chore: doc: remove sparse trailing spaces from generated files

This commit is contained in:
Stéphane Lesimple 2022-12-16 18:15:21 +00:00 committed by Stéphane Lesimple
parent 76f25f287e
commit 9eac699954
50 changed files with 216 additions and 171 deletions

View file

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ do
perl "$pluginfile" '' '' '' '' | perl -e 'undef $/; $_=<>; s/\n+$/\n/; print $_' | perl -ne '
if (m{^Usage: (.+)}) { print ".. admonition:: usage\n :class: cmdusage\n\n $1\n\n.. program:: '"$name"'\n\n"; }
elsif (m{^ (-[- ,a-z|/A-Z"'"'"']+) (.+)}) { print ".. option:: $1\n\n $2\n\n"; }
elsif (m{^ (-[- ,a-z|/A-Z"'"'"']+) (.+)}) { ($c,$t)=($1,$2); $c=~s/ +$//; print ".. option:: $c\n\n $t\n\n"; }
elsif ($l++ == 0) { chomp; print "$_\n"."="x(length($_))."\n\n"; }
else { print "$_"; }

View file

@ -14,11 +14,11 @@ Manage the bastion maintenance mode
.. program:: adminMaintenance
.. option:: --lock
.. option:: --lock
Set maintenance mode: new logins will be disallowed
.. option:: --unlock
.. option:: --unlock
Unset maintenance mode: new logins are allowed and the bastion functions normally

View file

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Add an IP or IP block to a group's servers list
.. program:: groupAddServer
.. option:: --group GROUP
.. option:: --group GROUP
Specify which group this machine should be added to (it should have the public group key of course)
@ -23,31 +23,31 @@ Add an IP or IP block to a group's servers list
Host(s) to add access to, either a HOST which will be resolved to an IP immediately, or an IP,
or a whole network using the NET/CIDR notation
.. option:: --user USER
.. option:: --user USER
Specify which remote user should be allowed (root, run, etc...)
.. option:: --user-any
.. option:: --user-any
Allow any remote user (the remote user should still have the public group key in all cases)
.. option:: --port PORT
.. option:: --port PORT
Only allow access to this port (e.g. 22)
.. option:: --port-any
.. option:: --port-any
Allow access to any port
.. option:: --scpup
.. option:: --scpup
Allow SCP upload, you--bastion-->server (omit --user in this case)
.. option:: --scpdown
.. option:: --scpdown
Allow SCP download, you<--bastion--server (omit --user in this case)
.. option:: --force
.. option:: --force
Don't try the ssh connection, just add the host to the group blindly
@ -55,15 +55,15 @@ Add an IP or IP block to a group's servers list
Only use the key with the specified fingerprint to connect to the server (cf groupInfo)
.. option:: --force-password HASH
.. option:: --force-password HASH
Only use the password with the specified hash to connect to the server (cf groupListPasswords)
.. option:: --ttl SECONDS|DURATION
.. option:: --ttl SECONDS|DURATION
Specify a number of seconds (or a duration string, such as "1d7h8m") after which the access will automatically expire
.. option:: --comment '"ANY TEXT'"
.. option:: --comment '"ANY TEXT'"
Add a comment alongside this server

View file

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Remove an IP or IP block from a group's serrver list
.. program:: groupDelServer
.. option:: --group GROUP
.. option:: --group GROUP
Specify which group this machine should be removed from
@ -22,27 +22,27 @@ Remove an IP or IP block from a group's serrver list
Host(s) we want to remove access to
.. option:: --user USER
.. option:: --user USER
Remote user that was allowed, if any user was allowed, use --user-any
.. option:: --user-any
.. option:: --user-any
Use if any remote login was allowed
.. option:: --port PORT
.. option:: --port PORT
Remote SSH port that was allowed, if any port was allowed, use --port-any
.. option:: --port-any
.. option:: --port-any
Use if any remote port was allowed
.. option:: --scpup
.. option:: --scpup
Remove SCP upload right, you--bastion-->server (omit --user in this case)
.. option:: --scpdown
.. option:: --scpdown
Remove SCP download right, you<--bastion--server (omit --user in this case)

