# vim: set filetype=perl ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 et: package OVH::Bastion; use common::sense; use File::Temp; use Fcntl qw{ :mode :DEFAULT }; sub verify_piv { my %params = @_; my $key = $params{'key'}; my $keyCertificate = $params{'keyCertificate'}; my $attestationCertificate = $params{'attestationCertificate'}; my $fnret; $fnret = OVH::Bastion::execute(must_succeed => 1, cmd => ['ovh-yubico-piv-checker', $key, $attestationCertificate, $keyCertificate]); if (!$fnret || $fnret->value->{'sysret'} != 0) { return R('KO_INVALID_PIV', "This SSH key failed PIV verification"); } my $keyPivInfo; eval { require JSON; $keyPivInfo = JSON::decode_json($fnret->value->{'stdout'}->[0]); }; return R('OK', value => $keyPivInfo); # keyPivInfo can be undef if JSON decode failed, but the key is still a valid one } sub get_authorized_keys_from_file { my %params = @_; my $file = $params{'file'}; my $includeInvalid = $params{'includeInvalid'}; # also include keys that fail the sanity check my $includePivDisabled = $params{'includePivDisabled'}; # also include keys that are commented with # NOTPIV my $fnret; my @result; return R('ERR_MISSING_PARAMETER', msg => "Missing argument 'file'") if not $file; if (open(my $fh, '<', $file)) { my $i = 0; my $state = 0; my $pivAttestationCertificate; my $pivKeyCertificate; my $info; while (my $line = <$fh>) { $i++; chomp $line; next if $line =~ /^\s*$/; # ignore empty lines if ($line =~ /^# INFO: (.+)/) { $info = $1; next; } elsif ($line eq '# PIV ATTESTATION CERTIFICATE:') { $state = 1; next; } elsif ($line eq '# PIV KEY CERTIFICATE:') { $state = 2; next; } elsif ($line =~ /^# (.+)/ && $state == 1) { # state 1: we're currently reading an attestation cert $pivAttestationCertificate .= $1 . "\n"; next; } elsif ($line =~ /^# (.+)/ && $state == 2) { # state 2: we're currently reading a key cert $pivKeyCertificate .= $1 . "\n"; next; } $state = 0; my $pivDisabled = 0; if ($includePivDisabled && $line =~ /^# NOTPIV (.+)/) { $line = $1; $pivDisabled = 1; } next if $line =~ /^\s*#/; # ignore comments $fnret = OVH::Bastion::get_ssh_pub_key_info(pubKey => $line, way => 'ingress'); if (grep { $fnret->err eq $_ } qw{ KO_NOT_A_KEY KO_PRIVATE_KEY ERR_INTERNAL }) { next unless $includeInvalid; $fnret->{'value'} = {} if not ref $fnret->{'value'} eq 'HASH'; } next if ($fnret->err eq 'KO_NOT_A_KEY' && !$fnret->value->{'line'}); # skip empty lines my $key = $fnret->value; $key->{'err'} = $fnret->err; $key->{'index'} = $i; $key->{'pivAttestationCertificate'} = $pivAttestationCertificate if $pivAttestationCertificate; $key->{'pivKeyCertificate'} = $pivKeyCertificate if $pivKeyCertificate; $key->{'info'} = $info if $info; if ($pivAttestationCertificate && $pivKeyCertificate) { $fnret = OVH::Bastion::verify_piv(key => $key->{'line'}, attestationCertificate => $pivAttestationCertificate, keyCertificate => $pivKeyCertificate); $key->{'isPiv'} = ($fnret ? 1 : 0); $key->{'pivInfo'} = $fnret->value if $fnret; } if ($includePivDisabled && $pivDisabled) { $key->{'pivDisabled'} = 1; } push @result, $key; undef $info; undef $pivAttestationCertificate; undef $pivKeyCertificate; } close($fh); } else { return R('ERR_CANNOT_OPEN_FILE', msg => "Couldn't open $file ($!)"); } return R('OK', value => \@result); } sub put_authorized_keys_to_file { my %params = @_; my $file = $params{'file'}; my $data = $params{'data'}; my $account = $params{'account'}; # we need it to apply the proper rights my $fnret; return R('ERR_MISSING_PARAMETER', msg => "Missing argument 'file'") if not $file; return R('ERR_MISSING_PARAMETER', msg => "Missing argument 'data'") if not $data; if (ref $data ne 'ARRAY') { return R('ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER', msg => "Argument 'data' should be an array"); } my $newFile = $file . ".new"; if (open(my $fh, '>', $newFile)) { foreach my $key (@$data) { if ($key->{'info'}) { print $fh "# INFO: " . $key->{'info'} . "\n"; } if ($key->{'pivAttestationCertificate'}) { my $toWrite = "PIV ATTESTATION CERTIFICATE:\n"; $toWrite .