#!/bin/bash # from # https://github.com/oneclickvirt/pve # 2024.03.12 # ./buildct_onlyv6.sh CTID 密码 CPU核数 内存 硬盘 系统 存储盘 # ./buildct_onlyv6.sh 102 1234567 1 512 5 debian11 local # 用颜色输出信息 _red() { echo -e "\033[31m\033[01m$@\033[0m"; } _green() { echo -e "\033[32m\033[01m$@\033[0m"; } _yellow() { echo -e "\033[33m\033[01m$@\033[0m"; } _blue() { echo -e "\033[36m\033[01m$@\033[0m"; } reading() { read -rp "$(_green "$1")" "$2"; } utf8_locale=$(locale -a 2>/dev/null | grep -i -m 1 -E "UTF-8|utf8") if [[ -z "$utf8_locale" ]]; then echo "No UTF-8 locale found" else export LC_ALL="$utf8_locale" export LANG="$utf8_locale" export LANGUAGE="$utf8_locale" echo "Locale set to $utf8_locale" fi if [ ! -f /usr/local/bin/pve_check_ipv6 ]; then _yellow "No ipv6 address exists to open a server with a standalone IPV6 address" fi if ! grep -q "vmbr2" /etc/network/interfaces; then _yellow "No vmbr2 exists to open a server with a standalone IPV6 address" fi # 检测ndppd服务是否启动了 service_status=$(systemctl is-active ndpresponder.service) if [ "$service_status" == "active" ]; then _green "The ndpresponder service started successfully and is running, and the host can open a service with a separate IPV6 address." _green "ndpresponder服务启动成功且正在运行,宿主机可开设带独立IPV6地址的服务。" else _green "The status of the ndpresponder service is abnormal and the host may not open a service with a separate IPV6 address." _green "ndpresponder服务状态异常,宿主机不可开设带独立IPV6地址的服务。" exit 1 fi get_system_arch() { local sysarch="$(uname -m)" if [ "${sysarch}" = "unknown" ] || [ "${sysarch}" = "" ]; then local sysarch="$(arch)" fi # 根据架构信息设置系统位数并下载文件,其余 * 包括了 x86_64 case "${sysarch}" in "i386" | "i686" | "x86_64") system_arch="x86" ;; "armv7l" | "armv8" | "armv8l" | "aarch64") system_arch="arch" ;; *) system_arch="" ;; esac } check_china() { _yellow "IP area being detected ......" if [[ -z "${CN}" ]]; then if [[ $(curl -m 6 -s https://ipapi.co/json | grep 'China') != "" ]]; then _yellow "根据ipapi.co提供的信息,当前IP可能在中国,使用中国镜像下载" CN=true else if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then if [[ $(curl -m 6 -s cip.cc) =~ "中国" ]]; then _yellow "根据cip.cc提供的信息,当前IP可能在中国,使用中国镜像下载" CN=true fi fi fi fi } check_cdn() { local o_url=$1 for cdn_url in "${cdn_urls[@]}"; do if curl -sL -k "$cdn_url$o_url" --max-time 6 | grep -q "success" >/dev/null 2>&1; then export cdn_success_url="$cdn_url" return fi sleep 0.5 done export cdn_success_url="" } check_cdn_file() { check_cdn "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spiritLHLS/ecs/main/back/test" if [ -n "$cdn_success_url" ]; then _yellow "CDN available, using CDN" else _yellow "No CDN available, no use CDN" fi } get_system_arch check_china if [ -z "${system_arch}" ] || [ ! -v system_arch ]; then _red "This script can only run on machines under x86_64 or arm architecture." exit 1 fi cd /root >/dev/null 2>&1 CTID="${1:-102}" password="${2:-123456}" core="${3:-1}" memory="${4:-512}" disk="${5:-5}" system_ori="${6:-debian11}" storage="${7:-local}" rm -rf "ct$name" en_system=$(echo "$system_ori" | sed 's/[0-9]*//g; s/\.$//') num_system=$(echo "$system_ori" | sed 's/[a-zA-Z]*//g') system="$en_system-$num_system" cdn_urls=("https://cdn0.spiritlhl.top/" "http://cdn3.spiritlhl.net/" "http://cdn1.spiritlhl.net/" "https://ghproxy.com/" "http://cdn2.spiritlhl.net/") check_cdn_file if [ "$system_arch" = "arch" ]; then system_name="" system_names=() usable_system=false response=$(curl -slk -m 6 "${cdn_success_url}https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oneclickvirt/lxc_arm_images/main/fixed_images.txt") if [ $? -eq 0 ] && [ -n "$response" ]; then system_names+=($(echo "$response")) fi ubuntu_versions=("18.04" "20.04" "22.04" "23.04" "23.10" "24.04") ubuntu_names=("bionic" "focal" "jammy" "lunar" "mantic" "noble") debian_versions=("10" "11" "12" "13") debian_names=("buster" "bullseye" "bookworm" "trixie") version="" if [ "$en_system" = "ubuntu" ]; then # 转换ubuntu系统的代号为对应名字 for ((i=0; i<${#ubuntu_versions[@]}; i++)); do if [ "${ubuntu_versions[$i]}" = "$num_system" ]; then version="${ubuntu_names[$i]}" system_name="${en_system}_${ubuntu_versions[$i]}_${ubuntu_names[$i]}_arm64_cloud.tar.xz" break fi done elif [ "$en_system" = "debian" ]; then # 转换debian系统的代号为对应名字 for ((i=0; i<${#debian_versions[@]}; i++)); do if [ "${debian_versions[$i]}" = "$num_system" ]; then version="${debian_names[$i]}" system_name="${en_system}_${debian_versions[$i]}_${debian_names[$i]}_arm64_cloud.tar.xz" break fi done elif [ -z $num_system ]; then # 适配无指定版本的系统 for ((i=0; i<${#system_names[@]}; i++)); do if [[ "${system_names[$i]}" == "${en_system}_"* ]]; then system_name="${system_names[$i]}" break fi done else system_name="${en_system}_${version}_${version}_arm64_cloud.tar.xz" fi if [ ${#system_names[@]} -eq 0 ] && [ -z "$system_name" ]; then _red "No suitable system names found." exit 1 else for sy in "${system_names[@]}"; do if [[ $sy == "${system_name}"* ]]; then usable_system=true fi done fi if [ "$usable_system" = false ]; then _red "Invalid system version." exit 1 fi if [ -n "${system_name}" ]; then if [ ! -f "/var/lib/vz/template/cache/${system_name}" ]; then curl -o "/var/lib/vz/template/cache/${system_name}" "${cdn_success_url}https://github.com/oneclickvirt/lxc_arm_images/releases/download/${en_system}/${system_name}" else echo "File already exists: /var/lib/vz/template/cache/${system_name}" fi fixed_system=true fi else fixed_system=false # 使用自动修补的镜像 system_name="" system_names=() system="${en_system}_${num_system}" response=$(curl -slk -m 6 "${cdn_success_url}https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oneclickvirt/lxc_amd64_images/main/fixed_images.txt") if [ $? -eq 0 ] && [ -n "$response" ]; then system_names+=($(echo "$response")) fi for image_name in "${system_names[@]}"; do if [ -z "${num_system}" ]; then # 若无版本号,则仅识别系统名字匹配第一个链接,放宽系统识别 if [[ "$image_name" == "${en_system}"* ]]; then fixed_system=true image_download_url="https://github.com/oneclickvirt/lxc_amd64_images/releases/download/${en_system}/${image_name}" if [ ! -f "/var/lib/vz/template/cache/${image_name}" ]; then curl -o "/var/lib/vz/template/cache/${image_name}" "${cdn_success_url}${image_download_url}" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then _red "Failed to download ${system_name}" fixed_system=false rm -rf "/var/lib/vz/template/cache/${system_name}" fi fi echo "A matching image exists and will be created using ${image_name}" echo "匹配的镜像存在,将使用 ${image_name} 进行创建" system_name="$image_name" break fi else # 有版本号,精确识别系统 if [[ "$image_name" == "${en_system}_${num_system}"* ]]; then fixed_system=true image_download_url="https://github.com/oneclickvirt/lxc_amd64_images/releases/download/${en_system}/${image_name}" if [ ! -f "/var/lib/vz/template/cache/${image_name}" ]; then curl -o "/var/lib/vz/template/cache/${image_name}" "${cdn_success_url}${image_download_url}" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then _red "Failed to download ${system_name}" fixed_system=false rm -rf "/var/lib/vz/template/cache/${system_name}" fi fi echo "A matching image exists and will be created using ${image_name}" echo "匹配的镜像存在,将使用 ${image_name} 进行创建" system_name="$image_name" break fi fi done # 使用手动修补的镜像 if [ "$fixed_system" = false ] && [ -z "$system_name" ]; then