View file

@ -14,39 +14,39 @@ Add a specific group server access to an account
.. program:: groupAddGuestAccess
.. option:: --group GROUP
.. option:: --group GROUP
group to add guest access to
.. option:: --account ACCOUNT
.. option:: --account ACCOUNT
name of the other bastion account to add access to, they'll be given access to the GROUP key
.. option:: --host HOST|IP
.. option:: --host HOST|IP
add access to this HOST (which must belong to the GROUP)
.. option:: --user USER
.. option:: --user USER
allow connecting to HOST only with remote login USER
.. option:: --user-any
.. option:: --user-any
allow connecting to HOST with any remote login
.. option:: --port PORT
.. option:: --port PORT
allow connecting to HOST only to remote port PORT
.. option:: --port-any
.. option:: --port-any
allow connecting to HOST with any remote port
.. option:: --scpup
.. option:: --scpup
allow SCP upload, you--bastion-->server (omit --user in this case)
.. option:: --scpdown
.. option:: --scpdown
allow SCP download, you<--bastion--server (omit --user in this case)

View file

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Add an account to the member list
.. program:: groupAddMember
.. option:: --group GROUP
.. option:: --group GROUP
which group to set ACCOUNT as a member of

View file

@ -14,36 +14,36 @@ Remove a specific group server access from an account
.. program:: groupDelGuestAccess
.. option:: --group GROUP
.. option:: --group GROUP
group to remove guest access from
--account ACCOUNT name of the other bastion account to remove access from
.. option:: --host HOST|IP
.. option:: --host HOST|IP
remove access from this HOST (which must belong to the GROUP)
.. option:: --user USER
.. option:: --user USER
allow connecting to HOST only with remote login USER
.. option:: --user-any
.. option:: --user-any
allow connecting to HOST with any remote login
.. option:: --port PORT
.. option:: --port PORT
allow connecting to HOST only to remote port PORT
.. option:: --port-any
.. option:: --port-any
allow connecting to HOST with any remote port
.. option:: --scpup
.. option:: --scpup
allow SCP upload, you--bastion-->server (omit --user in this case)
.. option:: --scpdown
.. option:: --scpdown
allow SCP download, you<--bastion--server (omit --user in this case)

View file

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Remove an account from the members list
.. program:: groupDelMember
.. option:: --group GROUP
.. option:: --group GROUP
which group to remove ACCOUNT as a member of

View file

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ List the guest accesses to servers of a group specifically granted to an account
.. program:: groupListGuestAccesses
.. option:: --group GROUP
.. option:: --group GROUP
Look for accesses to servers of this GROUP
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ List the guest accesses to servers of a group specifically granted to an account
Which account to check
.. option:: --reverse-dns
.. option:: --reverse-dns
Attempt to resolve the reverse hostnames (SLOW!)

View file

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Add the group aclkeeper role to an account
.. program:: groupAddAclkeeper
.. option:: --group GROUP
.. option:: --group GROUP
which group to set ACCOUNT as an aclkeeper of

View file

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Add the group gatekeeper role to an account
.. program:: groupAddGatekeeper
.. option:: --group GROUP
.. option:: --group GROUP
which group to set ACCOUNT as a gatekeeper of

View file

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Add the group owner role to an account
.. program:: groupAddOwner
.. option:: --group GROUP
.. option:: --group GROUP
which group to set ACCOUNT as an owner of

View file

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Remove the group aclkeeper role from an account
.. program:: groupDelAclkeeper
.. option:: --group GROUP
.. option:: --group GROUP
which group to remove ACCOUNT as an aclkeeper of

View file

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Remove a bastion group egress key
Name of the group to delete the egress key from
.. option:: --id ID
.. option:: --id ID
Specify the key ID to delete, you can get it with groupInfo

View file

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Remove the group gatekeeper role from an account
.. program:: groupDelGatekeeper
.. option:: --group GROUP
.. option:: --group GROUP
which group to remove ACCOUNT as a gatekeeper of

View file

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Remove the group owner role from an account
.. program:: groupDelOwner
.. option:: --group GROUP
.. option:: --group GROUP
which group to set ACCOUNT as an owner of

View file

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Delete a group
Group name to delete
.. option:: --no-confirm
.. option:: --no-confirm
Skip group name confirmation, but blame yourself if you deleted the wrong group!