= $key->{'pivAttestationCertificate'}; $toWrite =~ s/^/# /mg; chomp $toWrite; print $fh $toWrite . "\n"; } if ($key->{'pivKeyCertificate'}) { my $toWrite = "PIV KEY CERTIFICATE:\n"; $toWrite .= $key->{'pivKeyCertificate'}; $toWrite =~ s/^/# /mg; chomp $toWrite; print $fh $toWrite . "\n"; } print $fh $key->{'line'} . "\n\n"; } close($fh); } else { return R('ERR_CANNOT_OPEN_FILE', msg => "Couldn't open $file ($!)"); } if ($account) { my (undef, undef, $uid, $gid) = getpwnam($account); chown $uid, $gid, $newFile; } chmod 0644, $newFile; if (!rename $file, $file . '.backup-' . time() . '-' . $$) { return R('ERR_RENAME_FAILED', msg => "Couldn't rename old authorized keys file, aborting"); } if (!rename $newFile, $file) { return R('ERR_RENAME_FAILED', msg => "Couldn't replace authorized keys file, account left in a locked-out state!"); } return R('OK'); } sub get_ssh_pub_key_info { my %params = @_; my $pubKey = $params{'pubKey'}; my $file = $params{'file'}; my $noexec = $params{'noexec'}; my $way = $params{'way'}; my $fnret; if (not $way) { return R('ERR_MISSING_PARAMETER', msg => "Missing argument way in get_ssh_pub_key_info"); } if ($way ne 'ingress' && $way ne 'egress') { return R('ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER', msg => "Expected ingress or egress for argument way in get_ssh_pub_key_info"); } $way = ucfirst($way); $pubKey =~ s/[\r\n]//g; if ($file) { if (open(my $fh, '<', $file)) { $pubKey = <$fh>; close($fh); } else { return R('ERR_CANNOT_OPEN_FILE', msg => "Couldn't open specified file ($!)"); } } # some little sanity check if ($pubKey =~ /PRIVATE KEY/) { # n00b check return R('KO_PRIVATE_KEY'); } if ($pubKey !~ m{^\s*((\S+)\s+)?(ssh-dss|ssh-rsa|ecdsa-sha\d+-nistp\d+|ssh-ed\d+)\s+([a-zA-Z0-9/=+]+)(\s+(.{1,128}))?$} || length($pubKey) > 3000) { return R('KO_NOT_A_KEY', value => {line => $pubKey}); } my ($prefix, $typecode, $base64, $comment) = ($2, $3, $4, $6); my $line = "$typecode $base64"; $prefix = '' if not defined $prefix; $line .= " " . $comment if $comment; $line = $prefix . " " . $line if $prefix; my @fromList; if ($prefix =~ /^from=["']([^ "']+)/) { @fromList = split /,/, $1; } my %return = ( prefix => $prefix, typecode => $typecode, base64 => $base64, comment => $comment, line => $line, fromList => \@fromList, ); # put that in a tempfile for ssh-keygen inspection if (not $noexec) { my $fh = File::Temp->new(UNLINK => 1); my $filename = $fh->filename; print {$fh} $typecode . " " . $base64; close($fh); $fnret = OVH::Bastion::execute(cmd => ['ssh-keygen', '-l', '-f', $filename]); if ($fnret->is_err || not $fnret->value || ($fnret->value->{'sysret'} != 0 && $fnret->value->{'sysret'} != 1)) { # sysret == 1 means ssh-keygen didn't recognize this key, handled below. return R('ERR_SSH_KEYGEN_FAILED', msg => "Couldn't read the fingerprint of $filename (" . $fnret->msg . ")"); } my $sshkeygen; if ($fnret->err eq 'OK') { $sshkeygen = $fnret->value->{'stdout'}->[0]; chomp $sshkeygen; } =cut 2048 01:c0:37:5e:b4:bf:00:b6:ef:d3:65:a7:5c:60:b1:81 john@doe (RSA) 521 af:84:cd:70:34:64:ca:51:b2:17:1a:85:3b:53:2e:52 john@doe (ECDSA) 1024 c0:4d:f7:bf:55:1f:95:59:be:7e:50:47:e4:81:c3:6a john@doe (DSA) 256 SHA256:Yggd7VRRbbivxkdVwrdt0HpqKNylMK91nNIU+RxndTI john@doe (ED25519) =cut if (defined $sshkeygen and $sshkeygen =~ /^(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+(.