system_name="" system_names=() system="${en_system}-${num_system}" response=$(curl -slk -m 6 "${cdn_success_url}https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oneclickvirt/pve_lxc_images/main/fixed_images.txt") if [ $? -eq 0 ] && [ -n "$response" ]; then system_names+=($(echo "$response")) fi pve_version=$(pveversion) if [[ $pve_version == pve-manager/5* ]]; then _blue "Detected that PVE version is too low to use zst format images" else if [ ${#system_names[@]} -eq 0 ]; then echo "No suitable system names found." elif [ -z $num_system ]; then # 适配无指定版本的系统 for ((i=0; i<${#system_names[@]}; i++)); do if [[ "${system_names[$i]}" == "${en_system}-"* ]]; then system_name="${system_names[$i]}" fixed_system=true if [ ! -f "/var/lib/vz/template/cache/${system_name}" ]; then curl -o "/var/lib/vz/template/cache/${system_name}" "${cdn_success_url}https://github.com/oneclickvirt/pve_lxc_images/releases/download/${en_system}/${system_name}" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then _red "Failed to download ${system_name}" fixed_system=false rm -rf "/var/lib/vz/template/cache/${system_name}" fi fi _blue "Use self-fixed image: ${system_name}" break fi done else # 适配指定版本的系统 for sy in "${system_names[@]}"; do if [[ $sy == "${system}"* ]]; then system_name="$sy" fixed_system=true if [ ! -f "/var/lib/vz/template/cache/${system_name}" ]; then curl -o "/var/lib/vz/template/cache/${system_name}" "${cdn_success_url}https://github.com/oneclickvirt/pve_lxc_images/releases/download/${en_system}/${system_name}" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then _red "Failed to download ${system_name}" fixed_system=false rm -rf "/var/lib/vz/template/cache/${system_name}" fi fi _blue "Use self-fixed image: ${system_name}" break fi done fi fi fi if [ "$fixed_system" = false ] && [ -z "$system_name" ]; then if [ -z $num_system ]; then system_name=$(pveam available --section system | grep "$en_system" | awk '{print $2}' | head -n1) if ! pveam available --section system | grep "$en_system" >/dev/null; then _red "No such system" exit 1 else _green "Use $system_name" fi if [ ! -f "/var/lib/vz/template/cache/${system_name}" ]; then pveam download local $system_name fi else system_name=$(pveam available --section system | grep "$system" | awk '{print $2}' | head -n1) if ! pveam available --section system | grep "$system" >/dev/null; then _red "No such system" exit 1 else _green "Use $system_name" fi if [ ! -f "/var/lib/vz/template/cache/${system_name}" ]; then pveam download local $system_name fi fi fi fi first_digit=${CTID:0:1} second_digit=${CTID:1:1} third_digit=${CTID:2:1} if [ $first_digit -le 2 ]; then if [ $second_digit -eq 0 ]; then num=$third_digit else num=$second_digit$third_digit fi else num=$((first_digit - 2))$second_digit$third_digit fi # 检测IPV6相关的信息 if [ -f /usr/local/bin/pve_check_ipv6 ]; then host_ipv6_address=$(cat /usr/local/bin/pve_check_ipv6) ipv6_address_without_last_segment="${host_ipv6_address%:*}:" fi if [ -f /usr/local/bin/pve_ipv6_prefixlen ]; then ipv6_prefixlen=$(cat /usr/local/bin/pve_ipv6_prefixlen) fi if [ -f /usr/local/bin/pve_ipv6_gateway ]; then ipv6_gateway=$(cat /usr/local/bin/pve_ipv6_gateway) fi # 正式开设容器 user_ip="172.16.1.