#! /usr/bin/env perl # vim: set filetype=perl ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 et: use common::sense; use Term::ANSIColor; use POSIX qw{ strftime }; use File::Basename; use lib dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../lib/perl'; use OVH::Result; use OVH::Bastion; use OVH::Bastion::Plugin qw( :DEFAULT help ); my ($group); my $remainingOptions = OVH::Bastion::Plugin::begin( argv => \@ARGV, header => "group info", options => {'group=s' => \$group}, helptext => <<'EOF', Print some basic information about a group Usage: --osh SCRIPT_NAME --group GROUP --group GROUP specify the group to display the infos of EOF ); # # code # my $fnret; # # params check # if (!$group) { help(); osh_exit 'ERR_MISSING_PARAMETER', "Missing 'group' parameter"; } $fnret = OVH::Bastion::is_valid_group_and_existing(group => $group, groupType => "key"); $fnret or osh_exit($fnret); # get returned untainted value $group = $fnret->value->{'group'}; my $shortGroup = $fnret->value->{'shortGroup'}; my %roles; foreach my $role (qw{ member aclkeeper gatekeeper owner }) { $fnret = OVH::Bastion::is_group_existing(group => $group . ($role eq 'member' ? '' : "-$role")); if (!$fnret) { osh_exit($fnret) if $role eq 'member'; # critical $roles{$role} = []; } else { $roles{$role} = [grep { $_ ne 'allowkeeper' } @{$fnret->value->{'members'} || []}]; } } my $result_hash = {group => $shortGroup}; $result_hash->{'owners'} = $roles{'owner'}; $result_hash->{'aclkeepers'} = $roles{'aclkeeper'}; $result_hash->{'gatekeepers'} = $roles{'gatekeeper'}; osh_info "Group " . $shortGroup . "'s Owners are: " . colored(@{$roles{'owner'}} ? join(" ", sort @{$roles{'owner'}}) : '-', "red"); osh_info "Group " . $shortGroup . "'s GateKeepers (managing the members/guests list) are: " . colored(@{$roles{'gatekeeper'}} ? join(" ", sort @{$roles{'gatekeeper'}}) : '-', "red"); if ( OVH::Bastion::is_group_owner(group => $shortGroup, account => $self, superowner => 1) || OVH::Bastion::is_group_gatekeeper(group => $shortGroup, account => $self) || OVH::Bastion::is_group_aclkeeper(group => $shortGroup, account => $self) || OVH::Bastion::is_group_member(group => $shortGroup, account => $self) || OVH::Bastion::is_auditor(account => $self)) { osh_info "Group " . $shortGroup . "'s ACLKeepers (managing the group servers list) are: " . colored(@{$roles{'aclkeeper'}} ? join(" ", sort @{$roles{'aclkeeper'}}) : '-', "red"); # now, who is member / guest ? my (@members, @guests); foreach my $account (@{$roles{'member'}}) { osh_debug("what is $account?"); if ($account =~ /^realm_(.+)/) { my $pRealm = $1; $fnret = OVH::Bastion::get_remote_accounts_from_realm(realm => $pRealm); if (!$fnret || !@{$fnret->value}) { # we couldn't get the list, or the list is empty: at least show that the realm shared account is there push @members, $user; } else { foreach my $pRemoteaccount (@{$fnret->value}) { if (OVH::Bastion::is_group_guest(group => $shortGroup, account => "$pRealm/$pRemoteaccount")) { push @guests, "$pRealm/$pRemoteaccount"; } else { push @members, "$pRealm/$pRemoteaccount"; } } } } else { if (OVH::Bastion::is_group_guest(account => $account, group => $shortGroup)) { push @guests, $account; } else { push @members, $account; } } } osh_info "Group " . $shortGroup . "'s Members (with access to ALL the group servers) are: " . colored(@members ? join(" ", sort @members) : '-', "red"); my %guest_details; my @guest_text; my @filtered_guests; foreach my $guest (sort @guests) { $fnret = OVH::Bastion::get_acl_way(way => 'groupguest', group => $shortGroup, account => $guest); # for realms, don't show remote accounts with zero accesses, this could be confusing next if ($guest =~ m{/} && $fnret && @{$fnret->value} == 0); $guest_details{$guest} = $fnret ? scalar(@{$fnret->value}) : '?'; push @guest_text, $guest . "[" . $guest_details{$guest} . "]"; push @filtered_guests, $guest; } osh_info "Group " . $shortGroup . "'s Guests (with access to SOME of the group servers) are: " . colored(@filtered_guests ? join(" ", @guest_text) : '-', "red"); # deprecated in v2.18.00+ $result_hash->{'full_members'} = \@members; $result_hash->{'partial_members'} = \@filtered_guests; # /deprecated $result_hash->{'members'} = \@members; $result_hash->{'guests'} = \@filtered_guests; $result_hash->{'guests_accesses'} = \%guest_details; my @inactive; foreach my $account (@members) { if (OVH::Bastion::is_account_active(account => $account)->is_ko) { push @inactive, $account; } } if (@inactive) { osh_info "For your information, the following accounts are inactive: " . colored(join(" ", @inactive), "blue"); $result_hash->{'inactive'} = \@inactive; } # policies $fnret = OVH::Bastion::group_config(group => $group, key => 'mfa_required'); if ($fnret && $fnret->value eq 'password') { osh_warn "MFA Required: when connecting to servers of this group, users will be asked for an additional authentication factor (password)"; } elsif ($fnret && $fnret->value eq 'totp') { osh_warn "MFA Required: when connecting to servers of this group, users will be asked for an additional authentication factor (TOTP)"; } elsif ($fnret && $fnret->value eq 'any') { osh_warn "MFA Required: When connecting to servers of this group, users will be asked for an additional authentication factor"; } if ($fnret && $fnret->value ne 'none') { $result_hash->{'mfa_required'} = $fnret->value; } $fnret = OVH::Bastion::group_config(group => $group, key => 'guest_ttl_limit'); if ($fnret) { osh_warn "Guest TTL enforced: guest accesses must have a TTL with a maximum duration of " . OVH::Bastion::duration2human(seconds => $fnret->value)->value->{'duration'}; $result_hash->{'guest_ttl_limit'} = $fnret->value; } } else { osh_info "You should ask him/her/them if you think you need access for your work tasks."; } # get pubkeys with the proper from='' and show them $fnret = OVH::Bastion::get_bastion_ips(); my $from; if ($fnret) { my @ips = @{$fnret->value}; $from = 'from="' . join(',', @ips) . '"'; } $fnret = OVH::Bastion::get_group_keys(group => $group); if ($fnret and $from) { osh_info ' '; if (@{$fnret->value->{'sortedKeys'}} == 1) { osh_info "The public key of this group is:"; } else { osh_info "The public keys of this group are:"; } osh_info ' '; foreach my $keyfile (@{$fnret->value->{'sortedKeys'}}) { my $key = $fnret->value->{'keys'}{$keyfile}; $key->{'prefix'} = $from; OVH::Bastion::print_public_key(key => $key); $result_hash->{'keys'}{$key->{'fingerprint'}} = $key; } } osh_ok $result_hash;