+)\s+\(([A-Z0-9]+)\)$/) { my ($size, $fingerprint, $comment2, $family) = ($1, $2, $3, $4); $return{'size'} = $size + 0; $return{'fingerprint'} = $fingerprint; $return{'family'} = $family; my @blacklistfiles = qw{ DSA-1024 DSA-2048 RSA-1024 RSA-2048 RSA-4096 }; if (grep { "$family-$size" eq $_ } @blacklistfiles) { # check for vulnkeys my $file = '/usr/share/ssh/blacklist.' . $family . '-' . $size; if (-r $file && open(my $fh_blacklist, '<', $file)) { my $shortfp = $fingerprint; $shortfp =~ s/://g; $shortfp =~ s/^.{12}//; #print "looking for shortfingerprint=$shortfp...\n"; while (<$fh_blacklist>) { /^\Q$shortfp\E$/ or next; close($fh_blacklist); return R('KO_VULNERABLE_KEY', value => \%return); } close($fh_blacklist); } } # check allowed algos and key size my $allowedSshAlgorithms = OVH::Bastion::config("allowed${way}SshAlgorithms"); my $minimumRsaKeySize = OVH::Bastion::config("minimum${way}RsaKeySize"); if ($allowedSshAlgorithms && not grep { lc($return{'family'}) eq $_ } @{$allowedSshAlgorithms->value}) { return R('KO_FORBIDDEN_ALGORITHM', value => \%return); } if ($minimumRsaKeySize && lc($return{'family'}) eq 'rsa' && $minimumRsaKeySize->value > $return{'size'}) { return R('KO_KEY_SIZE_TOO_SMALL', value => \%return); } return R('OK', value => \%return); } else { return R('KO_NOT_A_KEY', value => \%return); } } else { # noexec is set, caller doesn't want us to call ssh-keygen return R('OK', value => \%return); } return R('ERR_INTERNAL', value => \%return); } sub is_valid_public_key { my %params = @_; my $pubKey = $params{'pubKey'}; my $noexec = $params{'noexec'}; # don't run ssh-keygen in get_ssh_pub_key_info my $way = $params{'way'}; my $fnret = R('KO_NOT_A_KEY', msg => "This is not a key", silent => 1); if (defined $pubKey) { $pubKey =~ tr/\r\n//d; $fnret = OVH::Bastion::get_ssh_pub_key_info(pubKey => $pubKey, noexec => $noexec, way => $way); } if ($fnret->err eq 'KO_PRIVATE_KEY') { # n00b check $fnret->{'msg'} = <err eq 'KO_NOT_A_KEY') { $fnret->{'msg'} = <= 2048 bits) and if supported by the OS, ECDSA and Ed25519. EOS } elsif ($fnret->err eq 'KO_VULNERABLE_KEY') { $fnret->{'msg'} = <err eq 'KO_KEY_SIZE_TOO_SMALL') { $fnret->{'msg'} = "This is too small. And sorry, but, yes, size DOES matter. Please re-generate a bigger key."; } elsif ($fnret->value && $fnret->value->{'family'} eq 'DSA') { $fnret->{'msg'} = "Wait, DSA key ? Seriously ? Hello, 90's are over ! Please re-generate a bigger key."; } elsif ($fnret->err eq 'KO_FORBIDDEN_ALGORITHM') { $fnret->{'msg'} = "This key generation algorithm has been disabled on this bastion, please use another one."; } elsif (not $fnret) { $fnret->{'msg'} = "Unknown error (" . $fnret->msg . "), please report to your sysadmin."; } else { if (not grep { $fnret->value->{'family'} eq $_ } qw{ RSA ECDSA ED25519 }) { $fnret->{'err'} = 'ERR_UNKNOWN_TYPE'; $fnret->{'msg'} = "Unknown family type (" . $fnret->value->{'family'} . "), please report to your sysadmin."; } elsif (not $fnret->value->{'base64'}) { $fnret->{'err'} = 'ERR_NOT_DECODED'; $fnret->{'msg'} = "Unknown error parsing your key, please report to your sysadmin."; } else { # ok :) } } return $fnret; } sub get_from_for_user_key { my %params = @_; my $userProvidedIpList = $params{'userProvidedIpList'} || []; # arrayref my $key = $params{'key'}; my $ingressKeysFrom = OVH::Bastion::config('ingressKeysFrom'); my $ingressKeysFromAllowOverride = OVH::Bastion::config('ingressKeysFromAllowOverride'); if (not $ingressKeysFrom or not $ingressKeysFromAllowOverride) { return R('ERR_CANNOT_LOAD_CONFIGURATION'); } my @ipList = @{$ingressKeysFrom->value}; if ($ingressKeysFromAllowOverride->value and scalar @$userProvidedIpList) { @ipList = @$userProvidedIpList; } my @ipListVerified = grep { OVH::Bastion::is_valid_ip(ip => $_, allowPrefixes => 1) } @ipList; my $from = ''; if (@ipListVerified) { $from = sprintf('from="%s"', join(',', @ipListVerified)); } # if we have a $key, modify it accordingly if ($key) { $key->{'prefix'} = $from; $key->{'line'} = ($from ? $from . " " : "") . $key->{'typecode'} . " " . $key->{'base64'}; $key->{'line'} .= " " . $key->{'comment'} if $key->{'comment'}; $key->{'fromList'} = \@ipListVerified; } return R('OK', value => {from => $from, ipList => \@ipListVerified, key => $key}); } sub generate_ssh_key { my %params = @_; my $uid = $params{'uid'}; # optional, uid to chmod key to, only if i'm root my $gid = $params{'gid'}; # optional, gid to chmod key to, only if i'm root my $folder = $params{'folder'}; # required, folder to put key into my $prefix = $params{'prefix'}; # required, prefix of the key name my $name = $params{'name'}; # optional, in key comment my $algo = $params{'algo'}; # required, -t ssh-keygen param my $size = $params{'size'}; # required, -b ssh-keygen param my $passphrase = $params{'passphrase'}; # optional, passphrase to encrypt key with my $group_readable = $params{'group_readable'}; # optional, need g+r on privkey my $fnret; if (my @missingParameters = grep { not defined $params{$_} } qw{ folder prefix algo size }) { local $" = ', '; return R('ERR_MISSING_PARAMETER', msg => "Missing params @missingParameters on generate_ssh_key() call"); } if (!-d $folder) { return R('ERR_DIRECTORY_NOT_FOUND', msg => "Specified directory not found ($folder)"); } if (!-w $folder) { return R('ERR_DIRECTORY_NOT_WRITABLE', msg => "Specified directory can't be written to ($folder)"); } if ($prefix !~ /^[A-Za-z0-9_.-]{1,64}$/) { return R('ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER', msg => "Specified prefix is invalid ($prefix)"); } if ((defined $uid or defined $gid) and $< != 0) { return R('ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER', msg => "Can't specify uid or gid when not root"); } $fnret = OVH::Bastion::is_allowed_algo_and_size(algo => $algo, size => $size, way => 'egress'); $fnret or return $fnret; # Forge key $passphrase = '' if not $passphrase; $size = '' if $algo eq 'ed25519'; $name ||= $prefix; my $sshKeyName = $folder . '/id_' . $algo . $size . '_' . $prefix . '.' . time(); if (-e $sshKeyName) { HEXIT('ERR_KEY_ALREADY_EXISTS', msg => "Can't forge key, generated name already exists"); } my $bastionName = OVH::Bastion::config('bastionName'); if (!$bastionName) { return R('ERR_CANNOT_LOAD_CONFIGURATION'); } $bastionName = $bastionName->value; my @command = ('ssh-keygen'); push @command, '-t', $algo; push @command, '-b', $size if $size; push @command, '-N', $passphrase; push @command, '-f', $sshKeyName; push @command, '-C', "$name\@$bastionName:" . time(); $fnret = OVH::Bastion::execute(cmd => \@command, noisy_stderr => 1); $fnret->err eq 'OK' or return R('ERR_SSH_KEYGEN_FAILED', msg => "Error while generating group key (" . $fnret->msg . ")"); my %files = ( $sshKeyName => ($group_readable ? 