# :warning: This is a release candidate Note that release candidates, due to the higher-than-usual amount of changes they contain, are statistically more likely to have a few quirks or bugs. Please refrain to use this version in critical production systems, unless it contains either a feature you really need, or a bugfix you've been waiting for, which may outweigh the potential drawbacks of using a release candidate. This version will go stable in a few days if no regression is found. # :zap: Security - No security fixes since previous release - Oldest release with no known security issues: `v3.00.00` (first public version) # :bulb: Highlights Please refer to the `rc1` changelog. # :pushpin: Changes since `rc2`: - enh: install: better error detection - fix: performance issues introduced by rc1 # :warning: This is a release candidate Note that release candidates, due to the higher-than-usual amount of changes they contain, are statistically more likely to have a few quirks or bugs. Please refrain to use this version in critical production systems, unless it contains either a feature you really need, or a bugfix you've been waiting for, which may outweigh the potential drawbacks of using a release candidate. This version will go stable in a few days if no regression is found. # :zap: Security - No security fixes since previous release - Oldest release with no known security issues: `v3.00.00` (first public version) # :bulb: Highlights Please refer to the `rc2` changelog. # :pushpin: Changes since `rc2`: - enh: install: better error detection - fix: performance issues introduced in rc1 # :fast_forward: Upgrading - [General upgrade instructions](https://ovh.github.io/the-bastion/installation/upgrading.html) - [Specific upgrade instructions for v3.09.00](https://ovh.github.io/the-bastion/installation/upgrading.html#v3-09-00-2022-07-xx) # :fast_forward: Upgrading - [General upgrade instructions](https://ovh.github.io/the-bastion/installation/upgrading.html) - [Specific upgrade instructions for v3.09.00](https://ovh.github.io/the-bastion/installation/upgrading.html#v3-09-00-2022-07-xx)