#! /usr/bin/env perl # vim: set filetype=perl ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 et: use common::sense; use Test::More; use File::Basename; use lib dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../lib/perl'; use OVH::Bastion; use OVH::Result; use JSON; OVH::Bastion::enable_mocking(); OVH::Bastion::set_mock_data( { "accounts" => { "me" => { "uid" => 99982, "gid" => 99982, "personal_accesses" => [qw{ me@ }], "legacy_accesses" => [qw{ me@ }], "guest_accesses" => { "group2" => [qw{ group1@ }], } }, "wildcard" => { "uid" => 99981, "gid" => 99981, "personal_accesses" => [qw{ }], }, }, "groups" => { "group1" => { "members" => [qw{ me }], "accesses" => [qw{ group1@ }], }, "group2" => {} }, } ); OVH::Bastion::load_configuration( mock_data => { ingressToEgressRules => [ [["", ""], [""], "ALLOW-EXCLUSIVE"], [[""], [""], "ALLOW"], [[""], [""], "DENY"] ], bastionName => "mock", # all options below are bool, we'll test for their normalization enableSyslog => 1, enableGlobalAccessLog => JSON::true, enableAccountAccessLog => "yes", enableGlobalSqlLog => 0, enableAccountSqlLog => JSON::false, displayLastLogin => "", debug => JSON::null, passwordAllowed => "no", telnetAllowed => "false", } ); # TESTS is(OVH::Bastion::config("bastionName")->value, "mock", "bastion name is mocked"); ok(OVH::Bastion::is_account_valid(account => "azerty")->is_ok, "is_account_valid('azerty')"); is(OVH::Bastion::is_account_valid(account => "in valid")->err, "KO_FORBIDDEN_CHARS", "is_account_valid('in valid')"); is(OVH::Bastion::is_account_valid(account => "root")->err, "KO_FORBIDDEN_NAME", "is_account_valid('root')"); ok(OVH::Bastion::is_bastion_account_valid_and_existing(account => "me")->is_ok, "is_bastion_account_valid_and_existing('me')"); is_deeply( OVH::Bastion::is_access_granted(account => "me", user => "remote", ipfrom => "", ip => "", port => "9876"), R('KO_ACCESS_DENIED', msg => 'Access denied for me to remote@'), "is_access_granted(me) on denied machine" ); ok(OVH::Bastion::is_access_granted(account => "me", user => "me", ipfrom => "", ip => "", port => "9876")->is_ok, "is_access_granted(me) on allowed machine"); is(OVH::Bastion::is_access_granted(account => "wildcard", user => "root", ipfrom => "", ip => "", port => "9876")->err, "KO_ACCESS_DENIED", "is_access_granted(wildcard) on disallowed machine due to ingressToEgressRules #1"); is(OVH::Bastion::is_access_granted(account => "wildcard", user => "root", ipfrom => "", ip => "", port => "9876")->err, "KO_ACCESS_DENIED", "is_access_granted(wildcard) on disallowed machine due to ingressToEgressRules #1"); ok(OVH::Bastion::is_access_granted(account => "wildcard", user => "root", ipfrom => "", ip => "", port => "9876")->is_ok, "is_access_granted(wildcard) on allowed machine due to ingressToEgressRules #1"); ok(OVH::Bastion::is_access_granted(account => "wildcard", user => "root", ipfrom => "", ip => "", port => "9876")->is_ok, "is_access_granted(wildcard) on allowed machine due to ingressToEgressRules #2"); ok(OVH::Bastion::is_access_granted(account => "wildcard", user => "root", ipfrom => "", ip => "", port => "9876")->is_ok, "is_access_granted(wildcard) on allowed machine due to ingressToEgressRules #2"); is(OVH::Bastion::is_access_granted(account => "wildcard", user => "root", ipfrom => "", ip => "", port => "9876")->err, "KO_ACCESS_DENIED", "is_access_granted(wildcard) on