0440 : 0400), $sshKeyName . '.pub' => 0444, ); while (my ($file, $chmod) = each(%files)) { if (not -e $file) { return R('ERR_SSH_KEYGEN_FAILED', msg => "Couldn't find generated key ($file)"); } chown $uid, -1, $file if defined $uid; chown -1, $gid, $file if defined $gid; chmod $chmod, $file; } return R('OK', value => {file => $sshKeyName}); } # return the list of bastion's ips sub get_bastion_ips { my %params = @_; my $fnret; my $egressKeysFrom = OVH::Bastion::config('egressKeysFrom'); if (!$egressKeysFrom) { return R('ERR_CANNOT_LOAD_CONFIGURATION'); } $egressKeysFrom = $egressKeysFrom->value; my @ips; if (not $egressKeysFrom or @$egressKeysFrom == 0) { $fnret = OVH::Bastion::execute(cmd => ['hostname', '--all-ip-addresses']); $fnret or return R('ERR_HOSTNAME_FAILED', msg => "Couldn't determine bastion IP addresses, please fix the config"); @ips = split(/\s+/, join(' ', @{$fnret->value->{'stdout'} || []})); } else { @ips = @$egressKeysFrom; } my @checkedIps = grep { OVH::Bastion::is_valid_ip(ip => $_, allowPrefixes => 1) } @ips; return R('OK', value => \@checkedIps); } my $_cache_get_supported_ssh_algorithms_list_runtime = undef; sub get_supported_ssh_algorithms_list { my %params = @_; my $way = $params{'way'}; # ingress or egress if (not $way) { return R('ERR_MISSING_PARAMETER', msg => 'Missing required argument way in get_supported_ssh_algorithms_list'); } if ($way ne 'ingress' && $way ne 'egress') { return R('ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER', msg => 'Expected way argument of ingress or egress in get_supported_ssh_algorithms_list'); } $way = ucfirst($way); # first, filter by config my $fnret = OVH::Bastion::config("allowed${way}SshAlgorithms"); $fnret or return $fnret; my @allowedList = @{$fnret->value}; # other vary, detect this by running openssh client -V my @supportedList; if (ref $_cache_get_supported_ssh_algorithms_list_runtime eq 'ARRAY') { @supportedList = @{$_cache_get_supported_ssh_algorithms_list_runtime}; } else { push @supportedList, 'rsa'; # rsa is always supported $fnret = OVH::Bastion::execute(cmd => [qw{ ssh -V }]); if ($fnret) { foreach (@{$fnret->value->{'stdout'} || []}, @{$fnret->value->{'stderr'} || []}) { if (/OpenSSH_(\d+\.\d+)/) { my $version = $1; push @supportedList, 'ecdsa' if ($version gt "5.7"); push @supportedList, 'ed25519' if ($version gt "6.5"); $_cache_get_supported_ssh_algorithms_list_runtime = \@supportedList; last; } } } } # then, take the union of both my @list; foreach my $algo (@supportedList) { push @list, $algo if grep { $_ eq $algo } @allowedList; } return R('OK', value => \@list); } sub is_allowed_algo_and_size { my %params = @_; my $algo = lc($params{'algo'}); my $size = $params{'size'}; my $way = $params{'way'}; my $fnret; if (not $algo) { return R('ERR_MISSING_PARAMETER', msg => "Missing parameter 'algo'"); } $fnret = OVH::Bastion::get_supported_ssh_algorithms_list(way => $way); $fnret or return $fnret; my @supportedList = @{$fnret->value}; if (not grep { $algo eq $_ } @supportedList) { return R('KO_NOT_SUPPORTED', msg => "The algorithm '$algo' is not supported (or disabled) for $way on this bastion"); } if ($algo eq 'rsa') { $way = ucfirst($way); $fnret = OVH::Bastion::config("minimum${way}RsaKeySize"); $fnret or return $fnret; if ($size < $fnret->value) { return R('KO_KEY_SIZE_TOO_SMALL', msg => "For the selected algorithm, minimum configured key size for $way by policy is " . $fnret->value . " bits"); } } elsif ($algo eq 'ecdsa') { if (not grep { $size eq $_ } qw{ 256 384 521 }) { return R('KO_KEY_SIZE_INVALID', msg => "For the selected algorithm, valid key sizes are 256, 384, 521"); } } elsif ($algo eq 'ed25519' and $size and $size ne 256) { return R('KO_KEY_SIZE_INVALID', msg => "For the selected algorithm, key