#! /usr/bin/env perl # vim: set filetype=perl ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 et: use common::sense; use Term::ANSIColor; use POSIX (); use File::Basename; use lib dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../lib/perl'; use OVH::Result; use OVH::Bastion; use OVH::Bastion::Plugin qw( :DEFAULT help ); my $remainingOptions = OVH::Bastion::Plugin::begin( argv => \@ARGV, header => "your past sessions list", options => { "detailed" => \my $detailed, "id=s" => \my $id, "type=s" => \my $type, "allowed" => \my $allowed, "denied" => \my $denied, "after=s" => \my $after, "before=s" => \my $before, "from=s" => \my $from, "via=s" => \my $via, "via-port=i" => \my $viaPort, "to-port=i" => \my $toPort, "limit=i" => \my $limit, }, helptext => <<'EOF', List the few past sessions of your account Usage: --osh SCRIPT_NAME [OPTIONS] --detailed Display more information about each session --limit LIMIT Limit to LIMIT results --id ID Only sessions having this ID --type TYPE Only sessions of specified type (ssh, osh, ...) --allowed Only sessions that have been allowed by the bastion --denied Only sessions that have been denied by the bastion --after WHEN Only sessions that started after WHEN, WHEN can be a TIMESTAMP, or YYYY-MM-DD[@HH:MM:SS] --before WHEN Only sessions that started before WHEN, WHEN can be a TIMESTAMP, or YYYY-MM-DD[@HH:MM:SS] --host HOST Only sessions connecting to remote HOST --to-port PORT Only sessions connecting to remote PORT --user USER Only sessions connecting using remote USER --via HOST Only sessions that connected through bastion IP HOST --via-port PORT Only sessions that connected through bastion PORT Note that only the sessions that happened on this precise bastion instance will be shown, not the sessions from its possible cluster siblings. EOF ); # # code # my $fnret; sub makeTimestamp { my ($data, $name) = @_; if ($data =~ m'^(\d{4})[/-](\d\d)[/-](\d\d)(@(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d))?$') { return POSIX::mktime($7, $6, $5, $3, $2 - 1, $1 - 1900); } osh_exit R('ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER', msg => "--$name: expected a date of the format YYYY-MM-DD or YYY-MM-DD\@HH:MM:SS or UNIXTIMESTAMP"); } my ($afterTimestamp, $beforeTimestamp); $afterTimestamp = makeTimestamp($after, 'after') if $after; $beforeTimestamp = makeTimestamp($before, 'before') if $before; $limit = 100 if not defined $limit; if (defined $limit and $limit !~ /^\d+$/) { osh_exit R('ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER', msg => "Expected a numeric limit"); } my $allowedParam = undef; $allowedParam = 1 if $allowed; $allowedParam = 0 if $denied; $fnret = OVH::Bastion::log_access_get( account => $self, uniqid => $id, cmdtype => $type, after => $afterTimestamp, before => $beforeTimestamp, allowed => $allowedParam, ipfrom => $from, ipto => $host, portto => $toPort, bastionip => $via, bastionport => $viaPort, toPort => $toPort, user => $user, limit => $limit ); $fnret or osh_exit $fnret; if (not %{$fnret->value}) { osh_ok R('OK_EMPTY', msg => "No session found"); } else { osh_info "The list of your" . ($limit ? " $limit" : "") . " past sessions follows:"; osh_info ' '; my $list = $fnret->value; my @result; foreach my $id (sort { $list->{$b} <=> $list->{$a} } keys %{$list}) { my $r = $list->{$id}; my $diff = ($r->{timestampend} + $r->{timestampendusec} / 1_000_000) - ($r->{timestamp} + $r->{timestampusec} / 1_000_000); my $delay = '-.-'; if ($r->{timestampend}) { my $d = int($delay / 86400); $delay -= $d * 86400; my $h = int($delay / 3600); $delay -= $h * 3600; my $m = int($delay / 60); $delay -= $m * 60; my $s = int($delay); $delay -= $s; my $ds = int($delay * 10); if ($d > 0) { $delay = sprintf('%dd+%02d:%02d:%02d.%d', $d, $h, $m, $s, $ds); } elsif ($h > 0) { $delay = sprintf('%02d:%02d:%02d.%d', $h, $m, $s, $ds); } elsif ($m > 0) { $delay = sprintf('%02d:%02d.%d', $m, $s, $ds); } elsif ($s > 0) { $delay = sprintf('%02d.%d', $s, $ds); } else { $delay = sprintf('0.%d', $ds); } } $delay = sprintf('%13s', $delay); my $to = $r->{user} || $r->{ipto} || $r->{portto} || $r->{hostto} ? sprintf(' to %s@%s:%s(%s)', $r->{'user'}, $r->{'ipto'}, $r->{'portto'}, $r->{'hostto'}) : ''; $r->{params} = undef if ($r->{cmdtype} ne 'osh'); $r->{returnvalue} = $r->{comment} if $r->{returnvalue} < 0; if ($detailed) { printf "%s [%s - %s (%s)] type %s from %s:%s(%s) via %s@%s:%s%s returned %s%s\n", $r->{uniqid}, POSIX::strftime("%Y/%m/%d@%H:%M:%S", localtime($r->{timestamp})), $r->{timestampend} ? POSIX::strftime("%Y/%m/%d@%H:%M:%S", localtime($r->{timestampend})) : '????/??/??@??:??:??', $delay, $r->{'cmdtype'} . ($r->{'plugin'} ? '-' . $r->{'plugin'} : '') . ($r->{allowed} ? '' : '/DENIED'), $r->{'ipfrom'}, $r->{'portfrom'}, $r->{'hostfrom'}, $r->{'account'}, $r->{'bastionip'}, $r->{'bastionport'}, $to, defined $r->{returnvalue} ? $r->{returnvalue} : 'null', $r->{params} ? " params $r->{params}" : ''; } else { printf "%s [%s] %s%s%s\n", $r->{uniqid}, POSIX::strftime("%Y/%m/%d@%H:%M:%S", localtime($r->{timestamp})), $r->{'cmdtype'} . ($r->{'plugin'} ? '-' . $r->{'plugin'} : '') . ($r->{allowed} ? '' : '/DENIED'), $r->{params} ? ' ' . $r->{params} : '', $to; } push @result, { id => $r->{uniqid}, from => {ip => $r->{ipfrom}, host => $r->{hostfrom}, port => $r->{portfrom}}, via => {ip => $r->{bastionip}, port => $r->{bastionport}, user => $r->{account}}, to => {ip => $r->{ipto}, port => $r->{portto}, host => $r->{hostto}}, timestamp_started => $r->{timestamp} + $r->{timestampusec} / 1_000_000, timestamp_ended => $r->{timestampend} + $r->{timestampendusec} / 1_000_000, type => $r->{cmdtype}, plugin => $r->{plugin}, allowed => $r->{allowed}, returned => $r->{returnvalue}, params => $r->{params}, }; } if (@result == $limit) { osh_info "\nResults limited to $limit, but there might be more matching the given criteria,"; osh_info "you might want to re-run with a higher limit, or with stricter criteria,"; osh_info "check the --help of this command for more information."; } osh_ok(\@result); } osh_exit 'ERR_INTERNAL';