View file

@ -19,12 +19,12 @@ Create a new public + private key pair for a group
Group name to generate a new egress key for.
.. option:: --algo ALGO
.. option:: --algo ALGO
Specifies the algo of the key, either rsa, ecdsa or ed25519.
.. option:: --size SIZE
.. option:: --size SIZE
Specifies the size of the key to be generated.
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ Create a new public + private key pair for a group
For ECDSA, choose either 256, 384 or 521.
For ED25519, size is always 256.
.. option:: --encrypted
.. option:: --encrypted
If specified, a passphrase will be prompted for the new key

View file

@ -18,11 +18,11 @@ Generate a new egress password for the group
Specify which group you want to generate a password for
.. option:: --size SIZE
.. option:: --size SIZE
Specify the number of characters of the password to generate
.. option:: --do-it
.. option:: --do-it
Required for the password to actually be generated, BEWARE: please read the note below

View file

@ -14,11 +14,11 @@ Modify the configuration of a group
.. program:: groupModify
.. option:: --group GROUP
.. option:: --group GROUP
Name of the group to modify
.. option:: --mfa-required password|totp|any|none
.. option:: --mfa-required password|totp|any|none
Enforce UNIX password requirement, or TOTP requirement, or any MFA requirement, when connecting to a server of the group
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ Modify the configuration of a group
this group. If set to -1, remove this group override and use the global setting instead.
--idle-kill-timeout DURATION|0|-1 Overrides the global setting (`idleKillTimeout`), to the specified duration. If set to 0, disables `idleKillTimeout` for
this group. If set to -1, remove this group override and use the global setting instead.
.. option:: --guest-ttl-limit DURATION
.. option:: --guest-ttl-limit DURATION
This group will enforce TTL setting, on guest access creation, to be set, and not to a higher value than DURATION,

View file

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Transmit your group ownership to somebody else
.. program:: groupTransmitOwnership
.. option:: --group GROUP
.. option:: --group GROUP
which group to set ACCOUNT as an owner of

View file

@ -14,27 +14,27 @@ Launch a remote command on several machines sequentially (clush-like)
.. program:: clush
.. option:: --list HOSTLIST
.. option:: --list HOSTLIST
Comma-separated list of the hosts (hostname or IP) to run the command on
.. option:: --user USER
.. option:: --user USER
Specify which remote user should we use to connect (default: BASTION_ACCOUNT)
.. option:: --port PORT
.. option:: --port PORT
Specify which port to connect to (default: 22)
.. option:: --step-by-step
.. option:: --step-by-step
Pause before running the command on each host
.. option:: --no-pause-on-failure
.. option:: --no-pause-on-failure
Don't pause if the remote command failed (returned exit code != 0)
.. option:: --no-confirm
.. option:: --no-confirm
Skip confirmation of the host list and command

View file

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ List the groups available on this bastion
.. program:: groupList
.. option:: --all
.. option:: --all
List all groups, even those to which you don't have access

View file

@ -14,11 +14,11 @@ List the servers (IPs and IP blocks) pertaining to a group
.. program:: groupListServers
.. option:: --group GROUP
.. option:: --group GROUP
List the servers of this group
.. option:: --reverse-dns
.. option:: --reverse-dns
Attempt to resolve the reverse hostnames (SLOW!)

View file

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Check whether a remote TCP port is open
TCP port to attempt to connect to
.. option:: -w SECONDS
.. option:: -w SECONDS
Timeout in seconds (default: 3)

View file

@ -18,19 +18,19 @@ Ping a remote host from the bastion
Remote host to ping
.. option:: -c COUNT
.. option:: -c COUNT
Number of pings to send (default: infinite)
.. option:: -s SIZE
.. option:: -s SIZE
Specify the packet size to send
.. option:: -t TTL
.. option:: -t TTL
TTL to set in the ICMP packet (default: OS dependent)
.. option:: -w TIMEOUT
.. option:: -w TIMEOUT
Exit unconditionally after this amount of seconds (default & max: 86400)

View file

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Add a new ingress public key to your account
can also pass it through STDIN directly. If the policy of this bastion allows it, you may prefix the key
with a 'from="IP1,IP2,..."' snippet, a la authorized_keys. However the policy might force a configured
'from' prefix that will override yours, or be used if you don't specify it yourself.
.. option:: --piv
.. option:: --piv
Add a public SSH key from a PIV-compatible hardware token, along with its attestation certificate and key

