#! /usr/bin/perl -T # vim: set filetype=perl ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 et: # NEEDGROUP osh-groupCreate # SUDOERS %osh-groupCreate ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/env perl -T /opt/bastion/bin/helper/osh-groupCreate * # FILEMODE 0700 # FILEOWN 0 0 #>HEADER use common::sense; use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_auto_abbrev no_ignore_case); use Term::ReadKey; use File::Basename; use lib dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../lib/perl'; use OVH::Bastion; use OVH::Bastion::Plugin::groupSetRole; use OVH::Bastion::Helper; # Fetch command options my $fnret; my ($result, @optwarns); my ($group, $owner, $algo, $size, $encrypted, $no_key, $comment); eval { local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @optwarns, shift }; $result = GetOptions( "group=s" => sub { $group //= $_[1] }, "owner=s" => sub { $owner //= $_[1] }, "algo=s" => sub { $algo //= $_[1] }, "size=i" => sub { $size //= $_[1] }, "encrypted" => sub { $encrypted //= $_[1] }, "no-key" => sub { $no_key //= $_[1] }, "comment=s" => sub { $comment //= $_[1] }, ); }; if ($@) { die $@ } if (!$result) { local $" = ", "; HEXIT('ERR_BAD_OPTIONS', msg => "Error parsing options: @optwarns"); } OVH::Bastion::Helper::check_spurious_args(); if (!$group || !$owner) { HEXIT('ERR_MISSING_PARAMETER', msg => "Missing argument 'group' or 'owner'"); } if ($no_key && ($algo || $size || $encrypted)) { EXIT('ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER', msg => "Can't specify 'no-key' along with 'algo', 'size' or 'encrypted'"); } if (!$no_key && (!$algo || !$size)) { HEXIT('ERR_MISSING_PARAMETER', msg => "Missing argument 'algo' or 'size'"); } if ($comment) { if ($comment =~ /^([a-zA-Z0-9=_,-]+)$/) { $comment = $1; # untaint } else { HEXIT('ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER', msg => "Specified comment contains invalid characters"); } } #
RIGHTSCHECK if ($self eq 'root') { osh_debug "Real root, skipping checks of permissions"; } else { # need to perform another security check $fnret = OVH::Bastion::is_user_in_group(user => $self, group => "osh-groupCreate"); if (!$fnret) { HEXIT('ERR_SECURITY_VIOLATION', msg => "You're not allowed to run this, dear $self"); } } #PARAMS:ACCOUNT osh_debug("Checking owner"); $fnret = OVH::Bastion::is_bastion_account_valid_and_existing(account => $owner); $fnret or HEXIT($fnret); # get returned untainted value $owner = $fnret->value->{'account'}; #PARAMS:GROUP osh_debug("checking group"); $fnret = OVH::Bastion::is_valid_group(group => $group, groupType => "key"); $fnret or HEXIT($fnret); # get returned untainted value $group = $fnret->value->{'group'}; my $shortGroup = $fnret->value->{'shortGroup'}; foreach my $test ($group, "$group-gatekeeper", "$group-owner") { $fnret = OVH::Bastion::is_group_existing(group => $test); $fnret->is_err and HEXIT($fnret); my (undef, $displayGroup) = $test =~ m/^(key)?(.+)/; $fnret->is_ok and HEXIT('KO_ALREADY_EXISTING', msg => "The group $displayGroup already exists"); } $fnret = OVH::Bastion::is_account_existing(account => $group); $fnret->is_err and HEXIT($fnret); $fnret->is_ok and HEXIT('KO_ALREADY_EXISTING', msg => "The account $group already exists"); #PARAMS:ALGO/SIZE if (!$no_key) { $algo = lc($algo); $fnret = OVH::Bastion::is_allowed_algo_and_size(algo => $algo, size => $size, way => 'egress'); $fnret or HEXIT($fnret); # if we're still here, it's valid, untaint those ($algo) = $algo =~ m/(.+)/; ($size) = $size =~ m/(.+)/; } #CODE my $passphrase = ''; # empty by default if ($encrypted) { print STDERR "Please enter a passphrase for the new group key (not echoed): "; ReadMode('noecho'); chomp(my $pass1 = ); if (length($pass1) < 5) { ReadMode('restore'); HEXIT('ERR_PASSPHRASE_TOO_SMALL', msg => "Passphrase should have at least 5 chars"); } print STDERR "\nPlease enter it again: "; chomp(my $pass2 = ); print STDERR "\n"; ReadMode('restore'); if ($pass1 ne $pass2) { HEXIT('ERR_PASSPHRASE_MISMATCH', msg => "Passphrases don't match, please try again"); } ($passphrase) = $pass1 =~ /(.