#! /usr/bin/env bash # vim: set filetype=sh ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 et: PIDFILE=/var/run/osh-sync-watcher.pid basedir=$(readlink -f "$(dirname "$0")"/../..) # shellcheck source=lib/shell/functions.inc . "$basedir"/lib/shell/functions.inc configfile="$BASTION_ETC_DIR/osh-sync-watcher.sh" if [ ! -e "$configfile" ] ; then # to allow for smooth upgrades, look for the old file name if new is not found configfile="$BASTION_ETC_DIR/sync-watcher.sh" if [ ! -e "$configfile" ] ; then echo "No configuration found, exiting" exit 0 fi fi rsyncfilterfile="$BASTION_ETC_DIR/osh-sync-watcher.rsyncfilter" if [ ! -e "$rsyncfilterfile" ] ; then # to allow for smooth upgrades, look for the old file name if new is not found rsyncfilterfile="$BASTION_ETC_DIR/sync-watcher-rsync.filter" if [ ! -e "$rsyncfilterfile" ] ; then echo "No rsync filter file found, exiting" exit 0 fi fi # set default values logdir="" syslog="local6" enabled=0 timeout=120 rshcmd="" remoteuser="bastionsync" remotehostlist="" # old deprecated config param: remotehost="" # load configuration # shellcheck source=etc/bastion/osh-sync-watcher.sh.dist . "$configfile" # if a logdir is defined, tail to the log # shellcheck disable=SC2154 if [ -n "$logdir" ]; then mkdir -p "$logdir" exec &>> >(tee -a "$logdir/osh-sync-watcher.log") fi # if a syslog facility is defined, set the proper variable # so that _log _warn and _err do log to syslog, # also don't talk on stdout if [ -n "$syslog" ]; then LOG_FACILITY="$syslog" LOG_QUIET=1 fi if [ "$enabled" != "1" ] ; then _log "Script is not enabled (review the config in $configfile if needed)" exit 0 fi # is another copy of myself still running ? if [ -e "$PIDFILE" ] ; then oldpid=$(head -1 "$PIDFILE") if kill -0 -- "$oldpid" ; then _log "Another copy of myself is running ($oldpid), exiting" exit 0 else _log "Another copy of myself apparently died ($oldpid), cleaning up" fi fi # shellcheck disable=SC2064 trap "rm -f $PIDFILE" EXIT rm -f "$PIDFILE" # race condition here ... but /var/run is writable only by root echo "$$" > "$PIDFILE" while : do _log "Watching for changes (timeout: $timeout)..." # we'll cap to the max allowed maxfiles=$(test -r /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_watches && cat /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_watches || echo 4096) { # account/group creation/deletion: echo /etc/passwd echo /etc/group echo /home/allowkeeper echo /home/keykeeper echo /home/passkeeper # all allowed.ip files of bastion groups: for grouphome in $(getent group | grep -Eo '^key[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+' | grep -Ev -- '-(aclkeeper|gatekeeper|owner)$' | sed 's=^=/home/='); do test -e "$grouphome/allowed.ip" && echo "$grouphome/allowed.ip" done # all authorized_keys files of bastion accounts: for accounthome in $(getent passwd | grep ":$basedir/bin/shell/osh.pl\$" | cut -d: -f6); do test -f "$accounthome/$AK_FILE" && echo "$accounthome/$AK_FILE" done } | head -"$maxfiles" | timeout "$timeout" inotifywait -e close_write -e moved_to -e create -e delete -e delete_self --quiet --recursive --csv --fromfile - ; ret=$? if [ "$ret" = 124 ] ; then _log "... timed out, syncing just in case!" elif [ "$ret" = 0 ] ; then _log "... got event, syncing in 3 secs!" sleep 3 else _warn "... got weird return value $? (maxfiles=$maxfiles); sleeping a bit..." sleep "$timeout" fi # sanity check myself before if [ ! -d /home/allowkeeper ] || ! [ -d /home/keykeeper ] || ! [ -d /home/logkeeper ] || \ [ "$(find /home -mindepth 2 -maxdepth 2 -type f -name lastlog 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" = 0 ] ; then _log "Own sanity check failed (maybe I'm locked?), not syncing and sleeping" sleep "$timeout" continue fi # /sanity _log "Starting sync!" # shellcheck disable=SC2154 [ -z "$remotehostlist" ] && remotehostlist="$remotehost" # shellcheck disable=SC2206 remotehosts=( $remotehostlist ) remotehostslen=${#remotehosts[@]} for i in "${!remotehosts[@]}" do remote=${remotehosts[i]} if echo "$remote" | grep -q ':'; then remoteport=$(echo "$remote" | cut -d: -f2) remote=$(echo "$remote" | cut -d: -f1) else remoteport=22 fi _log "$remote: [Server $((i+1))/$remotehostslen - Step 1/3] syncing needed data..." rsync -vaA --numeric-ids --delete --filter "merge $rsyncfilterfile" --rsh "$rshcmd -p $remoteport" / "$remoteuser@$remote:/" _log "$remote: [Server $((i+1))/$remotehostslen - Step 1/3] sync ended with return value $?" _log "$remote: [Server $((i+1))/$remotehostslen - Step 2/3] syncing lastlog files from master to slave, only if master version is newer..." rsync -vaA --numeric-ids --update --include '/' --include '/home/' --include '/home/*/' --include '/home/*/lastlog' --exclude='*' --rsh "$rshcmd -p $remoteport" / "$remoteuser@$remote:/" _log "$remote: [Server $((i+1))/$remotehostslen - Step 2/3] sync ended with return value $?" _log "$remote: [Server $((i+1))/$remotehostslen - Step 3/3] syncing lastlog files from slave to master, only if slave version is newer..." find /home -mindepth 2 -maxdepth 2 -type f -name lastlog | rsync -vaA --numeric-ids --update --prune-empty-dirs --include='/' --include='/home' --include='/home/*/' --include-from=- --exclude='*' --rsh "$rshcmd -p $remoteport" "$remoteuser@$remote:/" / _log "$remote: [Server $((i+1))/$remotehostslen - Step 3/3] sync ended with return value $?" done done