# vim: set filetype=perl ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 et: package OVH::Bastion; use common::sense; use JSON; use Fcntl qw{ :mode :DEFAULT }; sub load_configuration_file { my %params = @_; my $file = $params{'file'}; # if $secure is set, won't load the file if it's not writable by root only # it won't allow symlinks either my $secure = $params{'secure'}; if ($secure) { my @stat = lstat($file); if (@stat) { if ($stat[4] != 0 or $stat[5] != 0) { return R('ERR_SECURITY_VIOLATION', msg => "Configuration file ($file) is not owned by root, report to your sysadmin."); } if (!S_ISREG($stat[2])) { return R('ERR_SECURITY_VIOLATION', msg => "Configuration file ($file) is not a regular file, report to your sysadmin."); } if (S_IMODE($stat[2]) & S_IWOTH) { return R('ERR_SECURITY_VIOLATION', msg => "Configuration file ($file) is world-writable, report to your sysadmin."); } } # no @stat ? file doesn't exist, we'll error just below } return OVH::Bastion::json_load(file => $file); } sub main_configuration_directory { if (!-d "/etc/bastion" && -d "/usr/local/etc/bastion") { # if this dir exists and /etc/bastion doesn't, use /usr/local return "/usr/local/etc/bastion"; } elsif (!-d "/etc/bastion" && -d "/usr/pkg/etc/bastion") { # if this dir exists and /etc/bastion doesn't, use /usr/local return "/usr/pkg/etc/bastion"; } # use /etc in all other cases return "/etc/bastion"; } my $_cache_config = undef; sub load_configuration { my %params = @_; my $mock_data = $params{'mock_data'}; if (defined $mock_data && !OVH::Bastion::is_mocking()) { # if we're overriding configuration with mock_data without being in mocking mode, we have a problem die("Attempted to load_configuration() with mock_data without being in mocking mode"); } if (ref $_cache_config eq 'HASH') { return R('OK', value => $_cache_config); } my $C; if (!$mock_data) { my $file = OVH::Bastion::main_configuration_directory() . "/bastion.conf"; # check that file exists and is readable if (not -r $file) { return R('ERR_CANNOT_LOAD_CONFIGURATION', msg => "Configuration file $file does not exist or is not readable"); } $C = OVH::Bastion::load_configuration_file(file => $file, secure => 1); $C or return $C; $C = $C->value; } else { $C = $mock_data; } # define deprecated <=> new key names association my %new2old = qw( accountCreateDefaultPersonalAccesses accountCreateDefaultPrivateAccesses adminAccounts adminLogins allowedIngressSshAlgorithms allowedSshAlgorithms allowedEgressSshAlgorithms allowedSshAlgorithms bastionCommand cacheCommand bastionName cacheName ingressKeysFrom ipWhiteList ingressKeysFromAllowOverride ipWhiteListAllowOverride minimumIngressRsaKeySize minimumRsaKeySize minimumEgressRsaKeySize minimumRsaKeySize egressKeysFrom personalKeyFrom ); # if we're missing some new key names, look for old keys and take their value while (my ($new, $old) = each %new2old) { $C->{$new} //= $C->{$old}; } # now validate, lint and normalize the conf $C->{'bastionName'} ||= 'fix-my-config-please-missing-bastion-name'; $C->{'bastionCommand'} ||= "ssh ACCOUNT\@HOSTNAME -t -- "; $C->{'defaultLogin'} = "" if (not defined $C->{'defaultLogin'}); $C->{'defaultLogin'} =~ s/[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]//g; $C->{'accountUidMin'} = 2000 if (not defined $C->{'accountUidMin'} or $C->{'accountUidMin'} !~ /^\d+$/); $C->{'accountUidMin'} > 100 or $C->{'accountUidMin'} = 100; $C->{'accountUidMin'} < 999999999 or $C->{'accountUidMin'} = 999999999; # usually 2^31-2 but well... $C->{'accountUidMax'} = 99999 if (not defined $C->{'accountUidMax'} or $C->{'accountUidMax'} !