+)/; # untaint } # First create group osh_info("Creating groups"); foreach my $tocreate ($group, "$group-aclkeeper", "$group-gatekeeper", "$group-owner") { $fnret = OVH::Bastion::sys_groupadd(group => $tocreate, noisy_stderr => 1); $fnret->err eq 'OK' or HEXIT('ERR_GROUPADD_FAILED', msg => "Error while running groupadd command for $tocreate (" . $fnret->msg . ")"); } osh_debug("Creating directory"); mkdir "/home/keykeeper/$group"; chmod 0755, "/home/keykeeper/$group"; osh_info("Creating user corresponding to group $shortGroup"); # if a comment has been set, we'll store it as the user's GECOS corresponding to the group name # user is member of the group, cannot login and have no password $fnret = OVH::Bastion::sys_useradd(user => $group, gid => $group, shell => undef, comment => $comment, noisy_stderr => 1); $fnret->err eq 'OK' or HEXIT('ERR_USERADD_FAILED', msg => "Error while adding corresponding user of group $shortGroup (" . $fnret->msg . ")"); # Building /home/$group OVH::Bastion::touch_file("/home/$group/allowed.ip"); osh_info("Adjusting permissions..."); my $bigX = (OVH::Bastion::is_linux() ? 'X' : 'x'); foreach my $command ( ['chown', '-R', "$group:$group", "/home/$group"], ['chgrp', "$group-aclkeeper", "/home/$group/allowed.ip"], ['chmod', '-R', "o-rwx,g=r$bigX,u=rw$bigX", "/home/$group"], ['chmod', '0664', "/home/$group/allowed.ip"], ) { $fnret = OVH::Bastion::execute(cmd => $command, noisy_stderr => 1); $fnret->err eq 'OK' or HEXIT('ERR_CHMOD_FAILED', msg => "Error while running chmod to adjust permissions (" . $fnret->msg . ")"); } chmod 0751, "/home/$group" if !OVH::Bastion::has_acls(); foreach my $gr ("$group-owner", "$group-gatekeeper", "$group-aclkeeper", "osh-whoHasAccessTo", "osh-auditor", "osh-superowner") { OVH::Bastion::sys_setfacl(target => "/home/$group", perms => "g:$gr:x") or HEXIT('ERR_SETFACL_FAILED', msg => "Error setting ACLs on group homedir"); } osh_debug("Adding allowkeeper to group $group"); $fnret = OVH::Bastion::add_user_to_group(group => $group, user => 'allowkeeper', groupType => 'key'); $fnret or HEXIT($fnret); osh_info("Adding $owner to owner, gatekeeper, aclkeeper and main groups of $shortGroup"); # temporarily set ourselves owner manually so that we can add the wanted owner properly # as owner/gatekeeper/member then revoke our own right $fnret = OVH::Bastion::sys_addmembertogroup(group => "$group-owner", user => $self, noisy_stderr => 1); $fnret or HEXIT($fnret); # special case: if we're setting ourselves as owner, we must not remove # our own rights after granting my @todoList = ( $owner eq $self ? ( {action => 'add', type => 'owner', account => $owner}, {action => 'add', type => 'aclkeeper', account => $owner}, {action => 'add', type => 'gatekeeper', account => $owner}, {action => 'add', type => 'member', account => $owner}, ) : ( {action => 'add', type => 'owner', account => $owner}, {action => 'add', type => 'aclkeeper', account => $owner}, {action => 'add', type => 'gatekeeper', account => $owner}, {action => 'add', type => 'gatekeeper', account => $self}, {action => 'add', type => 'member', account => $owner}, {action => 'del', type => 'gatekeeper', account => $self}, {action => 'del', type => 'owner', account => $self}, ) ); foreach my $todo (@todoList) { $fnret = OVH::Bastion::Plugin::groupSetRole::act( self => $self, account => $todo->{'account'}, group => $shortGroup, action => $todo->{'action'}, type => $todo->{'type'}, sudo => 1, silentoverride => 1 ); $fnret or HEXIT($fnret); } my $keykeeper_uid = (getpwnam('keykeeper'))[2]; my $group_gid = (getgrnam($group))[2]; chown $keykeeper_uid, $group_gid, "/home/keykeeper/$group"; if (!$no_key) { osh_info("Generating main group key, this might take a few seconds..."); $fnret = OVH::Bastion::generate_ssh_key( prefix => $shortGroup, folder => "/home/keykeeper/$group", size => $size, algo => $algo, passphrase => $passphrase, uid => $keykeeper_uid, gid => $group_gid, group_readable => 1 ); $fnret or HEXIT($fnret); } # allowed to sudo for the group osh_info("Configuring sudoers for this group"); $fnret = OVH::Bastion::execute(cmd => [$OVH::Bastion::BASEPATH . '/bin/sudogen/generate-sudoers.sh', 'create', 'group', $group], must_succeed => 1, noisy_stdout => 1); $fnret or HEXIT('ERR_CANNOT_CREATE_SUDOERS', msg => "An error occurred while creating sudoers for this group"); OVH::Bastion::syslogFormatted( severity => 'info', type => 'group', fields => [ ['action', 'create'], ['group', $shortGroup], ['owner', $owner], ['egress_ssh_key_algorithm', $algo], ['egress_ssh_key_size', $size], ['egress_ssh_key_encrypted', ($encrypted ? 'true' : 'false')], ] ); # done at last! HEXIT('OK', value => {group => $shortGroup, owner => $owner});