
239 lines
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2020-10-16 00:32:37 +08:00
# vim: set filetype=perl ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 et:
package OVH::Bastion;
use common::sense;
use Term::ReadLine;
use JSON;
use POSIX ();
# autocompletion rules
my @rules;
sub interactive {
my %params = @_;
my $realOptions = $params{'realOptions'};
my $timeoutHandler = $params{'timeoutHandler'};
my $self = $params{'self'};
my $fnret;
my $bastionName = OVH::Bastion::config('bastionName')->value();
my $interactiveModeTimeout = OVH::Bastion::config('interactiveModeTimeout')->value() || 0;
my $slaveOrMaster = (OVH::Bastion::config('readOnlySlaveMode')->value() ? 'slave' : 'master');
my $term = Term::ReadLine->new('Bastion Interactive');
my $prompt =
"\001\033[0m\033[33m$self\033[1;35m@\033[32m\002$bastionName\001\033[1;35m\002(\001\033[0m\033[36m\002$slaveOrMaster\001\033[1;35m\002)\001\033[0m\033[32m\002>\001\033[0m\002 ";
my $prompt_non_readline = $prompt;
$prompt_non_readline =~ s=\001|\002==g;
print <<EOM;
Welcome to $bastionName interactive mode, type `help' for available commands.
You can use <tab> and <tab><tab> for autocompletion.
You'll be disconnected after $interactiveModeTimeout seconds of inactivity.
# dynamically get the list of plugins we can use
print "Loading... ";
$fnret = OVH::Bastion::get_plugin_list();
$fnret or return ();
my $pluginList = $fnret->value;
my @cmdlist = ('exit', 'ssh');
foreach my $plugin (sort keys %$pluginList) {
$fnret = OVH::Bastion::can_account_execute_plugin(plugin => $plugin, account => $self);
next if !$fnret;
push @cmdlist, $plugin;
# also load autocompletion rules for this plugin
if (open(my $jsonFd, '<', $pluginList->{$plugin}->{'dir'} . '/' . $plugin . '.json')) {
local $/ = undef;
my $jsonPayload = <$jsonFd>;
my $jsonData;
eval { $jsonData = decode_json($jsonPayload); };
if (ref $jsonData eq 'HASH' && ref $jsonData->{'interactive'} eq 'ARRAY') {
push @rules, @{$jsonData->{'interactive'}};
print scalar(@cmdlist) . " commands and " . (@rules / 2) . " autocompletion rules loaded.\n\n";
# setup readline
my $attribs = $term->Attribs;
$attribs->{'completion_function'} = sub {
my ($word, $line, $start) = @_;
# word: current word being typed
# line: whole line so far
# start: cursor pos
# avoid disconnection because the user seems to be alive
if (!$line) {
# autocompletion asked without anything written yet
return @cmdlist;
# easter egg
if ($line eq $word and $word =~ /^con/) {
return ('configure');
if ($line =~ /^conf(igure)?(\s|$)/ and ('terminal' =~ /^\Q$word\E/)) {
return ('terminal');
# /easter egg
if ($line eq $word) {
# first word of line, user wants completion
my @validcmds;
foreach my $cmd (@cmdlist) {
push @validcmds, $cmd if ($cmd =~ /^\Q$word\E/);
return @validcmds;
for (my $i = 0 ; $i < @rules ; $i += 2) {
my $re = $rules[$i];
my $item = $rules[$i + 1];
next unless ($line =~ m{^$re\s*$} or $line =~ m{^$re\s\Q$word\E\s*$});
# but wait, even if it matches, user must have the right to use this plugin,
# check that here
my ($typedPlugin) = $line =~ m{^(\S+)};
next unless grep { $typedPlugin eq $_ } @cmdlist;
# if autocomplete specified, just return it
if ($item->{'ac'}) {
