chore: remove useless 'section' test info

As tests are now split by modules, the section is autodetected
and taken as the module name, hence a test now only needs a name,
instead of a section & a name.
This commit is contained in:
Stéphane Lesimple 2021-09-06 10:14:19 +00:00 committed by Stéphane Lesimple
parent 4a21cfc421
commit f6e4ec81a8
16 changed files with 651 additions and 621 deletions

View file

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ basedir=$(readlink -f "$(dirname "$0")"/../../..)
shift || true
# all remaining options will be passed as-is on the target docker, through to
@ -45,9 +45,12 @@ print_supported_targets() {
if [ -z "$target" ] || [ "$target" = "--list-targets" ]; then
if [ -z "$target" ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 <TARGET>" >&2
echo "Supported targets are: " >&2
print_supported_targets >&2
echo "Usage: $0 <TARGET> [additional options]"
echo "Supported targets are: "
echo "These additional options are passed directly to the worker:"
"$basedir"/tests/functional/ --help-light
exit 1
# shellcheck disable=SC2086

View file

@ -19,9 +19,6 @@ declare -A capabilities=( [ed25519]=1 [blacklist]=0 [mfa]=1 [mfa-password]=0 [pa
# set the helptext now to get the proper default values
help_text=$(cat <<EOF
Usage: $0 [OPTIONS] <IP> <SSH_Port> <HTTP_Proxy_Port_or_Zero> <Remote_Admin_User_Name> <Admin_User_SSH_Key_Path> <Root_SSH_Key_Path>
Test Options:
--skip-consistency-check Speed up tests by skipping the consistency check between every test
--no-pause-on-fail Don't pause when a test fails
@ -45,6 +42,13 @@ EOF
usage() {
if [ "${1:-}" != "light" ]; then
cat <<EOF
Usage: $0 [OPTIONS] <IP> <SSH_Port> <HTTP_Proxy_Port_or_Zero> <Remote_Admin_User_Name> <Admin_User_SSH_Key_Path> <Root_SSH_Key_Path>
echo "$help_text"
@ -81,6 +85,14 @@ do
exit 0
usage light
exit 0
echo "Unknown option: $1"
@ -172,8 +184,8 @@ fi
r0=" $t ssh -F $mytmpdir/ssh_config -i $rootkeyfile root@$remote_ip -p $remote_port -- "
grant() { success prereq grantcmd $a0 --osh accountGrantCommand --account $account0 --command "$1"; }
revoke() { success prereq revokecmd $a0 --osh accountRevokeCommand --account $account0 --command "$1"; }
grant() { success grantcmd $a0 --osh accountGrantCommand --account $account0 --command "$1"; }
revoke() { success revokecmd $a0 --osh accountRevokeCommand --account $account0 --command "$1"; }
cat >"$mytmpdir/ssh_config" <<EOF
StrictHostKeyChecking no
@ -269,22 +281,24 @@ run()
# now prepare for the current test
testno=$(( testno + 1 ))
[ "$COUNTONLY" = 1 ] && return
if [ -z "$name" ]; then
basename=$(printf '%03d-%s-%s' $testno $name $case | sed -re "s=/=_=g")
basename=$(printf '%04d-%s-%s' $testno $name $case | sed -re "s=/=_=g")
# if we're about to run a script, keep a copy there
if [ -x "$1" ] && [ "$#" -eq 1 ]; then
cp "$1" "$outdir/$basename.script"
printf '%b %b*** [%03d/%03d] %b::%b %b(%b)%b\n' "$(prefix)" "$BOLD_CYAN" "$testno" "$testcount" "$name" "$case" "$NOC$DARKGRAY" "$*" "$NOC"
printf '%b %b*** [%04d/%04d] %b::%b %b(%b)%b\n' "$(prefix)" "$BOLD_CYAN" "$testno" "$testcount" "$name" "$case" "$NOC$DARKGRAY" "$*" "$NOC"
# special case for scp: we need to wait a bit before terminating the test
[ "$name" = "scp" ] && sleepafter=2
[[ $case =~ ^scp_ ]] && sleepafter=2
# put an invalid value in this file, should be overwritten. we also use it as a lock file.
echo -1 > $outdir/$basename.retval
@ -325,12 +339,10 @@ run()
script() {
if [ "$COUNTONLY" = 1 ]; then
run $name $section true
run $section true
@ -338,7 +350,7 @@ script() {
echo "#! /usr/bin/env bash" > "$tmpscript"
echo "$*" >> "$tmpscript"
chmod 755 "$tmpscript"
run $name $section "$tmpscript"
run $section "$tmpscript"
rm -f "$tmpscript"
@ -494,41 +506,56 @@ nocontain()
success bastion configchange $r0 perl -pe "$*" -i $opt_remote_etc_bastion/bastion.conf
success configchange $r0 perl -pe "$*" -i "$opt_remote_etc_bastion/bastion.conf"
success configset $r0 perl -pe 's=^\\\\x22'"$1"'\\\\x22.+=\\\\x22'"$1"'\\\\x22:\\\\x22'"$2"'\\\\x22,=' -i "$opt_remote_etc_bastion/bastion.conf"
success configset $r0 perl -pe 's=^\\\\x22'"$1"'\\\\x22.+=\\\\x22'"$1"'\\\\x22:'"$2"',=' -i "$opt_remote_etc_bastion/bastion.conf"
success bastion sshclientconfigchange $r0 perl -pe "$*" -i /etc/ssh/ssh_config
success sshclientconfigchange $r0 perl -pe "$*" -i /etc/ssh/ssh_config
# ensure syslog is clean
ignorecodewarn 'Configuration error' # previous unit tests can provoke this
success bastion syslog_cleanup $r0 "\": > /var/log/bastion/bastion.log\""
success syslog_cleanup $r0 "\": > /var/log/bastion/bastion.log\""
# backup the original default configuration on target side
now=$(date +%s)
success bastion backupconfig $r0 "dd if=$opt_remote_etc_bastion/bastion.conf of=$opt_remote_etc_bastion/bastion.conf.bak.$now"
success backupconfig $r0 "dd if=$opt_remote_etc_bastion/bastion.conf of=$opt_remote_etc_bastion/bastion.conf.bak.$now"
grant accountRevokeCommand
for module in "$(dirname $0)"/tests.d/???-*.sh
module="$(readlink -f "$module")"
modulename="$(basename "$module" .sh)"
if [ -n "$opt_module" ] && [ "$opt_module" != "$(basename "$module")" ]; then
echo "### SKIPPING MODULE $(basename $module)"
echo "### SKIPPING MODULE $modulename"
echo "### RUNNING MODULE $(basename $module)"
echo "### RUNNING MODULE $modulename"
# as this is a loop, we do the check in a reversed way, see any included module for more info:
# shellcheck disable=SC1090
source "$module" || true
# put the backed up configuration back
success bastion restoreconfig $r0 "dd if=$opt_remote_etc_bastion/bastion.conf.bak.$now of=$opt_remote_etc_bastion/bastion.conf"
# put the backed up configuration back after each module, just in case the module modified it
success configrestore $r0 "dd if=$opt_remote_etc_bastion/bastion.conf.bak.$now of=$opt_remote_etc_bastion/bastion.conf"

View file

@ -9,33 +9,33 @@ testsuite_activeness()
grant accountCreate
# create account1 on local bastion
success activeness create_account1 $a0 --osh accountCreate --account $account1 --uid $uid1 --public-key \""$(cat $"\"
success create_account1 $a0 --osh accountCreate --account $account1 --uid $uid1 --public-key \""$(cat $"\"
json .error_code OK .command accountCreate .value null
success activeness create_account2 $a0 --osh accountCreate --account $account2 --uid $uid2 --public-key \""$(cat $"\"
success create_account2 $a0 --osh accountCreate --account $account2 --uid $uid2 --public-key \""$(cat $"\"
json .error_code OK .command accountCreate .value null
success activeness create_account3 $a0 --osh accountCreate --account $account3 --uid $uid3 --always-active --public-key \""$(cat $"\"
success create_account3 $a0 --osh accountCreate --account $account3 --uid $uid3 --always-active --public-key \""$(cat $"\"
json .error_code OK .command accountCreate .value null
revoke accountCreate
configchg 's=^\\\\x22accountExternalValidationProgram\\\\x22.+=\\\\x22accountExternalValidationProgram\\\\x22:\\\\x22/opt/bastion/bin/other/\\\\x22,='
success activeness test_invalid_config_but_always_active $a3 --osh info
success test_invalid_config_but_always_active $a3 --osh info
ignorecodewarn 'is not readable+executable'
run activeness test_invalid_config $a1 --osh info
run test_invalid_config $a1 --osh info
retvalshouldbe 101
configchg 's=^\\\\x22accountExternalValidationProgram\\\\x22.+=\\\\x22accountExternalValidationProgram\\\\x22:\\\\x22/opt/bastion/bin/other/\\\\x22,='
run activeness test_account1 $a1 --osh info
run test_account1 $a1 --osh info
retvalshouldbe 101
success activeness test_account2 $a2 --osh info
success test_account2 $a2 --osh info
success activeness test_account3 $a3 --osh info
success test_account3 $a3 --osh info
# for remaining tests, disable the feature
configchg 's=^\\\\x22accountExternalValidationProgram\\\\x22.+=\\\\x22accountExternalValidationProgram\\\\x22:\\\\x22\\\\x22,='
@ -43,14 +43,14 @@ testsuite_activeness()
grant accountDelete
# delete account1
success realm account1_cleanup $a0 --osh accountDelete --account $account1 --no-confirm
success account1_cleanup $a0 --osh accountDelete --account $account1 --no-confirm
# delete account2
script realm account2_cleanup "$a0 --osh accountDelete --account $account2 <<< \"Yes, do as I say and delete $account2, kthxbye\""
script account2_cleanup "$a0 --osh accountDelete --account $account2 <<< \"Yes, do as I say and delete $account2, kthxbye\""
retvalshouldbe 0
# delete account3
success realm account3_cleanup $a0 --osh accountDelete --account $account3 --no-confirm
success account3_cleanup $a0 --osh accountDelete --account $account3 --no-confirm
revoke accountDelete

View file

@ -11,63 +11,63 @@ testsuite_admin_superowner()
grant groupCreate
# create account1
success admin_superowner create_a1 $a0 --osh accountCreate --always-active --account $account1 --uid $uid1 --public-key "\"$(cat $\""
success create_a1 $a0 --osh accountCreate --always-active --account $account1 --uid $uid1 --public-key "\"$(cat $\""
json .error_code OK .command accountCreate .value null
# create a group, account1 is not a member or anything
success admin_superowner create_g1 $a0 --osh groupCreate --owner $account0 --no-key --group $group1
success create_g1 $a0 --osh groupCreate --owner $account0 --no-key --group $group1
json .error_code OK .command groupCreate
# account1 can't add members
run admin_superowner a1_add_members_g1_fail $a1 --osh groupAddMember --group $group1 --account $account1
run a1_add_members_g1_fail $a1 --osh groupAddMember --group $group1 --account $account1
retvalshouldbe 106
json .error_code KO_RESTRICTED_COMMAND .command null
# now set account1 as superowner
success admin_superowner set_a1_as_superowner $r0 "\". $opt_remote_basedir/lib/shell/; add_user_to_group_compat $account1 osh-superowner\""
success set_a1_as_superowner $r0 "\". $opt_remote_basedir/lib/shell/; add_user_to_group_compat $account1 osh-superowner\""
configchg 's=^\\\\x22superOwnerAccounts\\\\x22.+=\\\\x22superOwnerAccounts\\\\x22:[\\\\x22'"$account1"'\\\\x22],='
# account1 now can add/del members
success admin_superowner a1_add_members_g1_ok $a1 --osh groupAddMember --group $group1 --account $account1
success a1_add_members_g1_ok $a1 --osh groupAddMember --group $group1 --account $account1
json .error_code OK .command groupAddMember
contain OVERRIDE
success admin_superowner a1_del_members_g1_ok $a1 --osh groupDelMember --group $group1 --account $account1
success a1_del_members_g1_ok $a1 --osh groupDelMember --group $group1 --account $account1
json .error_code OK .command groupDelMember
contain OVERRIDE
# now set account1 as admin
success admin_superowner set_a1_as_admin $r0 "\". $opt_remote_basedir/lib/shell/; add_user_to_group_compat $account1 osh-admin\""
success set_a1_as_admin $r0 "\". $opt_remote_basedir/lib/shell/; add_user_to_group_compat $account1 osh-admin\""
configchg 's=^\\\\x22adminAccounts\\\\x22.+=\\\\x22adminAccounts\\\\x22:[\\\\x22'"$account0"'\\\\x22,\\\\x22'"$account1"'\\\\x22],='
# account1 now can add/del aclkeepers
success admin_superowner a1_add_gk_g1_ok $a1 --osh groupAddAclkeeper --group $group1 --account $account1
success a1_add_gk_g1_ok $a1 --osh groupAddAclkeeper --group $group1 --account $account1
json .error_code OK .command groupAddAclkeeper
contain OVERRIDE
success admin_superowner a1_del_gk_g1_ok $a1 --osh groupDelAclkeeper --group $group1 --account $account1
success a1_del_gk_g1_ok $a1 --osh groupDelAclkeeper --group $group1 --account $account1
json .error_code OK .command groupDelAclkeeper
contain OVERRIDE
# now remove superowner grant from a1, the account is still admin so it should inherhit superowner powers
success admin_superowner del_a1_as_superowner $r0 "\". $opt_remote_basedir/lib/shell/; del_user_from_group_compat $account1 osh-superowner\""
success del_a1_as_superowner $r0 "\". $opt_remote_basedir/lib/shell/; del_user_from_group_compat $account1 osh-superowner\""
configchg 's=^\\\\x22superOwnerAccounts\\\\x22.+=\\\\x22superOwnerAccounts\\\\x22:[],='
# account1 can add/del gatekeepers
success admin_superowner a1_add_members_g1_ok2 $a1 --osh groupAddGatekeeper --group $group1 --account $account1
success a1_add_members_g1_ok2 $a1 --osh groupAddGatekeeper --group $group1 --account $account1
json .error_code OK .command groupAddGatekeeper
contain OVERRIDE
success admin_superowner a1_del_members_g1_ok2 $a1 --osh groupDelGatekeeper --group $group1 --account $account1
success a1_del_members_g1_ok2 $a1 --osh groupDelGatekeeper --group $group1 --account $account1
json .error_code OK .command groupDelGatekeeper
contain OVERRIDE
# and finally remove admin grant
success admin_superowner del_a1_as_admin $r0 "\". $opt_remote_basedir/lib/shell/; del_user_from_group_compat $account1 osh-admin\""
success del_a1_as_admin $r0 "\". $opt_remote_basedir/lib/shell/; del_user_from_group_compat $account1 osh-admin\""
configchg 's=^\\\\x22adminAccounts\\\\x22.+=\\\\x22adminAccounts\\\\x22:[\\\\x22'"$account0"'\\\\x22],='
# account1 can no longer add members
run admin_superowner a1_add_members_g1_fail2 $a1 --osh groupAddMember --group $group1 --account $account1
run a1_add_members_g1_fail2 $a1 --osh groupAddMember --group $group1 --account $account1
retvalshouldbe 106
json .error_code KO_RESTRICTED_COMMAND .command null
@ -76,11 +76,11 @@ testsuite_admin_superowner()
grant accountDelete
grant groupDelete
script admin_superowner delete_a1 $a0 --osh accountDelete --account $account1 "<<< \"Yes, do as I say and delete $account1, kthxbye\""
script delete_a1 $a0 --osh accountDelete --account $account1 "<<< \"Yes, do as I say and delete $account1, kthxbye\""
retvalshouldbe 0
json .command accountDelete .error_code OK
script admin_superowner delete_g1 "$a0 --osh groupDelete --group $group1 <<< $group1"
script delete_g1 "$a0 --osh groupDelete --group $group1 <<< $group1"
retvalshouldbe 0
json .command groupDelete .error_code OK

