feat: add groupSetServers

This commit is contained in:
Stéphane Lesimple 2024-08-02 15:38:57 +00:00 committed by Stéphane Lesimple
parent 97c0252605
commit f4de5957a3
7 changed files with 460 additions and 44 deletions

bin/helper/osh-groupSetServers Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
#! /usr/bin/perl -T
# vim: set filetype=perl ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 et:
# KEYSUDOERS # as an aclkeeper, we can add/del a server from the group server list in /home/%GROUP%/allowed.ip
# KEYSUDOERS SUPEROWNERS, %%GROUP%-aclkeeper ALL=(%GROUP%) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/env perl -T %BASEPATH%/bin/helper/osh-groupSetServers --group %GROUP%
use common::sense;
use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_auto_abbrev no_ignore_case);
use JSON;
use File::Basename;
use lib dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../lib/perl';
use OVH::Result;
use OVH::Bastion;
use OVH::Bastion::Helper;
# Fetch command options
my $fnret;
my ($result, @optwarns);
my $group;
eval {
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @optwarns, shift };
$result = GetOptions(
"group=s" => sub { $group //= $_[1] }, # ignore subsequent --group on cmdline (anti-sudoers-override)
if ($@) { die $@ }
if (!$result) {
local $" = ", ";
HEXIT('ERR_BAD_OPTIONS', msg => "Error parsing options: @optwarns");
if (not $group) {
HEXIT('ERR_MISSING_PARAMETER', msg => "Missing argument 'group'");
osh_debug("Checking group $group");
$fnret = OVH::Bastion::is_valid_group_and_existing(group => $group, groupType => 'key');
$fnret or HEXIT($fnret);
# get returned untainted value
$group = $fnret->value->{'group'};
my $shortGroup = $fnret->value->{'shortGroup'};
osh_debug("got group $group/$shortGroup");
if ($self eq 'root') {
osh_debug "Real root, skipping checks of permissions";
else {
$fnret = OVH::Bastion::is_group_aclkeeper(account => $self, group => $shortGroup, sudo => 1, superowner => 1);
$fnret or HEXIT('ERR_NOT_ALLOWED', msg => "Sorry, you must be an aclkeeper of group $shortGroup");
# the new ACL is built by the plugin and sent to our STDIN in pre-parsed JSON format
my $jsonData = <STDIN>;
my $data = eval { decode_json($jsonData); };
if ($@) {
HEXIT('ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT', msg => "Invalid JSON data sent by the plugin, couldn't decode");
if (!$data || ref $data ne 'ARRAY') {
HEXIT('ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT', msg => "Invalid JSON import format sent by the plugin");
$fnret = OVH::Bastion::access_modify(
way => 'group',
action => 'clear',
group => $group,
$fnret or HEXIT($fnret);
osh_info("Setting ACL entries, this may take a while...");
my @errors;
foreach my $entry (@$data) {
$fnret = OVH::Bastion::access_modify(
way => 'group',
action => 'add',
group => $group,
ip => $entry->{ip},
user => $entry->{user},
port => $entry->{port},
push @errors, $fnret if !$fnret;
if (!@errors) {
HEXIT('OK', value => {ACL => $data, errors => []});
HEXIT('OK_WITH_ERRORS', value => {ACL => $data, errors => \@errors});