# but before, check there's no magic inside, i.e. replace ACCOUNT by @account_list and GROUP by @group_list
my @autocomplete;
foreach (@{$item->{'ac'}}) {
if ($_ eq '<ACCOUNT>') {
my $fnret = OVH::Bastion::get_account_list(cache => 1);
if ($fnret) {
push @autocomplete, sort keys %{$fnret->value()};
elsif ($_ eq '<GROUP>') {
my $fnret = OVH::Bastion::get_group_list(cache => 1, groupType => 'key');
if ($fnret) {
push @autocomplete, sort keys %{$fnret->value()};
elsif ($_ eq '<REALM>') {
my $fnret = OVH::Bastion::get_realm_list();
if ($fnret) {
push @autocomplete, sort keys %{$fnret->value()};
elsif ($_ eq '<RESTRICTED_COMMAND>') {
my $fnret = OVH::Bastion::get_plugin_list(restrictedOnly => 1);
if ($fnret) {
push @autocomplete, 'auditor', sort keys %{$fnret->value()};
elsif ($_ eq '<COMMAND>') {
my $fnret = OVH::Bastion::get_plugin_list();
if ($fnret) {
push @autocomplete, sort keys %{$fnret->value()};
2020-10-16 00:32:37 +08:00
push @autocomplete, $_;
return @autocomplete;
# else, we just print stuff ourselves
if ($item->{'pr'}) {
print "\n" . join("\n", @{$item->{'pr'}}) . "\n$prompt_non_readline$line";
return ();
# nothing matches, we have nothing to return
return ();
# for obscure reasons, perl signal handling code doesn't work well with readline
# unless we force them to "unsafe" mode before perl starts, which is ugly.
# so for this one, use direct sigaction() call and bypass perl signal mechanics
# cf
POSIX::sigaction POSIX::SIGALRM, POSIX::SigAction->new(
sub {
print "\n\nIdle timeout, goodbye!\n\n";
&$timeoutHandler('TIMEOUT') if ref $timeoutHandler eq 'CODE';
exit 1; # normally not reached
my $BASTION_USER = OVH::Bastion::get_user_from_env()->value;
while (defined(my $line = $term->readline($prompt))) {
alarm(0); # disable timeout
$line =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
next if (length($line) == 0); # ignore empty lines
2020-10-16 00:32:37 +08:00
last if ($line eq 'exit' or $line eq 'quit' or $line eq 'q'); # break out of loop if asked
if ($line =~ /^conf(i(g(u(r(e)?)?)?)?)? t(e(r(m(i(n(a(l)?)?)?)?)?)?)?$/) {
print "Nice try, but... no :)\n";
if ($line =~ /^ssh (.+)$/) {
system($0, '-c', "$realOptions $1");
else {
system($0, '-c', "$realOptions --osh $line");
my (%before, %after);
$fnret = OVH::Bastion::execute(cmd => [qw{ id -G -n }]);
if ($fnret->err eq 'OK' and $fnret->value and $fnret->value->{'stdout'}) {
chomp $fnret->value->{'stdout'}->[0];
%before = map { $_ => 1 } split(/ /, $fnret->value->{'stdout'}->[0]);
$fnret = OVH::Bastion::execute(cmd => ['id', '-G', '-n', $BASTION_USER]);
if ($fnret->err eq 'OK' and $fnret->value and $fnret->value->{'stdout'}) {
chomp $fnret->value->{'stdout'}->[0];
%after = map { $_ => 1 } split(/ /, $fnret->value->{'stdout'}->[0]);
my @newgroups = grep { !exists $before{$_} && $_ !~ /^mfa-/ } keys %after;
if (@newgroups) {
osh_warn("IMPORTANT: You have been added to new groups since the session started.");
osh_warn("You'll need to logout/login again from this interactive session to have");
osh_warn("your new rights applied, or you'll get sudo errors if you try to use them.");
continue {
alarm(0); # disable timeout
print "\n\nGoodbye!\n\n";
return 0;