[%s] Connection upgraded to TLS using ', this.id, (cipher && cipher.name) || 'N/A' ); callback(); }); } } module.exports = POP3Connection;