View file

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Remove an ingress public key from your account
.. program:: selfDelIngressKey
.. option:: -l, --id-to-delete ID
.. option:: -l, --id-to-delete ID
Directly specify key id to delete (CAUTION!), you can get id with selfListIngressKeys

View file

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Generate a new egress password for your account
Specify the number of characters of the password to generate
.. option:: --do-it
.. option:: --do-it
Required for the password to actually be generated, BEWARE: please read the note below

View file

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Generate a new ingress password to use the bastion HTTPS proxy
Size of the password to generate
.. option:: --do-it
.. option:: --do-it
Required for the password to actually be generated, BEWARE: please read the note below

View file

@ -14,12 +14,12 @@ Show the list of servers you have access to
.. program:: selfListAccesses
.. option:: --hide-groups
.. option:: --hide-groups
Don't show the machines you have access to through group rights.
In other words, list only your personal accesses.
.. option:: --reverse-dns
.. option:: --reverse-dns
Attempt to resolve the reverse hostnames (SLOW!)

View file

@ -14,57 +14,57 @@ List the few past sessions of your account
.. program:: selfListSessions
.. option:: --detailed
.. option:: --detailed
Display more information about each session
.. option:: --limit LIMIT
.. option:: --limit LIMIT
Limit to LIMIT results
.. option:: --id ID
.. option:: --id ID
Only sessions having this ID
.. option:: --type TYPE
.. option:: --type TYPE
Only sessions of specified type (ssh, osh, ...)
.. option:: --allowed
.. option:: --allowed
Only sessions that have been allowed by the bastion
.. option:: --denied
.. option:: --denied
Only sessions that have been denied by the bastion
.. option:: --after WHEN
.. option:: --after WHEN
Only sessions that started after WHEN,
.. option:: --before WHEN
.. option:: --before WHEN
Only sessions that started before WHEN,
.. option:: --host HOST
.. option:: --host HOST
Only sessions connecting to remote HOST
.. option:: --to-port PORT
.. option:: --to-port PORT
Only sessions connecting to remote PORT
.. option:: --user USER
.. option:: --user USER
Only sessions connecting using remote USER
.. option:: --via HOST
.. option:: --via HOST
Only sessions that connected through bastion IP HOST
.. option:: --via-port PORT
.. option:: --via-port PORT
Only sessions that connected through bastion PORT

View file

@ -14,35 +14,35 @@ Add a personal server access to an account
.. program:: accountAddPersonalAccess
.. option:: --account
.. option:: --account
Bastion account to add the access to
.. option:: --host IP|HOST|IP/MASK
.. option:: --host IP|HOST|IP/MASK
Server to add access to
.. option:: --user USER
.. option:: --user USER
Remote login to use, if you want to allow any login, use --user-any
.. option:: --user-any
.. option:: --user-any
Allow access with any remote login
.. option:: --port PORT
.. option:: --port PORT
Remote SSH port to use, if you want to allow any port, use --port-any
.. option:: --port-any
.. option:: --port-any
Allow access to all remote ports
.. option:: --scpup
.. option:: --scpup
Allow SCP upload, you--bastion-->server (omit --user in this case)
.. option:: --scpdown
.. option:: --scpdown
Allow SCP download, you<--bastion--server (omit --user in this case)
@ -50,15 +50,15 @@ Add a personal server access to an account
Only use the key with the specified fingerprint to connect to the server (cf selfListEgressKeys)
.. option:: --force-password HASH
.. option:: --force-password HASH
Only use the password with the specified hash to connect to the server (cf accountListPasswords)
.. option:: --ttl SECONDS|DURATION
.. option:: --ttl SECONDS|DURATION
Specify a number of seconds (or a duration string, such as "1d7h8m") after which the access will automatically expire
.. option:: --comment "'ANY TEXT'"
.. option:: --comment "'ANY TEXT'"
Add a comment alongside this server. Quote it twice as shown if you're under a shell.