View file

@ -14,62 +14,62 @@ testsuite_realm()
grant accountModify
# create account1 on local bastion
success realm create_account1 $a0 --osh accountCreate --always-active --account $account1 --uid $uid1 --public-key \""$(cat $"\"
success create_account1 $a0 --osh accountCreate --always-active --account $account1 --uid $uid1 --public-key \""$(cat $"\"
json .error_code OK .command accountCreate .value null
success realm modify_account1 $a0 --osh accountModify --pam-auth-bypass yes --account $account1
success modify_account1 $a0 --osh accountModify --pam-auth-bypass yes --account $account1
json .error_code OK .command accountModify
# create account2 on local bastion
success realm create_account2 $a0 --osh accountCreate --always-active --account $account2 --uid $uid2 --public-key \""$(cat $"\"
success create_account2 $a0 --osh accountCreate --always-active --account $account2 --uid $uid2 --public-key \""$(cat $"\"
json .error_code OK .command accountCreate .value null
success realm modify_account1 $a0 --osh accountModify --pam-auth-bypass yes --account $account2
success modify_account1 $a0 --osh accountModify --pam-auth-bypass yes --account $account2
json .error_code OK .command accountModify
revoke accountModify
grant groupCreate
# create realm-egress group on local bastion
success realm create_support_group $a0 --osh groupCreate --group $realm_egress_group --owner $account0 --algo rsa --size 4096
success create_support_group $a0 --osh groupCreate --group $realm_egress_group --owner $account0 --algo rsa --size 4096
local realm_group_key
realm_group_key=$(get_json | $jq '.value.public_key.line')
success realm a0_delowner_egressgroup $a0 --osh groupDelOwner --group $realm_egress_group --account $account0
success a0_delowner_egressgroup $a0 --osh groupDelOwner --group $realm_egress_group --account $account0
# add account1 to this group on local bastion
success realm add_account1_to_support_group $a0 --osh groupAddMember --group $realm_egress_group --account $account1
success add_account1_to_support_group $a0 --osh groupAddMember --group $realm_egress_group --account $account1
# add account1 to this group on local bastion
success realm add_account2_to_support_group $a0 --osh groupAddMember --group $realm_egress_group --account $account2
success add_account2_to_support_group $a0 --osh groupAddMember --group $realm_egress_group --account $account2
grant realmCreate
# fail to create a realm with forbidden name
plgfail realm realm_forbidden_name $a0 --osh realmCreate --realm realm --from --public-key \"$realm_group_key\"
plgfail realm_forbidden_name $a0 --osh realmCreate --realm realm --from --public-key \"$realm_group_key\"
# fail to create account with forbidden name
plgfail realm account_forbidden_name $a0 --osh accountCreate --account realm_foobar --uid-auto --public-key \""$(cat $"\"
plgfail account_forbidden_name $a0 --osh accountCreate --account realm_foobar --uid-auto --public-key \""$(cat $"\"
# create shared realm-account on remote bastion
success realm create_shared_account $a0 --osh realmCreate --realm $realm_shared_account --public-key \"$realm_group_key\" --from
success create_shared_account $a0 --osh realmCreate --realm $realm_shared_account --public-key \"$realm_group_key\" --from
revoke accountCreate
revoke realmCreate
# add remote bastion ip on group of local bastion
success realm add_remote_bastion_to_group $a0 --osh groupAddServer --host --user realm_$realm_shared_account --port 22 --group $realm_egress_group --kbd-interactive
success add_remote_bastion_to_group $a0 --osh groupAddServer --host --user realm_$realm_shared_account --port 22 --group $realm_egress_group --kbd-interactive
# attempt inter-realm connection
success realm firstconnect1 $a1 realm_$realm_shared_account@ --kbd-interactive -- $js --osh info
success firstconnect1 $a1 realm_$realm_shared_account@ --kbd-interactive -- $js --osh info
json .value.account $account1 .value.realm $realm_shared_account
# attempt inter-realm connection
success realm firstconnect2 $a2 realm_$realm_shared_account@ --kbd-interactive -- $js --osh info
success firstconnect2 $a2 realm_$realm_shared_account@ --kbd-interactive -- $js --osh info
json .value.account $account2 .value.realm $realm_shared_account
# try forbidden plugins
for plugin in selfAddPersonalAccess selfAddIngressKey selfDelIngressKey selfGenerateEgressKey selfAddPersonalAccess selfDelPersonalAccess selfPlaySession selfListSessions selfResetIngressKeys
run realm plugindenied $a2 realm_$realm_shared_account@ --kbd-interactive -- $js --osh $plugin
run plugindenied $a2 realm_$realm_shared_account@ --kbd-interactive -- $js --osh $plugin
retvalshouldbe 106
json .error_message "Realm accounts can't execute this plugin, use --osh help to get the allowed plugin list" .error_code KO_RESTRICTED_COMMAND
@ -77,41 +77,41 @@ testsuite_realm()
grant accountAddPersonalAccess
# add an access to account1 from realm on remote bastion
success realm add_access_to_remote $a0 --osh accountAddPersonalAccess --account $realm_shared_account/$account1 --user-any --port-any --host
success add_access_to_remote $a0 --osh accountAddPersonalAccess --account $realm_shared_account/$account1 --user-any --port-any --host
json .error_code OK
# fail to add a dup access to account1 from realm on remote bastion
success realm add_access_to_remote_dup $a0 --osh accountAddPersonalAccess --account $realm_shared_account/$account1 --user-any --port-any --host
success add_access_to_remote_dup $a0 --osh accountAddPersonalAccess --account $realm_shared_account/$account1 --user-any --port-any --host
json .error_code OK_NO_CHANGE
# list accesses remotely
success realm list_my_accesses1 $a1 realm_$realm_shared_account@ --kbd-interactive -- $js --osh selfListAccesses
success list_my_accesses1 $a1 realm_$realm_shared_account@ --kbd-interactive -- $js --osh selfListAccesses
json .error_code OK .value[0].acl[0].addedBy $account0 .value[0].acl[0].ip
# list accesses remotely
success realm list_my_accesses2 $a2 realm_$realm_shared_account@ --kbd-interactive -- $js --osh selfListAccesses
success list_my_accesses2 $a2 realm_$realm_shared_account@ --kbd-interactive -- $js --osh selfListAccesses
json .error_code OK_EMPTY
# try to access remotely (success)
run realm access1 $a1 realm_$realm_shared_account@ --kbd-interactive -- test@
run access1 $a1 realm_$realm_shared_account@ --kbd-interactive -- test@
retvalshouldbe 255
nocontain 'Access denied'
contain 'will try the following accesses you have'
# try to access remotely (fail)
run realm access2 $a2 realm_$realm_shared_account@ --kbd-interactive -- test@
run access2 $a2 realm_$realm_shared_account@ --kbd-interactive -- test@
retvalshouldbe 107
contain "Access denied for $realm_shared_account/$account2 to test@"
# create a group on remote bastion
success realm create_normal_group $a0 --osh groupCreate --group $group1 --owner $account0 --algo rsa --size 4096
success create_normal_group $a0 --osh groupCreate --group $group1 --owner $account0 --algo rsa --size 4096
# can't add a realm user as gk, aclk or owner of group
for acc in "realm_$realm_shared_account" "$realm_shared_account/$account1"
for role in Owner Gatekeeper Aclkeeper
plgfail realm add_${acc}_as_$role $a0 --osh groupAdd$role --group $group1 --account $acc
plgfail add_${acc}_as_$role $a0 --osh groupAdd$role --group $group1 --account $acc
if [ "$acc" = "$realm_shared_account/$account1" ]; then
json .error_code ERR_REALM_USER
@ -119,150 +119,150 @@ testsuite_realm()
plgfail realm add_support_account_as_member $a0 --osh groupAddMember --group $group1 --account realm_$realm_shared_account
plgfail add_support_account_as_member $a0 --osh groupAddMember --group $group1 --account realm_$realm_shared_account
# add account1 as member
success realm add_account1_as_member $a0 --osh groupAddMember --group $group1 --account $realm_shared_account/$account1
success add_account1_as_member $a0 --osh groupAddMember --group $group1 --account $realm_shared_account/$account1
json .error_code OK
success realm add_account1_as_member $a0 --osh groupAddMember --group $group1 --account $realm_shared_account/$account1
success add_account1_as_member $a0 --osh groupAddMember --group $group1 --account $realm_shared_account/$account1
json .error_code OK_NO_CHANGE
# check groupInfo
success realm groupinfo $a0 --osh groupInfo --group $group1
success groupinfo $a0 --osh groupInfo --group $group1
json --arg want "$realm_shared_account/$account1 $account0" '.value.members|sort == ($want|split(" ")|sort)' true
# add a remote account as member
success realm add_account2_as_member $a0 --osh groupAddMember --group $group1 --account $realm_shared_account/alien
success add_account2_as_member $a0 --osh groupAddMember --group $group1 --account $realm_shared_account/alien
json .error_code OK
success realm add_account2_as_member $a0 --osh groupAddMember --group $group1 --account $realm_shared_account/alien
success add_account2_as_member $a0 --osh groupAddMember --group $group1 --account $realm_shared_account/alien
json .error_code OK_NO_CHANGE
# check groupInfo
success realm groupinfo $a0 --osh groupInfo --group $group1
success groupinfo $a0 --osh groupInfo --group $group1
json --arg want "$realm_shared_account/$account1 $realm_shared_account/alien $account0" '.value.members|sort == ($want|split(" ")|sort)' true
# add a dummy host to the group, to see it in the accountListAccesses afterwards
success realm add_server_to_group1 $a0 --osh groupAddServer --group $group1 --host --user nobody --port 12345 --force
success realm add_server_to_group1 $a0 --osh groupAddServer --group $group1 --host --user nobody --port 12346 --force
success add_server_to_group1 $a0 --osh groupAddServer --group $group1 --host --user nobody --port 12345 --force
success add_server_to_group1 $a0 --osh groupAddServer --group $group1 --host --user nobody --port 12346 --force
success realm removemyselffromaclk $a0 --osh groupDelAclkeeper --group $group1 --account $account0
success realm a0_delowner_group1 $a0 --osh groupDelOwner --group $group1 --account $account0
success removemyselffromaclk $a0 --osh groupDelAclkeeper --group $group1 --account $account0
success a0_delowner_group1 $a0 --osh groupDelOwner --group $group1 --account $account0
grant accountListAccesses
# check access list
success realm access_list_account1 $a0 --osh accountListAccesses --account $realm_shared_account/$account1
success access_list_account1 $a0 --osh accountListAccesses --account $realm_shared_account/$account1
json '.value|[.[]|.type]|sort' '["group-member","personal"]'
json '.value[]|select(.type == "personal")|.acl[]|.ip'
json '.value[]|select(.type == "group-member")|[.acl[]|.port]' '["12345","12346"]'
# revoke group membership
success realm del_account1_as_member $a0 --osh groupDelMember --group $group1 --account $realm_shared_account/$account1
success del_account1_as_member $a0 --osh groupDelMember --group $group1 --account $realm_shared_account/$account1
json .error_code OK
success realm del_account1_as_member_dup $a0 --osh groupDelMember --group $group1 --account $realm_shared_account/$account1
success del_account1_as_member_dup $a0 --osh groupDelMember --group $group1 --account $realm_shared_account/$account1
json .error_code OK_NO_CHANGE
# check groupInfo
success realm groupinfo $a0 --osh groupInfo --group $group1
success groupinfo $a0 --osh groupInfo --group $group1
json --arg want "$realm_shared_account/alien $account0" '.value.members|sort == ($want|split(" ")|sort)' true
# check access list
success realm access_list_account1_again $a0 --osh accountListAccesses --account $realm_shared_account/$account1
success access_list_account1_again $a0 --osh accountListAccesses --account $realm_shared_account/$account1
json '.value|[.[]|.type]|sort' '["personal"]'
json '.value[]|select(.type == "personal")|.acl[]|.ip'
# check access list
success realm access_list_account2_again $a0 --osh accountListAccesses --account $realm_shared_account/alien
success access_list_account2_again $a0 --osh accountListAccesses --account $realm_shared_account/alien
json '.value|[.[]|.type]|sort' '["group-member"]'
json '.value[]|select(.type == "group-member")|[.acl[]|.port]' '["12345","12346"]'
# revoke group membership
success realm del_account2_as_member $a0 --osh groupDelMember --group $group1 --account $realm_shared_account/alien
success del_account2_as_member $a0 --osh groupDelMember --group $group1 --account $realm_shared_account/alien
json .error_code OK
success realm del_account2_as_member_dup $a0 --osh groupDelMember --group $group1 --account $realm_shared_account/alien
success del_account2_as_member_dup $a0 --osh groupDelMember --group $group1 --account $realm_shared_account/alien
json .error_code OK_NO_CHANGE
# check groupInfo
success realm groupinfo $a0 --osh groupInfo --group $group1
success groupinfo $a0 --osh groupInfo --group $group1
json '.value.members|sort' "[\"$account0\"]"
# add guest access
success realm add_guest_account1 $a0 --osh groupAddGuestAccess --account $realm_shared_account/first --group $group1 --host --user nobody --port 12345
success realm add_guest_account1 $a0 --osh groupAddGuestAccess --account $realm_shared_account/first --group $group1 --host --user nobody --port 12346
success add_guest_account1 $a0 --osh groupAddGuestAccess --account $realm_shared_account/first --group $group1 --host --user nobody --port 12345
success add_guest_account1 $a0 --osh groupAddGuestAccess --account $realm_shared_account/first --group $group1 --host --user nobody --port 12346
# add other guest access
success realm add_guest_account2 $a0 --osh groupAddGuestAccess --account $realm_shared_account/second --group $group1 --host --user nobody --port 12345
success add_guest_account2 $a0 --osh groupAddGuestAccess --account $realm_shared_account/second --group $group1 --host --user nobody --port 12345
# check groupInfo
success realm groupinfo $a0 --osh groupInfo --group $group1
success groupinfo $a0 --osh groupInfo --group $group1
json '.value.members|sort' "[\"$account0\"]"
json '.value.guests|sort' "[\"$realm_shared_account/first\",\"$realm_shared_account/second\"]"
# check access list of account
success realm access_list_account1_guest $a0 --osh accountListAccesses --account $realm_shared_account/first
success access_list_account1_guest $a0 --osh accountListAccesses --account $realm_shared_account/first
json '.value|[.[]|.type]|sort' '["group-guest"]'
json '.value[]|select(.type == "group-guest")|[.acl[]|.port]' '["12345","12346"]'
# remove guest access 1
success realm del_guest_account1 $a0 --osh groupDelGuestAccess --account $realm_shared_account/first --group $group1 --host --user nobody --port 12345
success del_guest_account1 $a0 --osh groupDelGuestAccess --account $realm_shared_account/first --group $group1 --host --user nobody --port 12345
nocontain "removed group key"
# check access list of account
success realm access_list_account1_guest $a0 --osh accountListAccesses --account $realm_shared_account/first
success access_list_account1_guest $a0 --osh accountListAccesses --account $realm_shared_account/first
json '.value|[.[]|.type]|sort' '["group-guest"]'
json '.value[]|select(.type == "group-guest")|.acl[]|.port' 12346
# remove guest access 1
success realm del_guest_account1 $a0 --osh groupDelGuestAccess --account $realm_shared_account/first --group $group1 --host --user nobody --port 12346
success del_guest_account1 $a0 --osh groupDelGuestAccess --account $realm_shared_account/first --group $group1 --host --user nobody --port 12346
nocontain "removed group key"
# check groupInfo
success realm groupinfo $a0 --osh groupInfo --group $group1
success groupinfo $a0 --osh groupInfo --group $group1
json '.value.members|sort' "[\"$account0\"]"
json '.value.guests|sort' "[\"$realm_shared_account/second\"]"
# remove last guest access
success realm del_guest_account2 $a0 --osh groupDelGuestAccess --account $realm_shared_account/second --group $group1 --host --user nobody --port 12345
success del_guest_account2 $a0 --osh groupDelGuestAccess --account $realm_shared_account/second --group $group1 --host --user nobody --port 12345
contain "removed group key"
# check groupInfo
success realm groupinfo $a0 --osh groupInfo --group $group1
success groupinfo $a0 --osh groupInfo --group $group1
json '.value.members|sort' "[\"$account0\"]"
json '.value.guests|sort' "[]"
# check max account length
success realm add_guest_account3 $a0 --osh groupAddGuestAccess --account $realm_shared_account/verylongaccountnam --group $group1 --host --user nobody --port 12345
success add_guest_account3 $a0 --osh groupAddGuestAccess --account $realm_shared_account/verylongaccountnam --group $group1 --host --user nobody --port 12345
grant accountDelete
# delete account1
success realm account1_cleanup $a0 --osh accountDelete --account $account1 --no-confirm
success account1_cleanup $a0 --osh accountDelete --account $account1 --no-confirm
# delete account2
script realm account2_cleanup "$a0 --osh accountDelete --account $account2 <<< \"Yes, do as I say and delete $account2, kthxbye\""
script account2_cleanup "$a0 --osh accountDelete --account $account2 <<< \"Yes, do as I say and delete $account2, kthxbye\""
retvalshouldbe 0
revoke accountDelete
grant groupDelete
# delete realm-egress group
run realm cleanup_realm_support_group $a0 --osh groupDelete --group $realm_egress_group --no-confirm
run cleanup_realm_support_group $a0 --osh groupDelete --group $realm_egress_group --no-confirm
retvalshouldbe 0
revoke groupDelete
grant accountDelete
# delete shared realm-account
script realm cleanup_shared_realm_account_fail "$a0 --osh accountDelete --account realm_$realm_shared_account <<< \"Yes, do as I say and delete realm_$realm_shared_account, kthxbye\""
script cleanup_shared_realm_account_fail "$a0 --osh accountDelete --account realm_$realm_shared_account <<< \"Yes, do as I say and delete realm_$realm_shared_account, kthxbye\""
retvalshouldbe 100
json .error_code KO_FORBIDDEN_PREFIX
grant realmDelete
script realm cleanup_shared_realm_account "$a0 --osh realmDelete --realm $realm_shared_account <<< \"Yes, do as I say and delete $realm_shared_account, kthxbye\""
script cleanup_shared_realm_account "$a0 --osh realmDelete --realm $realm_shared_account <<< \"Yes, do as I say and delete $realm_shared_account, kthxbye\""
retvalshouldbe 0
revoke realmDelete
@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ testsuite_realm()
grant groupDelete
# delete group1
script realm group_cleanup "$a0 --osh groupDelete --group $group1 <<< \"$group1\""
script group_cleanup "$a0 --osh groupDelete --group $group1 <<< \"$group1\""
retvalshouldbe 0
revoke groupDelete

