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synced 2025-03-01 02:15:15 +08:00
278 lines
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278 lines
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'use strict';
const ObjectID = require('mongodb').ObjectID;
const GridFSBucket = require('mongodb').GridFSBucket;
const log = require('npmlog');
const libmime = require('libmime');
const { normalizeAddress } = require('./tools');
class AuditHandler {
constructor(options) {
this.options = options || {};
this.database = options.database;
this.users = options.user || options.database;
this.gridfs = options.gridfs || options.database;
this.loggelf = options.loggelf || (() => false);
this.bucketName = this.options.bucket || 'audit';
this.gridstore = new GridFSBucket(this.gridfs, {
bucketName: this.bucketName,
chunkSizeBytes: 255 * 1024,
writeConcern: { w: this.options.writeConcern || 1 }
async create(options) {
options = options || {};
if (!options.user || !ObjectID.isValid(options.user)) {
let err = new Error('Missing user ID');
err.code = 'InputValidationError';
throw err;
let auditData = {
user: typeof options.user === 'string' ? new ObjectID(options.user) : options.user,
start: options.start, // Date or null
end: options.end, // Date or null
expires: options.expires, // Date
deleted: false, // Boolean
notes: options.notes, // String
meta: options.meta || {}, // Object
import: {
status: 'queued',
failed: 0,
copied: 0
audited: 0,
lastAuditedMessage: null
let r;
try {
r = await this.database.collection('audits').insertOne(auditData);
} catch (err) {
err.code = 'InternalDatabaseError';
throw err;
if (!r.insertedId) {
let err = new Error('Failed to create audit entry');
err.code = 'InternalDatabaseError';
throw err;
auditData._id = r.insertedId;
try {
let now = new Date();
await this.database.collection('tasks').insertOne({
task: 'audit',
locked: false,
lockedUntil: now,
created: now,
status: 'queued',
audit: auditData._id,
user: auditData.user,
start: auditData.start,
end: auditData.end
} catch (err) {
// try to rollback
err.code = err.code = 'InternalDatabaseError';
try {
await this.database.collection('audits').deleteOne({ _id: auditData._id });
} catch (e) {
// ignore
throw err;
return auditData._id;
* Store message to audit GridFS
* @param {ObjectID} audit ID of the audit session
* @param {Mixed} message Either a Buffer, an Array of Buffers or a Stream
* @param {Object} metadata Metadata for the stored message
async store(audit, message, metadata, skipCounters) {
if (!message) {
throw new Error('Missing message content');
if (typeof message === 'string') {
message = Buffer.from(message);
let id = new ObjectID();
metadata = metadata || {};
metadata.audit = metadata.audit || audit;
metadata.date = metadata.date || new Date();
const headers = metadata.header || {};
metadata.subject = ([].concat(headers.subject || []).pop() || '').trim();
try {
metadata.subject = libmime.decodeWords(metadata.subject);
} catch (E) {
// ignore
metadata.addresses = [];
['from', 'to', 'cc', 'bcc'].forEach(type => {
if (Array.isArray(headers[type])) {
headers[type].forEach(addr => {
let entry = {
name: addr.name,
address: normalizeAddress(addr.address),
try {
entry.name = libmime.decodeWords(entry.name);
} catch (E) {
// ignore
let result = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let stream = this.gridstore.openUploadStreamWithId(id, null, {
contentType: 'message/rfc822',
stream.once('finish', () => resolve(id));
if (Buffer.isBuffer(message)) {
message = [message];
let writeChunks = async () => {
// write chunk by chunk
for (let chunk of message) {
if (stream.write(chunk) === false) {
await new Promise(resolve => {
stream.once('drain', resolve);
if (Array.isArray(message)) {
return writeChunks().catch(err => reject(err));
message.on('error', err => {
stream.emit('error', err);
if (result && !skipCounters) {
await this.database.collection('audits').updateOne({ _id: metadata.audit }, { $inc: { audited: 1 }, $set: { lastAuditedMessage: new Date() } });
return result;
* Retrieve message from audit GridFS
* @param {ObjectID} audit ID of the audit session
* @param {Mixed} message Either a Buffer, an Array of Buffers or a Stream
* @param {Object} metadata Metadata for the stored message
async retrieve(id) {
let row = await this.gridfs.collection('audit.files').findOne({ _id: id });
if (!row) {
return false;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
try {
let stream = this.gridstore.openDownloadStream(id);
if (stream) {
} else {
reject(new Error('Failed to open stream'));
} catch (err) {
async updateDeliveryStatus(queueId, seq, status, info) {
await this.gridfs.collection('audit.files').updateMany(
{ 'metadata.info.queueId': queueId },
$push: {
'metadata.info.delivery': {
time: new Date(),
async removeAudit(auditData) {
let cursor = await this.gridfs.collection('audit.files').find({
'metadata.audit': auditData._id
let messages = 0;
let messageData;
while ((messageData = await cursor.next())) {
try {
await this.gridstore.delete(messageData._id);
} catch (err) {
log.error('Audit', 'Failed to delete message %s. %s', messageData._id, err.message);
await cursor.close();
await this.database.collection('audits').updateOne({ _id: auditData._id }, { $set: { deleted: true, deletedTime: new Date() } });
log.info('Audit', 'Deleted audit %s (%s messages)', auditData._id, messages);
return {
audit: auditData._id,
async cleanExpired() {
let expiredAudits = await this.database
expires: { $lt: new Date(), deleted: false }
for (let auditData of expiredAudits) {
try {
await this.removeAudit(auditData);
} catch (err) {
log.error('Audit', 'Failed to delete expired audit %s. %s', auditData._id, err.message);
module.exports = AuditHandler;