#! /usr/bin/env bash # vim: set filetype=sh ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 et: set -e basedir=$(readlink -f "$(dirname "$0")"/../..) # shellcheck source=lib/shell/functions.inc . "$basedir"/lib/shell/functions.inc # default config values for this script : # set error trap, read config, setup logging, exit early if script is disabled, etc. script_init osh-lingering-sessions-reaper config_optional check_secure_lax _log "Terminating lingering sessions..." tokill='' nb=0 # shellcheck disable=SC2162 while read etimes pid tty do if [ "$tty" = "?" ] && [ "$etimes" -gt 86400 ]; then tokill="$tokill $pid" (( ++nb )) fi done < <(ps -C ttyrec -o etimes,pid,tty --no-header) if [ -n "$tokill" ]; then # add || true to avoid script termination due to TOCTTOU and set -e # shellcheck disable=SC2086 kill $tokill || true _log "Terminated $nb orphan ttyrec sessions (pids$tokill)" fi tokill='' nb=0 # shellcheck disable=SC2162 while read etimes pid tty user do if [ "$tty" = "?" ] && [ "$user" != "root" ] && [ "$etimes" -gt 86400 ]; then if [ "$(ps --no-header --ppid "$pid" | wc -l)" = 0 ]; then tokill="$tokill $pid" (( ++nb )) fi fi done < <(ps -C sshd --no-header -o etimes,pid,tty,user) if [ -n "$tokill" ]; then # add || true to avoid script termination due to TOCTTOU and set -e # shellcheck disable=SC2086 kill $tokill || true _log "Terminated $nb orphan sshd sessions (pids$tokill)" fi exit_success