2020-10-16 00:32:37 +08:00
#! /usr/bin/perl -T
# vim: set filetype=perl ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 et:
# KEYSUDOERS # as an aclkeeper, we can add/del a server from the group server list in /home/%GROUP%/allowed.ip
# KEYSUDOERS SUPEROWNERS, %%GROUP%-aclkeeper ALL=(%GROUP%) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/env perl -T %BASEPATH%/bin/helper/osh-groupAddServer --group %GROUP% *
2020-11-17 18:12:53 +08:00
2020-10-16 00:32:37 +08:00
use common::sense;
2021-12-09 20:54:33 +08:00
use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_auto_abbrev no_ignore_case);
2020-10-16 00:32:37 +08:00
use Net::IP;
use File::Basename;
use lib dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../lib/perl';
use OVH::Result;
use OVH::Bastion;
2021-11-30 19:20:28 +08:00
use OVH::Bastion::Helper;
2020-10-16 00:32:37 +08:00
# Fetch command options
my $fnret;
my ($result, @optwarns);
2021-10-26 19:28:20 +08:00
my ($group, $user, $ip, $port, $action, $force, $forcePassword, $ttl, $comment);
2020-10-16 00:32:37 +08:00
eval {
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @optwarns, shift };
$result = GetOptions(
2021-10-26 19:28:20 +08:00
"group=s" => sub { $group //= $_[1] }, # ignore subsequent --group on cmdline (anti-sudoers-override)
"user=s" => sub { $user //= $_[1] },
"ip=s" => sub { $ip //= $_[1] },
"port=i" => sub { $port //= $_[1] },
"action=s" => sub { $action //= $_[1] },
"force" => sub { $force //= $_[1] },
"force-password=s" => sub { $forcePassword //= $_[1] },
"ttl=i" => sub { $ttl //= $_[1] },
"comment=s" => sub { $comment //= $_[1] },
2020-10-16 00:32:37 +08:00
if ($@) { die $@ }
if (!$result) {
local $" = ", ";
HEXIT('ERR_BAD_OPTIONS', msg => "Error parsing options: @optwarns");
2021-12-16 01:11:03 +08:00
2020-10-16 00:32:37 +08:00
if (not $ip or not $group or not $action) {
HEXIT('ERR_MISSING_PARAMETER', msg => "Missing argument 'ip' or 'group' or 'action'");
if (not grep { $action eq $_ } qw{ add del }) {
HEXIT('ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER', msg => "Argument action should be 'add' or 'del'");
osh_debug("Checking group $group");
$fnret = OVH::Bastion::is_valid_group_and_existing(group => $group, groupType => 'key');
$fnret or HEXIT($fnret);
# get returned untainted value
$group = $fnret->value->{'group'};
my $shortGroup = $fnret->value->{'shortGroup'};
osh_debug("got group $group/$shortGroup");
if ($self eq 'root') {
osh_debug "Real root, skipping checks of permissions";
else {
$fnret = OVH::Bastion::is_group_aclkeeper(account => $self, group => $shortGroup, sudo => 1, superowner => 1);
$fnret or HEXIT('ERR_NOT_ALLOWED', msg => "Sorry, you must be an aclkeeper of group $shortGroup");
my $machine = $ip;
$port and $machine .= ":$port";
$user and $machine = $user . '@' . $machine;
# access_modify validates all its parameters, don't do it ourselves here for clarity
$fnret = OVH::Bastion::access_modify(
2021-10-26 19:28:20 +08:00
way => 'group',
action => $action,
group => $group,
ip => $ip,
user => $user,
port => $port,
forcePassword => $forcePassword,
ttl => $ttl,
comment => $comment,
2020-10-16 00:32:37 +08:00
if ($fnret->err eq 'OK') {
my $ttlmsg = $ttl ? ' (expires in ' . OVH::Bastion::duration2human(seconds => $ttl)->value->{'human'} . ')' : '';
2021-02-17 22:36:43 +08:00
2021-10-26 19:28:20 +08:00
value => {action => $action, group => $shortGroup, ip => $ip, user => $user, port => $port, forcePassword => $forcePassword, ttl => $ttl, comment => $comment},
2021-02-17 22:36:43 +08:00
msg => $action eq 'add' ? "Entry $machine was added to group $shortGroup$ttlmsg" : "Entry $machine was removed from group $shortGroup$ttlmsg"
2020-10-16 00:32:37 +08:00
elsif ($fnret->err eq 'OK_NO_CHANGE') {
msg => $action eq 'add' ? "Entry $machine was already added to group $shortGroup, nothing done" : "Entry $machine was not in group $shortGroup, nothing done");