# vim: set filetype=perl ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 et: package OVH::Bastion; use common::sense; my $_sysinfo_cache; sub sysinfo { if (not defined $_sysinfo_cache) { my $fnret = OVH::Bastion::execute(cmd => [qw{ uname -sr }]); if ($fnret and $fnret->value and $fnret->value->{'stdout'}) { my ($system, $release) = split(/ /, $fnret->value->{'stdout'}->[0]); my $flavor = 'unknown'; $flavor = 'debian' if -f "/etc/debian_version"; $flavor = 'redhat' if -f "/etc/redhat-release"; $_sysinfo_cache = R('OK', value => {system => $system, release => $release, flavor => $flavor}); } else { $_sysinfo_cache = R('OK', value => {system => 'unknown', release => 'unknown', flavor => 'unknown'}); } } return $_sysinfo_cache; } sub is_linux { return R($^O eq 'linux' ? 'OK' : 'KO'); } sub is_debian { return R(is_linux && sysinfo()->value->{'flavor'} eq 'debian' ? 'OK' : 'KO'); } sub is_redhat { return R(is_linux && sysinfo()->value->{'flavor'} eq 'redhat' ? 'OK' : 'KO'); } sub is_bsd { return R($^O =~ /bsd$/ ? 'OK' : 'KO'); } sub is_freebsd { return R($^O eq 'freebsd' ? 'OK' : 'KO'); } sub is_openbsd { return R($^O eq 'openbsd' ? 'OK' : 'KO'); } sub is_netbsd { return R($^O eq 'netbsd' ? 'OK' : 'KO'); } sub has_acls { return R((is_linux || is_freebsd) ? 'OK' : 'KO'); } # Helper to launch an external command that needs to modify /etc/passwd or /etc/group, such as useradd, # userdel, groupadd, groupdel, usermod, groupmod, etc. and watch for it failing because of too much # parallelism (as they try to lock those files). Depending on the versions, it either exits with an exit # code of 10 (and in more rare occasions, 1), with an error message saying that it couldn't lock /etc/passwd # or /etc/group and you should retry later. Detect that and retry silently a few times. # # We always return an OVH::Bastion::execute() result sub _sys_autoretry { my %params = @_; my $fnret; for (my $try = 1 ; $try < 10 ; $try++) { $fnret = OVH::Bastion::execute(%params); if ( ($fnret->value && $fnret->value->{'sysret'} == 10) || ($fnret->value && $fnret->value->{'stdout'} && grep { /retry|lock/i } @{$fnret->value->{'stdout'}}) || ($fnret->value && $fnret->value->{'stderr'} && grep { /retry|lock/i } @{$fnret->value->{'stderr'}})) { # too much concurrency, sleep a bit and retry warn_syslog('Too much concurrency on try ' . $try . " running command '" . join(" ", @{$params{'cmd'} || []}) . "', " . $fnret->msg . ", stdout: '" . (($fnret->value && $fnret->value->{'stdout'}) ? $fnret->value->{'stdout'}->[0] : '(null)') . "'" . ", stderr: '" . (($fnret->value && $fnret->value->{'stderr'}) ? $fnret->value->{'stderr'}->[0] : '(null)') . "'"); osh_info("This is taking longer than usually, please be patient..."); sleep(rand(5) + (5 * $try)); } else { # any other error or success, return return $fnret; } } # failed too many times, log the detailed error in our system log, warn the user and return what we have warn_syslog('Too much concurrency running command "' . join(" ", $params{'cmd'}) . '", returned ' . $fnret->msg . ', gave up'); warn "Couldn't apply modifications (concurrency problem?)"; return $fnret; } sub sys_useradd { my %params = @_; my $user = delete $params{'user'}; if (not $user) { return R('ERR_MISSING_PARAMETER', msg => "Missing mandatory parameter 'user'"); } my @cmd; if (exists $params{'uid'}) { push @cmd, ('-u', delete $params{'uid'}); } if (exists $params{'gid'}) { push @cmd, ('-g', delete $params{'gid'}); } if (exists $params{'home'}) { push @cmd, ('-d', delete $params{'home'}); } if (exists $params{'comment'}) { push @cmd, ('-c', delete $params{'comment'}); } if (exists $params{'shell'}) { my $shell = delete $params{'shell'}; if (not defined $shell) { # we want a shell that exists and prevents login LOOP: foreach my $dir (qw{ /usr/sbin /usr/bin /sbin /bin }) { foreach my $exe (qw{ nologin false }) { if (-x "$dir/$exe") { $shell = "$dir/$exe"; last LOOP; } } } } push @cmd, ('-s', $shell); } if (is_freebsd()) { @cmd = ('pw', 'useradd', '-n', $user, '-m', @cmd); } elsif (is_bsd()) { # at least obsd and fbsd # to avoid this useradd msg: # useradd: Password `*' is invalid: setting it to `*************' @cmd = ('useradd', '-p', '*************', '-m', @cmd, $user); } else { @cmd = ('useradd', '-p', '*', '-m', @cmd, $user); } $params{'cmd'} = \@cmd; $params{'must_succeed'} = 1; return _sys_autoretry(%params); } sub sys_groupadd { my %params = @_; my $group = delete $params{'group'}; if (not $group) { return R('ERR_MISSING_PARAMETER', msg => "Missing mandatory parameter 'group'"); } my @cmd; if ($params{'gid'}) { push @cmd, ('-g', delete $params{'gid'}); } if (is_freebsd()) { @cmd = ('pw', 'groupadd', '-n', $group, @cmd); } else { @cmd = ('groupadd', @cmd, $group); } $params{'cmd'} = \@cmd; $params{'must_succeed'} = 1; return _sys_autoretry(%params); } sub sys_userdel { my %params = @_; my $user = delete $params{'user'}; if (not $user) { return R('ERR_MISSING_PARAMETER', msg => "Missing mandatory parameter 'user'"); } my @cmd; if (is_freebsd()) { @cmd = ('pw', 'userdel', '-n', $user,); } elsif (is_netbsd() || is_openbsd()) { # main user group is never auto-removed, so we'll do it but only # if the name of the user is the same than the name of its primary group my ($fnret, $maingroup); $fnret = OVH::Bastion::execute(cmd => ['id', '-g', '-n', $user], %params); if ($fnret->err eq 'OK' and $fnret->value and $fnret->value->{'stdout'}) { $maingroup = $fnret->value->{'stdout'}->[0]; } if (defined $maingroup && $user eq $maingroup) { # okay, maingroup == user, so delete the user first, then the corresponding group $fnret = OVH::Bastion::execute(cmd => ['userdel', $user], %params); if ($fnret->err eq 'OK') { @cmd = ('groupdel', $user); } } else { # hmm, either the main group is not the same as the user, or we can't tell, # so just delete the user anyway @cmd = ('userdel', $user); } } else { @cmd = ('userdel', $user); } $params{'cmd'} = \@cmd; $params{'must_succeed'} = 1; return _sys_autoretry(%params); } sub sys_groupdel { my %params = @_; my $group = delete $params{'group'}; if (not $group) { return R('ERR_MISSING_PARAMETER', msg => "Missing mandatory parameter 'group'"); } my @cmd; if (is_freebsd()) { @cmd = ('pw', 'groupdel', '-n', $group,); } else { @cmd = ('groupdel', $group); } $params{'cmd'} = \@cmd; $params{'must_succeed'} = 1; return _sys_autoretry(%params); } sub sys_addmembertogroup { my %params = @_; my $user = delete $params{'user'}; my $group = delete $params{'group'}; if (not $group or not $user) { return R('ERR_MISSING_PARAMETER', msg => "Missing mandatory parameter 'group' or 'user'"); } if (is_openbsd() || is_netbsd()) { my $fnret = OVH::Bastion::execute(cmd => ["groups", $user], must_succeed => 1); my @stdout = @{$fnret->value->{'stdout'} || []}; my @cur = split(/ /, $stdout[0]); return R('ERR_SYSTEM_LIMIT_REACHED') if @cur >= 16; } my @cmd; if (is_freebsd()) { @cmd = ('pw', 'groupmod', '-n', $group, '-m', $user); } elsif (is_bsd()) { # openbsd and netbsd: ok @cmd = ('usermod', '-G', $group, $user); } else { @cmd = ('usermod', '-a', '-G', $group, $user); } $params{'cmd'} = \@cmd; $params{'must_succeed'} = 1; return _sys_autoretry(%params); } sub sys_delmemberfromgroup { my %params = @_; my $user = delete $params{'user'}; my $group = delete $params{'group'}; if (not $group or not $user) { return R('ERR_MISSING_PARAMETER', msg => "Missing mandatory parameter 'group' or 'user'"); } my @cmd; delete $params{'cmd'}; # security if (is_freebsd()) { @cmd = ('pw', 'groupmod', '-n', $group, '-d', $user); } elsif (is_debian()) { @cmd = ('deluser', $user, $group); } elsif (is_openbsd() || is_linux()) { # geez. those guys are complicated. # first get the list of all groups user is a member of my $fnret = OVH::Bastion::execute(cmd => ['id', '-G', '-n', $user], %params); if ($fnret->err eq 'OK' and $fnret->value and $fnret->value->{'stdout'}) { my %groups = map { $_ => 1 } split(/ /, $fnret->value->{'stdout'}->[0]); # remove the group we want to remove from the list delete $groups{$group}; # we must also remove the primary group from the list # because -S (openbsd) / -G (linux) is only for secondary groups $fnret = OVH::Bastion::execute(cmd => ['id', '-g', '-n', $user], %params); if ($fnret->err eq 'OK' and $fnret->value and $fnret->value->{'stdout'}) { my $primary = $fnret->value->{'stdout'}->[0]; delete $groups{$primary}; # now prepare the 3rd and last command @cmd = ('usermod', is_openbsd() ? '-S' : '-G', join(',', keys %groups), $user); } else { return R('ERR_INTERNAL', msg => "Couldn't remove user from group (unknown primary group)"); } } else { return R('ERR_INTERNAL', msg => "Couldn't remove user from group (couldn't get group list)"); } } elsif (is_netbsd()) { # NetBSD has no way of removing a user from a group without # manually patching /etc/group... eew :( my $contents; if (open(my $fh, '<', '/etc/group')) { while (<$fh>) { if (/^\Q$group\E:/) { s/([:,])\Q$user\E(,|$)/$1/; s/,$//; } $contents .= $_; } close($fh); if (open(my $fh, '>', '/etc/group')) { print $fh $contents; close($fh); } else { return R('ERR_INTERNAL', msg => "Couldn't open group file for writing ($!)"); } } else { return R('ERR_INTERNAL', msg => "Couldn't open group file for reading ($!)"); } return R('OK'); # we're done, we've no other command to execute } $params{'cmd'} = \@cmd; $params{'must_succeed'} = 1; return _sys_autoretry(%params); } sub sys_changepassword { my %params = @_; my $user = delete $params{'user'}; my $password = delete $params{'password'}; if (!$user || !