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synced 2025-03-09 22:13:44 +08:00
136 lines
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Executable file
136 lines
5.1 KiB
Executable file
#! /usr/bin/env perl
# vim: set filetype=perl ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 et:
use common::sense;
use File::Basename;
use lib dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../lib/perl';
use OVH::Result;
use OVH::Bastion;
use OVH::Bastion::Plugin qw( :DEFAULT help );
my $remainingOptions = OVH::Bastion::Plugin::begin(
argv => \@ARGV,
header => "create a new bastion account",
options => {
'uid=i' => \my $uid,
'account=s' => \my $account,
'always-active' => \my $alwaysActive,
'pubKey|public-key=s' => \my $pubKey,
'comment=s' => \my $comment,
'uid-auto' => \my $uidAuto,
'osh-only' => \my $oshOnly,
'immutable-key' => \my $immutableKey,
'no-key' => \my $noKey,
'ttl=s' => \my $ttl,
helptext => <<'EOF',
Create a new bastion account
Usage: --osh SCRIPT_NAME --account ACCOUNT <--uid UID|--uid-auto> [OPTIONS]
--account NAME Account name to create, NAME must contain only valid UNIX account name characters
--uid UID Account system UID, also see --uid-auto
--uid-auto Auto-select an UID from the allowed range (the upper available one will be used)
--always-active This account's activation won't be challenged on connection, even if the bastion is globally
configured to check for account activation
--osh-only This account will only be able to use ``--osh`` commands, and can't connect anywhere through the bastion
--immutable-key Deny any subsequent modification of the account key (selfAddKey and selfDelKey are denied)
--comment '"STRING"' An optional comment when creating the account. Quote it twice as shown if you're under a shell.
--public-key '"KEY"' Account public SSH key to deposit on the bastion, if not present,
you'll be prompted interactively for it. Quote it twice as shown if your're under a shell.
--no-key Don't prompt for an SSH key, no ingress public key will be installed
--ttl SECONDS|DURATION Time after which the account will be deactivated (amount of seconds, or duration string such as "4d12h15m")
# ugly hack for space-enabled parameter
# XXX should be removed, double quoting fixes the problem, but keep it for compatibility
if (ref $remainingOptions eq 'ARRAY' and @$remainingOptions) {
$pubKey .= " " . join(" ", @$remainingOptions);
# code
my $fnret;
# params check
if (!$account) {
osh_exit 'ERR_MISSING_PARAMETER', "Missing mandatory parameter 'account'";
if (!defined $uid && !$uidAuto) {
osh_exit 'ERR_MISSING_PARAMETER', "Missing mandatory parameter --uid or --uid-auto";
# quicky ensure these params are not pure bullshit (real check is done by helper script)
if ($account !~ /^[a-z0-9._-]+$/i) {
osh_exit 'ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER', "Parameter 'account' seems invalid";
if (defined $ttl) {
$fnret = OVH::Bastion::is_valid_ttl(ttl => $ttl);
$fnret or osh_exit $fnret;
$ttl = $fnret->value->{'seconds'};
if (defined $uid && $uid == 0) {
osh_exit 'ERR_IN_YOUR_DREAMS', "Tu l'as vu ?";
if (defined $uid && $uidAuto) {
osh_exit 'ERR_INCOMPATIBLE_PARAMETERS', "Can't use --uid and --uid-auto at the same time";
if (defined $pubKey && $noKey) {
osh_exit 'ERR_INCOMPATIBLE_PARAMETERS', "Can't use --public-key and --no-key at the same time";
if (!$pubKey && !$noKey) {
$fnret = OVH::Bastion::get_supported_ssh_algorithms_list(way => 'ingress');
$fnret or osh_exit $fnret;
my @algoList = @{$fnret->value};
my $algos = join(' ', @algoList);
osh_info "Please paste the SSH key you want to add. This bastion supports the following algorithms:\n";
if (grep { 'ed25519' eq $_ } @algoList) {
osh_info "ED25519: strongness[#####] speed[#####], use `ssh-keygen -t ed25519' to generate one";
if (grep { 'ecdsa' eq $_ } @algoList) {
osh_info "ECDSA : strongness[####.] speed[#####], use `ssh-keygen -t ecdsa -b 521' to generate one";
if (grep { 'rsa' eq $_ } @algoList) {
osh_info "RSA : strongness[###..] speed[#....], use `ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096' to generate one";
osh_info "\nIn any case, don't save it without a passphrase (your paste won't be echoed).";
$pubKey = <STDIN>;
if (!$noKey) {
$fnret = OVH::Bastion::is_valid_public_key(pubKey => $pubKey, way => 'ingress');
$fnret or osh_exit $fnret;
# Now create it
my @command = qw{ sudo -n -u root -- /usr/bin/env perl -T };
push @command, $OVH::Bastion::BASEPATH . '/bin/helper/osh-accountCreate';
push @command, "--type", "normal";
push @command, "--account", $account;
push @command, "--pubKey", $pubKey if !$noKey;
push @command, "--always-active" if $alwaysActive;
push @command, "--comment", $comment if $comment;
push @command, "--uid", $uid if defined $uid;
push @command, "--osh-only", $oshOnly if $oshOnly;
push @command, "--uid-auto" if $uidAuto;
push @command, "--immutable-key" if $immutableKey;
push @command, '--ttl', $ttl if $ttl;
osh_exit OVH::Bastion::helper(cmd => \@command);