#! /usr/bin/env bash # vim: set filetype=sh ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 et: # shellcheck disable=SC2086 # shellcheck disable=SC2016 # shellcheck disable=SC2046 set -e basedir=$(readlink -f "$(dirname "$0")"/../..) # shellcheck source=lib/shell/functions.inc . "$basedir"/lib/shell/functions.inc remote_ip="$1" remote_port="$2" account0="$3" user_ssh_key_path="$4" root_ssh_key_path="$5" osh_etc="$6" remote_basedir="$7" [ -n "$osh_etc" ] || osh_etc=/etc/bastion [ -n "$remote_basedir" ] || remote_basedir="$basedir" [ -z "$HAS_ED25519" ] && HAS_ED25519=1 [ -z "$HAS_BLACKLIST" ] && HAS_BLACKLIST=0 [ -z "$HAS_MFA" ] && HAS_MFA=1 [ -z "$HAS_MFA_PASSWORD" ] && HAS_MFA_PASSWORD=0 [ -z "$HAS_PAMTESTER" ] && HAS_PAMTESTER=1 [ -z "$nocc" ] && nocc=0 [ -z "$nowait" ] && nowait=0 [ -z "$TARGET" ] && TARGET='' [ -z "$TEST_SCRIPT" ] && TEST_SCRIPT='' # die if using an unset var set -u if [ -z "$root_ssh_key_path" ] ; then echo "Usage: $0 " exit 1 fi # does ssh work there ? server_output=$(echo test | nc -w 1 $remote_ip $remote_port) if echo "$server_output" | grep -q ^SSH-2 ; then echo SSH to $remote_ip:$remote_port OK else echo "Port $remote_port doesn't seem open on $remote_ip, or is not SSH! ($server_output)" exit 1 fi # those vars are also used in all our modules # shellcheck disable=SC2034 { account1="testu_Ser.1-" account2="tesT-user2_" account3=teStuser3 account4=TeStUsEr4 uid1=9001 uid2=9002 uid3=9003 uid4=9004 group1="test_Group1-" group2="tEst-group2_" group3=testgrOup3 shellaccount="test-shell_" randomstr=randomstr_pUuGXu3tfhi5WII4_randomstr mytmpdir=$(mktemp -d -t bastiontest.XXXXXX) trap 'echo CLEANING UP ; rm -rf "$mytmpdir" ; exit 255' EXIT account0key1file="$mytmpdir/account0key1file" account1key1file="$mytmpdir/account1key1file" account1key2file="$mytmpdir/account1key2file" account2key1file="$mytmpdir/account2key1file" account3key1file="$mytmpdir/account3key1file" account4key1file="$mytmpdir/account4key1file" rootkeyfile="$mytmpdir/rootkeyfile" for f in $account1key1file $account1key2file $account2key1file $account3key1file $account4key1file do ssh-keygen -N '' -t ecdsa -f $f -q done cp $user_ssh_key_path $account0key1file ssh-keygen -y -f $user_ssh_key_path > $account0key1file.pub cp $root_ssh_key_path $rootkeyfile ssh-keygen -y -f $root_ssh_key_path > $rootkeyfile.pub chmod 400 $account0key1file jq="jq --raw-output --compact-output --sort-keys" js="--json-greppable" t="timeout --foreground 30" tf="timeout --foreground 15" a0=" $t ssh -F $mytmpdir/ssh_config -i $account0key1file $account0@$remote_ip -p $remote_port -- $js " a1=" $t ssh -F $mytmpdir/ssh_config -i $account1key1file $account1@$remote_ip -p $remote_port -- $js " a1k2="$t ssh -F $mytmpdir/ssh_config -i $account1key2file $account1@$remote_ip -p $remote_port -- $js " a2=" $t ssh -F $mytmpdir/ssh_config -i $account2key1file $account2@$remote_ip -p $remote_port -- $js " a3=" $t ssh -F $mytmpdir/ssh_config -i $account3key1file $account3@$remote_ip -p $remote_port -- $js " a4=" $t ssh -F $mytmpdir/ssh_config -i $account4key1file $account4@$remote_ip -p $remote_port -- $js " a4f="$tf ssh -F $mytmpdir/ssh_config -i $account4key1file $account4@$remote_ip -p $remote_port -- $js " r0=" $t ssh -F $mytmpdir/ssh_config -i $rootkeyfile root@$remote_ip -p $remote_port -- " }; grant() { success prereq grantcmd $a0 --osh accountGrantCommand --account $account0 --command "$1"; } revoke() { success prereq revokecmd $a0 --osh accountRevokeCommand --account $account0 --command "$1"; } cat >"$mytmpdir/ssh_config" <>"$mytmpdir/ssh_config" <>"$mytmpdir/ssh_config" <&1 | grep -q -- -Logfile; then screen="screen -L -Logfile" fi # /checking testno=0 testcount=0 basename="" nbfailedret=0 nbfailedgrep=0 nbfailedcon=0 nbfailedlog=0 nbfailedgeneric=0 isbad=0 start_time=$(date +%s) prefix() { local elapsed=$(( $(date +%s) - start_time)) local min=$(( elapsed / 60 )) local sec=$(( elapsed - min * 60 )) local totalerrors=$(( nbfailedret + nbfailedgrep + nbfailedcon + nbfailedgeneric )) if [ "$totalerrors" = 0 ]; then printf "%b%02dm%02d [noerror]" "$TARGET" "$min" "$sec" else printf "%b%02dm%02d %b[%d err]%b" "$TARGET" "$min" "$sec" "$RED" "$totalerrors" "$NOC" fi } run() { # display verbose output about the previous test if it was bad # we do this here because this way we're sure that all checks have been done for it # at this stage (retvalshouldbe, json, ...) if [ "$isbad" = 1 ]; then if [ -f "$outdir/$basename.script" ]; then printf "%b%b%b\\n" "$WHITE_ON_BLUE" "[INFO] test script follows" "$NOC" cat "$outdir/$basename.script" fi printf "%b%b%b\\n" "$WHITE_ON_BLUE" "[INFO] output of the command follows" "$NOC" cat "$outdir/$basename.log" printf "%b%b%b\\n" "$WHITE_ON_BLUE" "[INFO] returned json follows" "$NOC" grep "^JSON_OUTPUT=" -- $outdir/$basename.log | cut -d= -f2- | $jq . if [ "$nocc" != 1 ]; then printf "%b%b%b\\n" "$WHITE_ON_BLUE" "[INFO] consistency check follows" "$NOC" cat "$outdir/$basename.cc" fi if test -t 0 && [ "$nowait" != 1 ]; then printf "%b%b%b\\n" "$WHITE_ON_BLUE" "[INFO] press enter to continue" "$NOC" read -r _ fi fi isbad=0 # now prepare for the current test testno=$(( testno + 1 )) [ "$COUNTONLY" = 1 ] && return name=$1 shift case=$1 shift basename=$(printf '%03d-%s-%s' $testno $name $case | sed -re "s=/=_=g") # if we're about to run a script, keep a copy there if [ -x "$1" ] && [ "$#" -eq 1 ]; then cp "$1" "$outdir/$basename.script" fi printf '%b %b*** [%03d/%03d] %b::%b %s(%b)\n' "$(prefix)" "$BOLD_CYAN" "$testno" "$testcount" "$name" "$case" "$NOC" "$*" # special case for scp: we need to wait a bit before terminating the test sleepafter=0 [ "$name" = "scp" ] && sleepafter=2 # put an invalid value in this file, should be overwritten. we also use it as a lock file. echo -1 > $outdir/$basename.retval # run the test flock "$outdir/$basename.retval" $screen "$outdir/$basename.log" -D -m -fn -ln bash -c "$* ; echo \$? > $outdir/$basename.retval ; sleep $sleepafter" flock "$outdir/$basename.retval" true # look for generally bad strings in the output _bad='at /usr/share/perl|compilation error|compilation aborted|BEGIN failed|gonna crash|/opt/bastion/|sudo:|ontinuing anyway|MAKETESTFAIL' _badexclude='/etc/shells' # shellcheck disable=SC2126 if [ "$(grep -qE "$_bad" $outdir/$basename.log | grep -Ev "$_badexclude" | wc -l)" -gt 0 ]; then nbfailedgeneric=$(( nbfailedgeneric + 1 )) fail "BAD STRING" "(generic known-bad string found in output)" fi # now run consistency check on the target, unless configured otherwise if [ "$nocc" != 1 ]; then flock "$outdir/$basename.retval" $screen "$outdir/$basename.cc" -D -m -fn -ln $r0 ' /opt/bastion/bin/admin/check-consistency.pl ; echo _RETVAL_CC=$?= ; grep -Fw -e warn -e die -e code-warning /var/log/bastion/bastion.log | grep -Fv "'"${code_warn_exclude:-__none__}"'" | sed "s/^/_SYSLOG=/" ; : > /var/log/bastion/bastion.log ' flock "$outdir/$basename.retval" true ccret=$( grep _RETVAL_CC= "$outdir/$basename.cc" | cut -d= -f2) syslogline=$(grep _SYSLOG= "$outdir/$basename.cc" | cut -d= -f2-) if [ "$ccret" != 0 ]; then nbfailedcon=$(( nbfailedcon + 1 )) fail "CONSISTENCY CHECK" fi if [ -n "$syslogline" ]; then nbfailedlog=$(( nbfailedlog + 1 )) fail "WARN/DIE/CODE-WARN TRIGGERED" fi # reset this for the next test unset code_warn_exclude fi } script() { name=$1 shift section=$1 shift if [ "$COUNTONLY" = 1 ]; then run $name $section true return fi tmpscript=$(mktemp) echo "#! /usr/bin/env bash" > "$tmpscript" echo "$*" >> "$tmpscript" chmod 755 "$tmpscript" run $name $section "$tmpscript" rm -f "$tmpscript" } retvalshouldbe() { [ "$COUNTONLY" = 1 ] && return shouldbe=$1 got=$(< $outdir/$basename.retval) if [ "$got" = "$shouldbe" ] ; then ok "RETURN VALUE" "($shouldbe)" else nbfailedret=$(( nbfailedret + 1 )) fail "RETURN VALUE" "(got $got instead of $shouldbe)" fi } fail() { printf '%b %b[FAIL]%b %b\n' "$(prefix)" "$BLACK_ON_RED" "$NOC" "$*" isbad=1 } ok() { printf '%b %b[ OK ]%b %b\n' "$(prefix)" "$BLACK_ON_GREEN" "$NOC" "$*" } success() { run "$@" retvalshouldbe 0 } plgfail() { run "$@" retvalshouldbe 100 } ignorecodewarn() { code_warn_exclude="$*" } get_json() { [ "$COUNTONLY" = 1 ] && return grep "^JSON_OUTPUT=" -- $outdir/$basename.log | tail -n1 | cut -d= -f2- } get_stdout() { [ "$COUNTONLY" = 1 ] && return cat $outdir/$basename.log } json() { [ "$COUNTONLY" = 1 ] && return local jq1="" jq2="" jq3="" local splitsort=0 while [ $# -ge 2 ] ; do if [ "$1" = "--splitsort" ]; then splitsort=1 shift continue elif [ "$1" = "--argjson" ] || [ "$1" = "--arg" ]; then jq1="$1" jq2="$2" jq3="$3" shift 3 continue fi local filter="$1" expected="$2" shift 2 json=$(get_json) set +e if [ -n "$jq3" ]; then got=$($jq "$jq1" "$jq2" "$jq3" "$filter" <<< "$json") else got=$($jq "$filter" <<< "$json") fi if [ "$splitsort" = 1 ]; then expected=$(echo "$expected" | tr " " "\\n" | sort) got=$($jq ".