#! /usr/bin/env bash # vim: set filetype=sh ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 et: set -e umask 077 basedir=$(readlink -f "$(dirname "$0")"/../..) # shellcheck source=lib/shell/functions.inc . "$basedir"/lib/shell/functions.inc action_doing "Checking whether the proper tools are installed" if ! command -v rsync >/dev/null || ! command -v cryptsetup >/dev/null; then action_error "Missing rsync or cryptsetup, aborting" exit 1 else action_done fi action_doing "Installing luks-config.sh template if needed" if ! [ -f "/etc/bastion/luks-config.sh" ]; then mkdir -p /etc/bastion if ! cp "$basedir/etc/bastion/luks-config.sh.dist" "/etc/bastion/luks-config.sh"; then action_error "Error copying $basedir/etc/bastion/luks-config.sh.dist to /etc/bastion/luks-config.sh, aborting" exit 1 else action_done "installed" fi else action_done "already installed" fi action_doing "Checking whether /home is a separate partition" home_block_device=$(awk '/ \/home / {print $1}' /proc/mounts) if [ -n "$home_block_device" ] && [ -e "$home_block_device" ]; then action_done "found $home_block_device" else action_error "No, aborting" exit 1 fi action_doing "Checking whether /home is in /etc/fstab" if grep -qE '[[:space:]]/home[[:space:]]' /etc/fstab; then action_done "$(grep '[[:space:]]/home[[:space:]]' /etc/fstab)" else action_error "No, aborting" exit 1 fi action_doing "Checking whether we can umount /home" if umount /home; then action_done else action_error "No, aborting" exit 1 fi action_doing "Checking whether we can remount /home" if mount /home; then action_done else action_error "No, aborting" exit 1 fi action_doing "Checking used space in /home" home_used_mb=$(df -m /home | awk '{ print $3 }' | tail -n1) if [ -n "$home_used_mb" ]; then action_done "$home_used_mb MiB" else action_error "Couldn't get the /home used space" exit 1 fi action_doing "Checking available space in /" slash_available_mb=$(df -m / | awk '{ print $4 }' | tail -n1) if [ -n "$slash_available_mb" ]; then action_done "$slash_available_mb MiB" else action_error "Couldn't get the / available space" exit 1 fi action_doing "Checking whether there is enough available space in / to hold /home contents temporarily" if [ "$slash_available_mb" -gt "$home_used_mb" ]; then action_done else action_error "Not enough free space in /" exit 1 fi action_doing "Creating temporary /tmphome" # silently try to delete it just in case it exists but is empty if [ -d /tmphome ]; then rmdir /tmphome 2>/dev/null || true fi if [ -e /tmphome ]; then action_error "/tmphome already exists! Aborting" exit 1 else mkdir /tmphome if [ ! -d /tmphome ]; then action_error "Couldn't create /tmphome!" exit 1 else action_done fi fi action_doing "Rsyncing /home to /tmphome" if rsync -vaPHAX --exclude='lost+found' /home/ /tmphome/; then action_done else action_error "Rsync failed, aborting!" rm -Rf /tmphome exit 1 fi action_doing "Rsync done, here are some details:" action_detail "ls /home : $(cd /home ; find . | tr '\n' ' ')" action_detail "ls /tmphome: $(cd /tmphome ; find . | tr '\n' ' ')" action_detail "du -shc /home : $(du -shc /home | grep total)" action_detail "du -shc /tmphome: $(du -shc /tmphome | grep total)" action_detail "" action_detail "Does this look reasonable? [CTRL+C if not]" # shellcheck disable=SC2034 read -r _dummy action_doing "Umounting /home" if umount /home; then action_done else action_error "Couldn't umount /home, aborting" rm -Rf /tmphome exit 1 fi action_doing "Erasing /home block device and encrypting it (last chance to cancel!)" action_detail "You should generate a strong password on your desk, with e.g. \`pwgen -s 10\`" if cryptsetup luksFormat "$home_block_device"; then action_done else action_error "Cryptsetup failed, aborting" mount /home && rm -Rf /tmphome exit 1 fi action_doing "Opening newly encrypted block device" if cryptsetup luksOpen "$home_block_device" home; then action_done else action_error "Opening failed, aborting! Your /home partition is no longer valid, fix it manually! ($home_block_device)" exit 1 fi action_doing "Creating a new filesystem on top of the encrypted block device" if mkfs.ext4 -T news -L home -M /home /dev/disk/by-id/dm-name-home; then action_done else action_error "Filesystem creation failed, aborting! Your /home partition is no longer valid, fix it manually! ($home_block_device)" exit 1 fi action_doing "Setting up /etc/bastion/luks-config.sh with encrypted block device" if sed -i -re "s;^DEV_ENCRYPTED=.*;DEV_ENCRYPTED=$home_block_device;" /etc/bastion/luks-config.sh; then action_done else action_error "Couldn't modify /etc/bastion/luks-config.sh, please do it manually, continuing" fi action_doing "Setting up /etc/fstab with encrypted block device" newfstab=$(mktemp) grep -Ev "[[:space:]]/home[[:space:]]" /etc/fstab > "$newfstab" echo "# added by $(basename "$0") on $(date)" >> "$newfstab" echo "/dev/disk/by-id/dm-name-home /home ext4 defaults,errors=remount-ro,noauto,nosuid,noexec,nodev 0 0" >> "$newfstab" cat "$newfstab" > /etc/fstab rm -f "$newfstab" action_done action_doing "Remounting /home after encryption" if mount /home; then action_done else action_error "Error while remounting home, aborting!" exit 1 fi action_doing "Rsyncing back /home contents" if rsync -vaPHAX --remove-source-files --exclude='lost+found' /tmphome/ /home/; then action_done else action_error "Rsync failed, aborting!" exit 1 fi action_doing "Removing /tmphome" if find /tmphome -depth -type d -empty -delete; then action_done else action_error "Error while removing /tmphome, continuing anyway" fi action_doing "Testing whether we can properly unlock /home after boot" if umount /home; then if cryptsetup luksClose home; then if /opt/bastion/bin/admin/unlock-home.sh; then action_done else action_error "Error with unlock-home.sh, ignoring" fi else action_error "Couldn't luksClose home, ignoring" fi else action_error "Couldn't umount /home to run the test, ignoring" fi [ ! -e /root/unlock-home.sh ] && ln -s /opt/bastion/bin/admin/unlock-home.sh /root/