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synced 2025-01-04 07:02:45 +08:00
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'use strict';
const config = require('wild-config');
const ACME = require('@root/acme');
const { pem2jwk } = require('pem-jwk');
const CSR = require('@root/csr');
const { Certificate } = require('@fidm/x509');
const AcmeChallenge = require('./acme-challenge');
const pkg = require('../../package.json');
const { normalizeDomain } = require('../tools');
const Lock = require('ioredfour');
const log = require('npmlog');
const { Resolver } = require('dns').promises;
const resolver = new Resolver();
const Joi = require('joi');
const db = require('../db');
const { SettingsHandler } = require('../settings-handler');
if (config.resolver && config.resolver.ns && config.resolver.ns.length) {
resolver.setServers([].concat(config.resolver.ns || []));
const RENEW_AFTER_REMAINING = 10000 + 30 * 24 * 3600 * 1000;
const acme = ACME.create({
maintainerEmail: pkg.author.email,
packageAgent: pkg.name + '/' + pkg.version,
notify(ev, params) {
log.info('ACME', 'Notification for %s (%s)', ev, JSON.stringify(params));
let settings;
let getLock, releaseLock;
// First try triggers initialization, others will wait until first is finished
let acmeInitialized = false;
let acmeInitializing = false;
let acmeInitPending = [];
const ensureAcme = async acmeOptions => {
if (!settings) {
settings = new SettingsHandler({ db: db.database });
if (acmeInitialized) {
return true;
if (acmeInitializing) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
acmeInitPending.push({ resolve, reject });
try {
await acme.init(acmeOptions.directoryUrl);
acmeInitialized = true;
if (acmeInitPending.length) {
for (let entry of acmeInitPending) {
} catch (err) {
if (acmeInitPending.length) {
for (let entry of acmeInitPending) {
throw err;
} finally {
acmeInitializing = false;
return true;
const getAcmeAccount = async (acmeOptions, certHandler) => {
await ensureAcme(acmeOptions);
const entryKey = `acme:account:${acmeOptions.key}`;
const settingsValue = await settings.get(entryKey);
// there is already an existing acme account, no need to create a new one
if (settingsValue) {
return settingsValue;
// account not found, create a new one
log.info('ACME', 'ACME account for %s not found, provisioning new one from %s', acmeOptions.key, acmeOptions.directoryUrl);
const accountKey = await certHandler.generateKey(acmeOptions.keyBits, acmeOptions.keyExponent);
const jwkAccount = pem2jwk(accountKey);
log.info('ACME', 'Generated Acme account key for %s', acmeOptions.key);
const accountOptions = {
subscriberEmail: acmeOptions.email,
agreeToTerms: true,
accountKey: jwkAccount
const account = await acme.accounts.create(accountOptions);
await settings.set(
key: accountKey,
{ enumerable: false }
log.info('ACME', 'ACME account provisioned for %s', acmeOptions.key);
return {
key: accountKey,
const validateDomain = async domain => {
// check domain name format
const validation = Joi.string()
.domain({ tlds: { allow: true } })
if (validation.error) {
// invalid domain name, can not create certificate
let err = new Error('${domain} is not a valid domain name');
err.responseCode = 400;
err.code = 'invalid_domain';
throw err;
// check CAA support
const caaDomains = config.acme.caaDomains.map(normalizeDomain).filter(d => d);
// CAA support in node 15+
if (typeof resolver.resolveCaa === 'function' && caaDomains.length) {
let parts = domain.split('.');
for (let i = 0; i < parts.length - 1; i++) {
let subdomain = parts.slice(i).join('.');
let caaRes;
try {
caaRes = await resolver.resolveCaa(subdomain);
} catch (err) {
// assume not found
if (caaRes && caaRes.length && !caaRes.some(r => config.acme.caaDomains.includes(normalizeDomain(r && r.issue)))) {
let err = new Error(`LE not listed in the CAA record for ${subdomain} (${domain})`);
err.responseCode = 403;
err.code = 'caa_mismatch';
throw err;
} else if (caaRes && caaRes.length) {
log.info('ACME', 'Found matching CAA record for %s (%s)', subdomain, domain);
return true;
const acquireCert = async (domain, acmeOptions, certificateData, certHandler) => {
const domainSafeLockKey = `d:lock:safe:${domain}`;
const domainOpLockKey = `d:lock:op:${domain}`;
if (await db.redis.exists(domainSafeLockKey)) {
// nothing to do here, renewal blocked
log.info('ACME', 'Renewal blocked by failsafe lock for %s', domain);
// use default
return certificateData;
try {
// throws if can not validate domain
await validateDomain(domain);
log.info('ACME', 'Domain validation for %s passed', domain);
} catch (err) {
log.error('ACME', 'Failed to validate domain %s: %s', domain, err.message);
return certificateData;
// Use locking to avoid race conditions, first try gets the lock, others wait until first is finished