~ /^\d+$/); $C->{'accountUidMax'} > 100 or $C->{'accountUidMax'} = 100; $C->{'accountUidMax'} < 999999999 or $C->{'accountUidMax'} = 999999999; # usually 2^31-2 but well... $C->{'accountUidMax'} = $C->{'accountUidMin'} + 1000 if ($C->{'accountUidMin'} + 1000 > $C->{'accountUidMax'}); $C->{'ttyrecGroupIdOffset'} = 100000 if (not defined $C->{'ttyrecGroupIdOffset'} or $C->{'ttyrecGroupIdOffset'} !~ /^\d+$/); $C->{'ttyrecGroupIdOffset'} < 999999999 or $C->{'ttyrecGroupIdOffset'} = 999999999; if ($C->{'ttyrecGroupIdOffset'} < $C->{'accountUidMax'} - $C->{'accountUidMin'}) { # avoid overlap $C->{'ttyrecGroupIdOffset'} = ($C->{'accountUidMax'} - $C->{'accountUidMin'}) + 1; } foreach my $key (qw{ allowedIngressSshAlgorithms allowedIngressSshAlgorithms }) { $C->{$key} = ['rsa', 'ecdsa', 'ed25519'] if (not defined $C->{$key} or ref $C->{$key} ne 'ARRAY'); } foreach my $key (qw{ Ingress Egress }) { my $minkey = "minimum${key}RsaKeySize"; my $maxkey = "maximum${key}RsaKeySize"; $C->{$minkey} = 2048 if (not defined $C->{$minkey} or $C->{$minkey} !~ /^\d+$/); $C->{$minkey} >= 1024 or $C->{$minkey} = 1024; $C->{$minkey} <= 16384 or $C->{$minkey} = 16384; $C->{$maxkey} = 8192 if (not defined $C->{$maxkey} or $C->{$maxkey} !~ /^\d+$/); $C->{$maxkey} >= 1024 or $C->{$maxkey} = 1024; $C->{$maxkey} <= 32768 or $C->{$maxkey} = 32768; $C->{$minkey} = $C->{$maxkey} if ($C->{$minkey} > $C->{$maxkey}); # ensure min <= max } $C->{'defaultAccountEgressKeyAlgorithm'} ||= 'rsa'; if (!grep { $C->{'defaultAccountEgressKeyAlgorithm'} eq $_ } qw{ rsa ecdsa ed25519 }) { $C->{'defaultAccountEgressKeyAlgorithm'} = 'rsa'; } $C->{'defaultAccountEgressKeySize'} = 0 if $C->{'defaultAccountEgressKeySize'} !~ /^\d+$/; if ($C->{'defaultAccountEgressKeyAlgorithm'} eq 'rsa') { $C->{'defaultAccountEgressKeySize'} ||= 4096; $C->{'defaultAccountEgressKeySize'} = 1024 if $C->{'defaultAccountEgressKeySize'} < 1024; $C->{'defaultAccountEgressKeySize'} = 32768 if $C->{'defaultAccountEgressKeySize'} > 32768; } elsif ($C->{'defaultAccountEgressKeyAlgorithm'} eq 'ecdsa') { $C->{'defaultAccountEgressKeySize'} ||= 521; if (!grep { $C->{'defaultAccountEgressKeySize'} eq $_ } qw{ 256 384 521 }) { $C->{'defaultAccountEgressKeySize'} = 521; } } elsif ($C->{'defaultAccountEgressKeyAlgorithm'} eq 'ed25519') { $C->{'defaultAccountEgressKeySize'} = 256; } $C->{'sshClientDebugLevel'} = 0 if (not defined $C->{'sshClientDebugLevel'} or $C->{'sshClientDebugLevel'} !~ /^\d+$/); $C->{'sshClientDebugLevel'} > 3 and $C->{'sshClientDebugLevel'} = 3; $C->{'accountMaxInactiveDays'} = 0 if (not defined $C->{'accountMaxInactiveDays'} or $C->{'accountMaxInactiveDays'} !~ /^\d+$/); $C->{'interactiveModeTimeout'} = 15 if (not defined $C->{'interactiveModeTimeout'} or $C->{'interactiveModeTimeout'} !~ /^\d+$/); $C->{'syslogFacility'} = 'local7' if (not defined $C->{'syslogFacility'} or $C->{'syslogFacility'} !~ /^\S+$/); $C->{'syslogDescription'} = 'bastion' if (not defined $C->{'syslogDescription'} or $C->{'syslogDescription'} !~ /^\S+$/); $C->{'moshTimeoutNetwork'} = 86400 if (not defined $C->{'moshTimeoutNetwork'} or $C->{'moshTimeoutNetwork'} !~ /^\d+$/); $C->{'moshTimeoutSignal'} = 30 if (not defined $C->{'moshTimeoutSignal'} or $C->{'moshTimeoutSignal'} !~ /^\d+$/); $C->{'moshCommandLine'} = "" if (not defined $C->{'moshCommandLine'}); $C->{'ttyrecFilenameFormat'} = '%Y-%m-%d.%H-%M-%S.#usec#.&uniqid.ttyrec' if (not $C->{'ttyrecFilenameFormat'}); $C->{'idleLockTimeout'} = 0 if (not defined $C->{'idleLockTimeout'} or $C->{'idleLockTimeout'} !~ /^\d+$/); $C->{'idleKillTimeout'} = 0 if (not defined $C->{'idleKillTimeout'} or $C->{'idleKillTimeout'} !~ /^\d+$/); $C->{'warnBeforeLockSeconds'} = 0 if (not defined $C->{'warnBeforeLockSeconds'} or $C->{'warnBeforeLockSeconds'} !