[]" <<< "$got" | sort) fi set -e if [ -z "$json" ] ; then nbfailedgrep=$(( nbfailedgrep + 1 )) fail "JSON VALUE" "(no json found in output, couldn't look for key <$filter>)" elif [ "$expected" = "$got" ] ; then ok "JSON VALUE" "($filter => $expected) [$jq1 $jq3 $jq3]" else nbfailedgrep=$(( nbfailedgrep + 1 )) fail "JSON VALUE" "(for key <$filter> wanted <$expected> but got <$got>, with optional params jq1='$jq1' jq2='$jq2' jq3='$jq3')" fi done } pattern() { [ "$COUNTONLY" = 1 ] && return if grep -qE -- "$1" <<< "$2" ; then ok "PATTERN" "(got '$1' in '$2')" else nbfailedgrep=$(( nbfailedgrep + 1 )) fail "PATTERN" "(wanted '$1' in '$2')" fi } contain() { [ "$COUNTONLY" = 1 ] && return local specialoption='' if [ "$1" != "REGEX" ] ; then specialoption='-F' else specialoption='-E' shift fi if grep -q $specialoption -- "$1" "$outdir/$basename.log"; then ok "MUST CONTAIN" "($1)" else nbfailedgrep=$(( nbfailedgrep + 1 )) fail "MUST CONTAIN" "($1)" fi } nocontain() { [ "$COUNTONLY" = 1 ] && return grepit="$1" if grep -Eq "$grepit" "$outdir/$basename.log"; then nbfailedgrep=$(( nbfailedgrep + 1 )) fail "MUST NOT CONTAIN" "(should not have found string '$grepit' in output)" else ok "MUST NOT CONTAIN" "($grepit)" fi } configchg() { success bastion configchange $r0 perl -pe "$*" -i $osh_etc/bastion.conf } runtests() { # ensure syslog is clean ignorecodewarn 'Configuration error' # previous unit tests can provoke this success bastion syslog_cleanup $r0 "\": > /var/log/bastion/bastion.log\"" # backup the original default configuration on target side now=$(date +%s) success bastion backupconfig $r0 "dd if=$osh_etc/bastion.conf of=$osh_etc/bastion.conf.bak.$now" grant accountRevokeCommand for module in "$(dirname $0)"/tests.d/???-*.sh do if [ -n "$TEST_SCRIPT" ] && [ "$TEST_SCRIPT" != "$(basename "$module")" ]; then echo "### SKIPPING MODULE $module" continue fi echo "### RUNNING MODULE $module" # as this is a loop, we do the check in a reversed way, see any included module for more info: # shellcheck disable=SC1090 source "$module" || true done # put the backed up configuration back success bastion restoreconfig $r0 "dd if=$osh_etc/bastion.conf.bak.$now of=$osh_etc/bastion.conf" } COUNTONLY=0 echo === running unit tests === if ! $r0 perl "$remote_basedir/tests/unit/run.pl"; then printf "%b%b%b\\n" "$WHITE_ON_RED" "Unit tests failed :(" "$NOC" exit 1 fi COUNTONLY=1 testno=0 echo === counting functional tests === runtests testcount=$testno echo === will run $testcount functional tests === COUNTONLY=0 testno=0 runtests echo if [ $((nbfailedret + nbfailedgrep + nbfailedcon + nbfailedgeneric)) -eq 0 ] ; then printf "%b%b%b\\n" "$BLACK_ON_GREEN" "All tests succeeded :)" "$NOC" else ( echo printf "%b" "$WHITE_ON_RED" echo "One or more tests failed :(" echo "- $nbfailedret unexpected return values" echo "- $nbfailedgrep unexpected JSON/text values" echo "- $nbfailedcon failed consistency checks" echo "- $nbfailedlog warn/die triggered" echo "- $nbfailedgeneric generic bad strings found" printf "%b" "$NOC" ) | tee $outdir/summary fi echo set +e set +u (( totalerrors = nbfailedret + nbfailedgrep + nbfailedcon + nbfailedgeneric )) [ $totalerrors -ge 255 ] && totalerrors=254 rm -rf "$mytmpdir" trap EXIT exit $totalerrors