Stéphane Lesimple fde20136ef
Initial commit
2020-10-20 14:30:27 +00:00

7 lines
637 B

# I need to be able to set my own UNIX account password
%ACCOUNT% ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/env perl -T %BASEPATH%/bin/helper/osh-selfMFASetupPassword --account %ACCOUNT% --step ?
# I need to be able to enroll TOTP
%ACCOUNT% ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/env perl -T %BASEPATH%/bin/helper/osh-selfMFASetupTOTP --account %ACCOUNT%
# I need to be able to reset my own UNIX account password and TOTP
%ACCOUNT% ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/env perl -T %BASEPATH%/bin/helper/osh-accountMFAResetPassword --account %ACCOUNT%
%ACCOUNT% ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/env perl -T %BASEPATH%/bin/helper/osh-accountMFAResetTOTP --account %ACCOUNT%