$password) { return R('ERR_MISSING_PARAMETER', msg => "Missing mandatory parameter 'user' or 'password'"); } my @cmd; my $stdin_str; if (is_linux()) { @cmd = ('chpasswd'); $stdin_str = "$user:$password"; } elsif (is_freebsd()) { @cmd = ('pw', 'usermod', $user, '-h', '0'); $stdin_str = $password; } elsif (is_openbsd() || is_netbsd()) { my $fnret; if (is_openbsd()) { $fnret = OVH::Bastion::execute(cmd => ["encrypt"], stdin_str => $password, must_succeed => 1); } else { # netbsd $fnret = OVH::Bastion::execute(cmd => ["pwhash", $password], must_succeed => 1); } $fnret or return $fnret; my ($encrypted) = $fnret->value->{'stdout'}->[0] =~ m{^([\$a-zA-Z0-9./]+)}; @cmd = ('usermod', '-p', $encrypted, $user); } else { return R('ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED'); } $params{'stdin_str'} = $stdin_str if defined $stdin_str; $params{'cmd'} = \@cmd; $params{'must_succeed'} = 1; my $fnret = _sys_autoretry(%params); delete $ENV{'EDITOR'}; return $fnret; } sub sys_neutralizepassword { my %params = @_; my $user = delete $params{'user'}; if (!$user) { return R('ERR_MISSING_PARAMETER', msg => "Missing mandatory parameter 'user'"); } my @cmd; my $stdin_str; if (is_linux()) { @cmd = ('chpasswd', '-e'); $stdin_str = "$user:*"; } elsif (is_freebsd()) { @cmd = ('chpass', '-p', '*', $user); } elsif (is_openbsd() || is_netbsd()) { @cmd = ('usermod', '-p', '*' x 13, $user); } else { return R('ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED'); } $params{'stdin_str'} = $stdin_str if defined $stdin_str; $params{'cmd'} = \@cmd; $params{'must_succeed'} = 1; my $fnret = _sys_autoretry(%params); delete $ENV{'EDITOR'}; return $fnret; } sub sys_setpasswordpolicy { my %params = @_; my $user = delete $params{'user'}; my $expireDays = delete $params{'expireDays'}; my $inactiveDays = delete $params{'inactiveDays'}; my $minDays = delete $params{'minDays'}; my $maxDays = delete $params{'maxDays'}; my $warnDays = delete $params{'warnDays'}; if (!$user) { return R('ERR_MISSING_PARAMETER', msg => "Missing mandatory parameter 'user' or 'password'"); } my @cmd; if (is_linux()) { @cmd = ('chage'); if (defined $expireDays) { require POSIX; push @cmd, '--expiredate', POSIX::strftime("%Y-%m-%d", localtime(time() + 86400 * $expireDays)); } push @cmd, '--inactive', $inactiveDays if defined $inactiveDays; push @cmd, '--mindays', $minDays if defined $minDays; push @cmd, '--maxdays', $maxDays if defined $maxDays; push @cmd, '--warndays', $warnDays if defined $warnDays; push @cmd, $user; if (@cmd == 1) { return R('ERR_MISSING_PARAMETER', msg => "No password policy to set"); } } else { return R('OK_IGNORED'); } $params{'cmd'} = \@cmd; $params{'must_succeed'} = 1; return _sys_autoretry(%params); } sub sys_getpasswordinfo { my %params = @_; my $user = delete $params{'user'}; my $fnret; my %ret; if (is_linux()) { $fnret = OVH::Bastion::execute(cmd => ['getent', 'shadow', $user]); $fnret or return $fnret; return R('KO_NOT_FOUND') if ($fnret->value->{'sysret'} != 0); return R('ERR_CANNOT_PARSE_SHADOW') if ($fnret->value->{'stdout'}->[0] !~ m{^([^:]*):([^:]*):([^:]*):([^:]*):([^:]*):([^:]*):([^:]*):([^:]*):([^:]*)$}); %ret = (user => $1, password => $2, epoch_changed_days => $3, min_days => $4, max_days => $5, warn_days => $6, inactive_days => $7, epoch_disabled_days => $8); } elsif (is_bsd()) { # bsd has nothing to get "shadow" info without reading it ourselves... if (open(my $masterfd, '<', '/etc/master.passwd')) { my @lines = <$masterfd>; close($masterfd); my @userlines = grep { /^\Q$user\E:/ } @lines; return R('KO_NOT_FOUND') if (@userlines != 1); return R('ERR_CANNOT_PARSE_SHADOW') if ($userlines[0] !~ m{^([^:]*):([^:]*)}); %ret = (user => $1, password => $2); } else { return R('ERR_CANNOT_READ_FILE', msg => "Couldn't open /etc/master.passwd: $!"); } } if ($ret{'password'} =~ /^[*!]