${num}" if [ "$fixed_system" = true ]; then pct create $CTID /var/lib/vz/template/cache/${system_name} -cores $core -cpuunits 1024 -memory $memory -swap 128 -rootfs ${storage}:${disk} -onboot 1 -password $password -features nesting=1 else pct create $CTID ${storage}:vztmpl/${system_name} -cores $core -cpuunits 1024 -memory $memory -swap 128 -rootfs ${storage}:${disk} -onboot 1 -password $password -features nesting=1 fi pct start $CTID sleep 5 pct set $CTID --hostname $CTID pct set $CTID --net0 name=eth0,ip6="${ipv6_address_without_last_segment}${CTID}/128",bridge=vmbr2,gw6="${host_ipv6_address}" pct set $CTID --net1 name=eth1,ip=${user_ip}/24,bridge=vmbr1,gw= pct set $CTID --nameserver,2001:4860:4860::8888 --nameserver,2001:4860:4860::8844 sleep 3 # 开始配置容器内部环境 if [ "$fixed_system" = true ]; then if [[ -z "${CN}" || "${CN}" != true ]]; then sleep 1 else pct exec $CTID -- curl -lk https://gitee.com/SuperManito/LinuxMirrors/raw/main/ChangeMirrors.sh -o ChangeMirrors.sh pct exec $CTID -- chmod 777 ChangeMirrors.sh pct exec $CTID -- ./ChangeMirrors.sh --source mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn --web-protocol http --intranet false --close-firewall true --backup true --updata-software false --clean-cache false --ignore-backup-tips pct exec $CTID -- rm -rf ChangeMirrors.sh fi sleep 2 public_network_check_res=$(pct exec $CTID -- curl -lk -m 6 ${cdn_success_url}https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spiritLHLS/ecs/main/back/test) if [[ $public_network_check_res == *"success"* ]]; then echo "network is public" else echo "nameserver" | pct exec $CTID -- tee -a /etc/resolv.conf sleep 1 pct exec $CTID -- curl -lk -m 6 ${cdn_success_url}https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spiritLHLS/ecs/main/back/test fi sleep 2 ssh_check_res=$(pct exec $CTID -- lsof -i:22) if [[ $ssh_check_res == *"ssh"* ]]; then echo "ssh config correct" else pct exec $CTID -- service ssh restart pct exec $CTID -- service sshd restart sleep 2 pct exec $CTID -- systemctl restart sshd pct exec $CTID -- systemctl restart ssh fi else if echo "$system" | grep -qiE "centos|almalinux|rockylinux" >/dev/null 2>&1; then if [[ -z "${CN}" || "${CN}" != true ]]; then pct exec $CTID -- yum update -y pct exec $CTID -- yum install -y dos2unix curl else pct exec $CTID -- yum install -y curl pct exec $CTID -- curl -lk https://gitee.com/SuperManito/LinuxMirrors/raw/main/ChangeMirrors.sh -o ChangeMirrors.sh pct exec $CTID -- chmod 777 ChangeMirrors.sh pct exec $CTID -- ./ChangeMirrors.sh --source mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn --web-protocol http --intranet false --close-firewall true --backup true --updata-software false --clean-cache false --ignore-backup-tips pct exec $CTID -- rm -rf ChangeMirrors.sh pct exec $CTID -- yum install -y dos2unix fi elif echo "$system" | grep -qiE "fedora" >/dev/null 2>&1; then if [[ -z "${CN}" || "${CN}" != true ]]; then pct exec $CTID -- dnf update -y pct exec $CTID -- dnf install -y dos2unix curl else pct exec $CTID -- dnf install -y curl pct exec $CTID -- curl -lk https://gitee.com/SuperManito/LinuxMirrors/raw/main/ChangeMirrors.sh -o ChangeMirrors.sh pct exec $CTID -- chmod 777 ChangeMirrors.sh pct exec $CTID -- ./ChangeMirrors.sh --source mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn --web-protocol http --intranet false --close-firewall true --backup true --updata-software false --clean-cache false --ignore-backup-tips pct exec $CTID -- rm -rf ChangeMirrors.sh pct exec $CTID -- dnf install -y dos2unix fi elif echo "$system" | grep -qiE "opensuse" >/dev/null 2>&1; then if [[ -z "${CN}" || "${CN}" != true ]]; then pct exec $CTID -- zypper update -y pct exec $CTID -- zypper --non-interactive install dos2unix curl else pct exec $CTID -- zypper --non-interactive install curl pct exec $CTID -- curl -lk https://gitee.com/SuperManito/LinuxMirrors/raw/main/ChangeMirrors.sh -o ChangeMirrors.sh pct exec $CTID -- chmod 777 ChangeMirrors.sh pct exec $CTID -- ./ChangeMirrors.sh --source mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn --web-protocol http --intranet false --close-firewall true --backup true --updata-software false --clean-cache false --ignore-backup-tips pct exec $CTID -- rm -rf ChangeMirrors.sh pct exec $CTID -- zypper --non-interactive install dos2unix fi elif echo "$system" | grep -qiE "alpine|archlinux" >/dev/null 2>&1; then if [[ -z "${CN}" || "${CN}" != true ]]; then sleep 1 else pct exec $CTID -- wget https://gitee.com/SuperManito/LinuxMirrors/raw/main/ChangeMirrors.sh pct exec $CTID -- chmod 777 ChangeMirrors.sh pct exec $CTID -- ./ChangeMirrors.sh --source mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn --web-protocol http --intranet false --close-firewall true --backup true --updata-software false --clean-cache false --ignore-backup-tips pct exec $CTID -- rm -rf ChangeMirrors.sh fi elif echo "$system" | grep -qiE "ubuntu|debian|devuan" >/dev/null 2>&1; then if [[ -z "${CN}" || "${CN}" != true ]]; then pct exec $CTID -- apt-get update -y pct exec $CTID -- dpkg --configure -a pct exec $CTID -- apt-get update pct exec $CTID -- apt-get install dos2unix curl -y else pct exec $CTID -- apt-get install curl -y --fix-missing pct exec $CTID -- curl -lk https://gitee.com/SuperManito/LinuxMirrors/raw/main/ChangeMirrors.sh -o ChangeMirrors.sh pct exec $CTID -- chmod 777 ChangeMirrors.sh pct exec $CTID -- ./ChangeMirrors.sh --source mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn --web-protocol http --intranet false --close-firewall true --backup true --updata-software false --clean-cache false --ignore-backup-tips pct exec $CTID -- rm -rf ChangeMirrors.sh pct exec $CTID -- apt-get install dos2unix -y fi fi if echo "$system" | grep -qiE "alpine|archlinux|gentoo|openwrt" >/dev/null 2>&1; then pct exec $CTID -- curl -L ${cdn_success_url}https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oneclickvirt/pve/main/scripts/ssh_sh.sh -o ssh_sh.sh pct exec $CTID -- chmod 777 ssh_sh.sh pct exec $CTID -- dos2unix ssh_sh.sh pct exec $CTID -- bash ssh_sh.sh else pct exec $CTID -- curl -L ${cdn_success_url}https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oneclickvirt/pve/main/scripts/ssh_bash.sh -o ssh_bash.sh pct exec $CTID -- chmod 777 ssh_bash.sh pct exec $CTID -- dos2unix ssh_bash.sh pct exec $CTID -- bash ssh_bash.sh fi fi pct exec $CTID -- echo '*/1 * * * * curl -m 6 -s ipv6.ip.sb && curl -m 6 -s ipv6.ip.sb' | crontab - # 启用PVE自动修改网络接口设置 pct exec $CTID -- rm -rf /etc/network/.pve-ignore.interfaces # 禁止PVE自动修改DNS设置 pct exec $CTID -- touch /etc/.pve-ignore.resolv.conf # 禁止PVE自动修改主机名设置 pct exec $CTID -- touch /etc/.pve-ignore.hosts pct exec $CTID -- touch /etc/.pve-ignore.hostname # 设置容器的滥用限制 # pct exec $CTID -- curl -L ${cdn_success_url}https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spiritLHLS/lxc/main/config.sh -o config.sh # pct exec $CTID -- chmod +x config.sh # pct exec $CTID -- bash config.sh echo "$CTID $password $core $memory $disk $system_ori $storage ${ipv6_address_without_last_segment}${CTID}" >>"ct${CTID}" # 容器的相关信息将会存储到对应的容器的NOTE中,可在WEB端查看 data=$(echo " CTID root密码-password CPU核数-CPU 内存-memory 硬盘-disk 系统-system 存储盘-storage 外网IPV6-ipv6") values=$(cat "ct${CTID}") IFS=' ' read -ra data_array <<<"$data" IFS=' ' read -ra values_array <<<"$values" length=${#data_array[@]} for ((i = 0; i < $length; i++)); do echo "${data_array[$i]} ${values_array[$i]}" echo "" done >"/tmp/temp${CTID}.txt" sed -i 's/^/# /' "/tmp/temp${CTID}.txt" cat "/etc/pve/lxc/${CTID}.conf" >>"/tmp/temp${CTID}.txt" cp "/tmp/temp${CTID}.txt" "/etc/pve/lxc/${CTID}.conf" rm -rf "/tmp/temp${CTID}.txt" cat "ct${CTID}"