~ /^\d+$/); $C->{'warnBeforeKillSeconds'} = 0 if (not defined $C->{'warnBeforeKillSeconds'} or $C->{'warnBeforeKillSeconds'} !~ /^\d+$/); if (!grep { $C->{'accountMFAPolicy'} eq $_ } qw{ disabled enabled password-required totp-required any-required }) { $C->{'accountMFAPolicy'} = 'enabled'; } $C->{'MFAPasswordInactiveDays'} = -1 if (!defined $C->{'MFAPasswordInactiveDays'} || $C->{'MFAPasswordInactiveDays'} !~ /^-\d+$/); $C->{'MFAPasswordMinDays'} = 0 if (!defined $C->{'MFAPasswordMinDays'} || $C->{'MFAPasswordMinDays'} !~ /^-?\d+$/); $C->{'MFAPasswordMaxDays'} = 90 if (!defined $C->{'MFAPasswordMaxDays'} || $C->{'MFAPasswordMaxDays'} !~ /^-?\d+$/); $C->{'MFAPasswordWarnDays'} = 15 if (!defined $C->{'MFAPasswordWarnDays'} || $C->{'MFAPasswordWarnDays'} !~ /^-?\d+$/); # if kill timeout is lower than lock timeout, just unset lock timeout $C->{'idleLockTimeout'} = 0 if ($C->{'idleKillTimeout'} <= $C->{'idleLockTimeout'}); # booleans that can only be 0 or 1 and default to 1 foreach my $key ( qw{ enableSyslog enableGlobalAccessLog enableAccountAccessLog enableGlobalSqlLog enableAccountSqlLog displayLastLogin interactiveModeByDefault } ) { $C->{$key} = 1 if (not defined $C->{$key} or $C->{$key} !~ /^\d+$/); $C->{$key} > 1 and $C->{$key} = 1; } # booleans that can only be 0 or 1 and default to 0 foreach my $key ( qw{ interactiveModeAllowed readOnlySlaveMode sshClientHasOptionE ingressKeysFromAllowOverride moshAllowed debug keyboardInteractiveAllowed passwordAllowed telnetAllowed remoteCommandEscapeByDefault accountExternalValidationDenyOnFailure } ) { $C->{$key} = 0 if (not defined $C->{$key} or $C->{$key} !~ /^\d+$/); $C->{$key} > 1 and $C->{$key} = 1; } # arrays that default to empty foreach my $key ( qw{ accountCreateSupplementaryGroups accountCreateDefaultPrivateAccesses alwaysActiveAccounts superOwnerAccounts ingressKeysFrom egressKeysFrom adminAccounts allowedNetworks forbiddenNetworks ttyrecAdditionalParameters MFAPostCommand } ) { $C->{$key} = [] if ref $C->{$key} ne 'ARRAY'; } # lint the contents of some arrays foreach my $key (qw{ ingressKeysFrom egressKeysFrom }) { s=[^0-9.:/]==g for @{$C->{$key}}; } $C->{'adminAccounts'} = [ grep { OVH::Bastion::is_bastion_account_valid_and_existing(account => $_) } map { s/[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]//g; $_ } @{$C->{'adminAccounts'}} ]; $C->{'documentationURL'} ||= "https://ovh.github.io/the-bastion/"; # we've checked everything. now forcibly untaint all of it. foreach my $key (keys %$C) { ref $C->{$key} eq '' or next; ($C->{$key}) = $C->{$key} =~ m{(.+)}; $C->{$key} += 0 if $C->{$key} =~ /^\d+$/; } $_cache_config = $C; return R('OK', value => $C); } sub config { my $key = shift; my $fnret = OVH::Bastion::load_configuration(); $fnret or return $fnret; if (exists $fnret->value->{$key}) { return R('OK', value => $fnret->value->{$key}); } return R('ERR_UNKNOWN_CONFIG_PARAMETER'); } sub account_config { my %params = @_; my $account = $params{'account'} || OVH::Bastion::get_user_from_env()->value; my $key = $params{'key'}; my $value = $params{'value'}; # only for setter my $delete = $params{'delete'}; # if true, delete the config param entirely my $public = $params{'public'}; # if true, check in /home/allowkeeper/$account instead of /home/$account my $fnret; if (my @missingParameters = grep { not defined $params{$_} } qw{ account key }) { local $" = ', '; return R('ERR_MISSING_PARAMETER', msg => "Missing @missingParameters on account_config() call"); } if ($key !~ /^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$/) { return R('ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER', msg => "Invalid configuration key asked ($key)"); } $fnret = OVH::Bastion::is_bastion_account_valid_and_existing(account => $account, accountType => ($account =~ /^realm_/ ? 