View file

@ -9,39 +9,39 @@ testsuite_base()
grant accountCreate
# create regular account to compare info access between auditor and non auditor
success accountCreate a0_create_a1 $a0 --osh accountCreate --always-active --account $account1 --uid $uid1 --public-key "\"$(cat $\""
success a0_create_a1 $a0 --osh accountCreate --always-active --account $account1 --uid $uid1 --public-key "\"$(cat $\""
json .error_code OK .command accountCreate .value null
revoke accountCreate
# basic stuff and help
run base nocmd $a0
run nocmd $a0
retvalshouldbe 112
contain "command specified and no host to connect to"
json .command null .error_code KO_NO_HOST .value null
success osh empty $a0 -osh
success empty $a0 -osh
contain "OSH help"
json .command help .error_code OK .value null
success osh help1 $a0 -osh help
success help1 $a0 -osh help
contain "OSH help"
json .error_code OK .command help .value null
success osh help2 $a0 --osh help
success help2 $a0 --osh help
contain "OSH help"
json .error_code OK .command help .value null
run osh boguscmd $a0 --osh nonexistent
run boguscmd $a0 --osh nonexistent
retvalshouldbe 104
contain "Unknown command"
json .error_code KO_UNKNOWN_COMMAND .command null .value null
# grant account0 as admin
success admin_superowner set_a0_as_admin $r0 "\". $opt_remote_basedir/lib/shell/; add_user_to_group_compat $account0 osh-admin\""
success set_a0_as_admin $r0 "\". $opt_remote_basedir/lib/shell/; add_user_to_group_compat $account0 osh-admin\""
configchg 's=^\\\\x22adminAccounts\\\\x22.+=\\\\x22adminAccounts\\\\x22:[\\\\x22'"$account0"'\\\\x22],='
# grant account1 as auditor
success osh accountGrantAuditor $a0 --osh accountGrantCommand --command auditor --account $account1
success osh info $a1 --osh info
success accountGrantAuditor $a0 --osh accountGrantCommand --command auditor --account $account1
success info $a1 --osh info
contain "Your alias to connect"
contain "My admins are: "
contain "My super owners are: "
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ testsuite_base()
# now check that regular user do not see admins list
success osh info $a0 -osh info
success info $a0 -osh info
contain "Your alias to connect"
nocontain "My admins are: "
nocontain "My super owners are: "
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ testsuite_base()
# delete account1
grant accountDelete
success admin_superowner delete_a1 $a0 --osh accountDelete --account $account1 --no-confirm
success delete_a1 $a0 --osh accountDelete --account $account1 --no-confirm
revoke accountDelete

View file

@ -9,31 +9,31 @@ testsuite_accountinfo()
grant accountCreate
# create regular account to compare info access between auditor and non auditor
success 325-accountinfo a0_create_a1 $a0 --osh accountCreate --always-active --account $account1 --uid $uid1 --public-key "\"$(cat $\""
success a0_create_a1 $a0 --osh accountCreate --always-active --account $account1 --uid $uid1 --public-key "\"$(cat $\""
json .error_code OK .command accountCreate .value null
# create another target account we'll use for accountInfo
success 325-accountinfo a0_create_a2 $a0 --osh accountCreate --always-active --account $account2 --uid $uid2 --public-key "\"$(cat $\"" --comment "\"'this is a comment'\""
success a0_create_a2 $a0 --osh accountCreate --always-active --account $account2 --uid $uid2 --public-key "\"$(cat $\"" --comment "\"'this is a comment'\""
json .error_code OK .command accountCreate .value null
revoke accountCreate
# grant account0 as admin
success 325-accountinfo set_a0_as_admin $r0 "\". $opt_remote_basedir/lib/shell/; add_user_to_group_compat $account0 osh-admin\""
success set_a0_as_admin $r0 "\". $opt_remote_basedir/lib/shell/; add_user_to_group_compat $account0 osh-admin\""
configchg 's=^\\\\x22adminAccounts\\\\x22.+=\\\\x22adminAccounts\\\\x22:[\\\\x22'"$account0"'\\\\x22],='
# grant account1 as auditor
success 325-accountinfo a0_grant_a1_as_auditor $a0 --osh accountGrantCommand --command auditor --account $account1
success a0_grant_a1_as_auditor $a0 --osh accountGrantCommand --command auditor --account $account1
# grant accountInfo to a0 and a1
success 325-accountinfo a0_grant_a0_accountinfo $a0 --osh accountGrantCommand --command accountInfo --account $account0
success 325-accountinfo a0_grant_a1_accountinfo $a0 --osh accountGrantCommand --command accountInfo --account $account1
success a0_grant_a0_accountinfo $a0 --osh accountGrantCommand --command accountInfo --account $account0
success a0_grant_a1_accountinfo $a0 --osh accountGrantCommand --command accountInfo --account $account1
# a0 should see basic info about a2
success 325-accountinfo a0_accountinfo_a2_basic $a0 --osh accountInfo --account $account2
json_document '{"error_message":"OK","command":"accountInfo","error_code":"OK","value":{"always_active":1,"is_active":1,"allowed_commands":[],}}'
success a0_accountinfo_a2_basic $a0 --osh accountInfo --account $account2
json_document '{"error_message":"OK","command":"accountInfo","error_code":"OK","value":{"always_active":1,"is_active":1,"allowed_commands":[],"groups":{}}}'
# a1 should see detailed info about a2
success 325-accountinfo a1_accountinfo_a2_detailed $a1 --osh accountInfo --account $account2
success a1_accountinfo_a2_detailed $a1 --osh accountInfo --account $account2
json .error_code OK .command accountInfo .value.always_active 1 .value.is_active 1 .value.allowed_commands "[]"
json .value.ingress_piv_policy null .value.personal_egress_mfa_required none .value.pam_auth_bypass 0
json .value.password.min_days 0 .value.password.warn_days 7 .value.password.user "$account2" .value.password.password locked
@ -44,44 +44,44 @@ testsuite_accountinfo()
json .value.max_inactive_days null
# a2 connects, which will update already_seen_before
success 325-accountinfo a2_connects $a2 --osh info
success a2_connects $a2 --osh info
json .command info .error_code OK
# a1 should see the updated fields
success 325-accountinfo a1_accountinfo_a2_detailed2 $a1 --osh accountInfo --account $account2
success a1_accountinfo_a2_detailed2 $a1 --osh accountInfo --account $account2
json .value.already_seen_before 1
contain "Last seen on"
grant accountModify
# a0 changes a2 expiration policy
success 325-accountinfo a0_accountmodify_a2_expi_15 $a0 --osh accountModify --account $account2 --max-inactive-days 15
success a0_accountmodify_a2_expi_15 $a0 --osh accountModify --account $account2 --max-inactive-days 15
# a1 should see the updated field
success 325-accountinfo a1_accountinfo_a2_inactive_days $a1 --osh accountInfo --account $account2
success a1_accountinfo_a2_inactive_days $a1 --osh accountInfo --account $account2
json .value.max_inactive_days 15
# a0 changes a2 expiration policy
success 325-accountinfo a0_accountmodify_a2_expi_disabled $a0 --osh accountModify --account $account2 --max-inactive-days 0
success a0_accountmodify_a2_expi_disabled $a0 --osh accountModify --account $account2 --max-inactive-days 0
# a1 should see the updated field
success 325-accountinfo a1_accountinfo_a2_inactive_days_disabled $a1 --osh accountInfo --account $account2
success a1_accountinfo_a2_inactive_days_disabled $a1 --osh accountInfo --account $account2
json .value.max_inactive_days 0
# a0 changes a2 expiration policy
success 325-accountinfo a0_accountmodify_a2_expi_default $a0 --osh accountModify --account $account2 --max-inactive-days -1
success a0_accountmodify_a2_expi_default $a0 --osh accountModify --account $account2 --max-inactive-days -1
# a1 should see the updated field
success 325-accountinfo a1_accountinfo_a2_inactive_days_default $a1 --osh accountInfo --account $account2
success a1_accountinfo_a2_inactive_days_default $a1 --osh accountInfo --account $account2
json .value.max_inactive_days null
# should work with accountcreate too
grant accountCreate
success 325-accountinfo a0_accountcreate_a4_max_inactive_days $a0 --osh accountCreate --account $account4 --uid $uid4 --max-inactive-days 42 --no-key
success a0_accountcreate_a4_max_inactive_days $a0 --osh accountCreate --account $account4 --uid $uid4 --max-inactive-days 42 --no-key
revoke accountCreate
grant auditor
success 325-accountinfo a0_accountinfo_a4_max_inactive_days $a0 --osh accountInfo --account $account4
success a0_accountinfo_a4_max_inactive_days $a0 --osh accountInfo --account $account4
json .value.max_inactive_days 42
revoke auditor
@ -89,9 +89,9 @@ testsuite_accountinfo()
# delete account1 & account2
grant accountDelete
success 325-accountinfo a0_delete_a1 $a0 --osh accountDelete --account $account1 --no-confirm
success 325-accountinfo a0_delete_a2 $a0 --osh accountDelete --account $account2 --no-confirm
success 325-accountinfo a0_delete_a4 $a0 --osh accountDelete --account $account4 --no-confirm
success a0_delete_a1 $a0 --osh accountDelete --account $account1 --no-confirm
success a0_delete_a2 $a0 --osh accountDelete --account $account2 --no-confirm
success a0_delete_a4 $a0 --osh accountDelete --account $account4 --no-confirm
revoke accountDelete