View file

@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
#! /usr/bin/env perl
# vim: set filetype=perl ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 et:
use common::sense;
use JSON;
use File::Basename;
use lib dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../lib/perl';
use OVH::Result;
use OVH::Bastion;
use OVH::Bastion::Plugin qw( :DEFAULT help );
use OVH::Bastion::Plugin::ACL;
my $remainingOptions = OVH::Bastion::Plugin::begin(
argv => \@ARGV,
header => "replace a group's current ACL by a new one",
userAllowWildcards => 1,
options => {
"group=s" => \my $group,
"dry-run" => \my $dryRun,
"skip-errors" => \my $skipErrors,
helptext => <<'EOF',
Replace a group's current ACL by a new list
Usage: --osh SCRIPT_NAME --group GROUP [OPTIONS]
--group GROUP Specify which group to modify the ACL of
--dry-run Don't actually modify the ACL, just report whether the input contains errors
--skip-errors Don't abort on STDIN parsing errors, just skip the non-parseable lines
The list of the assets to constitute the new ACL should then be given on ``STDIN``,
respecting the following format: ``[USER@]HOST[:PORT][ COMMENT]``, with ``USER`` and ``PORT`` being optional,
and ``HOST`` being either a hostname, an IP, or an IP block in CIDR notation. The ``COMMENT`` is also optional,
and may contain spaces.
Example of valid lines to be fed through ``STDIN``::
host1.example.net:2222 host1 on secondary sshd with alternate port
root@ production database cluster
my $fnret;
if (not $group) {
osh_exit 'ERR_MISSING_PARAMETER', "Missing mandatory parameter 'group'";
$fnret = OVH::Bastion::is_valid_group_and_existing(group => $group, groupType => "key");
$fnret or osh_exit($fnret);
# get returned untainted value
$group = $fnret->value->{'group'};
my $shortGroup = $fnret->value->{'shortGroup'};
$fnret = OVH::Bastion::is_group_aclkeeper(account => $self, group => $shortGroup, superowner => 1);
"Sorry, you must be an aclkeeper of group $shortGroup to be able to add servers to it";
"Specify the entries of the new ACL below, one per line, with the following format: [USER\@]HOST[:PORT][ COMMENT]";
osh_info "The list ends at EOF (usually CTRL+D).";
osh_info "You may abort with CTRL+C if needed.";
my @ACL;
my @errors;
my $nbLines = 0;
my $comment;
while (my $line = <STDIN>) {
# trim white spaces
$line =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
# empty line ?
$line or next;
my ($acl_user, $acl_host, $acl_ip, $acl_port);
if ($line =~ m{^(?:(\S+)\@)?([a-zA-Z0-9_./-]+)(?::(\d+))?(?:\s+(.+))?$}) {
$acl_user = $1;
$acl_host = $2;
$acl_port = $3;
$comment = $4;
else {
push @errors, "Couldn't parse the line '$line'";
# check port
if (defined $acl_port) {
$fnret = OVH::Bastion::is_valid_port(port => $acl_port);
if (!$fnret) {
push @errors, "In line $nbLines ($line), port '$acl_port' is invalid";
$acl_port = $fnret->value;
# check user
if (defined $acl_user) {
$fnret = OVH::Bastion::is_valid_remote_user(user => $acl_user, allowWildcards => 1);
if (!$fnret) {
push @errors, "In line $nbLines ($line), user '$acl_user' is invalid";
$acl_user = $fnret->value;
# resolve host, unless it looks like a prefix
if ($acl_host =~ m{/}) {
$fnret = OVH::Bastion::is_valid_ip(ip => $acl_host, allowPrefixes => 1);
else {
$fnret = OVH::Bastion::get_ip(host => $acl_host);
if (!$fnret) {
push @errors, "In line $nbLines ($line), $fnret";
else {
$acl_ip = $fnret->value->{'ip'};
push @ACL, {ip => $acl_ip, port => $acl_port, user => $acl_user, comment => $comment};
osh_info("Parsed " . @ACL . "/$nbLines lines successfully");
if (@errors && !$skipErrors) {
msg => "Aborting due to the "
. @errors
. " parsing or host resolving errors above, use --skip-errors to proceed anyway",
value => {parsedLines => $nbLines, dryrun => $dryRun ? \1 : \0, errors => \@errors, ACL => \@ACL},
if ($dryRun) {
osh_ok({parsedLines => $nbLines, errors => \@errors, dryrun => \1, ACL => \@ACL});
# Now do it
if (!@ACL) {
osh_exit(R('OK_NO_CHANGE', msg => "No ACL was given, no change was made"));
my @command = qw{ sudo -n -u };
push @command,
($group, '--', '/usr/bin/env', 'perl', '-T', $OVH::Bastion::BASEPATH . '/bin/helper/osh-groupSetServers');
push @command, '--group', $group;
$fnret = OVH::Bastion::helper(cmd => \@command, stdin_str => encode_json(\@ACL));
$fnret or osh_exit($fnret);
# merge both error lists
if ($fnret->value && $fnret->value->{'errors'}) {
push @errors, @{$fnret->value->{'errors'} || []};
msg => "The new ACL has been set with " . @{$fnret->value->{'ACL'}} . " entries and " . @errors . " errors",
value => {
parsedLines => $nbLines,
dryrun => $dryRun ? \1 : \0,
group => $shortGroup,
ACL => $fnret->value->{'ACL'},
errors => \@errors

