package OVH::Result; # vim: set filetype=perl ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 et: use common::sense; # not enabled on prod, see "trace" comment below # use Carp (); # $Carp::MaxArgLen = 512; # $Carp::MaxArgNums = 32; use parent qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT = qw{ R }; ## no critic (AutomaticExportation) use overload ( 'bool' => \&is_ok, '""' => \&msg, ); sub new { ## no critic (ArgUnpacking) my $type = shift; my %params = @_; my $err = $params{'err'}; my $value = $params{'value'}; my $msg = $params{'msg'}; my $silent = $params{'silent'}; my $Object = { err => $err, value => $value, msg => $msg, # uncomment this and 'use Carp' above to trace results, # slows down code and gets noticeable on very busy bastions # trace => Carp::longmess("new Result"), }; bless $Object, 'OVH::Result'; # uncomment this and 'use Carp' above to print on STDERR any non-OK result # that is generated by any function, helpful to debug complex new features # print STDERR Carp::longmess("$0 R[" . ($err ? $err : '') . " " . ($value ? $value : '') . " " . ($msg ? $msg : '')) if (!$silent && !$Object->is_ok()); return $Object; } sub R { return OVH::Result->new(err => shift, @_); } =cut uncomment for result tracing sub R { my ($package, $filename, $line) = caller(0); my (undef,undef,undef,$sub) = caller(1); my $err = shift; my %params = @_; print "R[err=$err msg=".$params{'msg'}."] sub=$sub in $filename:$line\n"; return OVH::Result->new(err => $err, %params); } =cut sub err { return shift->{'err'} } sub value { return shift->{'value'} } sub msg { return $_[0]->{'msg'} ? $_[0]->{'msg'} : $_[0]->{'err'} } sub is_err { return shift->{'err'} =~ /^ERR/ } sub is_ok { return shift->{'err'} =~ /^OK/ } sub is_ko { return shift->{'err'} =~ /^KO/ } sub TO_JSON { my $self = shift; return { error_code => $self->err, value => $self->value, error_message => $self->msg, } if (ref $self eq 'OVH::Result'); return {}; } 1;