View file

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ _ingress_from_test()
script selfAddIngressKey $name "echo '$keytoadd' | $a1 --osh selfAddIngressKey"
script $name "echo '$keytoadd' | $a1 --osh selfAddIngressKey"
retvalshouldbe 0
json .value.connect_only_from[0] $ip1
json .value.connect_only_from[1] $ip2
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ _ingress_from_test()
json .value.key.prefix "from=\"$ip1,$ip2\""
success selfListIngressKeys $name $a1 --osh selfListIngressKeys
success $name $a1 --osh selfListIngressKeys
json .value.keys[1].from_list[0] $ip1
json .value.keys[1].from_list[1] $ip2
if [ "$ip1" = null ] && [ "$ip2" = null ]; then
@ -36,18 +36,18 @@ _ingress_from_test()
json .value.keys[1].prefix "from=\"$ip1,$ip2\""
success selfDelIngressKey $name $a1 --osh selfDelIngressKey -f "$fingerprint"
success $name $a1 --osh selfDelIngressKey -f "$fingerprint"
# now on account creation
grant accountCreate
script accountCreate $name "echo '$keytoadd' | $a0 --osh accountCreate --account $account2 --uid $uid2"
script $name "echo '$keytoadd' | $a0 --osh accountCreate --account $account2 --uid $uid2"
json .error_code OK .command accountCreate .value null
revoke accountCreate
grant accountListIngressKeys
success accountListIngressKeys $name $a0 --osh accountListIngressKeys --account $account2
success $name $a0 --osh accountListIngressKeys --account $account2
json .value.keys[0].from_list[0] $ip1
json .value.keys[0].from_list[1] $ip2
if [ "$ip1" = null ] && [ "$ip2" = null ]; then
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ _ingress_from_test()
revoke accountListIngressKeys
grant accountDelete
script accountDelete $name "$a0 --osh accountDelete --account $account2" "<<< \"Yes, do as I say and delete $account2, kthxbye\""
script $name "$a0 --osh accountDelete --account $account2" "<<< \"Yes, do as I say and delete $account2, kthxbye\""
retvalshouldbe 0
json .error_code OK .command accountDelete
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ testsuite_selfkeys()
grant accountCreate
success osh accountCreate $a0 --osh accountCreate --always-active --account $account1 --uid $uid1 --public-key \""$(cat $"\"
success accountCreate $a0 --osh accountCreate --always-active --account $account1 --uid $uid1 --public-key \""$(cat $"\"
json .error_code OK .command accountCreate .value null
revoke accountCreate
@ -82,55 +82,55 @@ testsuite_selfkeys()
configchg 's=^\\\\x22minimumIngressRsaKeySize\\\\x22.+=\\\\x22minimumIngressRsaKeySize\\\\x22:4096,='
success accountssh info0 $a0 --osh accountInfo --account $account1
success info0 $a0 --osh accountInfo --account $account1
json .error_code OK .command accountInfo
json .value.account_egress_ssh_config.type default
success accountssh modifyssh1 $a0 --osh accountModify --account $account1 --egress-strict-host-key-checking no
success modifyssh1 $a0 --osh accountModify --account $account1 --egress-strict-host-key-checking no
json .error_code OK .command accountModify
success accountssh info1 $a0 --osh accountInfo --account $account1
success info1 $a0 --osh accountInfo --account $account1
json .error_code OK .command accountInfo
json .value.account_egress_ssh_config.type custom
json .value.account_egress_ssh_config.items.stricthostkeychecking no
success accountssh modifyssh2 $a0 --osh accountModify --account $account1 --egress-strict-host-key-checking accept-new
success modifyssh2 $a0 --osh accountModify --account $account1 --egress-strict-host-key-checking accept-new
json .error_code OK .command accountModify
success accountssh info2 $a0 --osh accountInfo --account $account1
success info2 $a0 --osh accountInfo --account $account1
json .error_code OK .command accountInfo
json .value.account_egress_ssh_config.type custom
json .value.account_egress_ssh_config.items.stricthostkeychecking accept-new
success accountssh modifyssh2 $a0 --osh accountModify --account $account1 --egress-strict-host-key-checking yes
success modifyssh2 $a0 --osh accountModify --account $account1 --egress-strict-host-key-checking yes
json .error_code OK .command accountModify
success accountssh info2 $a0 --osh accountInfo --account $account1
success info2 $a0 --osh accountInfo --account $account1
json .error_code OK .command accountInfo
json .value.account_egress_ssh_config.type custom
json .value.account_egress_ssh_config.items.stricthostkeychecking yes
success accountssh modifyssh3 $a0 --osh accountModify --account $account1 --egress-strict-host-key-checking ask
success modifyssh3 $a0 --osh accountModify --account $account1 --egress-strict-host-key-checking ask
json .error_code OK .command accountModify
success accountssh info3 $a0 --osh accountInfo --account $account1
success info3 $a0 --osh accountInfo --account $account1
json .error_code OK .command accountInfo
json .value.account_egress_ssh_config.type custom
json .value.account_egress_ssh_config.items.stricthostkeychecking ask
success accountssh modifyssh4 $a0 --osh accountModify --account $account1 --egress-strict-host-key-checking bypass
success modifyssh4 $a0 --osh accountModify --account $account1 --egress-strict-host-key-checking bypass
json .error_code OK .command accountModify
success accountssh info4 $a0 --osh accountInfo --account $account1
success info4 $a0 --osh accountInfo --account $account1
json .error_code OK .command accountInfo
json .value.account_egress_ssh_config.type custom
json .value.account_egress_ssh_config.items.stricthostkeychecking no
json .value.account_egress_ssh_config.items.userknownhostsfile /dev/null
success accountssh modifyssh5 $a0 --osh accountModify --account $account1 --egress-strict-host-key-checking default
success modifyssh5 $a0 --osh accountModify --account $account1 --egress-strict-host-key-checking default
json .error_code OK .command accountModify
success accountssh info5 $a0 --osh accountInfo --account $account1
success info5 $a0 --osh accountInfo --account $account1
json .error_code OK .command accountInfo
json .value.account_egress_ssh_config.type default
@ -138,13 +138,13 @@ testsuite_selfkeys()
revoke accountInfo
# </accountModify --egress-strict-host-key-checking>
success realm modify_account1 $a0 --osh accountModify --pam-auth-bypass yes --account $account1
success modify_account1 $a0 --osh accountModify --pam-auth-bypass yes --account $account1
json .error_code OK .command accountModify
revoke accountModify
grant accountListEgressKeys
success osh accountListEgressKeys $a0 --osh accountListEgressKeys --account $account1
success accountListEgressKeys $a0 --osh accountListEgressKeys --account $account1
contain "keyline"
json .error_code OK .command accountListEgressKeys
set +e
@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ EOS
revoke accountListEgressKeys
# add del list pub keys
success selfListIngressKeys beforeadd $a1 -osh selfListIngressKeys
success beforeadd $a1 -osh selfListIngressKeys
json $(cat <<EOS
.command selfListIngressKeys
.error_code OK
@ -178,10 +178,10 @@ EOS
account1key1fp=$(get_json | $jq '.value.keys[0].fingerprint')
script selfAddIngressKey flood $a1 -osh selfAddIngressKey '<' /dev/urandom
script flood $a1 -osh selfAddIngressKey '<' /dev/urandom
retvalshouldbe 255
script selfAddIngressKey privkey $a1 -osh selfAddIngressKey '<<< "-----BEGIN DSA PRIVATE KEY-----
script privkey $a1 -osh selfAddIngressKey '<<< "-----BEGIN DSA PRIVATE KEY-----
retvalshouldbe 100
contain "HOLY SH"
@ -192,36 +192,36 @@ EOS
script selfAddIngressKey privkey $a1 -osh selfAddIngressKey '<<< "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
script privkey $a1 -osh selfAddIngressKey '<<< "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
retvalshouldbe 100
contain "HOLY SH"
json .command selfAddIngressKey .error_code KO_PRIVATE_KEY .value null
script selfAddIngressKey privkey $a1 -osh selfAddIngressKey '<<< "-----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----
script privkey $a1 -osh selfAddIngressKey '<<< "-----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----
retvalshouldbe 100
contain "HOLY SH"
json .command selfAddIngressKey .error_code KO_PRIVATE_KEY .value null
script selfAddIngressKey privkey $a1 -osh selfAddIngressKey '<<< "-----BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----
script privkey $a1 -osh selfAddIngressKey '<<< "-----BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----
retvalshouldbe 100
contain "HOLY SH"
json .command selfAddIngressKey .error_code KO_PRIVATE_KEY .value null
script selfAddIngressKey bogus $a1 -osh selfAddIngressKey '<<<' "bogus"
script bogus $a1 -osh selfAddIngressKey '<<<' "bogus"
retvalshouldbe 100
contain "look like an SSH public key"
json .command selfAddIngressKey .error_code KO_NOT_A_KEY .value.key.line bogus
script selfAddIngressKey eof $a1 -osh selfAddIngressKey '</dev/null'
script eof $a1 -osh selfAddIngressKey '</dev/null'
retvalshouldbe 100
contain "look like an SSH public key"
json .command selfAddIngressKey .error_code KO_NOT_A_KEY .value null
script selfAddIngressKey dsa $a1 -osh selfAddIngressKey "<<< \"ssh-dss $b64 test@dsa\""
script dsa $a1 -osh selfAddIngressKey "<<< \"ssh-dss $b64 test@dsa\""
retvalshouldbe 100
contain "Wait, DSA key"
# here we need to determine if ssh-keygen is using MD5 or SHA256 for fingerprints
@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ EOS
.value.key.line "ssh-dss $b64 test@dsa" \
.value.key.prefix ""
script selfAddIngressKey dsaDup $a1 -osh selfAddIngressKey "<<< \"ssh-dss $b64 test@dsaduplicate\""
script dsaDup $a1 -osh selfAddIngressKey "<<< \"ssh-dss $b64 test@dsaduplicate\""
retvalshouldbe 100
contain "Wait, DSA key"
json $(cat <<EOS
@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ EOS
[ "$FP_TYPE" = md5 ] && fp1024="65:94:cc:f1:5d:29:6e:11:70:44:ce:a8:61:df:25:0a"
script selfAddIngressKey rsa1024 $a1 -osh selfAddIngressKey "<<< \"ssh-rsa $b64 test@rsa1024\""
script rsa1024 $a1 -osh selfAddIngressKey "<<< \"ssh-rsa $b64 test@rsa1024\""
retvalshouldbe 100
contain "This is too small"
json $(cat <<EOS
@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ EOS
[ "$FP_TYPE" = md5 ] && fp2048="a0:cf:72:54:59:b5:61:26:37:5f:98:14:83:c7:d3:8f"
script selfAddIngressKey rsa2048 $a1 -osh selfAddIngressKey "<<< \"ssh-rsa $b64 test@rsa2048\""
script rsa2048 $a1 -osh selfAddIngressKey "<<< \"ssh-rsa $b64 test@rsa2048\""
retvalshouldbe 100
contain "This is too small"
json $(cat <<EOS
@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ EOS
[ "$FP_TYPE" = md5 ] && fp4096="84:0a:ae:13:62:1e:c4:bc:d7:2b:b4:d4:fe:c8:6d:0a"
script selfAddIngressKey rsa4096 $a1 -osh selfAddIngressKey "<<< \"ssh-rsa $b64 test@rsa4096\""
script rsa4096 $a1 -osh selfAddIngressKey "<<< \"ssh-rsa $b64 test@rsa4096\""
retvalshouldbe 0
contain "key successfully added"
json $(cat <<EOS
@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ EOS
.value.key.line "ssh-rsa $b64 test@rsa4096" \
.value.key.prefix ""
script selfAddIngressKey rsa4096dup $a1 -osh selfAddIngressKey "<<< \"ssh-rsa $b64 test@rsa4096duplicate\""
script rsa4096dup $a1 -osh selfAddIngressKey "<<< \"ssh-rsa $b64 test@rsa4096duplicate\""
retvalshouldbe 100
contain "already exists"
json $(cat <<EOS
@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ EOS
[ "$FP_TYPE" = md5 ] && fp8192="cd:26:73:ff:7e:b5:72:d7:7d:d5:dd:da:d7:c0:8d:35"
script selfAddIngressKey rsa8192 $a1 -osh selfAddIngressKey "<<< \"ssh-rsa $b64 test@rsa8192\""
script rsa8192 $a1 -osh selfAddIngressKey "<<< \"ssh-rsa $b64 test@rsa8192\""
retvalshouldbe 0
contain "key successfully added"
json $(cat <<EOS
@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ EOS
[ "$FP_TYPE" = md5 ] && fp16384="fc:67:ee:6d:0e:d4:19:46:38:8f:2c:6b:e1:e8:07:f3"
script selfAddIngressKey rsa16384 $a1 -osh selfAddIngressKey "<<< \"ssh-rsa $b64 test@rsa16384\""
script rsa16384 $a1 -osh selfAddIngressKey "<<< \"ssh-rsa $b64 test@rsa16384\""
retvalshouldbe 0
contain "key successfully added"
json $(cat <<EOS
@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ EOS
[ "$FP_TYPE" = md5 ] && fpe256="4d:35:52:9f:0f:c7:54:68:7e:57:c5:10:32:54:da:bc"
script selfAddIngressKey ecdsa256 $a1 -osh selfAddIngressKey "<<< \"ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 $b64 test@ecdsa256\""
script ecdsa256 $a1 -osh selfAddIngressKey "<<< \"ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 $b64 test@ecdsa256\""
retvalshouldbe 0
contain "key successfully added"
json $(cat <<EOS
@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ EOS
.value.key.line "ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 $b64 test@ecdsa256" \
.value.key.prefix ""
script selfAddIngressKey ecdsa256D $a1 -osh selfAddIngressKey "<<< \"ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBBezrCa6RsyyWnHDypyGZ4/72UsiLaDmJ+A04vVuxO0XsjrhX52Q7zkz5NOA2VccAFJCLwN9h/+LLrIxM6FK64k= test@ecdsa256duplicate\""
script ecdsa256D $a1 -osh selfAddIngressKey "<<< \"ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBBezrCa6RsyyWnHDypyGZ4/72UsiLaDmJ+A04vVuxO0XsjrhX52Q7zkz5NOA2VccAFJCLwN9h/+LLrIxM6FK64k= test@ecdsa256duplicate\""
retvalshouldbe 100
contain "already exists"
json $(cat <<EOS
@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ EOS
[ "$FP_TYPE" = md5 ] && fpe384="4d:e3:e3:c2:13:79:69:e9:f7:3d:4f:18:21:d3:1b:ef"
script selfAddIngressKey ecdsa384 $a1 -osh selfAddIngressKey "<<< \"ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 $b64 test@ecdsa384\""
script ecdsa384 $a1 -osh selfAddIngressKey "<<< \"ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 $b64 test@ecdsa384\""
retvalshouldbe 0
contain "key successfully added"
json $(cat <<EOS
@ -448,7 +448,7 @@ EOS
[ "$FP_TYPE" = md5 ] && fpe521="2d:af:3a:b1:b7:9f:74:71:f9:8e:3f:85:03:f8:4e:c0"
script selfAddIngressKey ecdsa521 $a1 -osh selfAddIngressKey "<<< \"ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 $b64 test@ecdsa521\""
script ecdsa521 $a1 -osh selfAddIngressKey "<<< \"ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 $b64 test@ecdsa521\""
retvalshouldbe 0
contain "key successfully added"
json $(cat <<EOS
@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ EOS
[ "$FP_TYPE" = md5 ] && fped="d7:92:5b:77:8b:69:03:cb:e7:5a:11:76:d1:a6:ea:e4"
fplist="$fp4096 $fp8192 $fp16384 $fpe256 $fpe384 $fpe521"
script selfAddIngressKey ed25519 $a1 -osh selfAddIngressKey "<<< \"ssh-ed25519 $b64 test@ed25519\""
script ed25519 $a1 -osh selfAddIngressKey "<<< \"ssh-ed25519 $b64 test@ed25519\""
if [ "${capabilities[ed25519]}" = "1" ] ; then
fplist="$fplist $fped"
retvalshouldbe 0
@ -507,27 +507,27 @@ EOS
if [ "${capabilities[blacklist]}" = 1 ] ; then
script selfAddIngressKey rsa1024fucked $a1 -osh selfAddIngressKey "<<< \"ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAIEA90Td1GTx+tYMbsti93lyiyKYelBgaXRrnweoYJXjUFNU93jZ+RmBR8yp5J6mx7jz9ECaMS7Dn49fNQi5uG75+m+DTUgq3bfNv8cygoVC4g3NhzA3e+uA22D+iI53j3Gm9YxaJVOypGXGkOoWnmXZy7FQ4aSBFvgqa81xfnoa+4M= compromised@rsa1024\""
script rsa1024fucked $a1 -osh selfAddIngressKey "<<< \"ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAIEA90Td1GTx+tYMbsti93lyiyKYelBgaXRrnweoYJXjUFNU93jZ+RmBR8yp5J6mx7jz9ECaMS7Dn49fNQi5uG75+m+DTUgq3bfNv8cygoVC4g3NhzA3e+uA22D+iI53j3Gm9YxaJVOypGXGkOoWnmXZy7FQ4aSBFvgqa81xfnoa+4M= compromised@rsa1024\""
retvalshouldbe 100
json .command selfAddIngressKey .error_code KO_VULNERABLE_KEY
script selfAddIngressKey rsa2048fucked $a1 -osh selfAddIngressKey "<<< \"ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAxP84hsnxNGSGczfSZTYwb7YCu7yFEyYq5r5qS0dKc6EVQkqdYCn5FrFj8d0+Qn9vglQyCMk+Aa9VLlmKV8/e43FqIq7oh4RDe3YhKKvQ28gLGB/nh2oBLDCB/AYMOjjkCsGU344mrcKQDZlPQsk7lJsied1YphOzHFD7MZVdWd0oUpKFdZSuGbpLRWR+bq29fx7JSiT2tw3G3+EQSW9bdqvzKgwQOAg94FFUTjiK/nVDXAowKMP3+R3cV/CxccA9q5glGw6Xh+K54oZRQ9frzEGmxOlDhMhthQCSRrAvwQQn9kBmcX8qiugHJGS91R5lWv+HU2ndyCQ6xTxRtYvMOw== compromised@rsa2048\""
script rsa2048fucked $a1 -osh selfAddIngressKey "<<< \"ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAxP84hsnxNGSGczfSZTYwb7YCu7yFEyYq5r5qS0dKc6EVQkqdYCn5FrFj8d0+Qn9vglQyCMk+Aa9VLlmKV8/e43FqIq7oh4RDe3YhKKvQ28gLGB/nh2oBLDCB/AYMOjjkCsGU344mrcKQDZlPQsk7lJsied1YphOzHFD7MZVdWd0oUpKFdZSuGbpLRWR+bq29fx7JSiT2tw3G3+EQSW9bdqvzKgwQOAg94FFUTjiK/nVDXAowKMP3+R3cV/CxccA9q5glGw6Xh+K54oZRQ9frzEGmxOlDhMhthQCSRrAvwQQn9kBmcX8qiugHJGS91R5lWv+HU2ndyCQ6xTxRtYvMOw== compromised@rsa2048\""
retvalshouldbe 100
json .command selfAddIngressKey .error_code KO_VULNERABLE_KEY
run info user1key2beforeadd $a1k2 -osh info
run user1key2beforeadd $a1k2 -osh info
retvalshouldbe 255
contain "Permission denied"
script selfAddIngressKey user1key2 $a1 -osh selfAddIngressKey '<' $
script user1key2 $a1 -osh selfAddIngressKey '<' $
retvalshouldbe 0
contain "key successfully added"
json .command selfAddIngressKey .error_code OK
success selfListIngressKeys afteradd $a1 -osh selfListIngressKeys
success afteradd $a1 -osh selfListIngressKeys
for i in {0..20}
@ -540,21 +540,21 @@ EOS
unset tmpline
json .command selfListIngressKeys .error_code OK .value.account $account1
script gotfingerprint key1 grep -Eq "'^SHA256:|([0-9a-f]{2}:){7}'" "<<<" "$account1key1fp"
script key1 grep -Eq "'^SHA256:|([0-9a-f]{2}:){7}'" "<<<" "$account1key1fp"
retvalshouldbe 0
script gotfingerprint key2 grep -Eq "'^SHA256:|([0-9a-f]{2}:){7}'" "<<<" "$account1key2fp"
script key2 grep -Eq "'^SHA256:|([0-9a-f]{2}:){7}'" "<<<" "$account1key2fp"
retvalshouldbe 0
# remove all keys except key1 key2
for fp in $fplist ; do
success selfDelIngressKey otherkeys $a1 -osh selfDelIngressKey -f $fp
success otherkeys $a1 -osh selfDelIngressKey -f $fp
contain "successfully deleted"
json .command selfDelIngressKey .error_code OK
unset fplist
success selfListIngressKeys afterdel $a1 -osh selfListIngressKeys
success afterdel $a1 -osh selfListIngressKeys
json $(cat <<EOS
.command selfListIngressKeys
.error_code OK
@ -565,17 +565,17 @@ EOS
success info user1key2aftereadd $a1k2 -osh info
success user1key2aftereadd $a1k2 -osh info
contain "Your alias to connect"
json .command info .error_code OK .value.account $account1
success selfDelIngressKey key2 $a1k2 -osh selfDelIngressKey -f "$account1key2fp"
success key2 $a1k2 -osh selfDelIngressKey -f "$account1key2fp"
json .command selfDelIngressKey .error_code OK .value.deleted_key.err OK
plgfail selfDelIngressKey a1k1mustfail $a1 -osh selfDelIngressKey -f "$account1key1fp"
plgfail a1k1mustfail $a1 -osh selfDelIngressKey -f "$account1key1fp"
json .command selfDelIngressKey .error_code ERR_ONLY_ONE_KEY .value null
success selfListIngressKeys afterdel2only1remain $a1 -osh selfListIngressKeys
success afterdel2only1remain $a1 -osh selfListIngressKeys
contain "$account1key1fp"
nocontain "$account1key2fp"
json $(cat <<EOS
@ -619,12 +619,12 @@ EOS
# delete account1
grant accountDelete
script accountDelete cleanup $a0 --osh accountDelete --account $account1 "<<< \"Yes, do as I say and delete $account1, kthxbye\""
script cleanup $a0 --osh accountDelete --account $account1 "<<< \"Yes, do as I say and delete $account1, kthxbye\""
retvalshouldbe 0
revoke accountDelete
# restore default config
success bastion configrestore $r0 "dd if=$opt_remote_etc_bastion/bastion.conf.bak.$now of=$opt_remote_etc_bastion/bastion.conf"
success configrestore $r0 "dd if=$opt_remote_etc_bastion/bastion.conf.bak.$now of=$opt_remote_etc_bastion/bastion.conf"