/) { $ret{'password'} = 'locked'; } elsif (length($ret{'password'}) == 0) { $ret{'password'} = 'empty'; } else { $ret{'password'} = 'set'; } require POSIX; $ret{'date_changed_timestamp'} = 86400 * delete($ret{'epoch_changed_days'}) + 0; $ret{'date_changed'} = $ret{'date_changed_timestamp'} ? POSIX::strftime("%Y-%m-%d", localtime($ret{'date_changed_timestamp'})) : undef; $ret{'min_days'} += 0; $ret{'max_days'} += 0; $ret{'max_days'} = -1 if $ret{'max_days'} >= 9999; $ret{'warn_days'} += 0; $ret{'inactive_days'} = -1 if $ret{'inactive_days'} eq ''; $ret{'inactive_days'} += 0; $ret{'date_disabled_timestamp'} = 86400 * delete($ret{'epoch_disabled_days'}) + 0; $ret{'date_disabled'} = $ret{'date_disabled_timestamp'} ? POSIX::strftime("%Y-%m-%d", localtime($ret{'date_disabled_timestamp'})) : undef; return R('OK', value => \%ret); } sub sys_getsudoersfolder { my $sudoers_dir = "/etc/sudoers.d"; if (-d "/usr/local/etc/sudoers.d" && !-d "/etc/sudoers.d") { $sudoers_dir = "/usr/local/etc/sudoers.d"; # FreeBSD } if (-d "/usr/pkg/etc/sudoers.d" && !-d "/etc/sudoers.d") { $sudoers_dir = "/usr/pkg/etc/sudoers.d"; # NetBSD } return $sudoers_dir; } sub sys_setfacl { my %params = @_; my $default = $params{'default'}; my $clear = $params{'clear'}; my $delete = $params{'delete'}; my $target = $params{'target'}; my $perms = $params{'perms'}; return R('OK_IGNORED') if (!is_linux && !is_freebsd); my @cmd; my $fnret; # setfacl +X doesn't exist under FreeBSD $perms =~ s/X/x/g if is_freebsd(); if ($default && !$delete && !$clear && is_freebsd()) { # FreeBSD refuses to set a default ACL concerning a user/group that is different # from the owner if there's not already a default ACL set for the owner/group/other # so silently set one to the same perms that the current UNIX perms of the target when this is the case $fnret = OVH::Bastion::execute(cmd => ['getfacl', '-d', '-q', $target], must_succeed => 1, noisy_stderr => 1); $fnret or return R('ERR_GETFACL_FAILED_FREEBSD_1', msg => "Couldn't get the current default ACL"); if (@{$fnret->value->{'stdout'}} == 0) { # no default acl set, we must set one, to do this, get the current (non-ACL) perms $fnret = OVH::Bastion::execute(cmd => ['getfacl', '-q', $target], must_succeed => 1, noisy_stderr => 1); $fnret or return R('ERR_GETFACL_FAILED_FREEBSD_2', msg => "Couldn't get the current ACL"); my @perms; foreach (@{$fnret->value->{'stdout'}}) { chomp; /^((user|group|other)::...)$/ or next; push @perms, $1; # untaint } if (@perms != 3) { return R('ERR_GETFACL_PARSE_FAILED_FREEBSD', msg => "Couldn't parse getfacl output to set prerequisite default ACL"); } # apply the default ACL @cmd = ('setfacl', '-d', '-m', join(',', @perms), $target); $fnret = OVH::Bastion::execute(cmd => \@cmd, must_succeed => 1, noisy_stderr => 1); $fnret or return R('ERR_SETFACL_FAILED_FREEBSD', msg => "Couldn't set the prerequisite default ACL"); } } @cmd = ('setfacl'); if ($default) { push @cmd, '-d' } if ($clear) { push @cmd, '-b' } if ($delete) { push @cmd, '-x' } elsif ($perms) { push @cmd, '-m' } push @cmd, $perms if $perms; push @cmd, $target; $fnret = OVH::Bastion::execute(cmd => \@cmd, must_succeed => 1, noisy_stderr => 1); $fnret or return R('ERR_SETFACL_FAILED', msg => "Couldn't set the requested ACL"); return R('OK'); } 1;