disallowed machine due to ingressToEgressRules #3"); ok(OVH::Bastion::is_access_granted(account => "wildcard", user => "root", ipfrom => "", ip => "", port => "9876")->is_ok, "is_access_granted(wildcard) on allowed machine due to ingressToEgressRules catch-all"); # check that "bool" type options are correctly normalized is(OVH::Bastion::config("enableSyslog")->value, 1, "config bool(1)"); is(OVH::Bastion::config("enableGlobalAccessLog")->value, 1, "config bool(true)"); is(OVH::Bastion::config("enableAccountAccessLog")->value, 1, "config bool(\"yes\")"); is(OVH::Bastion::config("enableGlobalSqlLog")->value, 0, "config bool(0)"); is(OVH::Bastion::config("enableAccountSqlLog")->value, 0, "config bool(false)"); is(OVH::Bastion::config("displayLastLogin")->value, 0, "config bool(\"\")"); is(OVH::Bastion::config("interactiveModeByDefault")->value, 1, "config bool(missing, default true)"); is(OVH::Bastion::config("interactiveModeAllowed")->value, 0, "config bool(missing, default false)"); is(OVH::Bastion::config("debug")->value, 0, "config bool(null)"); is(OVH::Bastion::config("passwordAllowed")->value, 0, "config bool(\"no\")"); is(OVH::Bastion::config("telnetAllowed")->value, 0, "config bool(\"false\")"); is( OVH::Bastion::plugin_config( plugin => "help", key => "disabled", mock_data => {disabled => JSON::true} )->value ? 1 : 0, 1, "is_plugin_disabled(disabled=true)" ); is( OVH::Bastion::plugin_config( plugin => "help", key => "disabled", mock_data => {disabled => JSON::false} )->value ? 1 : 0, 0, "is_plugin_disabled(disabled=false)" ); is( OVH::Bastion::plugin_config( plugin => "help", key => "disabled", mock_data => {disabled => JSON::null} )->value ? 1 : 0, 0, "is_plugin_disabled(disabled=null)" ); is( OVH::Bastion::plugin_config( plugin => "help", key => "disabled", mock_data => {disabled => "yes"} )->value ? 1 : 0, 1, "is_plugin_disabled(disabled=\"yes\")" ); is( OVH::Bastion::plugin_config( plugin => "help", key => "disabled", mock_data => {disabled => "no"} )->value ? 1 : 0, 0, "is_plugin_disabled(disabled=\"no\")" ); is( OVH::Bastion::plugin_config( plugin => "help", key => "disabled", mock_data => {disabled => "true"} )->value ? 1 : 0, 1, "is_plugin_disabled(disabled=\"true\")" ); is( OVH::Bastion::plugin_config( plugin => "help", key => "disabled", mock_data => {disabled => "false"} )->value ? 1 : 0, 0, "is_plugin_disabled(disabled=\"false\")" ); is( OVH::Bastion::plugin_config( plugin => "help", key => "disabled", mock_data => {disabled => ""} )->value ? 1 : 0, 0, "is_plugin_disabled(disabled=\"\")" ); is( OVH::Bastion::plugin_config( plugin => "help", key => "disabled", mock_data => {disabled => "0"} )->value ? 1 : 0, 0, "is_plugin_disabled(disabled=\"0\")" ); is( OVH::Bastion::plugin_config( plugin => "help", key => "disabled", mock_data => {disabled => "1"} )->value ? 1 : 0, 1, "is_plugin_disabled(disabled=\"1\")" ); is( OVH::Bastion::plugin_config( plugin => "help", key => "disabled", mock_data => {disabled => 0} )->value ? 1 : 0, 0, "is_plugin_disabled(disabled=0)" ); is( OVH::Bastion::plugin_config( plugin => "help", key => "disabled", mock_data => {disabled => 1} )->value ? 1 : 0, 1, "is_plugin_disabled(disabled=1)" ); is( OVH::Bastion::plugin_config( plugin => "help", key => "disabled", mock_data => {} )->value ? 1 : 0, 0, "is_plugin_disabled()" ); done_testing();