package OVH::Bastion::Plugin; # vim: set filetype=perl ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 et: use common::sense; use Getopt::Long (); use File::Basename; use lib dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../../lib/perl'; use OVH::Bastion; use OVH::Result; $SIG{'HUP'} = 'IGNORE'; # continue even when attached terminal is closed (we're called with setsid on supported systems anyway) $SIG{'PIPE'} = 'IGNORE'; # continue even if osh_info gets a SIGPIPE because there's no longer a terminal $| = 1; use Exporter 'import'; ## no critic (ProhibitPackageVars) our ($user, $ip, $host, $port, $scriptName, $self, $sysself, $realm, $remoteself, $HOME, $savedArgs, $pluginConfig); ## no critic (ProhibitAutomaticExportation) our @EXPORT = qw( $user $ip $host $port $scriptName $self $sysself $realm $remoteself $HOME $savedArgs $pluginConfig ); our @EXPORT_OK = qw( help ); my $_helptext; sub help { osh_info $_helptext; return 1; } sub begin { my %params = @_; my $options = $params{'options'}; my $header = $params{'header'}; my $argv = $params{'argv'}; my $loadConfig = $params{'loadConfig'}; my $helpfunc = $params{'help'}; $_helptext = $params{'helptext'}; my $fnret; my @pluginOptions; ($user, $ip, $host, $port, @pluginOptions) = @$argv; $helpfunc = \&help if (ref $helpfunc ne 'CODE'); # validate user, ip, port when specified, undef them otherwise (instead of '') if (defined $user && $user ne '') { $fnret = OVH::Bastion::is_valid_remote_user(user => $user); $fnret or osh_exit $fnret; $user = $fnret->value; } else { undef $user; } if (defined $ip && $ip ne '') { $fnret = OVH::Bastion::is_valid_ip(ip => $ip, allowPrefixes => 1); $fnret or osh_exit $fnret; $ip = $fnret->value->{'ip'}; } else { # special case due to when host= then ip='' # in that case, validate host and set ip to the same if ($host =~ m{/}) { $fnret = OVH::Bastion::is_valid_ip(ip => $host, allowPrefixes => 1); $fnret or osh_exit $fnret; $ip = $host = $fnret->value->{'ip'}; } else { undef $ip; } } if (defined $port && $port ne '') { $fnret = OVH::Bastion::is_valid_port(port => $port); $fnret or osh_exit $fnret; $port = $fnret->value; } undef $host if $host eq ''; # # Options from extraArgs # $savedArgs = join('^', @pluginOptions); my ($result, @optwarns); if (ref $options eq 'HASH' and %$options) { eval { local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @optwarns, shift }; $result = Getopt::Long::GetOptionsFromArray(\@pluginOptions, %$options); }; if ($@) { die $@ } } else { $result = 1; } # # get scriptName, set a safe PATH env, and some other ENV vars # ($scriptName) = $0 =~ m{([a-zA-Z0-9]+)(\.[a-zA-Z0-9]+)*$}; $_helptext =~ s/SCRIPT_NAME/$scriptName/g if $_helptext; $ENV{'PATH'} = '/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/pkg/bin'; $ENV{'PLUGIN_NAME'} = $scriptName; $HOME = OVH::Bastion::get_home_from_env()->value; $self = OVH::Bastion::get_user_from_env()->value; # if we're generating documentation (PLUGIN_DOCGEN is set), leave the BASTION_ACCOUNT placeholder if ($_helptext && !$ENV{'PLUGIN_DOCGEN'}) { $_helptext =~ s/BASTION_ACCOUNT/$self/g; } osh_header($header) if $header; if (!$result) { $helpfunc->(); local $" = ", "; osh_exit 'ERR_BAD_OPTIONS', "Error parsing options: @optwarns"; } if ($ENV{'PLUGIN_HELP'}) { $helpfunc->(); osh_exit; } $fnret = OVH::Result::R('OK', value => {sysaccount => $self, account => $self, realm => undef, remoteaccount => undef}); if ($< == 0) { ; # called by root, don't verify if it's a bastion account (because it's not) } elsif ($self =~ /^realm_([a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+)/) { $fnret = OVH::Bastion::is_bastion_account_valid_and_existing(account => "$1/" . $ENV{'LC_BASTION'}); $fnret or osh_exit('ERR_INVALID_ACCOUNT', "The realm-scoped account is invalid (" . $fnret->msg . ")"); } else { $fnret = OVH::Bastion::is_bastion_account_valid_and_existing(account => $self); $fnret or osh_exit('ERR_INVALID_ACCOUNT', "The account is invalid (" . $fnret->msg . ")"); } $sysself = $fnret->value->{'sysaccount'}; $self = $fnret->value->{'account'}; $realm = $fnret->value->{'realm'}; $remoteself = $fnret->value->{'remoteaccount'}; if (not(-d -r $HOME)) { osh_exit 'ERR_MISSING_HOME', "Error with your HOME directory ($HOME), please report to your sysadmin."; } if ($sysself ne $ENV{'USER'}) { osh_exit 'ERR_INVALID_USER', "Error with your USER (\"$sysself\" vs \"$ENV{'USER'}\"), please report to your sysadmin."; } if ($loadConfig) { # try to load config, and abort if we get an error $fnret = OVH::Bastion::plugin_config(plugin => $scriptName); if (!$fnret) { warn_syslog("Invalid configuration for plugin $scriptName: $fnret"); osh_exit 'ERR_INVALID_CONFIGURATION', "Error in plugin configuration, aborting"; } $pluginConfig = $fnret->value; } # only unparsed options are remaining there return \@pluginOptions; } 1;