View file

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
Replace a group's current ACL by a new list
.. admonition:: usage
:class: cmdusage
--osh groupSetServers --group GROUP [OPTIONS]
.. program:: groupSetServers
.. option:: --group GROUP
Specify which group to modify the ACL of
.. option:: --dry-run
Don't actually modify the ACL, just report whether the input contains errors
.. option:: --skip-errors
Don't abort on STDIN parsing errors, just skip the non-parseable lines
The list of the assets to constitute the new ACL should then be given on ``STDIN``,
respecting the following format: ``[USER@]HOST[:PORT][ COMMENT]``, with ``USER`` and ``PORT`` being optional,
and ``HOST`` being either a hostname, an IP, or an IP block in CIDR notation. The ``COMMENT`` is also optional,
and may contain spaces.
Example of valid lines to be fed through ``STDIN``::
host1.example.net:2222 host1 on secondary sshd with alternate port
root@ production database cluster

View file

@ -6,3 +6,4 @@ group-aclkeeper plugins

View file

@ -34,5 +34,8 @@ SUPEROWNERS, %%GROUP%-gatekeeper ALL=(allowkeeper) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/env perl -
# as an aclkeeper, we can add/del a server from the group server list in /home/%GROUP%/allowed.ip
SUPEROWNERS, %%GROUP%-aclkeeper ALL=(%GROUP%) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/env perl -T %BASEPATH%/bin/helper/osh-groupAddServer --group %GROUP% *
# as an aclkeeper, we can replace the group servers list in /home/%GROUP%/allowed.ip in batch with one command
SUPEROWNERS, %%GROUP%-aclkeeper ALL=(%GROUP%) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/env perl -T %BASEPATH%/bin/helper/osh-groupSetServers --group %GROUP%
# as an owner, we can delete our own group
SUPEROWNERS, %%GROUP%-owner ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/env perl -T %BASEPATH%/bin/helper/osh-groupDelete --group %GROUP%

