#! /usr/bin/env perl # vim: set filetype=perl ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 et: use common::sense; use Term::ANSIColor qw{ colored }; use POSIX qw{ strftime }; use File::Basename; use lib dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../lib/perl'; use OVH::Result; use OVH::Bastion; use OVH::Bastion::Plugin qw( :DEFAULT help ); my ($account); OVH::Bastion::Plugin::begin( argv => \@ARGV, header => "unexpire an inactivity-expired account", options => {"account=s" => \$account}, helptext => <<'EOF', Unexpire an inactivity-expired account Usage: --osh SCRIPT_NAME --account ACCOUNT --account ACCOUNT Account to work on When the bastion is configued to expire accounts that haven't been seen in a while, this command can be used to activate them back. EOF ); # # code # my $fnret; if (not $account) { help(); osh_exit 'ERR_MISSING_PARAMETER', "Missing 'account' parameter"; } # Here we parse account name $fnret = OVH::Bastion::is_bastion_account_valid_and_existing(account => $account); $fnret or osh_exit $fnret; $account = $fnret->value->{'account'}; my @command = qw{ sudo -n -u }; push @command, ($account, '--'); push @command, qw{ /usr/bin/env perl -T }; push @command, $OVH::Bastion::BASEPATH . '/bin/helper/osh-accountUnexpire'; push @command, ('--account', $account); $fnret = OVH::Bastion::helper(cmd => \@command); $fnret or osh_exit $fnret; if ($fnret->err eq 'OK') { my $days = $fnret->value->{'days'}; osh_ok R( 'OK', value => {account => $account, days => $days}, msg => "Account $account was expired ($days days without connection), it is now active again." ); } elsif ($fnret->is_ok) { osh_ok R('OK_NO_CHANGE', msg => "Account $account wasn't expiring, no change was needed or made."); } osh_exit $fnret;