View file

@ -14,24 +14,24 @@ Create a new bastion account
.. program:: accountCreate
.. option:: --account NAME
.. option:: --account NAME
Account name to create, NAME must contain only valid UNIX account name characters
.. option:: --uid UID
.. option:: --uid UID
Account system UID, also see --uid-auto
.. option:: --uid-auto
.. option:: --uid-auto
Auto-select an UID from the allowed range (the upper available one will be used)
.. option:: --always-active
.. option:: --always-active
This account's activation won't be challenged on connection, even if the bastion is globally
configured to check for account activation
.. option:: --osh-only
.. option:: --osh-only
This account will only be able to use ``--osh`` commands, and can't connect anywhere through the bastion
@ -40,24 +40,24 @@ Create a new bastion account
Set account expiration policy, overriding the global bastion configuration 'accountMaxInactiveDays',
setting this option to zero disables account expiration.
.. option:: --immutable-key
.. option:: --immutable-key
Deny any subsequent modification of the account key (selfAddKey and selfDelKey are denied)
.. option:: --comment '"STRING"'
.. option:: --comment '"STRING"'
An optional comment when creating the account. Quote it twice as shown if you're under a shell.
.. option:: --public-key '"KEY"'
.. option:: --public-key '"KEY"'
Account public SSH key to deposit on the bastion, if not present,
you'll be prompted interactively for it. Quote it twice as shown if your're under a shell.
.. option:: --no-key
.. option:: --no-key
Don't prompt for an SSH key, no ingress public key will be installed
.. option:: --ttl SECONDS|DURATION
.. option:: --ttl SECONDS|DURATION
Time after which the account will be deactivated (amount of seconds, or duration string such as "4d12h15m")

View file

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Remove a personal server access from an account
.. program:: accountDelPersonalAccess
.. option:: --account
.. option:: --account
Bastion account to remove access from
@ -22,27 +22,27 @@ Remove a personal server access from an account
Server to remove access from
.. option:: --user USER
.. option:: --user USER
Remote user that was allowed, if any user was allowed, use --user-any
.. option:: --user-any
.. option:: --user-any
Use if any remote login was allowed
.. option:: --port PORT
.. option:: --port PORT
Remote SSH port that was allowed, if any port was allowed, use --port-any
.. option:: --port-any
.. option:: --port-any
Use if any remote port was allowed
.. option:: --scpup
.. option:: --scpup
Remove SCP upload right, you--bastion-->server (omit --user in this case)
.. option:: --scpdown
.. option:: --scpdown
Remove SCP download right, you<--bastion--server (omit --user in this case)

View file

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Delete an account from the bastion
Account name to delete
.. option:: --no-confirm
.. option:: --no-confirm
Don't ask for confirmation, and blame yourself if you deleted the wrong account

View file

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
Freeze an account, to prevent it from connecting
.. admonition:: usage
:class: cmdusage
--osh accountFreeze --account ACCOUNT [--reason "'SOME REASON'"]
.. program:: accountFreeze
.. option:: --account ACCOUNT
Account to freeze
.. option:: --reason "'SOME REASON'"
Optional reason for the account to be frozen (will be displayed to the user),
if you are in a shell (and not in interactive mode), quote it twice as shown.

View file

@ -18,11 +18,11 @@ Generate a new egress password for an account
Specify which account you want to generate a password for
.. option:: --size SIZE
.. option:: --size SIZE
Specify the number of characters of the password to generate
.. option:: --do-it
.. option:: --do-it
Required for the password to actually be generated, BEWARE: please read the note below

View file

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Display some information about an account
The account name to work on
.. option:: --list-groups
.. option:: --list-groups
Show which groups the account has a role on

View file

@ -14,15 +14,15 @@ List the bastion accounts
.. program:: accountList
.. option:: --account ACCOUNT
.. option:: --account ACCOUNT
Only list the specified account. This is an easy way to check whether the account exists
.. option:: --inactive-only
.. option:: --inactive-only
Only list inactive accounts
.. option:: --audit
.. option:: --audit
Show more verbose information (SLOW!), you need to be a bastion auditor
@ -30,16 +30,16 @@ List the bastion accounts
Don't gather password info in audit mode (makes --audit way faster)
.. option:: --no-output
.. option:: --no-output
Don't print human-readable output (faster, use with --json)
.. option:: --include PATTERN
.. option:: --include PATTERN
Only show accounts whose name match the given PATTERN (see below)
This option can be used multiple times to refine results
.. option:: --exclude PATTERN
.. option:: --exclude PATTERN
Omit accounts whose name match the given PATTERN (see below)

View file

@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ View the expanded access list of a given bastion account
The account to work on
.. option:: --hide-groups
.. option:: --hide-groups
Don't show the machines the accouns has access to through group rights.
In other words, list only the account's personal accesses.
.. option:: --reverse-dns
.. option:: --reverse-dns
Attempt to resolve the reverse hostnames (SLOW!)

