'use strict'; const EJSON = require('mongodb-extended-json'); const Joi = require('joi'); const sessSchema = Joi.string().max(255).label('Session identifier').description('Session identifier for the logs'); const sessIPSchema = Joi.string() .ip({ version: ['ipv4', 'ipv6'], cidr: 'forbidden' }) .label('Client IP') .description('IP address for the logs '); /* const tagSchema = Joi.string().max(); const tagStringValidator = () => { return value => { let tagSeen = new Set(); let tags = ((value && value.toString()) || '') .split(',') .map(tag => tag.toLowerCase().trim()) .filter(tag => { if (tag && !tagSeen.has(tag)) { tagSeen.add(tag); return true; } return false; }); return tags; }; }; */ const mongoCursorValidator = () => (value, helpers) => { value = value.toString(); if (/[^a-zA-Z0-9\-_]/.test(value)) { return helpers.error('any.invalid'); } try { EJSON.parse(Buffer.from(value, 'base64')); } catch (E) { return helpers.error('any.invalid'); } return value; // Everything is OK }; const metaDataValidator = () => (value, helpers) => { let parsed; if (typeof value === 'object') { try { parsed = value; value = JSON.stringify(value); } catch (err) { return helpers.error('any.invalid'); } } else { try { parsed = JSON.parse(value); } catch (err) { return helpers.error('any.invalid'); } } const { error: strError, value: strValue } = Joi.string() .trim() .max(1024 * 1024) .validate(value); if (strError) { throw strError; } const { error: objError } = Joi.object().validate(parsed); if (objError) { throw objError; } return strValue; }; const mongoCursorSchema = Joi.string().trim().empty('').custom(mongoCursorValidator({}), 'Cursor validation').max(1024); const pageLimitSchema = Joi.number().default(20).min(1).max(250).label('Page size'); const pageNrSchema = Joi.number().default(1).label('Page number').description('Current page number. Informational only, page numbers start from 1'); const nextPageCursorSchema = mongoCursorSchema.label('Next page cursor').description('Cursor value for next page, retrieved from nextCursor response value'); const previousPageCursorSchema = mongoCursorSchema .label('Previous page cursor') .description('Cursor value for previous page, retrieved from previousCursor response value'); const booleanSchema = Joi.boolean().empty('').truthy('Y', 'true', 'yes', 'on', '1', 1).falsy('N', 'false', 'no', 'off', '0', 0); const metaDataSchema = Joi.any().custom(metaDataValidator({}), 'metadata validation'); const usernameSchema = Joi.string() .lowercase() .regex(/^[a-z0-9-]+(?:[._=:][a-z0-9-]+)*(?:@[a-z0-9-]+(?:[._=:][a-z0-9-]+)*)?$/, 'username') .min(1) .max(128); module.exports = { sessSchema, sessIPSchema, pageNrSchema, nextPageCursorSchema, previousPageCursorSchema, pageLimitSchema, booleanSchema, metaDataSchema, usernameSchema };