# :zap: Security - No security fixes since previous release - Oldest release with no known security issues: `v3.00.00` (first public version) # :bulb: Highlights Main changes from the previous version are: - Two new restricted commands: `accountFreeze` and `accountUnfreeze,` to temporarily disable an account, in a reversible way. - New options to the `accountInfo` commands: `--no-password-info` and `--no-output,` to get a speed boost when those informations are not needed by the caller A more complete list of changes can be found below, for an exhaustive (and boring) list, please refer to the commit log. # :pushpin: Changes - feat: add `accountFreeze`/`accountUnfreeze` commands - enh: `accountInfo`: add `--no-password-info` and `--no-output options` - enh: more precise matching of ssh client error messages - enh: osh.pl: add the account name on each error message - fix: invalid suffixed account creation (#357) # :fast_forward: Upgrading - [General upgrade instructions](https://ovh.github.io/the-bastion/installation/upgrading.html) - [Specific upgrade instructions for v3.10.00](https://ovh.github.io/the-bastion/installation/upgrading.html#v3-10-00-2023-02-17)