'realm' : 'normal')); $fnret or return $fnret; $account = $fnret->value->{'account'}; my $sysaccount = $fnret->value->{'sysaccount'}; my $remoteaccount = $fnret->value->{'remoteaccount'}; my $rootdir; if ($public) { $rootdir = "/home/allowkeeper/$sysaccount"; } else { $rootdir = (getpwnam($sysaccount))[7]; } if (!-d $rootdir) { return R('ERR_DIRECTORY_NOT_FOUND', msg => "Home directory of $account ($rootdir) doesn't exist"); } my $prefix = $remoteaccount ? "config_$remoteaccount" : "config"; my $filename = "$rootdir/$prefix.$key"; if ($delete) { return R('OK') if (unlink($filename)); return R('ERR_UNLINK_FAILED', msg => "Couldn't delete account $account config $key with public=$public ($!)"); } elsif (defined $value) { # setter mode unlink($filename); # remove any previous value my $fh; if (!sysopen($fh, $filename, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_EXCL)) # sysopen: avoid symlink attacks { return R('ERR_CANNOT_OPEN_FILE', msg => "Error while trying to open file $filename for write ($!)"); } print $fh $value; close($fh); chmod 0644, $filename; if ($public) { # need to chown to allowkeeper:allowkeeper my (undef, undef, $allowkeeperuid, $allowkeepergid) = getpwnam("allowkeeper"); chown $allowkeeperuid, $allowkeepergid, $filename; } return R('OK'); } else { # getter mode my $fh; if (!open($fh, '<', $filename)) { return R('ERR_CANNOT_OPEN_FILE', msg => "Error while trying to open file $filename for read ($!)"); } my $value = do { local $/; <$fh> }; close($fh); return R('OK', value => $value); } return R('ERR_INTERNAL'); # we shouldn't be here } my %_plugin_config_cache; sub plugin_config { my %params = @_; my $plugin = $params{'plugin'}; my $key = $params{'key'}; my $fnret; if (my @missingParameters = grep { not defined $params{$_} } qw{ plugin }) { local $" = ', '; return R('ERR_MISSING_PARAMETER', msg => "Missing @missingParameters on plugin_config() call"); } if (not exists $_plugin_config_cache{$plugin}) { # sanitize $plugin if ($plugin !~ /^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{1,128}$/) { return R('ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER', msg => "Invalid parameter for plugin"); } # if not in cache, load it my %config; # 1of2) load from builtin config (plugin.json) my $pluginPath = $OVH::Bastion::BASEPATH . '/bin/plugin'; undef $fnret; foreach my $pluginDir (qw{ open restricted group-gatekeeper group-aclkeeper group-owner admin }) { if (-e "$pluginPath/$pluginDir/$plugin") { $fnret = OVH::Bastion::load_configuration_file(file => "$pluginPath/$pluginDir/$plugin.json"); if ($fnret->err eq 'KO_CANNOT_OPEN_FILE') { # chmod error, don't fail silently warn_syslog("Can't read configuration file '$pluginPath/$pluginDir/$plugin.json'"); return R('ERR_CONFIGURATION_ERROR', msg => "Configuration file has improper rights, ask your sysadmin!"); } last; } } if ($fnret && ref $fnret->value eq 'HASH') { %config = %{$fnret->value}; } # 2of2) load from /etc config (will NOT override plugin.json keys) $fnret = OVH::Bastion::load_configuration_file(file => "/etc/bastion/plugin.$plugin.conf", secure => 1); if ($fnret->err eq 'KO_CANNOT_OPEN_FILE') { # chmod error, don't fail silently warn_syslog("Can't read configuration file '/etc/bastion/plugin.