View file

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ testsuite_selfaccesses()
grant accountCreate
for i in {1..10}; do
success selfaccess a0_create_a1_uidauto_nokey_$i $a0 --osh accountCreate --account delme$i --uid-auto --no-key
success a0_create_a1_uidauto_nokey_$i $a0 --osh accountCreate --account delme$i --uid-auto --no-key
json .error_code OK .command accountCreate
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ testsuite_selfaccesses()
# delete those accounts
for i in {1..10}; do
script selfaccess a0_delete_a1_uidauto_nokey_$i $a0 --osh accountDelete --account delme$i "<<< \"Yes, do as I say and delete delme$i, kthxbye\""
script a0_delete_a1_uidauto_nokey_$i $a0 --osh accountDelete --account delme$i "<<< \"Yes, do as I say and delete delme$i, kthxbye\""
retvalshouldbe 0
json .error_code OK .command accountDelete
@ -31,29 +31,29 @@ testsuite_selfaccesses()
grant accountCreate
# create account1
success osh accountCreate $a0 --osh accountCreate --always-active --account $account1 --uid $uid1 --public-key "\"$(cat $\""
success accountCreate $a0 --osh accountCreate --always-active --account $account1 --uid $uid1 --public-key "\"$(cat $\""
json .error_code OK .command accountCreate .value null
revoke accountCreate
grant accountModify
success realm modify_account1 $a0 --osh accountModify --pam-auth-bypass yes --account $account1
success modify_account1 $a0 --osh accountModify --pam-auth-bypass yes --account $account1
json .error_code OK .command accountModify
# test osh-only
success accountModify enable_osh_only $a0 --osh accountModify --osh-only yes --account $account1
success enable_osh_only $a0 --osh accountModify --osh-only yes --account $account1
json .error_code OK .command accountModify
# account1 can not connect to anything
run accountModify no_ssh_after_osh_only $a1 anybody@
run no_ssh_after_osh_only $a1 anybody@
retvalshouldbe 107
json .error_code KO_ACCESS_DENIED .error_message "You don't have the right to connect anywhere"
success accountModify disable_osh_only $a0 --osh accountModify --osh-only no --account $account1
success disable_osh_only $a0 --osh accountModify --osh-only no --account $account1
json .error_code OK .command accountModify
# account1 can connect now (or could if they were granted)
run accountModify can_ssh_after_osh_only_disable $a1 anybody@
run can_ssh_after_osh_only_disable $a1 anybody@
retvalshouldbe 107
json .error_code KO_ACCESS_DENIED
contain "Access denied"
@ -61,16 +61,16 @@ testsuite_selfaccesses()
revoke accountModify
success selfListEgressKeys beforeadd $a1 -osh selfListEgressKeys
success beforeadd $a1 -osh selfListEgressKeys
tmpfp=$(get_json | $jq '.value|keys[0]')
json .command selfListEgressKeys .error_code OK '.value|keys[1]' null
pattern "^$account1@fix-my-config-please-missing-bastion-name:[0-9]+$" "$(get_json | $jq ".value|.[\"$tmpfp\"]|.comment")"
success osh selfGenerateEgressKey $a1 --osh selfGenerateEgressKey --algo rsa --size 4096
success selfGenerateEgressKey $a1 --osh selfGenerateEgressKey --algo rsa --size 4096
json .error_code OK .command selfGenerateEgressKey .value.size 4096 RSA
tmpfp2=$(get_json | $jq '.value.fingerprint')
success selfListEgressKeys afteradd $a1 -osh selfListEgressKeys
success afteradd $a1 -osh selfListEgressKeys
json .command selfListEgressKeys .error_code OK '.value|keys[2]' null
pattern "^$account1@fix-my-config-please-missing-bastion-name:[0-9]+$" "$(get_json | $jq ".value|.[\"$tmpfp\"]|.comment")"
pattern "^$account1@fix-my-config-please-missing-bastion-name:[0-9]+$" "$(get_json | $jq ".value|.[\"$tmpfp2\"]|.comment")"
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ testsuite_selfaccesses()
# batch plugin
script plugin-batch one "printf \"%b\\n\" \"info\\naccountInfo --account $account0\\nselfListEgressKeys\" | $a1 --osh batch"
script one "printf \"%b\\n\" \"info\\naccountInfo --account $account0\\nselfListEgressKeys\" | $a1 --osh batch"
retvalshouldbe 0
json .command batch .error_code OK
json '.value[0].result.error_code' OK '.value[0].command' info '.value[0].result.value.account' "$account1"
@ -88,81 +88,81 @@ testsuite_selfaccesses()
# ssh
run ssh a1atlo2 $a1 -- id
run a1atlo2 $a1 -- id
retvalshouldbe 107
contain "Access denied for"
json .command null .error_code KO_ACCESS_DENIED
run ssh invalid_host $a1 127.0./0.1 -- id
run invalid_host $a1 127.0./0.1 -- id
retvalshouldbe 102
json .error_code KO_HOST_NOT_FOUND
run ssh invalid_host $a1 127.0.%0.1 -- id
run invalid_host $a1 127.0.%0.1 -- id
retvalshouldbe 128
json .error_code KO_INVALID_REMOTE_HOST
run ssh invalid_user $a1 ro/ot@ -- id
run invalid_user $a1 ro/ot@ -- id
retvalshouldbe 127
json .error_code KO_INVALID_REMOTE_USER
grant selfAddPersonalAccess
grant selfDelPersonalAccess
run selfAddPersonalAccess mustfail $a1 -osh selfAddPersonalAccess -h -u $shellaccount -p 22
run mustfail $a1 -osh selfAddPersonalAccess -h -u $shellaccount -p 22
retvalshouldbe 106
contain "you to be specifically granted"
json .command null .error_code KO_RESTRICTED_COMMAND
success selfAddPersonalAccess mustwork $a0 -osh selfAddPersonalAccess -h -u $shellaccount -p 22 --kbd-interactive
success mustwork $a0 -osh selfAddPersonalAccess -h -u $shellaccount -p 22 --kbd-interactive
nocontain "already"
json .command selfAddPersonalAccess .error_code OK .value.ip .value.user $shellaccount .value.port 22
success selfAddPersonalAccess dupe $a0 -osh selfAddPersonalAccess -h -u $shellaccount -p 22 --kbd-interactive
success dupe $a0 -osh selfAddPersonalAccess -h -u $shellaccount -p 22 --kbd-interactive
contain "already"
json .command selfAddPersonalAccess .error_code OK_NO_CHANGE .value null
success selfAddPersonalAccess withttl $a0 -osh selfAddPersonalAccess -h -u $shellaccount -p 22 --force --ttl 0d0h0m3s
success withttl $a0 -osh selfAddPersonalAccess -h -u $shellaccount -p 22 --force --ttl 0d0h0m3s
json .command selfAddPersonalAccess .error_code OK .value.ip .value.user $shellaccount .value.port 22 .value.ttl 3
run ssh a1atlo2_login8 $a0 -- id
run a1atlo2_login8 $a0 -- id
retvalshouldbe 107
contain "Access denied for"
json .command null .value null .error_code KO_ACCESS_DENIED
# auto hostname=$host comment
success selfAddPersonalAccess self_add_personal_access_auto_comment $a0 --osh selfAddPersonalAccess --host localhost -u autocomment -p 1234 --force --ttl 1
success self_add_personal_access_auto_comment $a0 --osh selfAddPersonalAccess --host localhost -u autocomment -p 1234 --force --ttl 1
json .command selfAddPersonalAccess .error_code OK .value.comment "hostname=localhost" .value.user autocomment .value.port 1234 .value.ttl 1
# forcekey
success selfListIngressKeys for_force_key $a0 --osh selfListEgressKeys
success for_force_key $a0 --osh selfListEgressKeys
account0key1fp=$(get_json | $jq '.value|keys[0]')
success selfAddPersonalAccess forcekey $a0 --osh selfAddPersonalAccess -h -u $shellaccount -p 22 --force --force-key "$account0key1fp"
success forcekey $a0 --osh selfAddPersonalAccess -h -u $shellaccount -p 22 --force --force-key "$account0key1fp"
success selfListAccesses forcekey $a0 --osh selfListAccesses
success forcekey $a0 --osh selfListAccesses
contain "$account0key1fp"
# try to use the force key
success ssh forcekey $a0 $shellaccount@ --kbd-interactive -- id
success forcekey $a0 $shellaccount@ --kbd-interactive -- id
contain 'FORCED IN ACL'
success selfDelPersonalAccess forcekey $a0 -osh selfDelPersonalAccess -h -u $shellaccount -p 22
success forcekey $a0 -osh selfDelPersonalAccess -h -u $shellaccount -p 22
# /forcekey
success ssh shellaccountatlo2_mustwork $a0 $shellaccount@ --kbd-interactive -- echo $randomstr
success shellaccountatlo2_mustwork $a0 $shellaccount@ --kbd-interactive -- echo $randomstr
contain REGEX "$shellaccount@[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+:22"
contain "allowed ... log on"
nocontain "Permission denied"
contain "$randomstr"
# scp
success accountAddPersonalAccess forscp $a0 --osh selfAddPersonalAccess --host --scpup --port 22
success forscp $a0 --osh selfAddPersonalAccess --host --scpup --port 22
success osh scp $a0 --osh scp
success scp $a0 --osh scp
if [ "$COUNTONLY" != 1 ]; then
tmpb64=$(get_json | $jq '.value.script')
base64 -d <<< "$tmpb64" | gunzip -c > /tmp/scphelpertmp
@ -172,207 +172,207 @@ testsuite_selfaccesses()
unset tmpb64
run scp downloadfailnoright scp -F $mytmpdir/ssh_config -S /tmp/scphelper -i $account0key1file $shellaccount@ /tmp/downloaded
run scp_downloadfailnoright scp -F $mytmpdir/ssh_config -S /tmp/scphelper -i $account0key1file $shellaccount@ /tmp/downloaded
retvalshouldbe 1
contain "Sorry, but even"
success accountAddPersonalAccess forscp $a0 --osh selfAddPersonalAccess --host --scpdown --port 22
success forscp $a0 --osh selfAddPersonalAccess --host --scpdown --port 22
run scp downloadfailnofile scp -F $mytmpdir/ssh_config -S /tmp/scphelper -i $account0key1file $shellaccount@ /tmp/downloaded
run scp_downloadfailnofile scp -F $mytmpdir/ssh_config -S /tmp/scphelper -i $account0key1file $shellaccount@ /tmp/downloaded
retvalshouldbe 1
contain "through the bastion from"
contain "Error launching transfer"
contain "No such file or directory"
nocontain "Permission denied"
run scp invalidhostname scp -F $mytmpdir/ssh_config -S /tmp/scphelper -i $account0key1file $shellaccount@_invalid._invalid:uptest /tmp/downloaded
run scp_invalidhostname scp -F $mytmpdir/ssh_config -S /tmp/scphelper -i $account0key1file $shellaccount@_invalid._invalid:uptest /tmp/downloaded
retvalshouldbe 1
contain "Sorry, couldn't resolve the host you specified"
success scp upload scp -F $mytmpdir/ssh_config -S /tmp/scphelper -i $account0key1file /etc/passwd $shellaccount@
success scp_upload scp -F $mytmpdir/ssh_config -S /tmp/scphelper -i $account0key1file /etc/passwd $shellaccount@
contain "through the bastion to"
contain "Done,"
success scp download scp -F $mytmpdir/ssh_config -S /tmp/scphelper -i $account0key1file $shellaccount@ /tmp/downloaded
success scp_download scp -F $mytmpdir/ssh_config -S /tmp/scphelper -i $account0key1file $shellaccount@ /tmp/downloaded
contain "through the bastion from"
contain "Done,"
success accountAddPersonalAccess forscpremove1 $a0 --osh selfDelPersonalAccess --host --scpup --port 22
success accountAddPersonalAccess forscpremove2 $a0 --osh selfDelPersonalAccess --host --scpdown --port 22
success forscpremove1 $a0 --osh selfDelPersonalAccess --host --scpup --port 22
success forscpremove2 $a0 --osh selfDelPersonalAccess --host --scpdown --port 22
# /scp
# (forced commands)
success ssh escapehell1ae $a0 --always-escape $shellaccount@ -- "\"echo 'test1;test1' ; id\""
success escapehell1ae $a0 --always-escape $shellaccount@ -- "\"echo 'test1;test1' ; id\""
contain "'test1"
contain 'uid='
contain REGEX "test1': (command )?not found"
nocontain 'test1;test1'
nocontain 'crazy'
success ssh escapehell2ae $a0 --always-escape $shellaccount@ -- "'echo \"test1;test1\" ; id'"
success escapehell2ae $a0 --always-escape $shellaccount@ -- "'echo \"test1;test1\" ; id'"
contain "test1;test1"
contain 'uid='
nocontain 'not found'
nocontain 'crazy'
success ssh escapehell3ae $a0 --always-escape $shellaccount@ -- "'echo \\\"test1;test1\\\" ; id'"
success escapehell3ae $a0 --always-escape $shellaccount@ -- "'echo \\\"test1;test1\\\" ; id'"
contain '"test1'
contain 'uid='
contain REGEX 'test1": (command )?not found'
nocontain 'crazy'
success ssh escapehell4ae $a0 --always-escape $shellaccount@ -- "\"echo \\\"test1;test1\\\" ; id\""
success escapehell4ae $a0 --always-escape $shellaccount@ -- "\"echo \\\"test1;test1\\\" ; id\""
contain 'test1;test1'
contain 'uid='
nocontain 'not found'
nocontain 'crazy'
success ssh escapehell5ae $a0 --always-escape $shellaccount@ -- "\"echo \\\"test1';'test1\\\" ; id\""
success escapehell5ae $a0 --always-escape $shellaccount@ -- "\"echo \\\"test1';'test1\\\" ; id\""
contain "test1\\';\\'test1"
contain 'uid='
nocontain 'not found'
nocontain 'crazy'
success ssh escapehell1ne $a0 --never-escape $shellaccount@ -- "\"echo 'test1;test1' ; id\""
success escapehell1ne $a0 --never-escape $shellaccount@ -- "\"echo 'test1;test1' ; id\""
contain "test1;test1"
contain 'uid='
nocontain 'not found'
nocontain 'crazy'
success ssh escapehell2ne $a0 --never-escape $shellaccount@ -- "'echo \"test1;test1\" ; id'"
success escapehell2ne $a0 --never-escape $shellaccount@ -- "'echo \"test1;test1\" ; id'"
contain "test1;test1"
contain 'uid='
nocontain 'not found'
nocontain 'crazy'
success ssh escapehell3ne $a0 --never-escape $shellaccount@ -- "'echo \\\"test1;test1\\\" ; id'"
success escapehell3ne $a0 --never-escape $shellaccount@ -- "'echo \\\"test1;test1\\\" ; id'"
contain '"test1'
contain 'uid='
contain REGEX 'test1": (command )?not found'
nocontain 'crazy'
success ssh escapehell4ne $a0 --never-escape $shellaccount@ -- "\"echo \\\"test1;test1\\\" ; id\""
success escapehell4ne $a0 --never-escape $shellaccount@ -- "\"echo \\\"test1;test1\\\" ; id\""
contain 'test1;test1'
contain 'uid='
nocontain 'not found'
nocontain 'crazy'
success ssh escapehell5ne $a0 --never-escape $shellaccount@ -- "\"echo \\\"test1';'test1\\\" ; id\""
success escapehell5ne $a0 --never-escape $shellaccount@ -- "\"echo \\\"test1';'test1\\\" ; id\""
contain "test1';'test1"
contain 'uid='
nocontain 'not found'
nocontain 'crazy'
success ssh escapehellnoprotect1ae $a0 --always-escape $shellaccount@ "\"echo 'test1;test1' ; id\""
success escapehellnoprotect1ae $a0 --always-escape $shellaccount@ "\"echo 'test1;test1' ; id\""
contain "test1"
contain 'uid='
contain REGEX "test1: (command )?not found"
nocontain 'test1;test1'
contain 'crazy'
success ssh escapehellnoprotect2ae $a0 --always-escape $shellaccount@ "'echo \"test1;test1\" ; id'"
success escapehellnoprotect2ae $a0 --always-escape $shellaccount@ "'echo \"test1;test1\" ; id'"
contain "test1"
contain 'uid='
contain REGEX 'test1: (command )?not found'
nocontain 'test1;test1'
contain 'crazy'
success ssh escapehellnoprotect3ae $a0 --always-escape $shellaccount@ "'echo \\\"test1;test1\\\" ; id'"
success escapehellnoprotect3ae $a0 --always-escape $shellaccount@ "'echo \\\"test1;test1\\\" ; id'"
contain 'test1;test1'
contain 'uid='
nocontain REGEX ': (command )?not found'
contain 'crazy'
success ssh escapehellnoprotect4ae $a0 --always-escape $shellaccount@ "\"echo \\\"test1;test1\\\" ; id\""
success escapehellnoprotect4ae $a0 --always-escape $shellaccount@ "\"echo \\\"test1;test1\\\" ; id\""
contain "test1"
contain 'uid='
contain REGEX 'test1: (command )?not found'
nocontain 'test1;test1'
contain 'crazy'
success ssh escapehellnoprotect5ae $a0 --always-escape $shellaccount@ "\"echo \\\"test1';'test1\\\" ; id\""
success escapehellnoprotect5ae $a0 --always-escape $shellaccount@ "\"echo \\\"test1';'test1\\\" ; id\""
contain 'test1;test1'
contain 'uid='
nocontain 'not found'
contain 'crazy'
success ssh escapehellnoprotect1ne $a0 --never-escape $shellaccount@ "\"echo 'test1;test1' ; id\""
success escapehellnoprotect1ne $a0 --never-escape $shellaccount@ "\"echo 'test1;test1' ; id\""
contain "test1"
contain 'uid='
contain REGEX 'test1: (command )?not found'
nocontain 'test1;test1'
contain 'crazy'
success ssh escapehellnoprotect2ne $a0 --never-escape $shellaccount@ "'echo \"test1;test1\" ; id'"
success escapehellnoprotect2ne $a0 --never-escape $shellaccount@ "'echo \"test1;test1\" ; id'"
contain "test1"
contain 'uid='
contain REGEX 'test1: (command )?not found'
nocontain 'test1;test1'
contain 'crazy'
success ssh escapehellnoprotect3ne $a0 --never-escape $shellaccount@ "'echo \\\"test1;test1\\\" ; id'"
success escapehellnoprotect3ne $a0 --never-escape $shellaccount@ "'echo \\\"test1;test1\\\" ; id'"
contain 'test1;test1'
contain 'uid='
nocontain 'not found'
contain 'crazy'
success ssh escapehellnoprotect4ne $a0 --never-escape $shellaccount@ "\"echo \\\"test1;test1\\\" ; id\""
success escapehellnoprotect4ne $a0 --never-escape $shellaccount@ "\"echo \\\"test1;test1\\\" ; id\""
contain "test1"
contain 'uid='
contain REGEX 'test1: (command )?not found'
nocontain 'test1;test1'
contain 'crazy'
success ssh escapehellnoprotect5ne $a0 --never-escape $shellaccount@ "\"echo \\\"test1';'test1\\\" ; id\""
success escapehellnoprotect5ne $a0 --never-escape $shellaccount@ "\"echo \\\"test1';'test1\\\" ; id\""
contain 'test1;test1'
contain 'uid='
nocontain 'not found'
contain 'crazy'
run ssh shellaccountatlo_badport $a0 $shellaccount@ -p 223 -- echo $randomstr
run shellaccountatlo_badport $a0 $shellaccount@ -p 223 -- echo $randomstr
retvalshouldbe 107
contain "Access denied for"
nocontain "$randomstr"
json .command null .value null .error_code KO_ACCESS_DENIED
run ssh shellaccountatlo_badip $a0 $shellaccount@ -- echo $randomstr
run shellaccountatlo_badip $a0 $shellaccount@ -- echo $randomstr
retvalshouldbe 107
contain "Access denied for"
nocontain "$randomstr"
json .command null .value null .error_code KO_ACCESS_DENIED
run ssh shellaccountatlo_badroot $a0 root@ -- echo $randomstr
run shellaccountatlo_badroot $a0 root@ -- echo $randomstr
retvalshouldbe 107
contain "Access denied for"
nocontain "$randomstr"
json .command null .value null .error_code KO_ACCESS_DENIED
run selfDelPersonalAccess mustfailnosudo $a1 -osh selfDelPersonalAccess -h -u $shellaccount -p 22
run mustfailnosudo $a1 -osh selfDelPersonalAccess -h -u $shellaccount -p 22
retvalshouldbe 106
contain "you to be specifically granted"
json .command null .value null .error_code KO_RESTRICTED_COMMAND
#sudo usermod -a -G osh-selfDelPersonalAccess $account1
success selfDelPersonalAccess mustwork $a0 -osh selfDelPersonalAccess -h -u $shellaccount -p 22
success mustwork $a0 -osh selfDelPersonalAccess -h -u $shellaccount -p 22
contain "Access to $shellaccount@"
json .command selfDelPersonalAccess .error_code OK .value.ip .value.user $shellaccount .value.port 22
run ssh shellaccountatlo2_mustfail $a1 $shellaccount@ -- echo $randomstr
run shellaccountatlo2_mustfail $a1 $shellaccount@ -- echo $randomstr
retvalshouldbe 107
contain "Access denied for"
nocontain "$randomstr"
json .command null .value null .error_code KO_ACCESS_DENIED
success selfAddPersonalAccess mustwork $a0 -osh selfAddPersonalAccess -h -u $shellaccount -p 226
success mustwork $a0 -osh selfAddPersonalAccess -h -u $shellaccount -p 226
nocontain "already"
json .command selfAddPersonalAccess .error_code OK .value.ip .value.user $shellaccount .value.port 226
# shouldn't work
run ssh shellaccountatlo2_badport2 $a0 $shellaccount@ -- echo $randomstr
run shellaccountatlo2_badport2 $a0 $shellaccount@ -- echo $randomstr
retvalshouldbe 107
contain "Access denied for"
nocontain "$randomstr"
@ -380,66 +380,66 @@ testsuite_selfaccesses()
# should
success ssh shellaccountatlo2_mustwork226 $a0 $shellaccount@ -p 226 -- echo $randomstr
success shellaccountatlo2_mustwork226 $a0 $shellaccount@ -p 226 -- echo $randomstr
contain REGEX "$shellaccount@[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+:226"
contain "allowed ... log on"
nocontain "Permission denied"
contain "$randomstr"
success selfDelPersonalAccess mustwork $a0 -osh selfDelPersonalAccess -h -u $shellaccount -p 226
success mustwork $a0 -osh selfDelPersonalAccess -h -u $shellaccount -p 226
contain "Access to $shellaccount@"
json .command selfDelPersonalAccess .error_code OK .value.ip .value.user $shellaccount .value.port 226
run ssh shellaccountatlo2_mustfailnow $a0 $shellaccount@ -p 226 -- echo $randomstr
run shellaccountatlo2_mustfailnow $a0 $shellaccount@ -p 226 -- echo $randomstr
retvalshouldbe 107
contain "Access denied for"
nocontain "$randomstr"
json .command null .value null .error_code KO_ACCESS_DENIED
plgfail selfAddPersonalAccess nousernoportnoforce $a0 -osh selfAddPersonalAccess -h
plgfail nousernoportnoforce $a0 -osh selfAddPersonalAccess -h
nocontain "already"
contain REGEX "Couldn't connect to $account0@ \\(ssh returned error (255|124)\\)"
json .command selfAddPersonalAccess .error_code ERR_CONNECTION_FAILED .value null
success selfAddPersonalAccess nousernoport $a0 -osh selfAddPersonalAccess -h --force
success nousernoport $a0 -osh selfAddPersonalAccess -h --force
nocontain "already"
contain "Forcing add as asked"
json .command selfAddPersonalAccess .error_code OK .value.ip .value.port null .value.user null
run ssh rootport22 $a0 root@ -- echo $randomstr
run rootport22 $a0 root@ -- echo $randomstr
retvalshouldbe 255
contain "allowed ... log on"
contain "Permission denied"
nocontain "$randomstr"
run ssh anyuserport22 $a0 whatevaah@ -- echo $randomstr
run anyuserport22 $a0 whatevaah@ -- echo $randomstr
retvalshouldbe 255
contain "allowed ... log on"
contain "Permission denied"
nocontain "$randomstr"
success ssh gooduserport22 $a0 $shellaccount@ -- echo $randomstr
success gooduserport22 $a0 $shellaccount@ -- echo $randomstr
contain "allowed ... log on"
contain "$randomstr"
run ssh exitcode $a0 $shellaccount@ -- exit 43
run exitcode $a0 $shellaccount@ -- exit 43
retvalshouldbe 43
contain "allowed ... log on"
success ssh gooduserport226 $a0 $shellaccount@ -p 226 -- echo $randomstr
success gooduserport226 $a0 $shellaccount@ -p 226 -- echo $randomstr
contain "allowed ... log on"
contain "$randomstr"
run ssh anyuseaarrport226 $a0 pokpozkpab@ -p 226 -- echo $randomstr
run anyuseaarrport226 $a0 pokpozkpab@ -p 226 -- echo $randomstr
retvalshouldbe 255
contain "allowed ... log on"
nocontain "$randomstr"
success selfDelPersonalAccess nousernoport $a0 -osh selfDelPersonalAccess -h
success nousernoport $a0 -osh selfDelPersonalAccess -h
contain "Access to "
json .command selfDelPersonalAccess .error_code OK .value.ip .value.port null .value.user null
success selfDelPersonalAccess nousernoport_dupe $a0 -osh selfDelPersonalAccess -h
success nousernoport_dupe $a0 -osh selfDelPersonalAccess -h
nocontain "no longer has a personal access"
json .command selfDelPersonalAccess .error_code OK_NO_CHANGE .value null
@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ testsuite_selfaccesses()
# ... then try to ssh with all combinations
# TODO try partial group thing, and try to ssh to ip pertaining to group
success selfListAccesses oka0 $a0 --osh selfListAccesses
success oka0 $a0 --osh selfListAccesses
contain 'no registered accesses'
nocontain 'personal'
nocontain 'group-member'
@ -455,60 +455,60 @@ testsuite_selfaccesses()
json .command selfListAccesses .error_code OK_EMPTY .value null
# FIXME with bastion config => auto-added private accesses ?
success selfListAccesses oka1 $a1 --osh selfListAccesses
success oka1 $a1 --osh selfListAccesses
contain 'no registered accesses'
nocontain 'personal'
nocontain 'group-member'
nocontain 'group-guest'
json .command selfListAccesses .error_code OK_EMPTY .value null
success selfForgetHostKey loportnomatch $a0 --osh selfForgetHostKey --host --port 1234
success loportnomatch $a0 --osh selfForgetHostKey --host --port 1234
json .command selfForgetHostKey .error_code OK '.value."[]:1234".action' OK_NO_MATCH
success selfForgetHostKey lonomatch $a0 --osh selfForgetHostKey --host
success lonomatch $a0 --osh selfForgetHostKey --host
json .command selfForgetHostKey .error_code OK '.value."".action' OK_NO_MATCH
success selfForgetHostKey lonofile $a1 --osh selfForgetHostKey --host
success lonofile $a1 --osh selfForgetHostKey --host
json .command selfForgetHostKey .error_code OK_NO_CHANGE .value null
success selfForgetHostKey works $a0 --osh selfForgetHostKey --host
success works $a0 --osh selfForgetHostKey --host
json .command selfForgetHostKey .error_code OK '.value."".action' OK_DELETED
success selfForgetHostKey dupe $a0 --osh selfForgetHostKey --host
success dupe $a0 --osh selfForgetHostKey --host
json .command selfForgetHostKey .error_code OK '.value."".action' OK_NO_MATCH
grant accountUnexpire
success accountUnexpire nochange $a0 --osh accountUnexpire --account $account1
success nochange $a0 --osh accountUnexpire --account $account1
json .command accountUnexpire .error_code OK_NO_CHANGE
# artificially expire account1
configchg 's=^\\\\x22accountMaxInactiveDays\\\\x22.+=\\\\x22accountMaxInactiveDays\\\\x22:2,='
success bastion manuallyExpireAccount1 $r0 "touch -t 201501010101 /home/$account1/lastlog"
success manuallyExpireAccount1 $r0 "touch -t 201501010101 /home/$account1/lastlog"
run account expired $a1 --osh info
run expired $a1 --osh info
retvalshouldbe 113
success accountUnexpire works $a0 --osh accountUnexpire --account $account1
success works $a0 --osh accountUnexpire --account $account1
json .command accountUnexpire .error_code OK
success account unexpired $a1 --osh info
success unexpired $a1 --osh info
json .error_code OK
success accountUnexpire worksnochange $a0 --osh accountUnexpire --account $account1
success worksnochange $a0 --osh accountUnexpire --account $account1
json .command accountUnexpire .error_code OK_NO_CHANGE
# try on never logged-in account (different code path)
success bastion manuallyRemoveLastlog $r0 "rm -f /home/$account1/lastlog"
success manuallyRemoveLastlog $r0 "rm -f /home/$account1/lastlog"
success accountUnexpire worksnochange $a0 --osh accountUnexpire --account $account1
success worksnochange $a0 --osh accountUnexpire --account $account1
json .command accountUnexpire .error_code OK_NO_CHANGE
revoke accountUnexpire
# delete account1
grant accountDelete
script accountDelete cleanup $a0 --osh accountDelete --account $account1 "<<< \"Yes, do as I say and delete $account1, kthxbye\""
script cleanup $a0 --osh accountDelete --account $account1 "<<< \"Yes, do as I say and delete $account1, kthxbye\""
retvalshouldbe 0
revoke accountDelete