if (!getLock) {
let lock = new Lock({
redis: db.redis,
namespace: 'acme'
getLock = (...args) => lock.waitAcquireLock(...args);
releaseLock = (...args) => lock.releaseLock(...args);
let lock = await getLock(domainOpLockKey, 10 * 60 * 1000, 3 * 60 * 1000);
if (!lock.success) {
return certificateData;
try {
// reload from db, maybe already renewed
if (certificateData.expires > new Date(Date.now() + RENEW_AFTER_REMAINING)) {
// no need to renew
return certificateData;
let privateKey = certificateData.privateKey;
if (!privateKey) {
// generate new key
log.info('ACME', 'Provision new private key for %s', domain);
privateKey = await certHandler.resetPrivateKey({ _id: certificateData._id }, config.acme);
const jwkPrivateKey = pem2jwk(privateKey);
const csr = await CSR.csr({
jwk: jwkPrivateKey,
domains: [domain],
encoding: 'pem'
const acmeAccount = await getAcmeAccount(acmeOptions, certHandler);
if (!acmeAccount) {
log.info('ACME', 'Skip certificate renwal for %s, acme account not found', domain);
return false;
const jwkAccount = pem2jwk(acmeAccount.key);
const certificateOptions = {
account: acmeAccount.account,
accountKey: jwkAccount,
domains: [domain],
challenges: {
'http-01': AcmeChallenge.create({
db: db.database
const aID = ((acmeAccount && acmeAccount.account && acmeAccount.account.key && acmeAccount.account.key.kid) || '').split('/acct/').pop();
log.info('ACME', 'Generate ACME cert for %s (account=%s)', domain, aID);
const cert = await acme.certificates.create(certificateOptions);
if (!cert || !cert.cert) {
log.error('ACME', 'Failed to generate certificate for %s. Empty response', domain);
return cert;
log.info('ACME', 'Received certificate from ACME for %s', domain);
let now = new Date();
const parsed = Certificate.fromPEM(cert.cert);
let updates = {
cert: cert.cert,
ca: [].concat(cert.chain || []),
validFrom: new Date(parsed.validFrom),
expires: new Date(parsed.validTo),
altNames: parsed.dnsNames,
issuer: parsed.issuer.commonName,
lastCheck: now,
status: 'valid'
let updated = await certHandler.update({ _id: certificateData._id }, updates, { certUpdated: true });
if (!updated) {
log.error('ACME', 'Failed to generate certificate for %s. Update failed', domain);
short_message: `SNI cert provisioning failed for ${domain}`,
_sni_servername: domain,
_cert_id: certificateData._id.toString(),
_cert_action: 'provision',
_cert_error: 'No response',
_cert_error_code: 'NoResponse'
return cert;
log.info('ACME', 'Certificate successfully generated for %s (expires %s)', domain, parsed.validTo);
short_message: `SNI cert provisioned for ${domain}`,
_sni_servername: domain,
_cert_id: certificateData._id.toString(),
_cert_action: 'provision',
_cert_result: 'success',
_cert_expires: updates.expires.toISOString()
return await certHandler.getRecord({ _id: certificateData._id }, true);
} catch (err) {
try {
await db.redis.multi().set(domainSafeLockKey, 1).expire(domainSafeLockKey, BLOCK_RENEW_AFTER_ERROR_TTL).exec();
} catch (err) {
log.error('ACME', 'Redis call failed key=%s domains=%s error=%s', domainSafeLockKey, domain, err.message);
log.error('ACME', 'Failed to generate certificate domains=%s error=%s', domain, err.stack);
if (certificateData && certificateData._id) {
try {
await db.database.collection('certs').findOneAndUpdate(
{ _id: certificateData._id },
$set: {
'_acme.lastError': {
err: err.message,
code: err.code,
time: new Date()
} catch (err) {
log.error('ACME', 'Failed to update certificate record domain=%s error=%s', domain, err.message);
short_message: `SNI cert provisioning failed for ${domain}`,
_sni_servername: domain,
_cert_id: certificateData._id.toString(),
_cert_action: 'provision',
_cert_error: err.message,
_cert_error_code: err.code
if (certificateData && certificateData.cert) {
// use existing certificate data if exists
return certificateData;
throw err;
} finally {
try {
await releaseLock(lock);
} catch (err) {
log.error('Lock', 'Failed to release lock for %s: %s', domainOpLockKey, err);
const getCertificate = async (domain, acmeOptions, certHandler) => {
await ensureAcme(acmeOptions, certHandler);
domain = normalizeDomain(domain);
let certificateData = await certHandler.getRecord({ servername: domain }, true);
if (!certificateData) {
let err = new Error('Missing certificate info for ${domain}');
err.responseCode = 404;
err.code = 'missing_certificate';
throw err;
if (!certificateData.status) {
certificateData.status = 'pending';
if (certificateData.status === 'valid' && certificateData.expires < new Date()) {
certificateData.status = 'expired';
if (certificateData.expires > new Date(Date.now() + RENEW_AFTER_REMAINING)) {
// no need to renew, use existing
return certificateData;
return await acquireCert(domain, acmeOptions, certificateData, certHandler);
module.exports = {