$plugin.conf'"); return R('ERR_CONFIGURATION_ERROR', msg => "Configuration file has improper rights, ask your sysadmin!"); } if ($fnret && ref $fnret->value eq 'HASH') { # avoid overriding keys foreach my $key (keys %{$fnret->value}) { $config{$key} = $fnret->value->{$key} if not exists $config{$key}; } } $_plugin_config_cache{$plugin} = \%config; } # if no $key is specified, return all config return R('OK', value => $_plugin_config_cache{$plugin}) if not defined $key; # or just the requested key's value otherwise (might be undef!) return R('OK', value => $_plugin_config_cache{$plugin}{$key}); } sub group_config { my %params = @_; my $group = $params{'group'}; my $key = $params{'key'}; my $value = $params{'value'}; # only for setter my $secret = $params{'secret'}; # only for setter, if true, only group members can read this config key my $delete = $params{'delete'}; # only for setter, if true, delete the config param entirely my $fnret; if (my @missingParameters = grep { not defined $params{$_} } qw{ group key }) { local $" = ', '; return R('ERR_MISSING_PARAMETER', msg => "Missing @missingParameters on group_config() call"); } if ($key !~ /^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$/) { return R('ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER', msg => "Invalid configuration key asked ($key)"); } $fnret = OVH::Bastion::is_valid_group_and_existing(group => $group, groupType => 'key'); $fnret or return $fnret; $group = $fnret->value->{'group'}; my $shortGroup = $fnret->value->{'shortGroup'}; my $filename = "/home/$group/config.$key"; if ($delete) { return R('OK') if (unlink($filename)); return R('ERR_UNLINK_FAILED', msg => "Couldn't delete group $shortGroup config $key ($!)"); } elsif (defined $value) { # setter mode unlink($filename); # remove any previous value my $fh; if (!sysopen($fh, $filename, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_EXCL)) # sysopen: avoid symlink attacks { return R('ERR_CANNOT_OPEN_FILE', msg => "Error while trying to open file $filename for write ($!)"); } print $fh $value; close($fh); chmod($secret ? 0640 : 0644), $filename; # need to chown to group:group my (undef, undef, $groupuid, $groupgid) = getpwnam($group); chown $groupuid, $groupgid, $filename; return R('OK'); } else { # getter mode my $fh; if (!open($fh, '<', $filename)) { return R('ERR_CANNOT_OPEN_FILE', msg => "Error while trying to open file $filename for read ($!)"); } { local $/ = undef; $value = <$fh>; } close($fh); return R('OK', value => $value); } return R('ERR_INTERNAL'); # we shouldn't be here } sub json_load { my %params = @_; # Check params my $file = $params{'file'}; my $keywords = $params{'keywords'} || []; if (!$file) { return R('KO_MISSING_PARAMETER', msg => "Missing 'file' parameter"); } # Load file content my $rawConf; if (open(my $fh, '<', $file)) { foreach (<$fh>) { chomp; s/^((?:(?:[^"]*"){2}|[^"]*)*[^"]*)\/\/.*$/$1/; # Remove comment that start with // /^\s*#/ and next; # Comment start with ^# $rawConf .= $_ . "\n"; } close $fh; } else { # either the file doesn't exist, or we don't have the right to read it. if (-e $file) { return R('KO_CANNOT_OPEN_FILE', msg => "Couldn't open specified file ($!)"); } else { return R('KO_NO_SUCH_FILE', msg => "File '$file' doesn't exist"); } } # Clean file content # Remove block comment $rawConf =~ s/\/\*\*.+?\*\///sgm; # Add {} if needed if ($rawConf !~ /^\{.*\}[\n]?$/sm) { $rawConf = "{\n" . $rawConf . "}\n"; } # # Parse file content # my $configuration; eval { $configuration = decode_json($rawConf); }; if ($@) { return R('KO_INVALID_JSON', msg => "Error while trying to decode JSON configuration from file: $@"); } # Check that each given keywords are defined my @missing = map { defined($configuration->{$_}) ? () : $_ } keys %$configuration; if (@missing) { return R( 'KO_MISSING_CONFIGURATION', value => $configuration, msg => "Configuration is lacking mandatory keywords: " . join(', ', @missing) ); } return R('OK', value => $configuration); } 1;