#! /usr/bin/env bash # vim: set filetype=sh ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 et: # shellcheck disable=SC2119 set -e basedir=$(readlink -f "$(dirname "$0")"/../..) # shellcheck source=lib/shell/functions.inc . "$basedir"/lib/shell/functions.inc type="$1" name="$2" die_usage() { echo "Usage: $0 [name]" >&2 exit 1 } generate_account_sudoers() { account="$1" if ! getent passwd "$account" | grep -q ":$basedir/bin/shell/osh.pl$"; then action_error "$account is not a bastion account" return 1 fi dst="$SUDOERS_DIR/osh-account-$account" if [ -e "$dst" ]; then action_detail "... overwriting $dst" else action_detail "... generating $dst" fi # normalized account only contain [A-Z0-9_], case sensitive normalized_account=$(sed -re 's/[^A-Z0-9_]/_/gi' <<< "$account") # as we're reducing the amount of possible chars in normalized_account # we could have collisions: use MD5 to generate a uniq suffix account_suffix=$(md5sum - <<< "$account" | cut -c1-6) normalized_account="${normalized_account}_${account_suffix}" # lowercase is prohibited normalized_account=$(tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' <<< "$normalized_account") # to avoid race conditions between this generation and master/slave sync, # first prepare our file as a .tmp (sudo ignores files containing a '.') touch "${dst}.tmp" chmod 0440 "${dst}.tmp" { echo "# generated from install script" for template in $(find "$basedir/etc/sudoers.account.template.d/" -type f | sort) do echo echo "# $template:" perl -pe "s!%ACCOUNT%!$account!g;s!%NORMACCOUNT%!$normalized_account!g;s!%BASEPATH%!$basedir!g" "$template" done } > "${dst}.tmp" # then move the file to its final name (potentially overwritting a previous file of the same name) mv -f "${dst}.tmp" "$dst" return 0 } generate_group_sudoers() { group="$1" if ! test -f "/home/$group/allowed.ip"; then action_error "$group doesn't seem to be a valid bastion group" return 1 fi if ! getent group "$group-gatekeeper" >/dev/null; then action_error "$group doesn't have a $group-gatekeeper counterpart" return 1 fi dst="$SUDOERS_DIR/osh-group-$group" if [ -e "$dst" ]; then action_detail "... overwriting $dst" else action_detail "... generating $dst" fi # to avoid race conditions between this generation and master/slave sync, # first prepare our file as a .tmp (sudo ignores files containing a '.') touch "${dst}.tmp" chmod 0440 "${dst}.tmp" { echo "# generated from install script" for template in $(find "$basedir/etc/sudoers.group.template.d/" -type f | sort) do echo echo "# $template:" perl -pe "s!%GROUP%!$group!g;s!%BASEPATH%!$basedir!g" "$template" done } > "${dst}.tmp" # then move the file to its final name (potentially overwritting a previous file of the same name) mv -f "${dst}.tmp" "$dst" return 0 } if [ -z "$type" ]; then die_usage fi nbfailed=0 if [ "$type" = group ]; then if [ -z "$name" ]; then action_doing "Regenerating all groups sudoers files from templates" for group in $(getent group | cut -d: -f1 | grep -- '-gatekeeper$' | sed -e 's/-gatekeeper$//'); do generate_group_sudoers "$group" || nbfailed=$((nbfailed + 1)) done else action_doing "Regenerating group '$name' sudoers file from templates" generate_group_sudoers "$name" || nbfailed=$((nbfailed + 1)) fi if [ "$nbfailed" != 0 ]; then action_error "Failed generating $nbfailed sudoers" else action_done fi exit $nbfailed elif [ "$type" = account ]; then if [ -z "$name" ]; then action_doing "Regenerating all accounts sudoers files from templates" for account in $(getent passwd | grep ":$basedir/bin/shell/osh.pl$" | cut -d: -f1); do generate_account_sudoers "$account"|| nbfailed=$((nbfailed + 1)) done else action_doing "Regenerating account '$name' sudoers file from templates" generate_account_sudoers "$name"|| nbfailed=$((nbfailed + 1)) fi if [ "$nbfailed" != 0 ]; then action_error "Failed generating $nbfailed sudoers" else action_done fi exit $nbfailed fi die_usage