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2020-10-16 00:32:37 +08:00
#! /usr/bin/perl -T
# vim: set filetype=perl ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 et:
# NEEDGROUP osh-accountListPasswords
# SUDOERS %osh-accountListPasswords ALL=(%bastion-users) NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/env perl -T /opt/bastion/bin/helper/osh-accountListPasswords *
2020-10-16 00:32:37 +08:00
use common::sense;
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Basename;
use lib dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../lib/perl';
use OVH::Bastion;
local $| = 1;
# Globals
$SIG{'HUP'} = 'IGNORE'; # continue even when attached terminal is closed (we're called with setsid on supported systems anyway)
$SIG{'PIPE'} = 'IGNORE'; # continue even if osh_info gets a SIGPIPE because there's no longer a terminal
2020-10-16 00:32:37 +08:00
$ENV{'PATH'} = '/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/pkg/bin';
my ($self) = $ENV{'SUDO_USER'} =~ m{^([a-zA-Z0-9._-]+)$};
if (not defined $self) {
if ($< == 0) {
$self = 'root';
else {
HEXIT('ERR_SUDO_NEEDED', msg => 'This command must be run under sudo');
# Fetch command options
my $fnret;
my ($result, @optwarns);
my ($account);
eval {
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @optwarns, shift };
$result = GetOptions("account=s" => sub { $account //= $_[1] });
if ($@) { die $@ }
if (!$result) {
local $" = ", ";
HEXIT('ERR_BAD_OPTIONS', msg => "Error parsing options: @optwarns");
if (!$account) {
HEXIT('ERR_MISSING_PARAMETER', msg => "Missing argument 'account'");
if ($self eq 'root') {
osh_debug "Real root, skipping checks of permissions";
else {
# need to perform another security check
$fnret = OVH::Bastion::is_user_in_group(user => $self, group => "osh-accountListPasswords");
if (!$fnret) {
HEXIT('ERR_SECURITY_VIOLATION', msg => "You're not allowed to run this, dear $self");
osh_debug("Checking account");
$fnret = OVH::Bastion::is_bastion_account_valid_and_existing(account => $account);
$fnret or HEXIT($fnret);
$account = $fnret->value->{'account'}; # untainted
HEXIT(OVH::Bastion::get_hashes_list(context => 'account', account => $account));