View file

@ -326,9 +326,15 @@ sub access_modify {
my $fnret;
foreach my $mandatoryParam (qw/action ip way/) {
if (!$params{$mandatoryParam}) {
return R('ERR_MISSING_PARAMETER', msg => "Missing parameter '$mandatoryParam'");
if (!grep { $action eq $_ } qw{ add del clear }) {
return R('ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER', msg => "Action should be add, del or clear");
if ($action ne 'clear') {
foreach my $mandatoryParam (qw/action ip way/) {
if (!$params{$mandatoryParam}) {
return R('ERR_MISSING_PARAMETER', msg => "Missing parameter '$mandatoryParam'");
@ -363,26 +369,24 @@ sub access_modify {
return R('ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER', msg => "Parameter 'way' must be either personal, group or groupguest");
if ($action ne 'add' and $action ne 'del') {
return R('ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER', msg => "Action should be either 'del' or 'add'");
# check ip
$fnret = OVH::Bastion::is_valid_ip(ip => $ip, allowPrefixes => 1);
return $fnret unless $fnret;
$ip = $fnret->value->{'ip'};
if ($action ne 'clear') {
$fnret = OVH::Bastion::is_valid_ip(ip => $ip, allowPrefixes => 1);
return $fnret unless $fnret;
$ip = $fnret->value->{'ip'};
if ($fnret->value->{'type'} eq 'prefix') {
my $ipVersion = $fnret->value->{'version'};
if (defined $widestVxPrefix{$ipVersion} && $fnret->value->{'prefixlen'} < $widestVxPrefix{$ipVersion}) {
return R(
msg => sprintf(
"Specified prefix (/%d) is too wide, maximum allowed for IPv%d is /%d by this bastion policy",
$ipVersion, $widestVxPrefix{$ipVersion}
if ($fnret->value->{'type'} eq 'prefix') {
my $ipVersion = $fnret->value->{'version'};
if (defined $widestVxPrefix{$ipVersion} && $fnret->value->{'prefixlen'} < $widestVxPrefix{$ipVersion}) {
return R(
msg => sprintf(
"Specified prefix (/%d) is too wide, maximum allowed for IPv%d is /%d by this bastion policy",
$ipVersion, $widestVxPrefix{$ipVersion}
@ -404,7 +408,8 @@ sub access_modify {
my ($remoteaccount, $sysaccount);
if (defined $account) {
# accountType==normal : account must NOT be a realm_* account (but can be a realm/jdoe account)
$fnret = OVH::Bastion::is_bastion_account_valid_and_existing(account => $account, accountType => 'normal');
$fnret =
OVH::Bastion::is_bastion_account_valid_and_existing(account => $account, accountType => 'normal', cache => 1);
$fnret or return $fnret;
$sysaccount = $fnret->value->{'sysaccount'};
$account = $fnret->value->{'account'};
@ -414,7 +419,7 @@ sub access_modify {
# check group
my $shortGroup;
if (defined $group) {
$fnret = OVH::Bastion::is_valid_group_and_existing(group => $group, groupType => 'key');
$fnret = OVH::Bastion::is_valid_group_and_existing(group => $group, groupType => 'key', cache => 1);
$fnret or return $fnret;
$group = $fnret->value->{'group'}; # untainted
$shortGroup = $fnret->value->{'shortGroup'}; # untainted
@ -509,28 +514,30 @@ sub access_modify {
# end of dryrun
return R('OK', msg => "Would have added the access but we've been called with dryrun") if $dryrun;
return R('OK', msg => "Would have modified the access ($action) but we've been called with dryrun") if $dryrun;
# now, check if the access we're being asked to change is already in place or not
"for action $action of $user\@$ip:$port of way $way with account=$account and group=$group, checking if already granted"
$fnret = OVH::Bastion::is_access_way_granted(
user => $user,
ip => $ip,
port => $port,
way => $way,
group => $shortGroup,
account => $account,
exactMatch => 1, # we're checking if the exact right we're asked to modify exists or not
osh_debug("... result is $fnret");
if ($action ne 'clear') {
# now, check if the access we're being asked to change is already in place or not
"for action $action of $user\@$ip:$port of way $way with account=$account and group=$group, checking if already granted"
$fnret = OVH::Bastion::is_access_way_granted(
user => $user,
ip => $ip,
port => $port,
way => $way,
group => $shortGroup,
account => $account,
exactMatch => 1, # we're checking if the exact right we're asked to modify exists or not
osh_debug("... result is $fnret");
if ($action eq 'add' and $fnret) {
return R('OK_NO_CHANGE', msg => "The requested access to add was already granted");
elsif ($action eq 'del' and not $fnret) {
return R('OK_NO_CHANGE', msg => "The requested access to delete was not found, no change made");
if ($action eq 'add' and $fnret) {
return R('OK_NO_CHANGE', msg => "The requested access to add was already granted");
elsif ($action eq 'del' and not $fnret) {
return R('OK_NO_CHANGE', msg => "The requested access to delete was not found, no change made");
# ok, now do the change, first define this sub
@ -543,19 +550,41 @@ sub access_modify {
# check if we can access the file
if (!(-e $file)) {
# it doesn't exist yet, create it
OVH::Bastion::touch_file($file, oct(644));
if (!(-e $file)) {
warn_syslog("Couldn't create $file ($!)");
return R('ERR_CANNOT_CREATE_FILE', msg => "File '$file' is missing and couldn't be created");
# can we write to it ?
if (!(-w $file)) {
warn_syslog("Couldn't write to $file ($!)");
return R('ERR_CANNOT_OPEN_FILE', msg => "File '$file' cannot be written to");
# if we're being asked to clear, it's pretty straightforward
if ($action eq 'clear') {
if (truncate($file, 0)) {
severity => 'info',
type => 'acl',
fields => [
['action', 'clear'],
['type', $params{'way'}],
['group', $shortGroup],
['account', $params{'account'}],
return R('OK', msg => "Accesses successfully cleared");
else {
warn_syslog("Couldn't truncate $file ($!)");
return R('ERR_CANNOT_OPEN_FILE', msg => "Unable to truncate $file");
# build the line we're either adding or looking for (to delete it)
my $entry = $ip;
$entry = $user . "@" . $entry if defined $user;