size must be 256"); } return R('OK'); } sub is_valid_fingerprint { my %params = @_; my $fingerprint = $params{'fingerprint'}; if (not $fingerprint) { return R('ERR_MISSING_PARAMETER', msg => "Missing parameter 'fingerprint'"); } elsif ($fingerprint =~ /^(([0-9a-f]{2}:){15}[0-9a-f]{2}$)/i) { return R('OK', value => {type => 'md5', fingerprint => lc($1)}); } elsif ($fingerprint =~ /^(SHA256:[\-\/a-z0-9+=]{43})$/i) { return R('OK', value => {type => 'sha256', fingerprint => $1}); } return R('ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER', msg => "Specified fingerprint is invalid, expected a key fingerprint of the form 12:34:56:78:9a:bc:de:f0:12:34:56:78:9a:bc:de:f0 or SHA256:base64fingerprint"); } sub print_public_key { my %params = @_; my $key = $params{'key'}; my $id = $params{'id'}; my $err = $params{'err'} || 'OK'; require Term::ANSIColor; my $line = $key->{'line'}; if ($key->{'base64'}) { $line = sprintf("%s%s %s %s", $key->{'prefix'} ? $key->{'prefix'} . ' ' : '', $key->{'typecode'}, $key->{'base64'}, $key->{'comment'}); } if ($key->{'info'}) { osh_info(Term::ANSIColor::colored("info: " . $key->{'info'}, 'cyan')); } if ($key->{'isPiv'}) { osh_info( Term::ANSIColor::colored( "PIV: " . "TouchPolicy=" . $key->{'pivInfo'}{'Yubikey'}{'TouchPolicy'} . ", PinPolicy=" . $key->{'pivInfo'}{'Yubikey'}{'PinPolicy'} . ", SerialNo=" . $key->{'pivInfo'}{'Yubikey'}{'SerialNumber'} . ", Firmware=" . $key->{'pivInfo'}{'Yubikey'}{'FirmwareVersion'}, 'magenta' ) ); } osh_info( sprintf( "%s%s (%s-%d) [%s]%s", Term::ANSIColor::colored('fingerprint: ', 'green'), $key->{'fingerprint'} || 'INVALID_FINGERPRINT', $key->{'family'} || 'INVALID_FAMILY', $key->{'size'}, defined $id ? "ID = $id" : POSIX::strftime("%Y/%m/%d", localtime($key->{'mtime'})), $err eq 'OK' ? '' : ' ***<<' . $err . '>>***', ) ); osh_info(Term::ANSIColor::colored('keyline', 'red') . ' follows, please copy the *whole* line:'); print($line. "\n"); osh_info(' '); } sub account_ssh_config_get { my %params = @_; my $account = $params{'account'}; my $fnret; $fnret = OVH::Bastion::is_bastion_account_valid_and_existing(account => $account); $fnret or return $fnret; $account = $fnret->value->{'account'}; my $dir = $fnret->value->{'dir'}; # read file content. If it doesn't exist, not a problem my $sshconfig_data; if (open(my $sshconfig_fd, '<', "$dir/.ssh/config")) { local $/ = undef; $sshconfig_data = <$sshconfig_fd>; close($sshconfig_fd); # ensure we don't have any Host or Match directive. # If we do, bail out: the file has been modified manually by someone if ($sshconfig_data =~ /^\s*(Host|Match)\s/mi) { return R('ERR_FILE_LOCALLY_MODIFIED', msg => "The ssh configuration of this account has been modified manually. As we can't guarantee modifying it won't cause adverse effects, modification aborted."); } # remove empty lines & comments my @lines = grep { /./ && !/^\s*#/ } split("\n", $sshconfig_data); # lowercase all keys my %keys = map { m/^(\S+)\s+(.+)$/ ? (lc($1) => $2) : () } @lines; return R('OK_EMPTY') if !%keys; return R('OK', value => \%keys); } return R($! =~ /permission|denied/i ? 