#! /usr/bin/env perl # vim: set filetype=perl ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 et: # # DESC: Warn if the bastion HTTPS proxy is down use strict; use warnings; use File::Basename; use Getopt::Long; use LWP::UserAgent; use IO::Socket::SSL; use JSON; my $PROBE_NAME = basename($0); my $debug; ## no critic (Subroutines::RequireArgUnpacking) ## no critic (Subroutines::RequireFinalReturn) sub _out { my ($criticity, $msg) = @_; printf "%s %4s - %s\n", $PROBE_NAME, $criticity, $msg; } sub _dbg { _out('dbg', $_[0]) if $debug; } sub _info { _out('info', $_[0]); } sub _warn { _out('WARN', $_[0]); } sub _err { _out('ERR!', $_[0]); } sub success { my $msg = shift; _info($msg) if $msg; _info("status=OK"); exit(0); } sub warning { my $msg = shift; _warn($msg) if $msg; _info("status=WARN"); exit(1); } sub failure { my $msg = shift; _err($msg) if $msg; _info("status=FAILURE"); exit(2); } sub unknown { my $msg = shift; _err($msg) if $msg; _info("status=UNKNOWN"); exit(3); } # OPTIONS my $host = ""; my $DEFAULT_PORT = 8443; my $disabledOk = 0; # don't warn if proxy is disabled my $port; GetOptions( "help" => \my $help, "debug!" => \$debug, "host=s" => \$host, "port=i" => \$port, "disabled-ok" => \$disabledOk, ) or unknown("Failed parsing command-line"); # attempt to get a better shot at the default port my $json_data; if (open(my $conf, "<", "/etc/bastion/osh-http-proxy.conf")) { _dbg("opened https bastion config"); local $/ = undef; $json_data = <$conf>; close($conf); $json_data =~ s/#.*//g; my $json; eval { $json = decode_json($json_data); }; if ($@) { _dbg("error decoding json ($@), keeping default port to $DEFAULT_PORT, and assuming proxy is enabled"); $json->{'enabled'} = 1; } # if config has a port and no port is specified on cmdline if ($json->{'port'} && !$port) { $port = $json->{'port'}; _dbg("will use port $port as default, from config"); } # proxy is disabled by config if (!$json->{'enabled'}) { if ($disabledOk) { success("Proxy is disabled, and got --disabled-ok"); } else { _warn("Proxy is disabled, but didn't get --disabled-ok, attempting to test nevertheless"); } } close($conf); } else { if ($disabledOk) { success("Specified --disabled-ok but couldn't find config file, assuming it's not installed"); } _dbg("Couldn't open https bastion config, keeping default port to $DEFAULT_PORT"); } $port = $DEFAULT_PORT if not defined $port; # HELP if ($help) { print <<"EOF"; $PROBE_NAME [options] --help This help message --debug Increase verbosity of logs --host HOST Host to connect to. Default: $host --port PORT Port to connect to. Default: $port (tentatively autodected from the HTTPS Bastion proxy configuration) --disabled-ok Return success even if Proxy is disabled (from config) EOF unknown(); } # CODE # verify_hostname == 0 is ok because that's not what we're verifying here my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new( agent => 'NRPE', ssl_opts => { verify_hostname => 0, SSL_verify_mode => IO::Socket::SSL::SSL_VERIFY_NONE } ); my $result = $ua->get("https://$host:$port/bastion-health-check"); _info("Got HTTP result code " . $result->code); if ($result->code == 200) { success("> $_") for split /\n/, $result->decoded_content; } elsif ($result->code == 202) { warning("> $_") for split /\n/, $result->decoded_content; # daemon should be reloaded } else { failure("> $_") for split /\n/, $result->decoded_content; }