#! /usr/bin/env perl # vim: set filetype=perl ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 et: use common::sense; use File::Basename; use lib dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../lib/perl'; use OVH::Result; use OVH::Bastion; use OVH::Bastion::Plugin qw( :DEFAULT help ); my $remainingOptions = OVH::Bastion::Plugin::begin( argv => \@ARGV, header => "replay a past session", options => { "id=s" => \my $id, }, helptext => <<'EOF', Replay the ttyrec of a past session Usage: --osh SCRIPT_NAME --id ID --id ID ID of the session to replay, use ``selfListSessions`` to find it. EOF ); # # code # my $fnret; if (not $id) { help(); osh_exit R('ERR_MISSING_PARAMETER', msg => "Missing mandatory parameter ID"); } $fnret = OVH::Bastion::log_access_get(account => $self, uniqid => $id); $fnret or osh_exit $fnret; my $hashkey = (keys %{$fnret->value})[0]; my $r = $fnret->value->{$hashkey}; if (not defined $r) { osh_exit R('ERR_NOT_FOUND', msg => "Found no session under this ID"); } my $diff = ($r->{timestampend} + $r->{timestampendusec} / 1_000_000) - ($r->{timestamp} + $r->{timestampusec} / 1_000_000); $diff = 0 if not $r->{timestampend}; my $delay = $diff; if (not $r->{timestampend}) { $delay = 'n/a'; } else { my $d = int($delay / 86400); $delay -= $d * 86400; my $h = int($delay / 3600); $delay -= $h * 3600; my $m = int($delay / 60); $delay -= $m * 60; my $s = int($delay); $delay -= $s; my $ds = int($delay * 1_000_000); $delay = sprintf('%dd+%02d:%02d:%02d.%06d', $d, $h, $m, $s, $ds); } $r->{params} = undef if ($r->{cmdtype} ne 'osh'); $r->{returnvalue} = $r->{comment} if $r->{returnvalue} < 0; osh_info sprintf "%8s: %s\n", "ID", $r->{uniqid}; osh_info sprintf "%8s: %s\n", "Started", POSIX::strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S", localtime($r->{timestamp})); osh_info sprintf "%8s: %s\n", "Ended", $r->{timestampend} ? POSIX::strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S", localtime($r->{timestampend})) : 'n/a'; osh_info sprintf "%8s: %s\n", "Duration", $delay; osh_info sprintf "%8s: %s\n", "Type", $r->{'cmdtype'} . ($r->{'plugin'} ? '-' . $r->{'plugin'} : '') . ($r->{allowed} ? '' : '/DENIED'); osh_info sprintf "%8s: %s:%s (%s)\n", "From", $r->{'ipfrom'}, $r->{'portfrom'}, $r->{'hostfrom'}; osh_info sprintf "%8s: %s@%s:%s\n", "Via", $r->{'account'}, $r->{'bastionip'}, $r->{'bastionport'}; if ($r->{user} || $r->{ipto} || $r->{portto} || $r->{hostto}) { osh_info sprintf "%8s: %s@%s:%s (%s)\n", "To", $r->{'user'}, $r->{'ipto'}, $r->{'portto'}, $r->{'hostto'}; } osh_info sprintf "%8s: %s%s\n", "RetCode", defined $r->{returnvalue} ? $r->{returnvalue} : 'n/a', $r->{params} ? " params $r->{params}" : ''; osh_info "\n"; my $ttyrecfile = $r->{'ttyrecfile'}; if (!$ttyrecfile) { osh_info "There were no terminal recording for this session"; osh_ok {}; } # if we used on-the-fly compression, maybe the file ends in ".zst" $ttyrecfile .= ".zst" if !-r $ttyrecfile; if (!-r $ttyrecfile) { osh_exit R('ERR_NOT_FOUND', msg => "Recorded session for ID $id couldn't be found, it might have been archived"); } osh_warn "Press '+' to play faster"; osh_warn "Press '-' to play slower"; osh_warn "Press '1' to restore normal playing speed"; osh_warn "\nWhen you're ready to replay session $id, press ENTER."; osh_warn "Starting from the next line, the Total Recall begins. Press CTRL+C to jolt awake."; ; my $sysret = system('ttyplay', $ttyrecfile); osh_ok {};