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
success plugin-ping withHost $a0 --osh ping -w 2 --host -c 2
success withHost $a0 --osh ping -w 2 --host -c 2
json .command ping .error_code OK
# in some tests environments, ping is not allowed...
_sysret=$(get_json | $jq .value.sysret)
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ testsuite_plugins()
unset _sysret
success plugin-ping withoutHost $a0 --osh ping -c 1 -w 1
success withoutHost $a0 --osh ping -c 1 -w 1
json .command ping .error_code OK
_sysret=$(get_json | $jq .value.sysret)
if [ "$_sysret" = 0 ]; then
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ testsuite_plugins()
unset _sysret
success plugin-ping loss $a0 --osh ping -w 1 -c 1
success loss $a0 --osh ping -w 1 -c 1
json .command ping .error_code OK
_sysret=$(get_json | $jq .value.sysret)
if [ "$_sysret" = 1 ]; then
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ testsuite_plugins()
unset _sysret
success plugin-nc withHost $a0 --osh nc --port 22 --host --timeout 1
success withHost $a0 --osh nc --port 22 --host --timeout 1
json $(cat <<EOS
.command nc
.error_code OK
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ testsuite_plugins()
success plugin-nc withoutHost $a0 --osh nc 22 --timeout 1
success withoutHost $a0 --osh nc 22 --timeout 1
json $(cat <<EOS
.command nc
.error_code OK
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ EOS
success plugin-nc closed $a0 --osh nc 1 --timeout 1
success closed $a0 --osh nc 1 --timeout 1
json $(cat <<EOS
.command nc
.error_code OK
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ EOS
success plugin-nc timeout $a0 --osh nc --timeout 1 22
success timeout $a0 --osh nc --timeout 1 22
json $(cat <<EOS
.command nc
.error_code OK
@ -89,12 +89,12 @@ EOS
# tests can fail under e.g. OpenSUSE + docker because of raw sockets: ignore those cases
success plugin-alive withHost $a0 --osh alive --host
success withHost $a0 --osh alive --host
if ! get_stdout | grep -q "can't create raw socket"; then
json .command alive .error_code OK .value.waited_for 0
success plugin-alive withoutHost $a0 --osh alive
success withoutHost $a0 --osh alive
json .command alive .error_code OK .value.waited_for 0
if ! get_stdout | grep -q "can't create raw socket"; then
json .command alive .error_code OK .value.waited_for 0

View file

@ -11,31 +11,31 @@ testsuite_mfa()
grant accountModify
# create account4
success mfa a0_create_a4 $a0 --osh accountCreate --always-active --account $account4 --uid $uid4 --public-key "\"$(cat $\""
success a0_create_a4 $a0 --osh accountCreate --always-active --account $account4 --uid $uid4 --public-key "\"$(cat $\""
json .error_code OK .command accountCreate .value null
# set account4 as mfa password required
success mfa a0_accountModify_passreq_a4 $a0 --osh accountModify --account $account4 --mfa-password-required yes
success a0_accountModify_passreq_a4 $a0 --osh accountModify --account $account4 --mfa-password-required yes
json .error_code OK .command accountModify .value.mfa_password_required.error_code OK
# set account4 as mfa password required (dupe)
success mfa a0_accountModify_passreq_a4_dupe $a0 --osh accountModify --account $account4 --mfa-password-required yes
success a0_accountModify_passreq_a4_dupe $a0 --osh accountModify --account $account4 --mfa-password-required yes
json .error_code OK .command accountModify .value.mfa_password_required.error_code OK_NO_CHANGE
# now try to connect with account4
run mfa a4_connect_with_passreq $a4 --osh groupList
run a4_connect_with_passreq $a4 --osh groupList
retvalshouldbe 122
# setup our password, step1
run mfa a4_setup_pass_step1of2 $a4f --osh selfMFASetupPassword --yes
run a4_setup_pass_step1of2 $a4f --osh selfMFASetupPassword --yes
retvalshouldbe 124
contain 'enter this:'
a4_password_tmp=$(get_stdout | grep -Eo 'enter this: [a-zA-Z0-9_-]+' | sed -e 's/enter this: //')
# setup our password, step2
script mfa a4_setup_pass_step2of2 "echo 'set timeout 30; \
script a4_setup_pass_step2of2 "echo 'set timeout 30; \
spawn $a4 --osh selfMFASetupPassword --yes; \
expect \":\" { sleep 0.2; send \"$a4_password_tmp\\n\"; }; \
expect \":\" { sleep 0.2; send \"$a4_password\\n\"; }; \
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ testsuite_mfa()
json .command selfMFASetupPassword .error_code OK
# now try to connect after we have a pass
run mfa a4_connect_after_pass $a4f --osh groupList
run a4_connect_after_pass $a4f --osh groupList
if [ "${capabilities[mfa]}" = 1 ] || [ "${capabilities[mfa-password]}" = 1 ]; then
# now we need a password, we don't enter it so it'll timeout (124)
retvalshouldbe 124
@ -69,12 +69,12 @@ testsuite_mfa()
if [ "${capabilities[pamtester]}" = 1 ]; then
grant groupCreate
success mfa a0_create_g3 $a0 --osh groupCreate --group $group3 --algo rsa --size 4096 --owner $account4
success a0_create_g3 $a0 --osh groupCreate --group $group3 --algo rsa --size 4096 --owner $account4
revoke groupCreate
# setup group to force JIT egress MFA
script mfa a4_modify_g3_egress_mfa "echo 'set timeout 30; \
script a4_modify_g3_egress_mfa "echo 'set timeout 30; \
spawn $a4 --osh groupModify --group $group3 --mfa-required any; \
expect \":\" { sleep 0.2; send \"$a4_password\\n\"; }; \
expect eof; \
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ testsuite_mfa()
json .command groupModify .error_code OK
# check that the MFA is set for the group
script mfa a4_verify_g3_egress_mfa "echo 'set timeout 30; \
script a4_verify_g3_egress_mfa "echo 'set timeout 30; \
spawn $a4 --osh groupInfo --group $group3; \
expect \":\" { sleep 0.2; send \"$a4_password\\n\"; }; \
expect eof; \
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ testsuite_mfa()
json .value.mfa_required any
# add to this group
script mfa a4_add_g3_server "echo 'set timeout 30; \
script a4_add_g3_server "echo 'set timeout 30; \
spawn $a4 --osh groupAddServer --group $group3 --host --user-any --port-any --force; \
expect \":\" { sleep 0.2; send \"$a4_password\\n\"; }; \
expect eof; \
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ testsuite_mfa()
contain REGEX 'Password:|Password for'
# connect to with MFA JIT, bad password
script mfa a4_connect_g3_server_badpass "echo 'set timeout 45; \
script a4_connect_g3_server_badpass "echo 'set timeout 45; \
spawn $a4 root@; \
expect \"is required (password)\" { sleep 0.1; }; \
expect \":\" { sleep 0.2; send \"$a4_password\\n\"; }; \
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ testsuite_mfa()
nocontain 'Permission denied'
# connect to with MFA JIT, good password
script mfa a4_connect_g3_server_goodpass "echo 'set timeout 30; \
script a4_connect_g3_server_goodpass "echo 'set timeout 30; \
spawn $a4 root@; \
expect \":\" { sleep 0.2; send \"$a4_password\\n\"; }; \
expect \"is required (password)\" { sleep 0.1; }; \
@ -145,15 +145,15 @@ testsuite_mfa()
contain 'Permission denied'
# create another account
success mfa a0_create_a3 $a0 --osh accountCreate --always-active --account $account3 --uid $uid3 --public-key "\"$(cat $\""
success a0_create_a3 $a0 --osh accountCreate --always-active --account $account3 --uid $uid3 --public-key "\"$(cat $\""
json .error_code OK .command accountCreate .value null
# set the account as bypass
success mfa a0_set_a3_as_robot $a0 --osh accountModify --account $account3 --mfa-password-required bypass
success a0_set_a3_as_robot $a0 --osh accountModify --account $account3 --mfa-password-required bypass
json .command accountModify .error_code OK
# add to JIT MFA group
script mfa a0_add_a3_as_member "echo 'set timeout 30; \
script a0_add_a3_as_member "echo 'set timeout 30; \
spawn $a4 --osh groupAddMember --group $group3 --account $account3; \
expect \":\" { sleep 0.2; send \"$a4_password\\n\"; }; \
expect eof; \
@ -162,28 +162,28 @@ testsuite_mfa()
json .command groupAddMember .error_code OK
# connect to with MFA JIT, no MFA needed
run mfa a3_connect_g3_server_mfa_bypass $a3 root@
run a3_connect_g3_server_mfa_bypass $a3 root@
retvalshouldbe 255
nocontain 'pamtester: successfully authenticated'
contain 'Permission denied'
# remove the account bypass
success mfa a0_unset_a3_as_robot $a0 --osh accountModify --account $account3 --mfa-password-required no
success a0_unset_a3_as_robot $a0 --osh accountModify --account $account3 --mfa-password-required no
json .command accountModify .error_code OK
# connect to with MFA JIT, password setup needed
run mfa a3_connect_mfa_jit_need_pass_setup $a3 root@
run a3_connect_mfa_jit_need_pass_setup $a3 root@
json .error_code KO_MFA_ANY_SETUP_REQUIRED
grant groupDelete
script mfa a0_delete_g3 "$a0 --osh groupDelete --group $group3 <<< \"$group3\""
script a0_delete_g3 "$a0 --osh groupDelete --group $group3 <<< \"$group3\""
revoke groupDelete
grant accountDelete
script mfa a0_delete_a3 $a0 --osh accountDelete --account $account3 "<<< \"Yes, do as I say and delete $account3, kthxbye\""
script a0_delete_a3 $a0 --osh accountDelete --account $account3 "<<< \"Yes, do as I say and delete $account3, kthxbye\""
retvalshouldbe 0
json .command accountDelete .error_code OK
@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ testsuite_mfa()
# change our password
if [ "${capabilities[mfa]}" = 1 ] || [ "${capabilities[mfa-password]}" = 1 ]; then
script mfa a4_change_pass "echo 'set timeout 30; \
script a4_change_pass "echo 'set timeout 30; \
spawn $a4 --osh selfMFASetupPassword --yes; \
expect \":\" { sleep 0.2; send \"$a4_password\\n\"; }; \
expect \":\" { sleep 0.2; send \"$a4_password\\n\"; }; \
@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ testsuite_mfa()
contain 'Multi-Factor Authentication enabled, an additional authentication factor is required (password).'
contain REGEX 'Password:|Password for'
script mfa a4_change_pass "echo 'set timeout 30; \
script a4_change_pass "echo 'set timeout 30; \
spawn $a4 --osh selfMFASetupPassword --yes; \
expect \":\" { sleep 0.2; send \"$a4_password\\n\"; }; \
expect \":\" { sleep 0.2; send \"$a4_password_new\\n\"; }; \
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ testsuite_mfa()
unset a4_password_new
if [ "${capabilities[mfa]}" = 1 ] || [ "${capabilities[mfa-password]}" = 1 ]; then
script mfa a4_connect_with_pass "echo 'set timeout 30; \
script a4_connect_with_pass "echo 'set timeout 30; \
spawn $a4 --osh groupList; \
expect \":\" { sleep 0.2; send \"$a4_password\\n\"; }; \
expect eof; \
@ -238,30 +238,30 @@ testsuite_mfa()
# set account4 as mfa totp required
success mfa a0_accountModify_totpreq_a4 $a0 --osh accountModify --account $account4 --mfa-totp-required yes
success a0_accountModify_totpreq_a4 $a0 --osh accountModify --account $account4 --mfa-totp-required yes
json .error_code OK .command accountModify .value.mfa_totp_required.error_code OK
# set account4 as mfa totp required (dupe)
success mfa a0_accountModify_totpreq_a4_dupe $a0 --osh accountModify --account $account4 --mfa-totp-required yes
success a0_accountModify_totpreq_a4_dupe $a0 --osh accountModify --account $account4 --mfa-totp-required yes
json .error_code OK .command accountModify .value.mfa_totp_required.error_code OK_NO_CHANGE
# now try to connect with account4
if [ "${capabilities[mfa]}" = 1 ] || [ "${capabilities[mfa-password]}" = 1 ]; then
script mfa a4_connect_with_totpreq "echo 'set timeout 30; \
script a4_connect_with_totpreq "echo 'set timeout 30; \
spawn $a4 --osh groupList; \
expect \":\" { sleep 0.2; send \"$a4_password\\n\"; }; \
expect eof; \
lassign [wait] pid spawnid value value; \
exit \$value' | expect -f -"
run mfa a4_connect_with_totpreq $a4 --osh groupList
run a4_connect_with_totpreq $a4 --osh groupList
retvalshouldbe 123
if [ "${capabilities[mfa]}" = 1 ]; then
# setup totp
script mfa a4_setup_totp "echo 'set timeout 30; \
script a4_setup_totp "echo 'set timeout 30; \
spawn $a4 --osh selfMFASetupTOTP --no-confirm; \
expect \"word:\" { sleep 0.2; send \"$a4_password\\n\"; }; \
expect \"word:\" { sleep 0.2; send \"$a4_password\\n\"; }; \
@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ testsuite_mfa()
#a4_totp_code_4=$(get_stdout | grep -A4 'Your emergency scratch codes are:' | tail -n1 | tr -d '[:space:]')
# login and fail without totp (timeout)
script mfa a4_connect_after_totp_fail "echo 'set timeout 30; \
script a4_connect_after_totp_fail "echo 'set timeout 30; \
spawn $a4 --osh groupList; \
expect \"word:\" { sleep 0.2; send \"$a4_password\\n\"; }; \
expect eof; \
@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ testsuite_mfa()
nocontain 'JSON_OUTPUT'
# success with password + totp
script mfa a4_connect_after_totp_ok "echo 'set timeout 30; \
script a4_connect_after_totp_ok "echo 'set timeout 30; \
spawn $a4 --osh groupList; \
expect \"word:\" { sleep 0.2; send \"$a4_password\\n\"; }; \
expect \"code:\" { sleep 0.2; send \"$a4_totp_code_1\\n\"; }; \
@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ testsuite_mfa()
json .command groupList .error_code OK_EMPTY
# totp scratch codes don't work twice
script mfa a4_connect_after_totp_dupe "echo 'set timeout 30; \
script a4_connect_after_totp_dupe "echo 'set timeout 30; \
spawn $a4 --osh groupList; \
expect \"word:\" { sleep 0.2; send \"$a4_password\\n\"; }; \
expect \"code:\" { sleep 0.2; send \"$a4_totp_code_1\\n\"; }; \
@ -325,23 +325,23 @@ testsuite_mfa()
nocontain 'JSON_OUTPUT'
# set pam bypass on account4 (dupe)
success mfa a0_set_pambypass_a4 $a0 --osh accountModify --account $account4 --pam-auth-bypass yes
success a0_set_pambypass_a4 $a0 --osh accountModify --account $account4 --pam-auth-bypass yes
json .error_code OK .command accountModify .value.pam_auth_bypass.error_code OK
# set pam bypass on account4
success mfa a0_set_pambypass_a4_dupe $a0 --osh accountModify --account $account4 --pam-auth-bypass yes
success a0_set_pambypass_a4_dupe $a0 --osh accountModify --account $account4 --pam-auth-bypass yes
json .error_code OK .command accountModify .value.pam_auth_bypass.error_code OK_NO_CHANGE
# we don't provide password or totp, it should work because bypass
success mfa a4_pam_auth_bypass $a4 --osh groupList
success a4_pam_auth_bypass $a4 --osh groupList
json .command groupList .error_code OK_EMPTY
# remove requirement of password and totp for account4, also remove bypass
success mfa a0_remove_mfa_req_a4 $a0 --osh accountModify --account $account4 --pam-auth-bypass no --mfa-totp-required no --mfa-password-required no
success a0_remove_mfa_req_a4 $a0 --osh accountModify --account $account4 --pam-auth-bypass no --mfa-totp-required no --mfa-password-required no
json .error_code OK .command accountModify .value.pam_auth_bypass.error_code OK .value.mfa_totp_required.error_code OK .value.mfa_password_required.error_code OK
# remove requirement of password and totp for account4, also remove bypass (dupe)
success mfa a0_remove_mfa_req_a4_dupe $a0 --osh accountModify --account $account4 --pam-auth-bypass no --mfa-totp-required no --mfa-password-required no
success a0_remove_mfa_req_a4_dupe $a0 --osh accountModify --account $account4 --pam-auth-bypass no --mfa-totp-required no --mfa-password-required no
json .error_code OK .command accountModify .value.pam_auth_bypass.error_code OK_NO_CHANGE .value.mfa_totp_required.error_code OK_NO_CHANGE .value.mfa_password_required.error_code OK_NO_CHANGE
@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ testsuite_mfa()
grant accountDelete
# remove account
script mfa a0_delete_a4 $a0 --osh accountDelete --account $account4 "<<< \"Yes, do as I say and delete $account4, kthxbye\""
script a0_delete_a4 $a0 --osh accountDelete --account $account4 "<<< \"Yes, do as I say and delete $account4, kthxbye\""
retvalshouldbe 0
json .command accountDelete .error_code OK