View file

@ -1039,6 +1039,56 @@ EOS
contain REGEX '127\.0\.0\.1[[:space:]]+22[[:space:]]+g1[[:space:]]+'$group1'\(group\)[[:space:]]+'$account2'[[:space:]]'
contain '1 accesses listed'
# test groupSetServers here, then restore the previous ACL so the tests can continue
# shellcheck disable=SC1004
script groupSetServers_valid_dryrun $a1 --osh groupSetServers --group $group1 --dry-run '< <(printf \
"%s\n%s\n%s\n" \
"user@ comment with spaces" \
"localhost" \
"" \
json .command groupSetServers .error_code OK .value.parsedLines 3 .value.errors '[]' .value.dryrun true
json '.value.ACL[0].user' user '.value.ACL[0].ip' '.value.ACL[0].port' 1234 '.value.ACL[0].comment' 'comment with spaces'
json '.value.ACL[1].user' null '.value.ACL[1].ip' '.value.ACL[1].port' null '.value.ACL[1].comment' null
json '.value.ACL[2].user' null '.value.ACL[2].ip' '.value.ACL[2].port' 42 '.value.ACL[2].comment' null
# shellcheck disable=SC1004
script groupSetServers_invalid $a1 --osh groupSetServers --group $group1 --dry-run '< <(printf \
"%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n" \
"inva{}lid@" \
"doesntexist.invalid" \
"" \
"" \
json .command groupSetServers .error_code ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER .value.parsedLines 4 '.value.errors|length' 4 .value.dryrun true
# restore the previous ACL
# shellcheck disable=SC1004
script groupSetServers_valid_skiperrors $a1 --osh groupSetServers --group $group1 --skip-errors '< <(printf \
"%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n" \
"g1@" \
"badport:99999" \
"g2@" \
"" \
"" \
json .command groupSetServers .error_code OK .value.parsedLines 5 '.value.errors|length' 1 .value.dryrun false
json '.value.ACL[0].user' 'g1' '.value.ACL[0].ip' '.value.ACL[0].port' 22 '.value.ACL[0].comment' null
json '.value.ACL[1].user' 'g2' '.value.ACL[1].ip' '.value.ACL[1].port' 22 '.value.ACL[1].comment' null
json '.value.ACL[2].user' null '.value.ACL[2].ip' '.value.ACL[2].port' null '.value.ACL[2].comment' null
json '.value.ACL[3].user' null '.value.ACL[3].ip' '.value.ACL[3].port' null '.value.ACL[3].comment' null
success groupListServers_verify_after_groupSetServers $a1 --osh groupListServers --group $group1
json .command groupListServers .error_code OK
contain REGEX '127\.0\.0\.1[[:space:]]+22[[:space:]]+g1[[:space:]]+'$group1'\(group\)[[:space:]]+'$account1'[[:space:]]'
contain REGEX '127\.0\.0\.2[[:space:]]+22[[:space:]]+g2[[:space:]]+'$group1'\(group\)[[:space:]]+'$account1'[[:space:]]'
contain REGEX '127\.0\.0\.10[[:space:]]+\*[[:space:]]+\*[[:space:]]+'$group1'\(group\)[[:space:]]+'$account1'[[:space:]]'
contain REGEX '127\.0\.0\.11[[:space:]]+\*[[:space:]]+\*[[:space:]]+'$group1'\(group\)[[:space:]]+'$account1'[[:space:]]'
nocontain REGEX '127\.0\.0\.12[[:space:]]+\*[[:space:]]+\*[[:space:]]+'$group1'\(group\)[[:space:]]+'$account1'[[:space:]]'
contain '4 accesses listed'
# /groupSetServers tests
# group1: a1(owner,aclkeeper,gatekeeper,member) a2() servers(,
plgfail list $a2 --osh groupListServers --group $group1
json .command groupListServers .error_code KO_ACCESS_DENIED .value null