# API Error Codes - `InvalidToken` - `MissingPrivileges`: Not enough privileges - `InputValidationError` (various descriptions about invalid input validation) - `InternalDatabaseError` - `InternalError` - `UserNotFound`: This user does not exist - `UserExistsError`: This username already exists - `AddressExistsError`: Address already exists - `AddressNotFound`: Invalid or unknown email address identifier - `ChangeNotAllowed`: Can not change special address - `WildcardNotPermitted`: Can not set wildcard address as default - `AspNotFound`: Invalid or unknown ASP key - `InvalidAuthScope`: Profile file requires either imap or pop3 and smtp scopes - `AuthFailed`: Authentication failed - `DkimNotFound`: This domain does not exist - `AliasExists`: This domain alias already exists - `AliasNotFound`: This alias does not exist - `FilterNotFound`: This filter does not exist - `NoSuchMailbox`: This mailbox does not exist - `MessageNotFound`: Invalid message identifier - `OVERQUOTA`: User is over quota - `EmptyMessage`: Empty message provided - `FileNotFound`: This file does not exist - `InsecurePasswordError`: Provided password was found from breached passwords list - `ERRREDIS` - `ERRSENDINGLIMIT`: You reached a daily sending limit for your account - `ERRCOMPOSE`: Could not queue message for delivery - `SUBMITFAIL` - `KeyGenereateError`: Failed to generate private or public key - `InternalConfigError`: Invalid encryption settings - `HashError` - `UserUpdateFail`: Could not update user - `TotpEnabled`: TOTP 2FA is already enabled for this user - `QRError`: Failed to generate QR code - `TotpDisabled`: TOTP 2FA is not initialized for this user - `RateLimitedError`: Authentication was rate limited. - `U2fEnabled`: U2F 2FA is already enabled for this user - `U2fDisabled`: U2F 2FA is not initialized for this user - `InvalidU2fRequest`: Failed to validate U2F response - `NoUpdates`: Nothing was updated