'ERR_ACCESS_DENIED' : 'OK_EMPTY'); } sub account_ssh_config_set { my %params = @_; my $account = $params{'account'}; my $key = $params{'key'}; my $value = $params{'value'}; # if undef, remove $key my $fnret; if (not defined $key) { return R('ERR_MISSING_PARAMETER', value => "Expected 'key' parameter"); } $key = lc($key); $fnret = OVH::Bastion::is_bastion_account_valid_and_existing(account => $account); $fnret or return $fnret; $account = $fnret->value->{'account'}; my $dir = $fnret->value->{'dir'}; # read file content $fnret = OVH::Bastion::account_ssh_config_get(account => $account); $fnret or return $fnret; my %keys = %{$fnret->value()}; # remove key if it already exists delete $keys{$key}; # add new key+value $keys{$key} = $value if defined $value; # write modified file. to avoid symlink attacks, remove it then reopen it with sysopen() unlink("$dir/.ssh/config"); if (sysopen(my $sshconfig_fd, "$dir/.ssh/config", O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_EXCL)) { foreach my $keyWrite (sort keys %keys) { print $sshconfig_fd $keyWrite . " " . $keys{$keyWrite} . "\n"; } close($sshconfig_fd); } else { return R('ERR_CANNOT_OPEN_FILE', msg => "Couldn't open ssh config file for write: $!"); } # ensure file is readable by everyone (and mainly the account itself) if (!chmod 0644, "$dir/.ssh/config") { return R('ERR_CANNOT_CHMOD', msg => "Couldn't ensure the ssh config file perms are correct"); } return R('OK'); } # action=enable: will comment all non-PIV keys from the account's authorized_keys2, # by calling get_authorized_keys_from_file() with the includePivDisabled param at 1, # so we also get the commented PIV keys if we already have some, then we comment all # non-PIV keys, and put them back with put_authorized_keys_to_file() # # action=disable: will uncomment all non-PIV keys from the account's authorized_keys2, # by calling get_authorized_keys_from_file() with the includePivDisabled param at 1, # so we also get the commented PIV keys, then we uncomment them all and put them back # with put_authorized_keys_to_file() sub ssh_ingress_keys_piv_apply { my %params = @_; my $account = $params{'account'}; my $action = $params{'action'}; my $fnret; if (not $action) { return R('ERR_MISSING_PARAMETER', msg => "Argument 'action' is required"); } $fnret = OVH::Bastion::is_bastion_account_valid_and_existing(account => $account); $fnret or return $fnret; $account = $fnret->value->{'account'}; my $dir = $fnret->value->{'dir'}; $fnret = OVH::Bastion::get_authorized_keys_from_file(account => $account, file => $dir . '/' . OVH::Bastion::AK_FILE(), includePivDisabled => 1); $fnret or return $fnret; my $keys = $fnret->value(); my @keysToWrite; if ($action eq 'disable') { # uncomment all commented PIV keys foreach my $key (@$keys) { if ($key->{'line'} =~ /^# NOTPIV (.+)/) { $key->{'line'} = $1; } push @keysToWrite, $key; } } elsif ($action eq 'enable') { # comment all non-PIV and non-verified PIV keys foreach my $key (@$keys) { my $line = $key->{'line'}; # remove any commented PIV marker for the verify_piv() $line =~ s/^# NOTPIV //; if ($key->{'pivAttestationCertificate'} && $key->{'pivKeyCertificate'}) { $fnret = OVH::Bastion::verify_piv(key => $line, attestationCertificate => $key->{'pivAttestationCertificate'}, keyCertificate => $key->{'pivKeyCertificate'}); if (!$fnret) { # PIV verify failed prepend with # NOTPIV $key->{'line'} = "# NOTPIV " . $line; } } else { # no certificates => not PIV, prepend with # NOTPIV $key->{'line'} = "# NOTPIV " . $line; } push @keysToWrite, $key; } } else { return R('ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER', msg => "Argument 'action' must be either 'enable' or 'disable'"); } $fnret = OVH::Bastion::put_authorized_keys_to_file(account => $account, file => $dir . '/' . OVH::Bastion::AK_FILE(), data => \@keysToWrite); $fnret or return $fnret; OVH::Bastion::syslogFormatted( severity => 'info', type => 'account', fields => [['action', 'ingress-piv-apply'], ['account', $account], ['policy', $action], ['comment', 'auto-reaper'],] ); return R('OK'); } 1;