View file

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ testsuite_mfa_realm()
grant accountCreate
# create account4
success mfarealm a0_create_a4 $a0 --osh accountCreate --always-active --account $account4 --uid $uid4 --public-key "\"$(cat $\""
success a0_create_a4 $a0 --osh accountCreate --always-active --account $account4 --uid $uid4 --public-key "\"$(cat $\""
json .error_code OK .command accountCreate .value null
revoke accountCreate
@ -21,54 +21,54 @@ testsuite_mfa_realm()
grant groupCreate
# create realm-egress group on local bastion
success realm create_support_group $a0 --osh groupCreate --group $realm_egress_group --owner $account4 --algo ed25519
success create_support_group $a0 --osh groupCreate --group $realm_egress_group --owner $account4 --algo ed25519
local realm_group_key
realm_group_key=$(get_json | $jq '.value.public_key.line')
grant realmCreate
# create shared realm-account on remote bastion
success realm create_shared_account $a0 --osh realmCreate --realm $realm_shared_account --public-key \"$realm_group_key\" --from
success create_shared_account $a0 --osh realmCreate --realm $realm_shared_account --public-key \"$realm_group_key\" --from
revoke realmCreate
# add remote bastion ip on group of local bastion
success realm add_remote_bastion_to_group $a4 --osh groupAddServer --host --user realm_$realm_shared_account --port 22 --group $realm_egress_group --kbd-interactive
success add_remote_bastion_to_group $a4 --osh groupAddServer --host --user realm_$realm_shared_account --port 22 --group $realm_egress_group --kbd-interactive
# attempt inter-realm connection
success realm firstconnect1 $a4 realm_$realm_shared_account@ --kbd-interactive -- $js --osh info
success firstconnect1 $a4 realm_$realm_shared_account@ --kbd-interactive -- $js --osh info
json .value.account $account4 .value.realm $realm_shared_account
# create a remote-group on which we'll add the realm user
success mfarealm remote_group_create $a0 --osh groupCreate --group remotegrp --owner $account0 --algo ed25519
success remote_group_create $a0 --osh groupCreate --group remotegrp --owner $account0 --algo ed25519
revoke groupCreate
success mfarealm remote_group_add_server $a0 --osh groupAddServer --group remotegrp --host --port 22 --user nevermind --force
success remote_group_add_server $a0 --osh groupAddServer --group remotegrp --host --port 22 --user nevermind --force
# try to connect, as a realm user, to through the realm: won't work
run mfarealm realm_user_fail_connect_not_member $a4 realm_$realm_shared_account@ --kbd-interactive -- $js nevermind@
run realm_user_fail_connect_not_member $a4 realm_$realm_shared_account@ --kbd-interactive -- $js nevermind@
retvalshouldbe 107
json .error_code KO_ACCESS_DENIED .error_message "Access denied for $realm_shared_account/$account4 to nevermind@"
# now add the realm user and retry
success mfarealm remote_group_add_user $a0 --osh groupAddMember --group remotegrp --account $realm_shared_account/$account4
success remote_group_add_user $a0 --osh groupAddMember --group remotegrp --account $realm_shared_account/$account4
run mfarealm realm_user_fail_connect_not_member $a4 realm_$realm_shared_account@ --kbd-interactive -- $js nevermind@
run realm_user_fail_connect_not_member $a4 realm_$realm_shared_account@ --kbd-interactive -- $js nevermind@
retvalshouldbe 255
contain "group-member of remotegrp"
contain "Permission denied (publickey)"
# now setup mandatory MFA on the group
success mfarealm remote_group_set_mfa $a0 --osh groupModify --group remotegrp --mfa-required password
success remote_group_set_mfa $a0 --osh groupModify --group remotegrp --mfa-required password
# try to connect won't work
run mfarealm realm_user_fail_connect_no_mfa $a4 realm_$realm_shared_account@ --kbd-interactive -- $js nevermind@
run realm_user_fail_connect_no_mfa $a4 realm_$realm_shared_account@ --kbd-interactive -- $js nevermind@
retvalshouldbe 122
# setup our MFA
# setup our password, step1
run mfa a4_setup_pass_step1of2 $a4f --osh selfMFASetupPassword --yes
run a4_setup_pass_step1of2 $a4f --osh selfMFASetupPassword --yes
retvalshouldbe 124
contain 'enter this:'
local a4_password_tmp
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ testsuite_mfa_realm()
# setup our password, step2
local a4_password='Hfv$!OKiG:(xl>Th8Kv!alz4436BFt~'
script mfa a4_setup_pass_step2of2 "echo 'set timeout 30; \
script a4_setup_pass_step2of2 "echo 'set timeout 30; \
spawn $a4 --osh selfMFASetupPassword --yes; \
expect \":\" { sleep 0.2; send \"$a4_password_tmp\\n\"; }; \
expect \":\" { sleep 0.2; send \"$a4_password\\n\"; }; \
@ -94,22 +94,22 @@ testsuite_mfa_realm()
# set account4 as nopam, to only use JIT MFA because that's what we want to test
grant accountModify
success mfarealm a4_set_nopam $a0 --osh accountModify --account $account4 --pam-auth-bypass yes
success a4_set_nopam $a0 --osh accountModify --account $account4 --pam-auth-bypass yes
json .command accountModify .error_code OK
revoke accountModify
# try to connect will still not work because we have MFA but we're asked for it on our first bastion
run mfarealm realm_user_still_fail_connect_no_mfa $a4 realm_$realm_shared_account@ --kbd-interactive -- $js nevermind@
run realm_user_still_fail_connect_no_mfa $a4 realm_$realm_shared_account@ --kbd-interactive -- $js nevermind@
retvalshouldbe 122
# force MFA for the support group
success mfarealm set_mfa_for_support_group $a4 --osh groupModify --group $realm_egress_group --mfa-required password
success set_mfa_for_support_group $a4 --osh groupModify --group $realm_egress_group --mfa-required password
json .command groupModify .error_code OK
# try to connect, this one will finally work
script mfarealm a4_connect_success_realm_with_remote_mfa "echo 'set timeout 30; \
script a4_connect_success_realm_with_remote_mfa "echo 'set timeout 30; \
spawn $a4 realm_$realm_shared_account@ --kbd-interactive -- $js nevermind@; \
expect \"word:\" { sleep 0.2; send \"$a4_password\\n\"; }; \
expect eof; \
@ -122,19 +122,19 @@ testsuite_mfa_realm()
# cleanup
grant realmDelete
success mfarealm realmDelete $a0 --osh realmDelete --realm $realm_shared_account "<<< \"Yes, do as I say and delete $realm_shared_account, kthxbye\""
success realmDelete $a0 --osh realmDelete --realm $realm_shared_account "<<< \"Yes, do as I say and delete $realm_shared_account, kthxbye\""
revoke realmDelete
grant accountDelete
script mfarealm a0_delete_a4 $a0 --osh accountDelete --account $account4 "<<< \"Yes, do as I say and delete $account4, kthxbye\""
script a0_delete_a4 $a0 --osh accountDelete --account $account4 "<<< \"Yes, do as I say and delete $account4, kthxbye\""
retvalshouldbe 0
json .command accountDelete .error_code OK
revoke accountDelete
grant groupDelete
success mfarealm groupDelete $a0 --osh groupDelete --group $realm_egress_group --no-confirm
success groupDelete $a0 --osh groupDelete --group $realm_egress_group --no-confirm
revoke groupDelete

