2020-10-16 00:32:37 +08:00
Sandbox using Docker
2020-12-17 16:14:13 +08:00
This is a good way to test The Bastion within seconds, but :ref: `read the FAQ <faq_docker>` if you're serious about using containerization in production.
The sandbox image is available for the following architectures: `` linux/386 `` , `` linux/amd64 `` , `` linux/arm/v6 `` , `` linux/arm/v7 `` , `` linux/arm64 `` , `` linux/ppc64le `` , `` linux/s390x `` .
- Let's run the docker image:
.. code-block :: shell
docker run -d -p 22 --name bastiontest ovhcom/the-bastion:sandbox
- Or, if you prefer building the docker image yourself, you can: use the two commands below. Of course, if you already typed the `` docker run `` command above, you can skip the following commands:
2020-10-16 00:32:37 +08:00
.. code-block :: shell
docker build -f docker/Dockerfile.debian10 -t bastion:debian10 .
docker run -d -p 22 --name bastiontest bastion:debian10
- Configure the first administrator account (get your public SSH key ready)
.. code-block :: shell
docker exec -it bastiontest /opt/bastion/bin/admin/setup-first-admin-account.sh poweruser auto
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- We're now up and running with the default configuration! Let's setup a handy bastion alias, and test the `` info `` command:
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.. code-block :: shell
PORT=$(docker port bastiontest | cut -d: -f2)
alias bastion="ssh poweruser@ -tp $PORT -- "
bastion --osh info
- It should greet you as being a bastion admin, which means you have access to all commands. Let's enter interactive mode:
.. code-block :: shell
bastion -i
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- This is useful to call several `` --osh `` plugins in a row. Now we can ask for help to see all plugins:
2020-10-16 00:32:37 +08:00
.. code-block :: shell
$> help
- If you have a remote machine you want to try to connect to through the bastion, fetch your egress key:
.. code-block :: shell
$> selfListEgressKeys
2020-12-17 16:14:13 +08:00
- Copy this public key to the remote machine's `` authorized_keys `` under the `` .ssh/ `` folder of the account you want to connect to, then:
2020-10-16 00:32:37 +08:00
.. code-block :: shell
$> selfAddPersonalAccess --host <remote_host> --user <remote_account_name> --port-any
$> ssh <remote_account_name>@<remote_host>
- Note that you can connect directly without using interactive mode, with:
.. code-block :: shell
bastion <remote_account_name>@<remote_machine_host_or_ip>
That's it! You can head over to the :doc: `using the bastion<../using/index>` section for more information.
Be sure to check the help of the bastion with `` bastion --help `` , along with the help of each osh plugin with `` bastion --osh command --help `` .
Also don't forget to customize your `` bastion.conf `` file, which can be found in `` /etc/bastion/bastion.conf `` (for Linux).