# :bulb: Highlights A lot of documentation landed in this version, such as [details about the access management](https://ovh.github.io/the-bastion/using/basics/access_management.html), [PIV keys support](https://ovh.github.io/the-bastion/using/piv.html), [SCP support](https://ovh.github.io/the-bastion/using/scp.html), [the HTTPS Proxy module](https://ovh.github.io/the-bastion/using/http_proxy.html). The reference of the [osh-http-proxy.conf](https://ovh.github.io/the-bastion/administration/configuration/osh-http-proxy_conf.html) file has also been published. The following operating systems are no longer supported, as they've been EOL for quite a while. The code may continue to work, but these are no longer part of the tests: - Debian 8 - Ubuntu 14.04 - OpenSUSE 15.0/15.1 The following additional OSes major versions are now supported and part of the automated tests: - OpenSUSE 15.3 # :pushpin: Changes - OS support: drop EOL OSes: Debian 8, Ubuntu 14.04, OpenSUSE 15.0/15.1, add OpenSUSE 15.3 - feat: add the `groupDestroy` command for group owners - feat: add filtering options to several commands: `--include` and `--exclude` to `selfListAccesses`, `accountListAccesses`, `accountList`, `groupList`, `groupListServers` (#60) - feat: http proxy: greatly optimize performance for large payload responses (x10 or more) - feat: `accountModify`: add a new `accept-new` POLICY in `egress-strict-host-key-checking` parameter (@jonathanmarsaud) - feat: add UTF-8 chars to output when supported and allowed (new `fanciness` option) - feat: add admin and super owner accounts list in `info` plugin (#206) - enh: tests: refactor the framework for more maintainability - enh: nicify the output of *print_acls()*, by omitting empty columns from output and properly aligning vertically, rendering `selfListAccesses`, `accountListAccesses`, `groupListServers` and `groupListAccesses` output more easily readable - enh: http proxy: add options to fine-tune logging - enh: clearer error message on non-existing group - enh: `setup-encryption.sh`: check that `luks-config.sh` exists (#181) - enh: `setup-gpg.sh`: clarify the use of `^D` with `--import` (#179) - enh: http proxy: add functional tests framework for this feature, along with the first tests - fix: `setup-first-admin-account.sh`: support to add several admins (#202) - fix: localize `$_` before `while(<>)` loops - fix: `groupCreate`: deny groups starting with '*key*' (#178) - fix: superowners need to have `+x` on group homes - doc: added a lot of new content (see highlights) - doc: `clush`: document `--user` and `--port` - doc: several other fixes here and there # :fast_forward: Upgrading - [General upgrade instructions](https://ovh.github.io/the-bastion/installation/upgrading.html) - [Specific upgrade instructions for v3.04.00](https://ovh.github.io/the-bastion/installation/upgrading.html)