View file

@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ EOF
grant accountCreate
success osh accountCreate $a0 --osh accountCreate --always-active --account $account1 --uid $uid1 --public-key \""$(cat $"\"
success accountCreate $a0 --osh accountCreate --always-active --account $account1 --uid $uid1 --public-key \""$(cat $"\"
json .error_code OK .command accountCreate .value null
revoke accountCreate
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ EOF
grant accountPIV
grant accountListIngressKeys
script selfAddIngressKey piv_nopivspecified $a1 --osh selfAddIngressKey --piv "< $"
script piv_nopivspecified $a1 --osh selfAddIngressKey --piv "< $"
retvalshouldbe 100
json .command selfAddIngressKey .error_code ERR_NO_PEM_START_MARKER
@ -73,73 +73,73 @@ EOF
configchg 's=^\\\\x22minimumIngressRsaKeySize\\\\x22.+=\\\\x22minimumIngressRsaKeySize\\\\x22:2048,='
# add a key which doesn't match the certs
script selfAddIngressKey piv_badcert "( cat $; echo \"$piv_attestation\"; echo \"$piv_certificate\" ) | $a1 --osh selfAddIngressKey --piv"
script piv_badcert "( cat $; echo \"$piv_attestation\"; echo \"$piv_certificate\" ) | $a1 --osh selfAddIngressKey --piv"
retvalshouldbe 100
json .command selfAddIngressKey .error_code ERR_PIV_VALIDATION_FAILED
# add a proper PIV key
script selfAddIngressKey piv_ok "( echo \"$piv_pub\"; echo \"$piv_attestation\"; echo \"$piv_certificate\" ) | $a1 --osh selfAddIngressKey --piv"
script piv_ok "( echo \"$piv_pub\"; echo \"$piv_attestation\"; echo \"$piv_certificate\" ) | $a1 --osh selfAddIngressKey --piv"
retvalshouldbe 0
json .command selfAddIngressKey .error_code OK .value.key.isPiv 1 .value.key.pivInfo.SSHKey.FingerprintMD5 '01:de:fa:fd:0a:3e:9d:45:d2:0c:a1:9c:1b:97:79:dd'
# we should see it here
success selfListIngressKeys piv_list $a1 --osh selfListIngressKeys
success piv_list $a1 --osh selfListIngressKeys
json .command selfListIngressKeys .error_code OK .value.keys[1].isPiv 1 .value.keys[1].pivInfo.Yubikey.SerialNumber 10595103
# save the fp for later
local piv_fp
piv_fp=$(get_json | $jq '.value.keys[1].fingerprint')
# add a third normal key (needed for a test few lines below)
success selfAddIngressKey normalkey $a1 --osh selfAddIngressKey "< $"
success normalkey $a1 --osh selfAddIngressKey "< $"
json .command selfAddIngressKey .error_code OK
# save the fp for later too
local other_fp
other_fp=$(get_json | $jq '.value.key.fingerprint')
# enforce PIV only on account1
success accountPIV a0_piv_enforce_a1 $a0 --osh accountPIV --policy enforce --account $account1
success a0_piv_enforce_a1 $a0 --osh accountPIV --policy enforce --account $account1
json .command accountPIV .error_code OK
# account1 can no longer connect because only its PIV key is active, and this testcase doesn't have the corresponding private key (obviously)
run selfListIngressKeys a1_listkeys $a1 --osh selfListIngressKeys
run a1_listkeys $a1 --osh selfListIngressKeys
retvalshouldbe 255
contain "Permission denied"
# account0 checks the ingress keys of account1, only the PIV key must remain.
success accountListIngressKeys a0_listkeys_a1 $a0 --osh accountListIngressKeys --account $account1
success a0_listkeys_a1 $a0 --osh accountListIngressKeys --account $account1
json .command accountListIngressKeys .error_code OK .value.keys[1] null .value.keys[0].isPiv 1 .value.keys[0].pivInfo.Yubikey.SerialNumber 10595103
# account0 sudo account1 to try to add a non-piv key. this must not work.
# for this trick, a0 needs to use adminSudo hence needs to be an admin
configchg 's=^\\\\x22adminAccounts\\\\x22.+=\\\\x22adminAccounts\\\\x22:[\\\\x22'"$account0"'\\\\x22],='
success root set_a0_as_admin $r0 "\". $opt_remote_basedir/lib/shell/; add_user_to_group_compat $account0 osh-admin\""
success set_a0_as_admin $r0 "\". $opt_remote_basedir/lib/shell/; add_user_to_group_compat $account0 osh-admin\""
script sudo-selfListIngressKeys a0_sudo_a1_selfaddnonpiv $a0 --osh adminSudo -- --sudo-as $account1 --sudo-cmd selfAddIngressKey -- $js "< $"
script a0_sudo_a1_selfaddnonpiv $a0 --osh adminSudo -- --sudo-as $account1 --sudo-cmd selfAddIngressKey -- $js "< $"
retvalshouldbe 0
json .command adminSudo .error_code OK_NON_ZERO_EXIT .value.status 100
# account0 sudo account1 remove the PIV key
script sudo-selfDelIngressKey a0_sudo_a1_selfdelpiv $a0 --osh adminSudo -- --sudo-as $account1 --sudo-cmd selfDelIngressKey -- --fingerprint-to-delete "$piv_fp" $js
script a0_sudo_a1_selfdelpiv $a0 --osh adminSudo -- --sudo-as $account1 --sudo-cmd selfDelIngressKey -- --fingerprint-to-delete "$piv_fp" $js
retvalshouldbe 0
json .command adminSudo .error_code OK
# account0 list the keys of account1; no key must remain because all non-PIV keys are disabled and the PIV key is gone
success accountListIngressKeys a0_listkeys_a1_empty $a0 --osh accountListIngressKeys --account $account1
success a0_listkeys_a1_empty $a0 --osh accountListIngressKeys --account $account1
json .command accountListIngressKeys .error_code OK '.value.keys|length' 0
# account1 still can't connect
run info a1_noconnect $a1 --osh info
run a1_noconnect $a1 --osh info
retvalshouldbe 255
contain "Permission denied"
# set PIV grace on account1
success accountPIV a0_piv_grace_a1 $a0 --osh accountPIV --policy grace --ttl 10 --account $account1
success a0_piv_grace_a1 $a0 --osh accountPIV --policy grace --ttl 10 --account $account1
json .command accountPIV .error_code OK
# account1 should be able to connect now
success selfListIngressKeys a1_listkeys_after_piv_grace $a1 --osh selfListIngressKeys
success a1_listkeys_after_piv_grace $a1 --osh selfListIngressKeys
json .command selfListIngressKeys .error_code OK '.value.keys|length' 2
# sleep to ensure grace expires
@ -148,27 +148,27 @@ EOF
# manually launch the grace reaper (normally done by cron)
echo "manually launching piv grace reaper..."
success root grace_reaper $r0 $opt_remote_basedir/bin/cron/
success grace_reaper $r0 $opt_remote_basedir/bin/cron/
# account1 should no longer be able to connect, as PIV grace expired
run info a1_noconnect_grace_expired $a1 --osh info
run a1_noconnect_grace_expired $a1 --osh info
retvalshouldbe 255
contain "Permission denied"
# remove PIV only from account1
success accountPIV a0_piv_none_a1 $a0 --osh accountPIV --policy default --account $account1
success a0_piv_none_a1 $a0 --osh accountPIV --policy default --account $account1
json .command accountPIV .error_code OK
# account1 can connect
success selfListIngressKeys a1_listkeys_piv_none $a1 --osh selfListIngressKeys
success a1_listkeys_piv_none $a1 --osh selfListIngressKeys
json .command selfListIngressKeys .error_code OK '.value.keys|length' 2
# remove the test key
success selfDelIngressKey a1_delkey_test $a1 --osh selfDelIngressKey --fingerprint-to-delete $other_fp
success a1_delkey_test $a1 --osh selfDelIngressKey --fingerprint-to-delete $other_fp
json .command selfDelIngressKey .error_code OK
# remove a0 from admins
success root del_a0_as_admin $r0 "\". $opt_remote_basedir/lib/shell/; del_user_from_group_compat $account0 osh-admin\""
success del_a0_as_admin $r0 "\". $opt_remote_basedir/lib/shell/; del_user_from_group_compat $account0 osh-admin\""
revoke accountListIngressKeys
revoke accountPIV
@ -176,13 +176,13 @@ EOF
# delete account1
grant accountDelete
script accountDelete cleanup $a0 --osh accountDelete --account $account1 "<<< \"Yes, do as I say and delete $account1, kthxbye\""
script cleanup $a0 --osh accountDelete --account $account1 "<<< \"Yes, do as I say and delete $account1, kthxbye\""
retvalshouldbe 0
revoke accountDelete
# restore default config
success bastion configrestore $r0 "dd if=$opt_remote_etc_bastion/bastion.conf.bak.$now of=$opt_remote_etc_bastion/bastion.conf"
success configrestore $r0 "dd if=$opt_remote_etc_bastion/bastion.conf.bak.$now of=$opt_remote_etc_bastion/bastion.conf"
if [ "${capabilities[piv]}" = 1 ]; then

View file

@ -11,12 +11,12 @@ testsuite_proxy()
# as a --no-color or similar option doesn't seem to exist for curl.
# check that the proxy is up
script 500-http-proxy monitoring "curl -ski https://$remote_ip:$remote_proxy_port/bastion-health-check | cat; exit \${PIPESTATUS[0]}"
script monitoring "curl -ski https://$remote_ip:$remote_proxy_port/bastion-health-check | cat; exit \${PIPESTATUS[0]}"
retvalshouldbe 0
contain 'running nominally'
# and let's go
script 500-http-proxy noauth "curl -ski https://$remote_ip:$remote_proxy_port/test | cat; exit \${PIPESTATUS[0]}"
script noauth "curl -ski https://$remote_ip:$remote_proxy_port/test | cat; exit \${PIPESTATUS[0]}"
retvalshouldbe 0
contain 'HTTP/1.0 401 Authorization required (no auth provided)'
contain 'Server: The Bastion'
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ testsuite_proxy()
contain 'Content-Type: text/plain'
contain 'No authentication provided, and authentication is mandatory'
script 500-http-proxy bad_auth_format "curl -ski -u test:test https://$remote_ip:$remote_proxy_port/test | cat; exit \${PIPESTATUS[0]}"
script bad_auth_format "curl -ski -u test:test https://$remote_ip:$remote_proxy_port/test | cat; exit \${PIPESTATUS[0]}"
retvalshouldbe 0
contain 'HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request (bad login format)'
contain 'Server: The Bastion'
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ testsuite_proxy()
contain 'Content-Type: text/plain'
contain 'Expected an Authorization line with credentials of the form'
script 500-http-proxy bad_auth "curl -ski -u test@test@test:test https://$remote_ip:$remote_proxy_port/test | cat; exit \${PIPESTATUS[0]}"
script bad_auth "curl -ski -u test@test@test:test https://$remote_ip:$remote_proxy_port/test | cat; exit \${PIPESTATUS[0]}"
retvalshouldbe 0
contain 'HTTP/1.0 403 Access Denied'
contain 'Server: The Bastion'
@ -47,13 +47,13 @@ testsuite_proxy()
contain 'Incorrect username (test) or password (#REDACTED#, length=4)'
# create valid credentials
success 500-http-proxy generate_proxy_password $a0 --osh selfGenerateProxyPassword --do-it
success generate_proxy_password $a0 --osh selfGenerateProxyPassword --do-it
json .command selfGenerateProxyPassword .error_code OK
local proxy_password
proxy_password=$(get_json | jq -r '.value.password')
# now try to use these
script 500-http-proxy good_auth_bad_host "curl -ski -u '$account0@test@test.invalid:$proxy_password' https://$remote_ip:$remote_proxy_port/test | cat; exit \${PIPESTATUS[0]}"
script good_auth_bad_host "curl -ski -u '$account0@test@test.invalid:$proxy_password' https://$remote_ip:$remote_proxy_port/test | cat; exit \${PIPESTATUS[0]}"
retvalshouldbe 0
contain 'HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request (host not resolved)'
contain 'Server: The Bastion'
@ -68,13 +68,13 @@ testsuite_proxy()
contain "Specified remote host couldn't be resolved through the DNS"
# change credentials again
success 500-http-proxy generate_proxy_password2 $a0 --osh selfGenerateProxyPassword --do-it
success generate_proxy_password2 $a0 --osh selfGenerateProxyPassword --do-it
json .command selfGenerateProxyPassword .error_code OK
local proxy_password2
proxy_password2=$(get_json | jq -r '.value.password')
# attempt to use the previous credentials (and fail)
script 500-http-proxy bad_auth2 "curl -ski -u test@test@test:test https://$remote_ip:$remote_proxy_port/test | cat; exit \${PIPESTATUS[0]}"
script bad_auth2 "curl -ski -u test@test@test:test https://$remote_ip:$remote_proxy_port/test | cat; exit \${PIPESTATUS[0]}"
retvalshouldbe 0
contain 'HTTP/1.0 403 Access Denied'
contain 'Server: The Bastion'
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ testsuite_proxy()
script 500-http-proxy good_auth_no_access "curl -ski -u '$account0@test@$proxy_password' https://$remote_ip:$remote_proxy_port/test | cat; exit \${PIPESTATUS[0]}"
script good_auth_no_access "curl -ski -u '$account0@test@$proxy_password' https://$remote_ip:$remote_proxy_port/test | cat; exit \${PIPESTATUS[0]}"
retvalshouldbe 0
contain 'HTTP/1.0 403 Access Denied (access denied to remote)'
contain 'Server: The Bastion'
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ testsuite_proxy()
contain 'Content-Type: text/plain'
contain "This account doesn't have access to this user@host tuple (Access denied for $account0 to test@"
script 500-http-proxy good_auth_no_access_other_port "curl -ski -u '$account0@test@$proxy_password' https://$remote_ip:$remote_proxy_port/test | cat; exit \${PIPESTATUS[0]}"
script good_auth_no_access_other_port "curl -ski -u '$account0@test@$proxy_password' https://$remote_ip:$remote_proxy_port/test | cat; exit \${PIPESTATUS[0]}"
retvalshouldbe 0
contain 'HTTP/1.0 403 Access Denied (access denied to remote)'
contain 'Server: The Bastion'
@ -119,12 +119,12 @@ testsuite_proxy()
# add ourselves access
grant selfAddPersonalAccess
success 500-http-proxy add_personal_access $a0 --osh selfAddPersonalAccess --host --port 9443 --user test --force
success add_personal_access $a0 --osh selfAddPersonalAccess --host --port 9443 --user test --force
json .command selfAddPersonalAccess .error_code OK
revoke selfAddPersonalAccess
script 500-http-proxy missing_egress_pwd "curl -ski -u '$account0@test@$proxy_password' https://$remote_ip:$remote_proxy_port/test | cat; exit \${PIPESTATUS[0]}"
script missing_egress_pwd "curl -ski -u '$account0@test@$proxy_password' https://$remote_ip:$remote_proxy_port/test | cat; exit \${PIPESTATUS[0]}"
retvalshouldbe 0
contain 'HTTP/1.0 412 Precondition Failed (egress password missing)'
contain 'Server: The Bastion'
@ -140,11 +140,11 @@ testsuite_proxy()
contain "Unable to find (or read) a password file in context 'self' and name '$account0'"
# generate an egress password
success 500-http-proxy generate_egress_pwd $a0 --osh selfGeneratePassword --do-it
success generate_egress_pwd $a0 --osh selfGeneratePassword --do-it
json .command selfGeneratePassword .error_code OK .value.account $account0 .value.context account
# and retry
script 500-http-proxy bad_certificate "curl -ski -H 'X-Bastion-Enforce-Secure: 1' -u '$account0@test@$proxy_password' https://$remote_ip:$remote_proxy_port/test | cat; exit \${PIPESTATUS[0]}"
script bad_certificate "curl -ski -H 'X-Bastion-Enforce-Secure: 1' -u '$account0@test@$proxy_password' https://$remote_ip:$remote_proxy_port/test | cat; exit \${PIPESTATUS[0]}"
retvalshouldbe 0
# not all versions of LWP add "(certificate verify failed)" at the end of the below error message, so omit it
contain "HTTP/1.0 500 Can't connect to"
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ testsuite_proxy()
contain 'Content-Type: text/plain'
contain "Can't connect to"
script 500-http-proxy insecure "curl -ski -u '$account0@test@$proxy_password' https://$remote_ip:$remote_proxy_port/test | cat; exit \${PIPESTATUS[0]}"
script insecure "curl -ski -u '$account0@test@$proxy_password' https://$remote_ip:$remote_proxy_port/test | cat; exit \${PIPESTATUS[0]}"
retvalshouldbe 0
contain "HTTP/1.0 200 OK"
contain 'Server: The Bastion'
@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ testsuite_proxy()
contain "Content-Length: 64"
# generate 1MB of data
script 500-http-proxy one_megabyte "curl -ski -H 'X-Test-Add-Response-Header-Content-Type: application/json' -H 'X-Test-Wanted-Response-Size: 1000000' -u '$account0@test@$proxy_password' https://$remote_ip:$remote_proxy_port/test | cat; exit \${PIPESTATUS[0]}"
script one_megabyte "curl -ski -H 'X-Test-Add-Response-Header-Content-Type: application/json' -H 'X-Test-Wanted-Response-Size: 1000000' -u '$account0@test@$proxy_password' https://$remote_ip:$remote_proxy_port/test | cat; exit \${PIPESTATUS[0]}"
retvalshouldbe 0
contain "HTTP/1.0 200 OK"
contain 'Server: The Bastion'
@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ testsuite_proxy()
contain "Content-Length: 1000000"
# use a disallowed verb
script 500-http-proxy forbidden_verb "curl -ski -X OPTIONS -u '$account0@test@$proxy_password' https://$remote_ip:$remote_proxy_port/test | cat; exit \${PIPESTATUS[0]}"
script forbidden_verb "curl -ski -X OPTIONS -u '$account0@test@$proxy_password' https://$remote_ip:$remote_proxy_port/test | cat; exit \${PIPESTATUS[0]}"
retvalshouldbe 0
contain 'HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request (method forbidden)'
contain 'Server: The Bastion'
@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ testsuite_proxy()
contain 'Only GET and POST methods are allowed'
# post some data
script 500-http-proxy post_data "curl -ski -d somedata -u '$account0@test@$proxy_password' https://$remote_ip:$remote_proxy_port/test | cat; exit \${PIPESTATUS[0]}"
script post_data "curl -ski -d somedata -u '$account0@test@$proxy_password' https://$remote_ip:$remote_proxy_port/test | cat; exit \${PIPESTATUS[0]}"
retvalshouldbe 0
contain "HTTP/1.0 200 OK"
contain 'Server: The Bastion'

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@ -12,25 +12,25 @@ testsuite_strict_checking()
grant accountCreate
# first we need to create account1
success strict-checking a0_create_a1 $a0 --osh accountCreate --always-active --account $account1 --uid $uid1 --public-key "\"$(cat $\""
success a0_create_a1 $a0 --osh accountCreate --always-active --account $account1 --uid $uid1 --public-key "\"$(cat $\""
json .error_code OK .command accountCreate .value null
revoke accountCreate
grant accountAddPersonalAccess
# add access to root@ (there are no keys deployed, but we don't care, connection should fail early due to the hostkey change)
success strict-checking add_local_access $a0 --osh accountAddPersonalAccess --account $account1 --host --port 22 --user root
success add_local_access $a0 --osh accountAddPersonalAccess --account $account1 --host --port 22 --user root
json .command accountAddPersonalAccess .error_code OK
revoke accountAddPersonalAccess
# try to connect a first time, so that our bastion known_hosts is populated
run strict-checking connect_before $a1 root@
run connect_before $a1 root@
retvalshouldbe 255
contain "Permanently added"
# change the remote hostkeys
success strict-checking change_host_keys $r0 "\"find /etc/ssh/ -type f -name 'ssh_host_*' -delete; ssh-keygen -A\""
success change_host_keys $r0 "\"find /etc/ssh/ -type f -name 'ssh_host_*' -delete; ssh-keygen -A\""
# set bastion ssh_client config to StrictHostKeyChecking yes
sshclientconfigchg 's=StrictHostKeyChecking.*=StrictHostKeyChecking\\\\x20yes=g'
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ testsuite_strict_checking()
rm -f $HOME/.ssh/known_hosts
# now try to connect again
run strict-checking connect_after $a1 root@
run connect_after $a1 root@
retvalshouldbe 255
contain NASTY
contain "strict checking"
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ testsuite_strict_checking()
# delete account1
grant accountDelete
script strict-checking a0_delete_a1 $a0 --osh accountDelete --account $account1 "<<< \"Yes, do as I say and delete $account1, kthxbye\""
script a0_delete_a1 $a0 --osh accountDelete --account $account1 "<<< \"Yes, do as I say and delete $account1, kthxbye\""
retvalshouldbe 0
json .command accountDelete .error_code OK
revoke accountDelete