View file

@ -14,29 +14,29 @@ Modify an account configuration
.. program:: accountModify
.. option:: --account ACCOUNT
.. option:: --account ACCOUNT
Bastion account to work on
.. option:: --pam-auth-bypass yes|no
.. option:: --pam-auth-bypass yes|no
Enable or disable PAM auth bypass for this account in addition to pubkey auth (default is 'no'),
in that case sshd will not rely at all on PAM auth and /etc/pam.d/sshd configuration. This
does not change the behaviour of the code, just the PAM auth handled by SSH itself
.. option:: --mfa-password-required yes|no|bypass
.. option:: --mfa-password-required yes|no|bypass
Enable or disable UNIX password requirement for this account in addition to pubkey auth (default is 'no'),
this overrides the global bastion configuration 'accountMFAPolicy'. If 'bypass' is specified,
no password will ever be asked, even for groups or plugins explicitly requiring it
.. option:: --mfa-totp-required yes|no|bypass
.. option:: --mfa-totp-required yes|no|bypass
Enable or disable TOTP requirement for this account in addition to pubkey auth (default is 'no'),
this overrides the global bastion configuration 'accountMFAPolicy'. If 'bypass' is specified,
no OTP will ever be asked, even for groups or plugins explicitly requiring it
.. option:: --egress-strict-host-key-checking POLICY
.. option:: --egress-strict-host-key-checking POLICY
Modify the egress SSH behavior of this account regarding ``StrictHostKeyChecking`` (see `man ssh_config`),
@ -46,30 +46,30 @@ Modify an account configuration
This effectively suppress the host key checking entirely. Please don't enable this blindly.
'default' will remove this account's ``StrictHostKeyChecking`` setting override.
All the other policies carry the same meaning that what is documented in `man ssh_config`.
.. option:: --personal-egress-mfa-required POLICY
.. option:: --personal-egress-mfa-required POLICY
Enforce UNIX password requirement, or TOTP requirement, or any MFA requirement, when connecting to a server
using the personal keys of the account, POLICY can be 'password', 'totp', 'any' or 'none'
.. option:: --always-active yes|no
.. option:: --always-active yes|no
Set or unset the account as always active (i.e. disable the check of the 'active' status on this account)
.. option:: --idle-ignore yes|no
.. option:: --idle-ignore yes|no
If enabled, this account is immune to the idleLockTimeout and idleKillTimeout bastion-wide policy
.. option:: --max-inactive-days DAYS
.. option:: --max-inactive-days DAYS
Set account expiration policy, overriding the global bastion configuration 'accountMaxInactiveDays'.
Setting this option to zero disables account expiration. Setting this option to -1 removes this account
expiration policy, i.e. the global bastion setting will apply.
.. option:: --osh-only yes|no
.. option:: --osh-only yes|no
If enabled, this account can only use ``--osh`` commands, and can't connect anywhere through the bastion
.. option:: --pubkey-auth-optional yes|no
.. option:: --pubkey-auth-optional yes|no
Make the public key optional on ingress for the account (default is 'no').

View file

@ -14,11 +14,11 @@ Modify the PIV policy for the ingress keys of an account
.. program:: accountPIV
.. option:: --account ACCOUNT
.. option:: --account ACCOUNT
Bastion account to work on
.. option:: --policy POLICY
.. option:: --policy POLICY
Changes the PIV policy of account. See below for a description of available policies.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
Unfreeze a frozen account
.. admonition:: usage
:class: cmdusage
--osh accountUnfreeze --account ACCOUNT
.. program:: accountUnfreeze
.. option:: --account ACCOUNT
Account to unfreeze

View file

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Delete a group
Group name to delete
.. option:: --no-confirm
.. option:: --no-confirm
Skip group name confirmation, but blame yourself if you deleted the wrong group!

View file

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Declare and create a new trusted realm
.. program:: realmCreate
.. option:: --realm REALM
.. option:: --realm REALM
Realm name to create

View file

@ -14,35 +14,35 @@ Add a personal server access on your account
.. program:: selfAddPersonalAccess
.. option:: --host IP|HOST|IP/MASK
.. option:: --host IP|HOST|IP/MASK
Server to add access to
.. option:: --user USER
.. option:: --user USER
Remote login to use, if you want to allow any login, use --user-any
.. option:: --user-any
.. option:: --user-any
Allow access with any remote login
.. option:: --port PORT
.. option:: --port PORT
Remote SSH port to use, if you want to allow any port, use --port-any
.. option:: --port-any
.. option:: --port-any
Allow access to all remote ports
.. option:: --scpup
.. option:: --scpup
Allow SCP upload, you--bastion-->server (omit --user in this case)
.. option:: --scpdown
.. option:: --scpdown
Allow SCP download, you<--bastion--server (omit --user in this case)
.. option:: --force
.. option:: --force
Add the access without checking that the public SSH key is properly installed remotely
@ -50,15 +50,15 @@ Add a personal server access on your account
Only use the key with the specified fingerprint to connect to the server (cf selfListEgressKeys)
.. option:: --force-password HASH
.. option:: --force-password HASH
Only use the password with the specified hash to connect to the server (cf selfListPasswords)
.. option:: --ttl SECONDS|DURATION
.. option:: --ttl SECONDS|DURATION
Specify a number of seconds (or a duration string, such as "1d7h8m") after which the access will automatically expire
.. option:: --comment "'ANY TEXT'"
.. option:: --comment "'ANY TEXT'"
Add a comment alongside this server. Quote it twice as shown if you're under a shell.

View file

@ -18,27 +18,27 @@ Remove a personal server access from your account
Server to remove access from
.. option:: --user USER
.. option:: --user USER
Remote user that was allowed, if any user was allowed, use --user-any
.. option:: --user-any
.. option:: --user-any
Use if any remote login was allowed
.. option:: --port PORT
.. option:: --port PORT
Remote SSH port that was allowed, if any port was allowed, use --port-any
.. option:: --port-any
.. option:: --port-any
Use if any remote port was allowed
.. option:: --scpup
.. option:: --scpup
Remove SCP upload right, you--bastion-->server (omit --user in this case)
.. option:: --scpdown
.. option:: --scpdown
Remove SCP download right, you<--bastion--server (omit --user in this case)

View file

@ -14,19 +14,19 @@ List the accounts that have access to a given server
.. program:: whoHasAccessTo
.. option:: --host SERVER
.. option:: --host SERVER
List declared accesses to this server
.. option:: --user USER
.. option:: --user USER
Remote user allowed (if not specified, ignore user specifications)
.. option:: --port PORT
.. option:: --port PORT
Remote port allowed (if not specified, ignore port specifications)
.. option:: --ignore-personal
.. option:: --ignore-personal
Don't check accounts' personal accesses (i.e. only check groups)
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ List the accounts that have access to a given server
Ignore accesses by this group, if you know GROUP public key is in fact
not present on remote server but bastion thinks it is
.. option:: --show-wildcards
.. option:: --show-wildcards
Also list accesses that match because is listed in a group or private access,

View file

@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ then use ``<TAB>`` again to show you the required arguments. The complete comman
You'll notice that it didn't work. This is because first, you need to add your *personal egress key* to the
remote machine's *authorized_keys* file. If this seems strange, here is
:doc:`how it works <../presentation/principles>`.
:doc:`how it works </presentation/principles>`.
To get your *personal egress key*, you can use this command:
.. code-block:: shell
@ -267,4 +267,4 @@ Let's see what we did exactly during this session:
~ Starting from the next line, the Total Recall begins. Press CTRL+C to jolt awake.
Now that you've connected to your first server, using a personal access,
you may want to learn more about the :doc:`<access_management>`, or directly dive into the **PLUGINS** on the left menu.
you may want to learn more about the :doc:`access_management`, or directly dive into the **PLUGINS** on the left menu.